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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hard, Tender, Free...


Matthew 19

It is not about what is ALLOWED... It's about what is RIGHT.

Hard hearts are the reason for divorce. The one seeking the divorce may not be the one with the hard heart either. But hard hearts are ALWAYS the culprit. But this is not just true of divorce but anything that robs us in life. Every act of a human that violates another human is a matter of a hard heart.

This is compared to the tender heart of a child. Have you ever seen a small child hold a grudge? Most kids, unless badly abused, are quick to forgive AND forget. This is the way we'll have to be to function in the Kingdom of God.

There is no forgiving without forgetting... it's all one. If you choose to bring it up, remember it, and ponder it... you are failing to act out forgiveness. When it tries to come up, remind yourself that you've forgiven them and out loud rebuke that thought from having any place in you.

Does stuff have you or do you have stuff?

There is nothing wrong with stuff... in fact in several places it talks about the rich women who ministered to Jesus and to Paul out of their wealth. But when stuff has you, which is evidently what happened to this young man who was grieved at the idea of giving, than you have a problem. God can't use your heart if it's not totally available to him. It's still talking about tender hearts, never left the subject from verse one...

I determine today, that I have a tender, correctable, easy to love heart. I determine that nothing has me, but that ALL I have is open for the Masters use! That includes, Spirit, Soul, Body, Mind, Stuff, Money, Time, Sleep... Etc...

Darrell G. WOlfe

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Great Kingdom Key


Matthew 18

God is seeking in this chapter to bring us all into the Unity of Christ. Pride cannot stand in God's presence. Humility can. Unforgiveness cannot stand in God's presence. The Forgiven forgiver can. Sin cannot stand in God's Presence. Either get it repented of or remove that person from the unit. For the Unity of the Unit is of the utmost importance. Can't we love them back? We tried that by confronting the sin. If it isn't repented of, remove them like cancer from the body. UNITY of the UNIT is primary. Within any organization, marriage, partnership, friendship, Business, etc... UNITY is Key to overcoming victories.

Only in Unity can we Bind and Loose and get results from Prayer!

Are they ANY places that you are not in TOTAL harmony with those you are attached to. Find anything you can on your part, through prayer to make sure you stay in Unity.

Darrell Wolfe

Need Met Faith


Matthew 17

Go Cast a hook... take the money and pay the tax for me and you.

A need arose. A bill. It was not anticipated by Peter, He hadn't planned for it or thought about it. But it came. Jesus said, yeah pay it! But He didn't fret or fuss. He didn't figure out what He could sell to make it work out. He gave a Word of Knowledge to Peter and met him in the middle of that with Provision. Peter acted and got results.

Go to Jesus and let Him give you insight, knowledge, direction, guidance, and provision for every need that arises for you.

I always get results when I Come... Hear... Do...

Darrell G. Wolfe

Sunday, January 24, 2010



Matthew 16

Jesus was the Master Communicator. He was able to maneuver around verbal traps and meet people at their level. EVEN JESUS wasn't always, if ever really understood.

In life, no matter how skilled you may be at communication, people will at times misunderstand, misquote, and even add and subtract from what you said and get mad at YOU for it. Pat Robertson is dealing with that very issue this week. Like Pat, some of the people doing the misquoting are doing it on purpose.

         5When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot to take bread. 6"Be careful," Jesus said to them. "Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees."

 7They discussed this among themselves and said, "It is because we didn't bring any bread."

 8Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, "You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? 9Do you still not understand? Don't you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered?
10Or the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? 11How is it you don't understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees." 12Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.

    Jesus is talking to his people. These are the ones He has chosen to spend the most time with. They should understand Him right? What He was trying to tell them went right over their heads. Just remember to say what God said and let it be. Let people think what they will… explain only to those who really want to listen.


                    Darrell G. Wolfe


Friday, January 22, 2010

Great Faith Requires…


Matthew 15

21 Then Jesus went out from there and departed to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed."
23 But He answered her not a word.
And His disciples came and urged Him, saying, "Send her away, for she cries out after us."
24 But He answered and said, "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
25 Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, "Lord, help me!"
26 But He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
27 And she said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table."
28 Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.


Great Faith Requires a miracle… It demands the need met.

Don't see Jesus as rude here. There are factors involved that we must consider. This woman is from an area that is not part of Israel. She is not in covenant with God through Abraham. She is unlike the soldier who at least had a position of authority in Israel and had a right to come before Jesus, but humbled himself and even renounced his right by acknowledging his unworthiness in God's eyes in relation to the covenant. She is in no position of authority. She is has no relationship to the covenant. She is a woman who is not even counted in the census'. She truly is the last person who "SHOULD" have a miracle.

    Gravity is the most common law known to people. Not everyone understands other physics. But most people at least understand that gravity means that things fall to the ground. If you jump off a building you fall to the ground. However… as all present and powerful gravity appears to be on the outside… there is a set of higher laws that overrule gravity. In fact, these laws are so powerful it takes very little to put them into effect and overrule gravity. They do not cancel gravity… they over rule it. These are the Laws of Lift and Thrust. These laws are simple to put into effect. Anyone can get the blueprints for a paper airplane and practice building it and then toss it out. For a few moments the well built airplane, made of paper and powered by hand, will over rule gravity.

    These laws take effort though. You must know something of what it takes to operate them. The more you learn the more you can effect them. The more effort you put into these laws the more you can get back. The paper airplane doesn't get the same results that the first airplane made by the Wright Brothers got. The Wright plane didn't get the same results as a 747. Each level takes more effort and more planning, more understanding of principles and physics and laws. The skilled pilot takes recurrent training.

    She is walking outside The Covenant. Therefore, she falls under jurisdiction of the Devil and his Law of Sin and Death. He called the ruler of the darkness of this world. He got the authority from… God? Did God tell the devil he could have earth and men? Not a chance. But God gave Dominion and The Blessing to Adam. Adam surrendered it to Satan. God tried getting The Blessing into Noah. Then Abraham, who finally taught his sons and passed it to Jesus who died and took the keys of hell and death and gave them to us.

    Jesus tells her this when he says:

26 But He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."

    She is not part of this covenant. The people of Israel are the children of the Covenant. She presses in with her faith though… which is what He is looking for her to do. She says, yeah, but crumbs still fall to the dogs! We should be getting the overflow of the children's covenant. That is exactly what the people in the world ought to be… blessed by those who are BLESSED.

    She gets her miracle. Once Jesus died… He said to his disciples to GO… and THEN the Power of the Gospel was taken to the whole world. Now we ALL are children of Abraham, through Christ, and we are under that covenant! See Duet. 28, Psalms 103, Isaiah 53, and Genesis 1:28 to start to see your rights in that covenant.


I not only have a right to receive my healing, which Jesus said belongs to the children which I now am, but I have a responsibility to disperse that to others.


Darrell G Wolfe

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Master Over Crisis!


