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Friday, September 30, 2011

Opening Scene of Job 2020

Job 1:1

There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job;

and that man was blameless and upright and one who feared God and shunned evil...

Jebediah Orion Blackburn is the wealthiest man alive according to Forbes and Wikipedia. His family called him Job for short. He never took to any of the other nicknames and eventually he made it his moniker of choice. The press even caught on to it and began to publish articles with titles such as: "Job Strikes Oil Again". No one really knows for sure what Job is actually worth. He owns six of the top ten fortune 100 companies. He is a major share holder in real estate, entertainment, cruise lines, resorts, technology, weapons and arms, and many other fields. Disney has turned to him time and time again for help establishing their theme parks. Job has held the top defense contracts for 20 years running; out preforming and out bidding every competitor at most turns. 

Today he is making the hardest decision he makes every day... which tie to wear. The silk tie collection boasts of over 100,000 choices. His dressing room is larger than some people's houses and the hangers rotate on a voice command. There is a touch screen image catalogue of every tie, but Job often prefers to see them up close instead. Normally there is hardly any hint of indecisiveness. Job would rather fix a mistake than loose an opportunity. Despite the enormous lifestyle he carries he still goes to the same church he has since he was a boy. The First Baptist Church of Dallas, thanks to his generous tithe checks which primarily go to the church, has also grown with him. He still finds time to serve on the board once a month and although he is too busy and too protected by media types to serve during service he still teaches a small class in the mornings on Christian Financial Principles to a pre registered limited class. Today he will be giving the offering message and despite the fact that he talks to much larger groups and audiences in his business life, speaking at the church still makes him as nervous as a little boy each time and today he just can't seem to find the perfect tie. 

His wife and children still attend the church too, all seven sons and three daughters. They don't really attend because they want to, but rather because they don't get their allowance without sitting right next time him every Sunday morning no matter how hung over they feel from the night before. Their allowance is extremely generous and doesn't stop no matter how old they get. The oldest is 25 and is only permitted to miss only when he is on deployment for the military. 

As he straightens the red and white tie he chose and brings it into it's perfect knot. There is a knock at the door.  The limo is here and it's time to go. During the drive downtown, some kids are playing in the streets and he thinks back to the times that he and his best friend Abram would ride bikes and shoot the imaginary bad guys. Abram moved to Israel over 20 years ago, with his father and nephew, and doesn't make it back to the states as often as they'd like. He too became quite successful and in fact is the only real challenge in the world to taking Job's wealth status away from him. They still meet at conferences from time to time, but the meetings are always business and usually require them both to leave shortly after. They haven't had a good chat in a long time.

During the Limo ride the news speaks of the fatalities in Israel and the struggles going on there. He says a quick prayer of protection over his friend.  The radio is turned off with a waive and a nod leaving silence for the rest of the ride to church. 

Opening Scene of Job 2020

Job 1:1
There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job;
and that man was blameless and upright and one who feared God and shunned evil...

Jebediah Orion Blackburn is the wealthiest man alive according to Forbes and Wikipedia. His family called him Job for short. He never took to any of the other nicknames and eventually he made it his moniker of choice. The press even caught on to it and began to publish articles with titles such as: "Job Strikes Oil Again". No one really knows for sure what Job is actually worth. He owns six of the top ten fortune 100 companies. He is a major share holder in real estate, entertainment, cruise lines, resorts, technology, weapons and arms, and many other fields. Disney has turned to him time and time again for help establishing their theme parks. Job has held the top defense contracts for 20 years running; out preforming and out bidding every competitor at most turns. 

Today he is making the hardest decision he makes every day... which tie to wear. The silk tie collection boasts of over 100,000 choices. His dressing room is larger than some people's houses and the hangers rotate on a voice command. There is a touch screen image catalogue of every tie, but Job often prefers to see them up close instead. Normally there is hardly any hint of indecisiveness. Job would rather fix a mistake than loose an opportunity. Despite the enormous lifestyle he carries he still goes to the same church he has since he was a boy. The First Baptist Church of Dallas, thanks to his generous tithe checks which primarily go to the church, has also grown with him. He still finds time to serve on the board once a month and although he is too busy and too protected by media types to serve during service he still teaches a small class in the mornings on Christian Financial Principles to a pre registered limited class. Today he will be giving the offering message and despite the fact that he talks to much larger groups and audiences in his business life, speaking at the church still makes him as nervous as a little boy each time and today he just can't seem to find the perfect tie. 

