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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

"Four Steps To Tapping the Anointing to Abase"


On the Morning of 05.10 The Lord took me on a side track from my normal daily reading to meditate on Philippians 4:4-13

Philippians 4

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
5 Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.
6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. 10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through Christ[b] who strengthens me. 

After meditating this chapter a moment the Lord spoke to me about my lack mind sets.

He said: " You will NEVER learn to abound, until you learn HOW to ABASE!"

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" is about learning how to tap into the anointing of God in every situation.


The word "Christ" literally means "Anointing" or "Anointed". It refers either to The Anointed One, Jesus, or in some cases more specifically to the Anointing that He is Anointed with. The Anointing is the burden removing yoke destroying power of God.  (Isaiah 10:27 and 61)


"I can do all things through the anointing of the Anointed One who strengthens me"

How was Paul content in every situation? Because through the Anointing he was victorious over every situation. The boat wrecked, but an Angel was there to give direction and the Anointing on Paul saved the whole crew. That anointing caused the snake bite to have no affect and the village person to be healed. Every time a tough time came, that anointing was there to bring him up and out. The act of giving and receiving allowed Paul to abound more often which was nice.

But so what? How do I tap this anointing today? What does this mean to me? What does it take to activate this anointing in a period of drought or tough times?

Do I:

  • Cry
  • Scream/Shout
  • Jump up and down
  • Roll around on the ground
  • Play just the right music
  • Dance
  • Read the word 4 hours a day
  • Get involved in service to others
  • Any other tradition or idea I've had when the anointing is brought up?

These are all good things in their own right. But no. According to Paul there is a master key to getting victory in abasing times:

Steps to Abase Accurately:

  1. Rejoice
    1. ALWAYS and AGAIN over and over and over again
    2. Every time Anxious, Worried, Fearful, Grief, Depression, Lack thoughts come: REJOICE
    3. These are ALL EVIL and are to be resisted and rejected EVERY TIME!
    4. There is NO room for depression, worry, grief, or fear in the life of a victor. 
    5. This is where that song, dance, and jumping can help. RE: Joy Do Joy again. Decide as an act of your will and a quality decision to JOY. Sing a song of praise, dance a little, start thanking God for everything you can think of thanking Him for. Start saying: "I love you Father." Over and over until it impacts your mood and mode. 
  2. Let your GENTLENESS be known and experienced by EVERYONE you come in contact with. Especially those who are hard to get along with. Faith without Love is dead and powerless. Be gentle with people but hard on demonic emotions like grief, fear, and depression. 
  3. Be Anxious for NOTHING! None means None. Period. You do not allow or accept worry, fear, or anxiety of any kind. These are not simple biochemical reactions in your body, they are bred and contracted by demonic thoughts trying to take root in you. Reject any thought of anxiety as you would the thought of drinking water from a port-a-potty. 
  4. In everything with:
    1. Prayer- General Requests
    2. Supplication- Specific Requests
    3. Thanksgiving (Believe you have received it already and thank Him for it)
    4. Let your requests be made known to God. Out Loud, AND written preferably. 
Result of the "Four Steps To Tapping the Anointing to Abase"

" Peace, which surpasses, bypasses, and overrules, all natural understanding, will KEEP your Mind and Hearts (Mind, Will, and Emotions). 

That is how you Abase. You abase by knowing it's God's will for you to be the victor not the victim. You Abase by taking those four steps and making them your hearts FIRST response in any and every situation. You Abase by being victorious through that abasing and causing the abasing to bow it's knee to you. 

You do NOT abase by bowing to it, and saying things like: "Well I guess it's God's will". You abase by not abasing. You abase by taking his word and smashing that situation to a pulp. ONLY when you know how to do that well and skillfully and consistently, will you ever be ABLE to truly Abound. Abounding with an abasing mindset will bring you out of abounding. You must Abase with and abounding mindset in order to be always victorious. Let the situations come! My God can handle that!

If you don't know how to start Repeat this prayer out loud every day, even better three times a day, until you are living the outcome of your request:


As an act of my will and a quality decision, I reject fear, anxiety, depression, regret, and images of defeat and lack. I choose Joy! Again I choose Joy! Every time those demonic emotions come up I choose Joy instead.

I choose to be gentle today. Gentle with people and with myself but not with the devil. You are here. You are watching me. I will treat others as the priceless vessels you valued enough to pay for with your own blood.
Today, I lift up before you my needs both general and specific:
  • Family
  • Finance
  • Health
  • Work-Career
  • ______________________.
I thank you that can Have confidence that you hear me and because you hear me I have the petitions I have laid out before you. 

Thank you for:
  • New Job
  • Better Job
  • Better House
  • Better Cars
  • Peace and Joy in my Home
  • Vision, Direction, and Guidance
  • ________________________
I know that even now you are already in motion bringing in all the supplies, wisdom, insight, concepts, ideas, witty inventions, and resources I require to accomplish your will and plan in my life and to use me as a vessel to prosper others. 

Peace if the governor of my decisions, mind, will, and emotions. I accept and expect peace from here on out. At every turn I will stop to check for that peace before proceeding. If peace is not there I will pray, repent, and listen for your direction and wisdom. 

I can do ALL THINGS through the anointing of the Anointed One which causes strength to rise in me. That same anointing that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells in me strengthening my mortal body, mind, will, and emotions. 

I have what I ask, believing, in prayer!

Thank you Father. I forgive anyone who I feel has hurt or wronged me or inconvenienced me. I ask your forgiveness for anything I've done to hurt or inconvenience others. 

You are my hiding place, my shelter, my green pasture, my still waters, and you are preparing a banquet table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows!

You are my strong tower, I run to you and I am safe. I give you all the honor and glory and praise. Thank you Father for my:
  • Wife
  • Kids
  • Men of God to Train me and watch over me
  • Mentors
  • Favor
  • Blessing
  • Honor
  • Life
  • Provision
  • Supply
  • Surprises
  • ___________________________

You are my everything. I honor You today. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Oh I worship you Father. I give you praise. Hallelujah. Yes Father. Yes and Amen. It is done now to me as you have said in your word. Thank you for it... 




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