Matthew 14 Part One

VS 1-23

    Jesus is confronted with very tough news. The one who healed so many and raised some from the dead has just been informed that his own cousin and forerunner has been murdered. COULD Jesus go raise John from the dead? If anyone could Jesus could right? He who raised others is now confronted with death in the family. He was sad for John after his last news from John's disciples. Jesus mentioned that "blessed is he who is not offended because of me." Matthew 11

Evidently John, the subject of the preceding verses to that statement, was living in some level of offense. "Hey Jesus… I thought you were supposed to come in and set things straight, lay out those hypocrites on their butts… what's up here… are you the one or should we look for another?" (My Paraphrase)

It may have been a result of this offense that John was beheaded rather than set free, like Peter later was in his ministry in a similar situation. There is no direct statement either way. We know it's always God's will for a person to live long and finish their work. Did John open this door for the devil to come in and take his life? I don't think we can be dogmatic about it, since it's not directly in the text, but this is how I see it.

So at his own fault or not Jesus is upset about this event. IMMEDIATELY He went away to be by himself to pray. People find Him and compassion rises in him to meet their needs. He attacks the devil's death with Healing and Provision for the People of God! But He doesn't let go of his original purpose. Sometimes your dedicated time to spend with God will get interrupted, you don't use that as an excuse to skip it that day. You make and create time, even if it means losing a little sleep to go back to what you were headed to before the interruption.


Lessons from 14 A.

  • Bad news comes, you deal with it by RUNNING (not walking) to prayer!
    • Not to your five closest friends to complain and cry (also called "counseling")!
    • You need to go get in the Word and Prayer and build yourself up on your most Holy Faith Praying in Tongues (Jude 1:20)
    • When you have settled matters between you and God you can face life and the situation in faith and not doubt. There is no room for grief or sorrow in the life of a victorious believer! Avoid all forms of grief like cancer! You don't see Jesus taking two days off here to mope about. Grief is never productive! Sadness of a loss can be hard on the emotions, but emotions are not your God. Sadness and grief are not the same.
  • In the middle of your attempt to get away with God your Father, for your daily time or during a crisis, you may be interrupted by a greater need. If there is a death for example others may need your faith to lift them up, they may not be at your level yet, they may not know what do to.
    • Attack the Devil with COMPASSION! Heal and Provide for the people in spite of any spirit of grief trying to take hold of you! Retaliate against the thief and killer himself by Healing and Providing for others! Respond in compassion!
  • Always return to task after an interruption.
    • Just because you were interrupted doesn't mean you don't pray!
      • Go back to your prayer room, mountain, place of solitude, as soon as possible.
      • Being alone with God is not a "good idea" it is NUMBER ONE priority! DO NOT GO TO BED until you have spend at least ten minutes in the word and prayer!
      • If you can't write out your journal that day fine… but read your daily reading, or whatever set of verses you have committed to and pray for a few minutes!
      • Preferably, pray until you have a sense in your spirit that the answer to your situation has been delivered and you need only walk the interpretation of that out!

Water Walkers!


Matthew 14 Part Two

VS 24-36


    Jesus has settled matters between He and His Father. It is now time to attend to the business of the Kingdom of God of which He is THE Ambassador. Jesus sees them struggling in the storm on the water, having gone out ahead of him. Jesus walks on water… the men say "Surely He is the Son of God." Yes the MEN say that… and He IS! However… is THAT the reason He can walk on water? No! For starters: If that were true He would be the only one on record. But He isn't… There were two men on the water that night… Granted Jesus did it better… but He IS the Son of God… the ONLY perfect man… Of course He did it better.


    So Jesus says: Yeah peter… Come on out. Peter gets out and walks on water. It doesn't say whether it was one foot, ten, 100 feet. The Fact is Peter ALSO walked on water, so something else is going on here besides Jesus being the Son of God.

    Interesting Points to Observe:

  • Peter walked on water
  • Peter BEGAN to sink.
    • Have you ever began to sink? Ever stepped out onto the water and said… oh my… looks like I'm sinking.
      • NO! You couldn't get "oh my" out before you were under. You don't BEGIN to sink, you SINK and HARD!
    • The fact that Peter BEGAN to sink required a miracle!
  • Jesus gets Peter, pulls him back up, they walk together back to the boat.
    • Jesus Replies: " Peter, it's ok, you know I AM the Son of God, you didn't have a chance there. You're not at my level yet there buddy."?
    • NOPE!
    • Jesus Replies: "What's up? Where's your faith? Why are you doubting?
    • YEP! Jesus FULLY expects His people to operate like He does. Anything less is not acceptable. Forgiven by mercy and covered by grace… but not acceptable.
  • Jesus walks in such a great anointing, ONE DAY after the bad news that people, (MORE THAN ONE) are healed by the mere touching of his garment! Why… what caused the anointing on Jesus to operate at that level?

Jesus Spent Time in PRAYER!


I make a commitment, here and now.

  • I will spend time, even just five or ten minutes, every day in undistracted prayer!
  • Separate from my time in the Word! Pray through, and get direction.
  • Don't stop if something is bothering you, until you get the matter settled inside of you.
    • Nothing outside may have changed.
    • No money came in, no answer from the doctors reversing their report.
    • But inside, you received it and there is a knowing that ALL IS WELL!
    • Then you walk out, the interpretation of that prayer!

    Glory! 2010 The Journey into the Perfect Will of God! Darrell G. Wolfe

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kingdom of God… Mustard Seeds


Happy Birthday Connor, my son turned five today. It's amazing to me how quickly one can grow in such a short time. I was contemplating this as I read today.

Matthew 13

    The Mustard Seed and the Leaven

 31He put another parable before them, saying, (AN) "The kingdom of heaven is like(AO) a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. 32It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches."

 33He told them another parable. (AP) "The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in(AQ) three measures of flour, till it was(AR) all leavened."

        I know Jesus talked about being ware of the leaven of the Pharisees. However, in this context Jesus is pointing to how leaven can benefit as well. The Kingdom of God is a huge thing. You cannot fathom and explore every nook and cranny of it's function in one lifetime. This is one of the reasons we must learn from those who have come before and build from their level up.


        It's amazing to me how fast one can grow in the things of God. Alvin may get saved and stay at the same level of growth for ten years. John may have gotten saved at the same service and just sprouted wings and flew into the things of God. Ten Years later Alvin hasn't changed much, still struggling with the same things. John has become a full time pastor or worker or taken new and innovated ideas into the marketplace and revolutionized things with God's ideas… But if in the next ten years John pushes no harder but only maintains and Alvin pushes harder into the things of God, the end result twenty years after the two were saved is that Alvin is doing more for God… What's My point?


        It starts small. In fact the Kingdom of God starts at the same exact level for every human being; the incorruptible seed of the Word. Everyone must be born again to enter into the Kingdom of God. Therefore we all have the same entry point. We've all been dealt the measure of faith.

Romans 12:2-4 

(English Standard Version)

2(A) Do not be conformed to this world,[a] but be transformed by(B) the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may(C) discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.[b]

Gifts of Grace

 3For(D) by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you(E) not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment,(F) each according to(G)
the measure of faith that God has assigned.


        To each person on the planet God has dealt the same tools. Jesus compared them to talents parted to servants. Some had more to work with, some had less. All were judged by the results of what they did at their level. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word! So God has dealt to each person on the planet, no matter what level they are at, the same measure of faith. The measure is called "BIBLE". There are those who have more access to it then others. Yet those with less access may do more with what they get. You have been given the Word of God. Sow it into your heart. Speak it with your mouth… let it grow inside of you.