His wife and children still attend the church too, all seven sons and three daughters. They don't really attend because they want to, but rather because they don't get their allowance without sitting right next time him every Sunday morning no matter how hung over they feel from the night before. Their allowance is extremely generous and doesn't stop no matter how old they get. The oldest is 25 and is only permitted to miss only when he is on deployment for the military. 

As he straightens the red and white tie he chose and brings it into it's perfect knot. There is a knock at the door.  The limo is here and it's time to go. During the drive downtown, some kids are playing in the streets and he thinks back to the times that he and his best friend Abram would ride bikes and shoot the imaginary bad guys. Abram moved to Israel over 20 years ago, with his father and nephew, and doesn't make it back to the states as often as they'd like. He too became quite successful and in fact is the only real challenge in the world to taking Job's wealth status away from him. They still meet at conferences from time to time, but the meetings are always business and usually require them both to leave shortly after. They haven't had a good chat in a long time.

During the Limo ride the news speaks of the fatalities in Israel and the struggles going on there. He says a quick prayer of protection over his friend.  The radio is turned off with a waive and a nod leaving silence for the rest of the ride to church. 

The Author of my Adventure

Hebrews 12:2 NKJV

Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith. 

2 Timothy 3:16 NKJV

All scripture is inspired by God.
Matthew 4:4 NKJV and 
Luke 4:4 NKJV
Jesus always responded to the attacks of the Devil: It is written
Jesus is THE Word of God... The Word became Flesh...

There is a Story Teller who is above and beyond all story tellers. We are living out the grandest story in His-Story (History). John Eldredge of Ransomed Heart Ministries wrote an amazing book called Wild at Heart. He spoke of this grand story. God created Kings use His power in His Authority to rule this planet. Those Kings fell, died, there were ransomed and redeemed. Authors like John Eldredge, Ted Dekker, Frank Peretti,  Bill Meyers, have written many books exploring this strange and beautiful tale that we are living in and through. 

Everything that is said, written, or preformed of any eternal significance will refer to, quote, or be influenced by this book, this love story, this instruction manual, this epic call "The Bible" or "The Word of God". Every writer who will do anything worthy of publishing will, in essence, be diving into God's Word in order to bring some small nugget from it to our view. They may examine it, expand, expound, explore, magnify, or even beautify. Fiction and Nonfiction alike. 

There is a reason that Epic stories and Superhero stories have the strongest pull of all venues. Pirates of the Caribbean, Iron Man, Superman, Batman, Lord of the Rings, and Chronicles of Narnia... these stories permeate our culture and our imaginations. The reason is that we know there is more to life than going to work in order to pay bills in order to go to work... etc. Some refuse and many don't know that there is in fact an answer to that calling within our souls. As children, created and adopted by the Most High Story Teller/Author there is an innate need within us of knowing, experiencing, exploring, and having... a grand adventure. There is no end to the stories that must be told, true and make believe alike. This is among the things I feel a call to do... but have yet to fully embrace... it is time... to take a step. 

Darrell G. Wolfe

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hearing and Obeying God

1 Samuel 22-23

I see David here is a man of action. He doesn't spend a lot of time preaching to the men to get up and get over it! Rather, he inquires of the Lord frequently (which doesn't sound like an action sometimes to the men wanting a fight, but it is). He get's a clear and direct answer, yes or no. Then he does whatever it is without delay.

I could learn a lesson here from David. Even though I have the Holy Spirit in me now and he didn't, the lesson still applies. David didn't just ask a general question and wait for God to come down and write on the walls or hand him a divine GPS. Instead he had some options in front of him, but waited to hear clearly Yes or No? Kenneth Copeland talks about this from time to time. Learn to hear the voice of God. Start by small things, yes or no things. Is this outfit your choice today? Yes or No? Should we see that movie Yes or No? Should we go to A or B?

Then wait...wait for it... wait for it... an answer will bubble up to the top. If at first both answers seem just as likely and bubble up the same what should I do? Wait for it... wait for it... wait for it............. Eventually as I test the peace one will take the top. I may even say "Is it A?" and then check my gut.... than ask: "Is it B?" and check my gut. This takes practice.

Is it imperative that I wear the right shirt today? Maybe not. Sure there could be reason that it might matter, but on any given day it probably won't matter which shirt I wear. However the more clearly I hear him today in the little things, the more clearly I will hear him in the BIG things.

