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Monday, November 29, 2010

Productive or Not? It's up to you!

This Story was so important to God that he recorded three seperate perspectives of it to shed different lights on it!!!

     There were four ground types. ONE seed. That seed was the same on all four ground types. There was power in the seed to grow and produce in ALL FOUR ground types. If there is no growth is has NOTHING to do with the seed. 
 14 The sower soweth the word.
     If I have the Word of God THE incorruptible seed and I am not producing... there is only one conclusion to make. It is MY soil/heart that is at fault! It is time to examine the soil for problems. 
1.      Wayside heart:
a.       Satan comes to steal the Word from the HEART of the one who doesn't understand it.
b.      This person doesn’t understand because they don’t want to. They don’t Value God or His Word. They don’t take the time to try to understand it.
2.      Stony Heart:
a.      This is the heart with no root…Receives with Joy but doesn’t take the time to dig deep and grow roots into the word.
b.      This is a matter of being superficial but not taking it seriously. You are glad to hear it, but you don’t turn off the TV and get into the Word to find out more and make sure it’s in deep.
3.      Thorny Heart: Choke and Unfruitful
a.      This person has
                                                                i.      Endeavored to understand it.
                                                              ii.      Taken time to dig roots
                                                            iii.      BUT

b.      Cares of this world have choked it out…making it unproductive.
                                                                i.      What will we wear, eat, drink, house… gentiles seek after these things…
c.       Deceitfulness of riches… have choked it out making it unproductive.
                                                                i.      Deceived into believing more money will solve the problem. Only God is provider. He WILL provide ALL you need, want, desire on HIS terms!
                                                              ii.      “I just need to make a little more, get another raise, get that next Tax Return… that’ll put me over…” but it doesn’t.
d.      Lusts of other things… have choked it out making it unproductive.
                                                                i.      The Pressures of other things taking the place of you time and attention in the Word.
4.      Good Ground Heart:
a.      Hears
b.      Understands
c.       Bears Fruit
                                                                i.      Some 100, 60, 30, etc…
d.      This person has:
                                                                i.      Endeavored to understand through time away from TV and distractions. Spent time studying it out.
                                                              ii.      Taken it further and Dug deep to grow roots against trends and the opinions of others. He CANNOT be told it isn’t true or doesn’t work.
                                                            iii.      Casted down ALL distractions and unproductive thoughts and activities.
                                                            iv.      Fought past every opportunity to fail and through FAITH and PATIENCE inherited the promises.
                                                              v.      Received to the degree he was able to rid himself of the thorns and weeds in all their variety!

What have you done in the last week that prevented you from doing something more productive?
            This includes not only bible time, but working on God assigned projects instead of watching TV.
            What Thorns are attempting to take your attention and trust off of the Word of God… His word NEVER fails. If you aren’t receiving it’s YOU! Fix IT!


Running From or To?

     I've heard Kenneth Copeland say several times over the last few years: "When you sin run TO God not FROM him! Your sin is none of the Devils' Business!" I've been thinking about this idea of "From" and "To".

     Don't plan to retire FROM your job... retire TO a new and higher level of living and purpose and drive! Otherwise you rot away from boredom.

     Don't try to get a promotion FROM the position you don't like right now... you'll just end up with another position you want to get FROM again. I spent years running FROM one job to another "Greener" job that wasn't so Greener.

     When looking for your next place, house, job, task, goal... etc... look to ensure that your motive is seeking God to move in TO his next plan for you and not just FROM where you are. There is a profound difference! Even the right move with the wrong foundation will cause serious delays and detours.


Jeremiah 1

4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying , 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. 6 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak : for I am a child. 7 But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak . 8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. 9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. 10 See , I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out , and to pull down , and to destroy , and to throw down , to build , and to plant . 11 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying , Jeremiah, what seest thou? And I said , I see a rod of an almond tree. 12 Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen : for I will hasten my word to perform it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


What did Pastor Preach about today? EVERYTHING! Everything is going to be ALL Right in the household of FAITH!

Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This Present Darkness
By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
Knife of Dreams
A Memory of Light
The Path of Daggers
He Who Fights with Monsters 10
He Who Fights with Monsters 9
He Who Fights With Monsters 8
He Who Fights with Monsters 6
He Who Fights With Monsters 7
He Who Fights with Monsters 5
He Who Fights with Monsters 4
He Who Fights with Monsters 3
He Who Fights with Monsters 2
He Who Fights with Monsters
[ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Horse and His Boy

Darrell Wolfe's favorite books »


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