        As it grows it will become the mighty tree inside of you. You will become a tree of Righteousness planted by the waters. You may not think it's much. What does reading this chapter today have to do with me fulfilling great and mighty things I don't even know about yet? The seed may start as the smallest, most misunderstood, seemingly insignificant seed in the garden… just wait! As it grows it becomes the largest tree in the whole garden! Why? Seed… Time… Harvest… It's the plan of God from Genesis to Revelations.


        There may be some action, some step, some plan, something that God's been telling you to do. It seems small. It seems like it has nothing to do with the crisis you are facing now. You want a solution to your now problem and God is trying to deal with tomorrow inside of you. Take it… You NEVER know where it might lead… except that you will ALWAYS know that God's Will for your life will lead to more BLESSING than you can imagine or even keep… His plan is to turn you into a Hose of Blessing, not a water tower! Start small…

  • Did He tell you to write a book? Start with a basic writing on what you want to write about… set a date every week to work on it for one hour…
  • Tour the world as a musician? What songs are you writing? What steps have you taken to develop your skill?
  • Become a doctor? What classes are you taking?



What has God called you to do; but it seems so big and immense that you cannot fathom how you could ever do it? That's easy… plant a mustard seed. Do SOMETHING… anything… by the Leading of the Holy Spirit… that will start you toward the Call of God on your life… You'll be amazed at were you've come down the road…


I know I am… I never imagined being a father of a five year old could be this amazing… challenging… and thrilling…


Be BLESSED (Empowered to Prosper)


            Darrell G. Wolfe

Monday, January 18, 2010

Life Lived WELL!


Psalms 112

The Holy Spirit was the ORIGINAL BLOGGER! He wrote Blogs people have been reading and talking about for over 4,000 years!



The man who Reverences The LORD and delights in the LORD's Word, excited and ready to obey and put it to work is Empowered to Prosper! (Blessed)


His Life Results:

  • Descendants are Mighty
  • Empowers his generation to Prosper
  • Wealth, Riches, House/Land
  • Right Standing with God ENDURES!
  • He has and provides Light in the Darkness

This Man:

  • Is Gracious
  • Full of Compassion
  • Right with God
  • Deals Graciously and Lends
  • Never Shaken
  • Etched into God's Immediate Memory!
  • Has NO fear of evil reports.
  • His Spirit is steadfast, trusting in God.
  • His Spirit (Heart=Lit. Core) is:
    • Established
    • No Fear Zone
    • Wants his enemies to repent and be as blessed as he is!
  • Gives Abroad
  • Gives to the poor
  • Gets Promoted
  • Causes the wicked to grieve
  • The Desire of the wicked shall perish or fade around him.
    • Those that repent will get blessed and get renewed desires
    • Those that resist just fade away into the background.
    • THIS man has nothing to do but TRUST God and His enemies will be adjusted for him.



                    Darrell G. Wolfe

Jesus is LORD over all Traditions!


Matthew 12


Tradition isn't bad. Tradition is nothing more than Habit at the group level. Habits can be good for you. There is a book called "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" .


  • Creating good habits can be a highly effective tool of your Faith life.
  • Bad Habits can lead you to a life of frustration.

As a group forms a habit it becomes a tradition. Christmas is a tradition. It's not biblical. There is no biblical precedent for celebrating the birth of Christ, nor did that event take place in December. However, as a nation and all western society we have gathered and set aside this day we call Christmas, to focus and remember God's greatest gift to mankind.


    So then as I look at Matthew 12 I'm not surprised to see that Jesus is being attacked by the priests. They are concerned about their traditions. But, sad to say, their traditions had made the word of God of no effect. See:


Matthew 15

Defilement Comes from Within

 1 Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying, 2 "Why do Your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread."
3 He answered and said to them, "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition? 4 For God commanded, saying, 'Honor your father and your mother';[a] and, 'He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.'[b]
5 But you say, 'Whoever says to his father or mother, "Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God"— 6 then he need not honor his father or mother.'[c] Thus you have made the commandment[d] of God of no effect by your tradition. 7 Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying:


' These
draw near to Me with their mouth,
      And[e]honor Me with
      But their heart is far from Me.
And in vain they worship Me,
doctrines the commandments of men.'"[f]


    So we look at this set of passages in Matthew 12 and find the same things going on. Jesus is saying here:

  • Look here fellas, the traditions are fine sometimes, but let's get to the heart of the matter. Were men made for traditions or traditions made for men? You've turned the thing that was meant to bless into a curse.

Why do we have Church on Sunday? Because God said to? No… We have it then because that is the day that our culture has decided to set aside as the day to meet. MORE people are off work, even in today's fast paced, open late society, than on any other day.


    There was a tradition of the middle age church to pray to saints. This was a bad tradition for we ought to pray to the Father.

That is one adjustment my family has made this last year.


  • We do not pray, typically, to Jesus…
  • WHAT?? How can you say that?!!
  • Hold on a moment there… To be more effective in life and ministry you must examine EVERY tradition and see if it's based solely in the Word or is it someone's idea about the Word?
    • John 16:26-28
    • John 17
    • Matthew 6
      • Jesus tells us that we will ask the Father in His Name.
      • Jesus says to pray like this: Our Father…
      • Jesus says the Father love us
      • Jesus says in John 17 that the Father loves us just as much as He does Jesus.
      • Your Father in Heaven sees the birds…
      • It is not ME but My FATHER who does the work in Me…
        • The Theme of Jesus Life is to introduce us to our Father.
  • The Father is NOT Jesus. They are separate persons but One God! There is a difference. Jesus is not my Father. He is my Friend, Brother, Co-Heir, Lord, Savior, Healer, Deliverer…etc… But His Father is My Father!
  • I've been adopted with the FULL RIGHTS as a SON of God. Jesus paid my adoption fees.
  • The Father LOVES me…





I lift this message to all who read it, may it be a lightening rod to shine a light on the path of those who have never prayed effective prayers. May they learn to be strategic, effective, and powerful in their prayer life! May this be the catalyst to find other traditions, in prayer and otherwise, that do not line up perfectly with the Word. I know you hear me, as a result I KNOW I have the things I ask for. I Believe, I Receive, I Take it, I Have it, I Thank You For it!


In the Name of Jesus The Anointed One, Who's I am, and Whom I serve. BE IT DONE UNTO ME AS YOU HAVE SAID (Translation of: AMEN)!


                            Darrell G. Wolfe



Martin Luther King Jr.


In Memory of Martin Luther King Jr.

    A man who saw by faith a world living under the unity of the brethren in Christ! It was by faith that Mr. King saw the desire and will of God and took the reigns of destiny to forever change the course and direction of this earth. It if because of people like Martin Luther that I can have people like Bill Winston and Kenneth Copeland together in the same meeting and get fed by both! GLORY to God! Thank you Jesus for the gift you gave the world in the person of Martin Luther King Jr. Forgive us Father… for turning his good work of love into a mockery of hate and fear, putting down people and your church claiming tolerance instead of embracing the Love of Christ as he did. May we always remember him for the man he was… A Man of God!


Let's take a moment to be thankful for the men of God who have brought us further into the freedom God promises in his Word!