I also see in David another trait. He is demonstrating before his troupes the fine line between self preservation and self righteousness. In the case of a declared common enemy he leads them boldly into battle, after inquiring of the Lord first! In the case of Saul God's anointed, his leader who he submits to out of position even if he's not worthy of it... He chooses to hide, run, hide again... cut's a corner from his robe and apologizes for it. He has deep respect for authority, even if it's misused.

David is able to humble himself to do that which is uncomfortable and maybe even unpopular in order to preserve the Anointing on His life.

1 Sam 28:16-20. Anointing can be lost through even small disobedience. Which is why if I take the time to ask the Lord what I should do... I must do it and not ignore, schluff off, brush off, or otherwise not take very seriously what the Lord said. This is where I've missed it time and again. I get his call on something seemingly trivial and then say.... no no, I don't want to do that.... then when the big matters come I hear static and silence. I'm not tuned in, and can't be under pressure if I wasn't tuned in without pressure.

Good thoughts to think about... ponder... meditate... consider... image... imagine... dream about...

Darrell G. Wolfe

Friday, September 23, 2011

Zig Ziglar Quotes

If you treat your wife like a thoroughbred, you'll never end up with a nag.
Zig Ziglar
Little men with little minds and little imaginations go through life in little ruts, smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little worlds.
Zig Ziglar 
Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they are on the same side.
Zig Ziglar
Money isn't the most important thing in life, but it's reasonably close to oxygen on the "gotta have it" scale.
Zig Ziglar 
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.
Zig Ziglar 
People who have good relationships at home are more effective in the marketplace.
Zig Ziglar 
Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.
Zig Ziglar

Remember that failure is an event, not a person.
Zig Ziglar

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want.
Zig Ziglar 
You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations.
Zig Ziglar 
You do not pay the price of success, you enjoy the price of success.
Zig Ziglar

You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.
Zig Ziglar

Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.
Zig Ziglar 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011



This week we talked about Assignment.You are not your own. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Your' calling is into fellowship with Jesus. You have an assignment from God. Many times people get the idea that in order to be really useful to God they must become Pastors or Teachers. However if God called you to be a real estate agent and help people find and take possession of their strategic position of opportunity and influence, than you are fulfilling the will of God in your assignment there. Kenneth Copeland talks about God trying to maneuver people into the right place, but having to work around pastors trying to be shoe salesmen and shoe salesmen trying to be pastors. There was a story about a man who thought they were called to pastor but they were actually called to be financial planner.

There are two aspects to knowing your assignment. You must know that you are where God wants you to be and work that assignment until he moves you. You should also consider the place you are going next in terms of your assignment. If God has things on your heart to do for him that are not related to your job, does the job you are going to work align itself to help or hinder your move into those things.

Do your companions help or hinder your assignment? Do the friends you associate with encourage you into your assignment or are you having to overcome their words and actions?

We also talked about the church being an influence in the community. Not the organization of the church but each individual as the body of Christ. Some people will not hear a pastor but you as a customer or co worker could be asked for the reason for the hope that is inside of you!

We also had friend/guests with us. Missionary Sandy Anderson of Build International was with us today. And Pastor Steve Henton of Heartsong Fellowship was with us today. We appreciated their input and wisdom and pray for their success in their assignment.

We are men of God, for God, and on Assignment on earth for him. Thank you Jesus! Amen.

Darrell G. Wolfe

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Container of Belief


Containers contain a finite amount of space for material. Only so much water fits in a glass jar. You could have a jar filled with oil and as you pour water into it the water displaces the oil. Even though the majority of the oil is displaced quickly the residue takes a while to leave... you must keep pouring the water, consistently. The overflow is the result of much pouring. 

Faith brings about results through overflow. Through the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. If faith is inoperative the only reason is a mixed faith container. 
If you are meditating The Word of God on a given topic and you are finding that there is resistance inside of you, that is an indication that there is something taking it's place. That something should be identified and consciously removed. Oil and Water do not provide a pure result. Just oil makes good for cooking, just water makes good for drinking. Both together are bad for drinking and make a mess in a frying pan. 

How do we identify what is taking up space in your believing container? Consider what you want/ask of God's Word. For example... I want to be a God Employed Business Owner. I want a multi million dollar set of businesses. I have big dreams for the future. 

When I consider income and budget needs of today I'm tend to look to a new job. The image in my mind is me working for a company and getting enough income from that company. The image in my mind is benefits, vacation, more pay. That is not consistent with the image of a business owner/entrepreneur.