Darrell G. Wolfe

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sun and Moon

    Thought to ponder…


Just as the moon cycles from full and bright, then fades to black and begins to come back to light until it shines brightest…

The Bible says that the "Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings…" We know the Sun if Jesus…

The Moon reflects the light of the Sun…

The Moon is the Church…

The Church was BRIGHT for nearly 300 years… it faded over time… so much so that even the World's History books calls that period where the Word was locked away from men: "The Dark Ages."

Then a man named Martin Luther reminded us that it is by Faith NOT Works…

Smith Wigglesworth and John Lake showed us that God still heals… abundantly and always… responding to faith…

Other's came…

Kenneth Copeland taught and teaches us… to live by Faith and not by sight…

The Church is getting brighter… the World is getting darker…

The Bible said both would happen…

The World is getting darker… 2010 will have many dark moments for the world… Haiti is only the start…

Are you participating in the Brightening of the Church? Or are you still on the dark side of the moon?

Jump in to 2010… Jump in the flow of the Spirit of God!

Come along with me… Let's impact a world with the Light of the Word…

Psalm 119:105
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Get in the Word of God DAILY… Let the Light wash away the darkness!


Darrell G. Wolfe

Saturday, January 16, 2010

R.E.S.P.E.C.T.... Find out what it means to God!


     God told me something tonight that I had let slip from the forefront of my development. It's important and vital to long lasting growth.

"Respecting ineffective leaders is just as important as learning to BE an effective leader!" 

  • It's one thing to study to show thyself approved a workman not needing to be ashamed but rightly dividing the Word of Truth!

2 Timothy 2:15 (King James Version)

 15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • It's another to know that a leader could have done better and didn't. Or think that you may have done differently.  Or in any way criticize their leadership or decision. You cannot place a value of good or bad on their decision, it's not your place.

Romans 14:4
Who are you to judge another’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.

  • You simply see that it is their decision to make and ask God how you are going to fit yourself into or around it. In doing so you walk in the LOVE of Godand immediately put Psalms 91 and Psalms 103 and 2 Corinthians 9 into effect! 

Psalm 91

 7A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 
Psalm 103

2...forget not all his benefits
6The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.  
10He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

2 Corinthians 9

 8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:

  • When you do that, you activate THE BLESSING in your life. You will benefit from it no matter what! God will work that thing around and around until it works out for your benefit! 
 Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

  • SO many well meaning and deceived christians have misunderstood this verse and thought it was saying the exact opposite of what it said. 
    • They say things like: 
      • "Well I guess God has a lesson for me in this." 
      • Or 
      • "God is going to use this to teach me something." They often qoute this verse after saying this. 
    • What God is saying is NOT:
      • "I intended (or "Allowed") this because it'll be good for you. I know that broken leg hurts, but it's to teach you patience."
    • God is not a bully. 
      • He says that a good father doesn't give a rock when His kids ask him for bread. Luke 11:11
    • The Holy Spirit is the teacher of the church! Not situations!  
    • God is saying: "The thief comes to steal, kill, destroy... but I have come that they may have life, and life MORE ABUNDANTLY!"John 10:10 
    • I will work this out for your good DESPITE the devils attempt to take you out. Take a step back behind me, trust me, walk in love because I cannot work on your behalf if you violate the commandment of LOVE. I'll turn this on it's head and work it around and around until you benefit. Jail was NEVER God's will for Joseph, but He worked it and worked it until Joseph was promoted to 2nd to Pharaoh!

Darrell G. Wolfe 

Friday, January 15, 2010

They don't get it!


Matthew 11

John the Baptist is THE forerunner of Jesus! His entire calling, by God, in life is to prepare the way of Jesus. If anyone should "GET" what Jesus is about it's John.

Here he is in prison doubting and confused.

Not everyone is going to "get" you. Few, if any, will ever come close to understanding your calling and gifting to the body. Many will "get" aspects of it. One would expect that your spouse, if you married who God told you to marry, would "get" you for the most part. People in general, especially folks bound in religion, won't "get" you sometimes.

What can you do? What is Jesus example to us when questioned about our life, calling, or intentions?

Jesus says:
  • Be Kind
  • Point to the fruit!
Then Jesus goes on to say something remarkable. I've never seen this before in reading this chapter.

"...if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come..."

In other words... you may or may not receive the gift God brought to you in your life in the form of a teacher, mentor, etc. God gave gifts to the body of Christ in the form of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers. A gift must be received. Otherwise it can be no benefit for you. 

When I first met Flavia I was saying things like: "Those name if and claim it people..." and I'd go on and complain about them. So she gives me a 2001 Southwest Believers Convention mp3. I listened to Kenneth Copeland and know from the first hearing that I need what this guy has.

What happened? I hadn't received from them. Until I was introduced to KCM I didn't know them from anyone else. Others obviously had chosen to reject them, deceived as they were to do so. They didn't receive either. The only ones who received were the ones who believed and received the message.

Not everyones going to get you... your not going to get everyone else. Stick to what you know about what God's told you and leave everyone else alone. When you are questioned:
  • Be Kind
  • Point to the Fruit!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Kingdom of God Duplication


Mathew 10

Genesis 1:28 tell us that the Blessing is to cause us to: 

28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

So the anointing on your life should:
  1. Bear Fruit so others can benefit
  2. Be multiplied into others bearing the same fruit
  3. Fill the earth with this fruit+multiplication=Filling formula
 Jesus has born fruit and now here He is multiplying that fruit to others. His disciples are being sent out to take the fruit that was His and they, once being partakers of the fruit, or now distributors of the fruit. This is the process of Kingdom Growth.

They are being sent with this Instruction. Gentleman Your:
  • Message: The Kingdom of God is HERE!
  • Confirmation: Healing, signs, wonders.
  • Authority: Give or take back your Shalom (Peace, nothing missing, nothing broken everything whole and complete. Imagine that! These and now us, have the right to command SHALOM to come on a home or leave it based on how they receive HIM, by extension His through us.)
  • Responsibility: Wise AND Harmless
  • Result: Testimony before many
  • Trust: You'll have the words to say
  • Warning: It's ugly out there, they'll hate you. (Especially religious folks)
  • Help: Queit still small voice whispering instruction in prayer to be voiced out loud.
  • Promise: God sees, cares, provides.
  • Clarification: Sword now... Peace on earth is later in round TWO!
  • Family: May not like you for your dedication
  • Loyalty: Jesus Alone!
  • Reward: Received from God! And People can share in your reward by helping!
  • Goal: Provide for those who cannot provide for themselves. Spiritually, Physically, and Financially. 
Thoughts to live by. 

Darrell G. Wolfe

New Wine


Mathew 9:15

ONE thing came out higher for me this time reading this chapter than anything else. What did Jesus mean by this new wine old wineskins analogy?

It finally makes sense for the first time... I'm not sure it would have made sense before but I have done some fasting between the time I read this last, whenever that was, and now.

Jesus is empowering these men with the anointing to deliver his Gospel of the Kingdom. He is in constant 24-7 training mode. Nothing makes training go better than a good meal. Our best team meetings at work have always been food friendly meetings. Nothing brings a team together and builds morale like eating together.

Fasting isn't a time for learning as much as it is for growing. Medical science has already shown us this on a scale we all do everyday and don't even think about.

Sleep, recharges the body and allows the brain and body to assess damage and repair things that got our of order. If you eat late than you body has to digest this food which hinders this restoration process. You body should be sleeping well, NOT degesting during the restoration phase of your day. This phase for most healthy people is between 6-9 hours overnight.

SO... fasting food (or any other natural thing that inhibits or adds distraction to your spiritual life) is a way you can bring your body under subjection to your spirit. The time normally spent preparing, eating, cleaning up after food should be spent now on things that cause you to grow, restore, or correct.


Fasting allows that which has been fed by the Word, the Holy Spirit, and Teachers, which has now been digested and stored, to now be used to restore and correct the spiritual life. All the lessons you learned, words given, things that you found in the word can now be brought out and focused and used to restore and correct.

So the disciples who were young, and new to ministry and being fed spiritually by Jesus are not in need of a fast. Once Jesus dies and they are without Him they will fast. This time will be time the Holy Spirit may now restore and correct. Fasting in the natural is an act of obedience that opens one to partake in the spiritual and soulical (mind, will, emotions) process of restoration. Fasting of some kind should be a regular part of spiritual routine, just as sleeping is a regular part of natural routine.

It is as un-natural NOT to fast as it is un-natural NOT to sleep. One need not fast daily, for spiritual growth operates on a higher level than natural growth. However period of dedicated fasting according to the Leading of the Holy Spirit from time to time are vital to any accelerated growth.

What can you fast?
Food (Maybe not a whole day, why not fast lunches at work three days in a row and hide yourself away where no one can find you and read and pray during those three lunch hours?)

TV, radio, internet, cell phone, etc... Some could use a WORDS fast and just be silent for an hour, two hours, a day...

Start small build to other things... but start somewhere.

Ask the Holy Spirit what HE would have you do at YOUR level of growth. Consult reading on proper fasting before attempting long periods without food or water. There is a right and wrong way do it. Getting excited and running off half cocked isn't' going to help you.

Personal Guide
Web MD

Darrell G. Wolfe

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Will of God to Heal

Mathew 8
Once and for all Jesus sets the record straight on His will. If you are willing? I AM WILLING! It has never about His willingness but about your capacity to recieve.

Jesus comments that the GREAT faith he found here is one that says: I don't need you to come, I don't need to see, I just need you to say it and I'll call that done!

:16 Jesus drives out demons... how does He do it? Does he kick them out with His foot? Does He beat them without His hand? Does He tell them to lay out a fleese and see if God is really willing to deliver? No...

Jesus Drives Demons Out: WITH HIS WORD! And so it is for every believer, it is by the words of your mouth that you are Justified... made right... completed...

Isaiah 53 is qouted by Mathew here. MANY comment and say that Isaiah 53 is just talking about "spiritual" healing of the soul and that it is not a promise for devine healing of the body. Apparently someone forgot to tell Matthew. According to Matthew Isaiah 53 says that Jesus is our healer! If you need healing today, use your words like He's been teaching the whole chapter and take it.

Jesus has spent time telling them how important words are by pointing out the GREAT Faith... He showed them by casting out devils with His words... NOW The disciples come to him with a storm.

Keep in mind... These are fishermen... They've weathered storms before and spent their whole lives on boats. Most of these men have seen enough storms to sleep through them themselves. THIS storm is qouted in another recording to be a GREAT storm also translated MEGA storm. It's got these seasoned professionals FREAKED OUT!

Do they:
A. Cast the storm down themselves and let Him sleep.

B. Go to Jesus and say: "Master... hey there, excuse me... we have a fairly bad storm here, worse we've ever seen. Would you mind helping us deal with this, we know you have the answer.

C. Run crying and screaming and blaming Him for sleeping thereby questioning His will and intentions when they say: "Don't you care that we're dying here?"

The answer:

What did JESUS expect them to do?
"What's wrong with you boys, why are you such cowards with little puny faith!"
Jesus expected A. or AT LEAST B.

Then they get to the Gadarenes, find two demon possessed men and cast the devils out and the people ask Him to leave...

My question:
WHY did Jesus let them take the pigs? DID Jesus LET them take the pigs?

After considering this a moment I realized. These people are not covenant people. They are on the border of Israel and Persia. They are raising pigs which is not a Jewish thing to do as they are unclean animals. If they are Jewish they're not living it.

Their reaction to Jesus afterward already shows us they are resistant to the Gospel.

Moreover, demons have every right to deal with animals and people that are not covered by the covenant, or not living in line with it. Jesus, prior to his death and ressurection couldn't tell them NOT to go into the pigs. Therefore He didn't give them permission other than that He didn't stop them...

Also interesting... The pigs had more sense than the two men. The pigs knew better than to live with demons and ran off and killed themselves! Sometimes animals knows things humans don't know!

So Jesus Showed us the power of words, faith vs doubt, and how to walk in correct authority. You don't cross lines you don't have the right to. COULD Jesus have said: "Go to hell and be bound for a thousand years!" I've heard people say that in prayer... I think if He could he would have... but the demons themselves point out something here... "Have you come to torment us before the appointed time?"

There has been a time set and appointed for Demon Judgment. For whatever reasons God has allowed them to come to earth, and then Adam gave them His authority. Jesus took it back and gave it to us. So we walk in the very same authority granted to Adam in Gen 1:28 now. Those who are outside of Christ do not though. Here in lies the battle.

There are two laws at work in the earth.
  • The Law of the Spirit of Life.
  • The Law of Sin and Death. 

You must choose which you will participate in.

Romans 8:2
because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

  1. Deuteronomy 30:19
    This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live
    Deuteronomy 30:18-20 (in Context) Deuteronomy 30 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Proverbs 18:21
    The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
    Proverbs 18:20-22 (in Context) Proverbs 18 (Whole Chapter) 
  3. Matthew 12:36
    But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.
    Matthew 12:35-37 (in Context) Matthew 12 (Whole Chapter)

    1. Matthew 12:35-37 (New King James Version)

      35 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart[a] brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. 36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. 37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Monday, January 11, 2010

Living in the Kingdom at Work


Matthew 7 (New King James Version)

 In review, Chapters 5, 6, and 7 are all speaking about the Kingdom Of God. It is one continuous flow and discourse on the Kingdom Living.  So as I take a close look at Mathew 7 and consider my own life. The following are the things that stand out to me:

Matthew 7 (New King James Version)