So the job needs of today should not be based on a raise, or how much money I could make, but rather it should be based on how that job meets today's needs and balances to provide an optimum environment for me to grow a business. The future business must be a factor in determining the job. By taking a job that steals time from the business I jeopardize the business. By taking a job that provides time and space for the business I empower the business. The job in and of it'self is not the issue. More, it is a matter of what specific free time the job allows. What hours are available in my day. Not just total hours, but specific hours. having two hours before and two hours after is not the same as having four hours before OR four hours after. 

More important. What takes my free time. Family should be first. However is TV or the future business a priority for me? What am I doing with my time. When I look down the road am I seeing another year in the J.O.B. or am I seeing a year of results for the business taking me ever closer to "self" employed, or as I say God Employed. Working for myself is a bad idea. Working for God is a great idea. When I close my eyes I should be able to clearly see where I am headed. If I cannot, the water is mixed with oil. 

There is more to this... but I'll leave that revelation to simmer for now... 

Darrell G.Wolfe

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Overcoming: Falling Short

1 Thessalonians 3:10 The New English Bible

...we pray most earnestly night and day to be allowed to see you again and to mend your faith where it falls short...

It's comforting to know that Paul isn't saying "How dare you let your faith fall short!" So often the devil comes along and berates us for falling short in one area of life or another. We can let this become a situation where we allow condemnation to make us feel bad for falling short. However these is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. I am in Christ, therefore there is no condemnation for me. Yes I may fall short from time to time. I may not be as loving as I could have been, I may have been rude or just not done as much as I knew I should...

This type of "Man I should have done better..." is a trick of the enemy to get you to beat yourself down. However being humble is not about beating yourself down but about lifting Jesus up! The person who truly knows who they are IN-HIM (CHRIST) and has that knowing intimately burning in their heart and mind will never suffer depression. Depression only comes by having an inner monologue of defeat. That old programming needs to be deleted and a new programming of "I am more than a conqueror should be built in.

How is this built it? Sometimes we can get so into our own mind and circle on the same thoughts that we can't see the forest through the trees. Kenneth Copeland once said that a man searching for answers in his own mind can be like a man who goes through the filling cabinet over and over and over looking for a paper... sooner or later you must come to realize... the answer isn't in there! Prayer will always lead you to the answer, however God may lead you to someone who is seasoned to help you with that answer. Allow someone else to walk you out of that forest.

Paul in this case is saying that he desires to be there for these people who may have fallen short in a few areas. Let your mentor, pastor, counselor, etc... walk you out of the forest too. It's ok to ask for help and it's ok to need help. Strength is not found in solitude but in the joining of more than one force against another force. Seek help when needed, find a good church that preaches victory and not defeat. Find a good pastor who prays for your victory daily. Find a men's/women's bible study and make yourself accountable to trustworthy elders or strong men of faith.

E2P, Darrell G. Wolfe

Thursday, September 15, 2011


1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

The New English Bible (Out of Print):
"As you well know, we dealt with you one by one, as a father deals with his children, appealing to you by encouragement, as well as by solemn injunctions, to live lives worthy of the God who calls you into his kingdom and glory. "

The Good News Translation:
You know that we treated each one of you just as parents treat their own children. We encouraged you, we comforted you, and we kept urging you to live the kind of life that pleases God, who calls you to share in his own kingdom and glory.

Fathers are to encourage, comfort, and urge, but not cause anger or frustration in their kids. Something to think about. Instead of being angry all the time because their noisy... frustrated when they don't listen... happy when they go to bed... try taking a few moments to tell them how good a job they do, how lovely they are, how they are worth something to you and God. Catch them doing something right, instead of catching them doing something wrong. Double, Tripple, Exponentially increase the amount of Praise you give your kids. Despite what the idiots who give advice these days tell you, there is no such thing as too much praise.

Yes, there will be times when you must correct. But do it with a gentle but firm hand. Do it in love. Don't just spout off about what they did wrong. Take time to explain why they must change, encourage them that correction is about behavior and not about them personally, that there is nothing wrong with them just because they did something wrong. Have them ask for forgiveness, forgive them, and NEVER mention that offense again. Saying "You always..." is an exaggeration and will only serve to increase their awareness of that rather than their awareness of the good thing they are to do. You want to sow "Always Bad" seed, you will get always bad harvest. Don't go there.

Praise, Encourage, Comfort, Urge... With a little correction. Keep the balance 90-10. 90% Praise 10% correction. Most people don't have a problem with under correction a child, rather with incorrectly correcting and not praising them enough.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Self Imposed Restriction: Wisdom or Religion?