  •  1 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.
     When someone calls in, drops in, is admitted to your care in whatever field you're in... They are often scared or confused. They rarely know what is going on. They need you. Even when they feel you are the enemy, they need you. So remember that at some point you are going to be the one calling in, dropping in, or admitted to someones care. What measure do you EXPECT that person to use? The answer may not be as simple as you think. The only measure you can EXPECT anyone to use is the one you've been using on others! Consider the measure you use in your daily dealings at the store, driving your car, at work... What measure do you want to be using?
  • 6Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.
     Sometimes it's just not prudent to tell someone everything you think they need to know. Sometimes they can't handle what you've told them and you just made them responsible for something they didn't need to hear. Maybe you complicated the matter. In the interest of being complete you've now made a mess. Sometimes LESS is MORE!
  • 11 If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! 
    It's true. I'm not the BEST father in the world. I'm better than many, not as good as others. I'm learning and growing as we all are. Despite EVERYTHING I do right for my kids, I'll never be AS perfect as my Heavenly Father is to me. Yet, I often find myself doubting his intentions, his will, his goodness, his willingness to help. I won't outright say I doubt it... but the manner in which I live betrays my words. If I really believed He gives good things to those who ask... why don't I come to Him FIRST when I need something, instead of trying to scheme and plan my way out until I hit a wall and THEN ask for His help? I'm going to practice living like He is as good as He says He is! Go to God FIRST for even the smallest of matters. "What should I wear today Father?" Listen... wait for His response. It will usually come in the form of subtle leading. Why is it subtle. Not because he can't speak louder... but because the quieter He talks the better you are at developing the master skill above all others in following God... LISTENING!
  • 21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 
     This is an amazing verse. If one is not diligent about being in the whole word they might see this as a contradictory teaching to the Grace we all know.  What He is saying is this: You cannot operate in this Kingdom Living without Obedience. Many say LORD and are saved. But few actually LIVE the Kingdom Lifestyle and receive Kingdom Benefits. There is a gown of salvation available to ALL who receive... but a Robe of Righteousness for those who WALK it out! How are you dressed today?
  • 24 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. 26 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”
     HEAR... DO... Build on the ROCK... This teaching is lived everyday at my old church The Rock. It was taught Sunday by Pastor George. If you don't DO what you HEAR than you are deceiving yourself! One of the most profound things I learned at my short stay at The Rock was it's not enough to COME and HEAR... you must ALSO DO! In my daily word journal I must strive not just to learn something and say to myself "Great... I know that... I'm smarter now... I can pass a theology test... I can show people how much I know... (Pharisee Living)" I must also find out HOW that applies to me and WHAT I'm going to do about it. Essentially to: DO!

The Picture Bears repeating... for a picture says much more than words can tell sometimes. Which house do you want to be in this picture...

You say what do you mean... I only see one house...

This USED to be a neighborhood before a hurricane came in 09/2008. Which house did you want to be?

Darrell G. Wolfe


Gone Fishing!

Fishers of Men, Dr. Lester Sumrall

I'm reading a small booklet from Dr. Sumrall on wtinessing. AMAZING booklet, the first few times I tried to read it I found it boring. I know now it was because I was more interested in what God is doing for ME at the time. Now I'm more interested in serving HIM, and living this Kingdom.

Far too often witnessing is over thought, or underthought. People are either too aggressive and turn others off, or too passive and never share the Hope in them. In Chapter one of this book we studied Andrew the Apostle. Only two brief encounters of Andrew are recorded. Both shed insight into the one by one soul winner.

Once was when he left John the Baptist to follow Jesus and immediately ran to get his brother Simon (who we know as Peter the ROCK) By this one act he won a kingdom soul winner who would win thousands. Billions if you consider Peters words are still winning people today!

Another time he is talking with a little boy while everyone is fussing about how to feed 5,000 men plus women and children. Andrew brings over a little boy. Andrew was a people person. He didn't get the spot light and he didn't win crowds. But he won them "Won by one!"

In Both instances Andrew provded something miracoulus by his acts.

So what are the steps to effective witnessing that I gained understanding of as I read this account:

  1. PRAY for opportunities. Ask God for a chance to share his LIFE with someone else.Don't just manufacture artificially a moment to share. You'll probably just turn the person off and sound wierd.
  2. Start, or better recognize the opening for, a dialogue about Jesus (They may call it religion, don't get crazy with them... "well you know, it's not a religion but a relationship..." just take it for what they call it and demonstrate that relationship instead of telling them about it. "I was talking with Jesus the other day..."
  3. Share your PERSONAL story. Don't get theological with them. If they ask something you don't know... GOOD. In sales we learn that asking is a sign of geniune, even if weak, interest. Get them in touch with a specialist. Provide them with a book, website, invite them to church to ask someone there... etc. Be creative.
  4. Start with people you know not strangers on the street. MOST people won to Christ are won by someone they know or work with. VERY few are won by street preaching and tracts. They DOES work, but usually only in the hands of someone anointed to do it and lead of the Holy Spirit to be out there.
  5. Diologue NOT Debate... questions are good.
Have a great day fishing today!

Darrell G. Wolfe

STAND your ground PT 2 "No waivering!"

Pastor George Pearsons
Stand Your Ground Series pt 2
No Waivering

Service on Sunday was great! Pastor George spoke on living a life of NO waivering! The following are the points that stood out to me during service and the things I got out of it:

Word of the Lord By Pastor:
  • There were things that you had your faith set for in 2009 that you didn't see come to pass, STAND! Keep standing!
  • Hold Fast your Professiong of Faith! Heb 10:23
  • By the End of 2010 you will fulfill ALL that God has called you to do!
  • EVERY bill paid-EVERY debt wiped out!
  • VACATIONS! God is saying "Come away awhile and rest with me." Cruises!
  • Expect the unexpected! EVERYDAY!
Notes from Service
  • Are you Fully Pursuaded or Questioning and Wondering about what God has said?
  • Fearless Confidence results in Compensation (recompense) of Reward
  • NO WAIVERING: You say: This promise is Settled! NOW! FOREVER!
  • Gal 6
  • Isaiah 55 Get in prayer and get God's thoughts on the situation. You already know what you know.
  • The Word of God is a laser that penetrates any wall, including depression!
  • The Word of my mouth, shall not return void unto me either, since I am His Child!
  • James 1:1
    • Patience: this is NOT a pasive word. The word translated patience is a strong word. It is the FORCE OF PATIENCE. It is Standing, believing, RED HOT CONFIDENCE in what God has said. That is why patience has her perfect work that you lack nothing!
  • II Corinthians 1:21: By Faith you STAND!
  • I Corinthians 16:13 BE ALERT... Stand FIRM!
  • I John 5:14 THIS is our confidence! We say it, He hears it, He does it!
    • Our part is to ask: Speaking
    • His Part Hearing and Doing!
  • The Devil Drives VS The Holy Spirit Leads
    • What type of leader are you? Driver or Leader?
  • Waivering in your faith stand will open the door to being driven, shoved, pushed, and moved by concerns over the situation. Money, time, behavior, etc.
  • If a double minded man is unstable in all his ways...
    • Than a Single minded man is STABLE in all his ways!
  • Be BOLD about your talk.
  • James 3: Your Toungue turns the tide of YOUR life!
  • Stir Yourself up on the inside by preaching the Word of God and His promise to yourself daily.
    • Feeling depressed, start qouting His Word Promises
      • "I'm a child of God, Born Again, Spirit Filled, Bought with a price, the righteousness of God, His Joy that he looked to so that He might endure the cross. My God loves me enough to send his Son to die for me. How DARE I be depressed about this! ETC
  • Luke 6:
    • Whoever comes to me and HEARS and DOES what I say is a man who builds his house on a rock and the storms can't last against it!
    • 09/18/2008
      The Storm Comes... BEAT VEHEMENTLY aginst the house... But it stands! Build Your Life RIGHT!
      Darrell G. Wolfe

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Fed by Ravens

Saturday 01/09/2009
I Kings 17

Elijah boldly declares that it will not rain in the land except by HIS word... Elijah... buddy... you need to be humble here... you mean God's word right? That's not what it says. Now obviously he is a prophet and thus if he says it that would be because the Spirit of God is moving on him to say it. Nevertheless God shows time and again from Gen to Rev that he is not willing to work on the earth without a participant.

God is about to judge Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin. He then turns to Abraham first and tells him about it...

Genesis 18
 17And the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do...

 Abraham begins to dialogue with the Lord and plead the case of this city, mostly for his nephew Lot's sake. God is always looking for a man or woman of God to get involved in the worlds affairs.

Ezekiel 22:30
"I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.

So here is Elijah... getting fed by ravens night and day  and watered by the brook. Getting his needs met supernaturally. Then the brook dries up... if your brook dries up... your provision has moved... it may be a sign you are not ONLY in the wrong place now... but that you are being called to meet someone ELSE'S need by your moving.

God isn't just about meeting YOUR needs. The idea people in the church world developed, "I don't need much, just enough for me and my four... I want to live humble.", is a bunch of bull dung. Babies cry about their own hunger, parents cry about the hunger of their children. If one claims to be spiritual, James 1:27 says, he should look after orphans and widows and keep himself from being polluted by the world. One of the main pollutants of the world is selfishness which this statement is saturated with. 

SO...God calls Elijah to get up and go to Zarapheth, in Sidon,(which is NOT in Israel) and see a widow woman there. God has commanded this widow woman to provide for Elijah. WAIT... how do I look after widows and orphans if I'm having THEM meet my needs? The seed sown by this young woman of faith into Elijah because the catalyst for God to supernaturally provide for her, her son, and the prophet for years! Why did God bring Elijah over? 

This woman has NO covenant with God, she is NOT a Jew. She is a gentile heathen woman. But she demonstrates great faith. Faith always attracts God's attention. If God commanded her to provide for Elijah... how come she was preparing to eat and die? Because the word of Elijah IS her command from God. SHE can't hear it if HE doesn't say it. Again... no covenant of her own. She isn't full of the Holy Spirit. She can't be. Jesus hasn't come to redeem the gentiles. They can only be under the blessing if they attach themselves to the blessed.

Your Provision is about OTHERS! Believing God for new car? Believe him to TEN so that you can give 8 or 9 away! That is the Blessing Mentality... THAT is God's way... THAT is the Kingdom of God!

BE Blessed... Darrell G. Wolfe


Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Favor of God

Wed Night, 01/06/2010

The Favor of God

Wednesday night Pastor George taught on the Favor of God. I got to church late which is an intersting side story:
  • I went to return a rental at RedBox before church so that we wouldn't get charged for another days rental. The box was full and couldn't accept any returns. You can return to ANY redbox it doesn't have to be the one you get it from. I needed to turn left out of 7-11 to get to church so I figured I would try the gas station on the way and return it there. The Holy Spirit laid it on my heart that there was no redbox at that station and none on the way but that I could turn right and go to alberstons before going to church a short detour, just then Connor from the backseat tells me: "Daddy... Daddy... turn THAT WAY! Pointing RIGHT" SO... like any obedient child of God what did I do? I said I want to there to be one LEFT so I went left anyway... sure enough there was no redbox at this gas station and it was a long twice as long left as it would have been to go right... which of course I'm retracing now to get ALL the way back to albertsons. What could have been a short detour just got three times longer. The CHILD is full of the Holy Spirit... Daddy needs to be more obedient to the inner witness and listen to his child too!
ANYWAY... I was late and missed the first part... but this is what I heard once I got in:

  • Is God personally getting involved in your success to act on your behalf.
  • Will cause people to go out of thier way to bless you, provide for you, and make special concessions for you. Ex: "I don't know why I'm doing this but..." will be a common phrase.
  • Will Make a way where there seems to be no way!
  • Open Doors where there seems to be no doors!
  • Do the impossible in an impossible situation!

Then Pastor George reminded us of a Message preached by Jerry Savelle at the Southwest Believers Convention in 1997 I found someone who had more complete notes than I took that night so I pasted that copy here for you, with a link to the person who typed those out.

1. Supernatural increase and promotion
But the LORD was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison. (Genesis 39:21, KJV).
2. Restoration of everything enemy has taken from you
And I will give this people favour in the sight of the Egyptians: and it shall come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shall not go empty: (Exodus 3:21, KJV).
3. Honor even in midst of adversaries
And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh's servants, and in the sight of the people. (Exodus 11:3, KJV).
4. Increase assets especially in the area of real estate
And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD: possess thou the west and the south. (Deuteronomy 33:23, KJV).
5. Greater victories in midst of greater odds
For it was of the LORD to harden their hearts, that they should come against Israel in battle, that he might destroy them utterly, and that they might have no favour, but that he might destroy them, as the LORD commanded Moses. (Joshua 11:20, KJV).
6. Recognition even when you seem to be least likely to receive it
And Saul sent to Jesse, saying, Let David, I pray thee, stand before me; for he hath found favour in my sight. (1 Samuel 16:22, KJV).
7. Prominence and preferential treatment
And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti. (Esther 2:17, KJV).
8. Get petitions granted, even by ungodly civil authorities
If I have found favour in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my petition, and to perform my request, let the king and Haman come to the banquet that I shall prepare for them, and I will do to morrow as the king hath said. (Esther 5:8, KJV).
9. Policies, rules, regulations, even walls, are changed or reversed to your advantage
And said, If it please the king, and if I have found favour in his sight, and the thing seem right before the king, and I be pleasing in his eyes, let it be written to reverse the letters devised by Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, which he wrote to destroy the Jews which are in all the king's provinces: (Esther 8:5, KJV).
10. Battles are won in which you won't even have to fight because God will fight them for you
For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hadst a favour unto them. (Psalms 44:3, KJV).
Jerry Savelle Ministries' Web site lists several tapes and videos on this subject.

Other Notes from Wed:

  • Your Tithe protects you from your OWN mistakes. The seed eater has no right to take your seed if your a tither EVEN if YOU opened the door to that mistake. Once you repented and moved on the seed eater has NO right to you. 
  • Armies could be arrayed against you and they may have devoured others, but they will fall UTTERLY when they bump up against YOUR life and the Anointing of God on you. 
  • Pastor George had been the Chairman of the Board at ORU. In 2007 things were not looking well and the board was even talking of shutting down. 
    • They needed far more money than they had. The day before they nearly lost the medical benefits for the staff. 
    • This particular morning was the board meeting. Pastor didn't feel like getting up and going. But we don't walk by our feelings!
    • Before the board meeting started he stopped everyone and they prayed in tounges for awhile. After that he said: "NOW... the outcome of this day will be the interpretation of that prayer!" and they began thier meeting. 
    • Eventually after a series of events 10 million dollars came in that day with a pledge for another 70 million. A new board was built and the entire school has been brought to new life. Over 200 million has come in since. The man responsible for most of that was driving his car and didn't know much about ORU. But God gave him a burden for the school there.
  • Sometimes what you need is to get out of your own way! Stop trying to PLAN and SCHEME! Pray in the Spirit until you sense the anointing of God on that situation has completed what needed to be done. Then go about your business and watch God interpret that into your life. Sometimes interpreatation of tounges is lived out and not just spoken.
  • That is a higher level of living!
  • EXPECT favor in 2010!
  • Be Aggressive... Persistent... and Determined about Favor in 2010!
  • Luke 4:18-19
    • Luke 4:18-19 (Amplified Bible)

      18The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity],
          19To proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord [the day [a]when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound.
      • pro⋅fuse

        1. spending or giving freely and in large amount, often to excess; extravagant (often fol. by in): profuse praise.
        2. made or done freely and abundantly: profuse apologies.
        3. abundant; in great amount.
  • This is a prophetic word for EMIC now: TODAY this scripture has been fullfilled in your hearing.
  • Psalms 102.13 Apointed time to Favor!
  • Gen 12:2 I will bless you with abundant Favor!
  • Psalms 5:11-12 
     11 But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
             Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
             Let those also who love Your name
             Be joyful in You.
     12 For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous;
             With favor You will surround him as with a shield.

This is OUR season to be living in the Favor of God! MY season! This happens to me everyday! Halelujah!

                       More on that message see: EMIC

Darrell G. Wolfe, Living saturated in Favor!

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God- Expounded

January 01/07/2010
Mathew Chapter 5

Jesus here begins what has become known as "The Sermon on the Mount". This title is a describes where he was at the time he preached this message. We found out in chapter four that Jesus went out teaching and preaching "The Gospel of the Kingdom".

All the teachings of Jesus are most accurately understood with this framework in mind. Everything Jesus taught, everything He did, was to bring to life the Kingdom of God in mankind. When he sent his disciples out his instructions were to tell people that: "The Kingdom of God is at hand". So what is this kingdom, how does it work, what does it mean, where is it? This is the point of all that proceeds during the entire life's work of Jesus on this planet during his earthly reign, and that of his apostles and followers after Him.

This is NOT a random compilation of things he said that were nice truisms or good food for thought. This was a piece by piece breakdown of the details of the Kingdom of God and how to live that out. There is a word in Hebrew Word that bears on this subject; HaLaKaH from the root HaLaKH to Walk:

Jesus was showing us how to walk this life in the Kingdom of God out. So what was he having us walk out?

The Blessing. The Blessing was given first to Adam, then to Noah and finally to Abraham to Jesus to You and I. This Blessing empowers anyone who walks it out to prosper. Ultimately Jesus teaches us that LOVE is the key to the Kingdom of God. LOVE unlocks the blessing and LOVE destroys the works of the Devil. The key points that apply to me at this time:

:9 Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called the Sons of God.
  • I am, more than ever at this stage of my life, learning to be and called into the role of peacemaker. Not with guns or swords but with words, seasoned with The Word. At home with my two boys constantly winding each other up, and me with them, and also at the job. Being that rock in an unstable and unsure environment. Being steady, in the midst of a national struggle to keep finances straight. I am called, not to argue and defend, but to come along side and comfort as best as I am allowed to do so. 
:22-23 Cursing ANY ONE, at ANY TIME, for ANY REASON is High Treason against the Commandment of LOVE.
  • It is a violation of the highest order and it will stop the flow of the blessing DEAD in your life until it is dealt with. Jesus doesn't think it's funny to put down, ridicule, or make fun of anyone, in or out of their presence! It's serious offense and it's not funny.
 :37 Yes or No... Don't Swear!

  • This also means No Excuses. If someone asks me to meet with them... I should NOT come up with the thirty reasons why I can't right now. Just say No or Yes. AND don't make that call until you are sure. You may want to say NO and the Holy Spirit may lead you to do it anyway. You may WANT to say YES and the Holy Spirit will say NO. So don't just jump out with an answer either. You may be bound to it, and not like the results. If you have no direct leading on the request at the time it is made inform the person you will get back to them as soon as you can. Then make it a point to pray about it, research, check your calender and check with those you are responsible to: Spouse, Boss, whoever. Then come back with a definite yes or no.

  • Everyone in the Kingdom is required to hear it, learn it, DO it, and Teach it to others. NO exceptions. Everyone will do their part at different levels and in different functions. But no one is exempt from growing in their walk in the Kingdom of God enough to Teach others to do the same. That's true one on and one and for those who teach thousands.
Those are the things I picked up for my life today... there is SO much more I wanted to say... but that will have to be another entry on another day.

                              Blessed: Darrell G. Wolfe Ambassador of the KOG

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jesus' M.O.

Jan, 6th , 2010

Mathew 4

Jesus' M.O. Modus Operandi, or His Method Operation:

  • What stands out to me while reading this chapter in Mathew 4. The chapter starts with a dialogue between Satan and Jesus. Satan asks "IF" to cause doubt, and Jesus replies "IT IS!" to remove all doubt. This should show us that the Word of God is our FIRST place and FINAL authority. Any question ever asked should lead to "What does the Word say? It says: XYZ! Therefore that is settled."
So in looking at the begining of Jesus' Ministry I see an interesting pattern develope.
  • I see first of all Jesus begins his ministry with a move. He moves from his home in Nazareth, to a new house in Capernum. I believe he actually moved out of Mary's home and away from his half brothers and sisters for the simple reason that he knew his life was about to get busy and chaotic at times, and He didn't want to subject them to that. He also needed to make a clean break from Jesus Mary's son to Jesus the Prophet. He says elsewhere that a prophet is not accepted in his own home town, and when Mary and his half brothers and sister came to get his attention he drew a line saying that ANYONE who does the will of the Father was his mother and brother and sister. So we can learn from this that sometimes you need to make a clean break from who you were to who you are, even if who you were was a good thing. New Seasons can require new mindsets.
  • Then Jesus Message is: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand." This was a consistent message, he never altered and never changed. You see him tell his disciples when sending them out to do the same thing.
  • Jesus' Offer: Follow Me... and I will make you fishers of men! It is still true today. You cannot follow Jesus without a burning desire developing on the inside of you to reach others with His Truth. You can follow religion and stay by yourself, but you cannot follow Jesus without a growing and burning desire to reach others.
  • Jesus M.O.:
    • Went- No standing still, you cannot sit in the church waiting for them to come to you. You MUST go out among the people and reach them. TV is a great and even nessasary outreach, but it doesn't cut it alone, you MUST be out among them.
    • Taught in the Church- Services are important, having a regular meeting place is important. You must feed you fish once you've caught them.
    • Preached a consistent message: The Gospel of the Kingdom. All Holy Spirit inspired sermons fall under this catagory. Anything that doesn't is probably just readers digest.
    • Healed ALL Kinds- He Demonstrated the Authority AND Power of this Kingdom He was speaking about. He expected his Fishers-of-men to do the same!
  • This resulted in MANY coming to Him and recieving from Him.
My ministry must pattern after His:
  • Go Among the People
  • Teach them the Word
  • Be Consistent in my message
  • Demonstrate His LOVE, Authority, and Power!
                      Good Thoughts for all believers,

                                           Be Blessed! Darrell G. Wolfe

Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This Present Darkness
By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
Knife of Dreams
A Memory of Light
The Path of Daggers
He Who Fights with Monsters 10
He Who Fights with Monsters 9
He Who Fights With Monsters 8
He Who Fights with Monsters 6
He Who Fights With Monsters 7
He Who Fights with Monsters 5
He Who Fights with Monsters 4
He Who Fights with Monsters 3
He Who Fights with Monsters 2
He Who Fights with Monsters
[ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Horse and His Boy

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