Colossians 2

Vs 6 
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus as Lord so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith as you have been taught abounding in it with thanksgiving. 

The way you walk in Him rooted and built up and established in faith: Abound with Thanksgiving. How many times do I say "Thank You Sir!" to my Father in heaven? Thank you for sending Your Son, Your Word, Your Spirit, Your Giftings! Thank you for the sunrise and the sunset, the rain and the clear days, thank you for flowers and for snow...etc

So let no one judge you in food or in drink or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is Christ...
VS 21 you subject yourselves to regulations: "Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle"...
Vs 23
These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.

How many times have I heard: "I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't hang with those who do" or some other such wording? It's interesting, now I don't personally drink because I have a family history of substance abuse dating back at least two generations and probably further. I made a decision to cut myself off before it became a threat, which is had just started to. There is biblical basis for those who decide that alcohol is acceptable and for those who don't. Even though my last sip of alcohol was in December 2001, I haven't any less struggle with my flesh. From soda to chocolate or just good food, my flesh wants, demands, screams, to be indulged.

Imposing certain self regulations because they would be harmful is a good idea. But you can tell when someone has made a health and life decision out of their own best interest to protect the anointing of God on their life and when someone has imposed something out of religiousness. The self imposed religious person practically brags about not doing it. They look down on others who do it. There is an air about them, and it's repulsive. The self imposed for conscience sake person doesn't brag about it or mind if people do.

I can't tell  you how many times I've been at some work function or somewhere with others out to eat and people ordered wine or beer and then when they found out I didn't drink they were so apologetic and asked if I would like them not to. I tell them all, "The decision is mine and for me. It has nothing to do with you. Please enjoy!" I have no problem sitting a table full of people drinking, moderately and with wisdom. I have no problem with a Christian or Pastor that drinks a glass of wine here or there. I simply don't do it for my own reasons.

The idea here is the flesh, what are problems for me, aren't for you. You have other things you need to tend to. If there are weak areas of the flesh, cut them out, it's better to go into heaven with one eye and without a nagging festering sin that won't let you go. Just be aware that cutting that out doesn't change your flesh. You still need to watch for other areas the flesh will creep up.

So how do I conquer the flesh?

Chapter 3:1-2 those things which are above... set your mind on things above

Set your mind on things above... imagine, ponder, meditate the Word... that is how you change and subdue the flesh. It looks like the solution is Mondays reading... Chapter 3.

Darrell G. Wolfe

Thursday, September 8, 2011


2 Peter 1:4 NKJV

Exceed Great Precious Promise... These are the words I want to extract from this verse. Primarily Exceed.
To Exceed:

EXCEE'D, v.t. [L. excedo; ex and cedo, to pass.

1. To pass or go beyond; to proceed beyond any given or supposed limit, measure or quantity, or beyond any thing else; used equally in a physical or moral sense. One piece of cloth exceeds the customary length or breadth; one man exceeds another in bulk, stature or weight; one offender exceeds another in villainy.

In practical terms. If water were to exceed the boundaries or limits of a glass, it would then overflow. If a pressurized bottle of soda were sealed and filled beyond it's boundaries it might explode. These are natural boundaries. There are also boundaries set by an authority. For example the fire department places a sign in all businesses and public places designating a limit or capacity. The capacity is well below the actual size of the room and the rooms ability to fit more people. A whole section of the Cowboy stadium was closed not due to a lack of seats but due to the authority that said the seats were not fit for the capacity. It would be unsafe to occupy that space. Most capacity limits are in reference to getting the people back out of the building safely in the case of a fire.

However, suppose for a moment that you packed the room with people. In fact let's suppose you went beyond ridiculous and packed people in so tight that everyone was body to body and there was hardly room for air in between. Would that room truly be at capacity? Actually no, contortionists could fit more people in, and there is air above them... So what does capacity refer to? Authority. So what if you wanted to seat more people than the room's sign said you could and the authority said you were not allowed. You would either need to:

  1. Deal with it and do without
  2. Suffer the consequences of disobedience
  3. Appeal to a higher authority! 
A higher authority could override the decision of the first authority. Due to Adams disobedience mankind relinquished this world to Satan. He is named the god of this present world of darkness. He is a thief and a liar. He comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. ALL nations under his control and absent of God the Fathers' Word are void of life and desolate. Satan is the authority of this Babylonian system called the world. 

The 10/40 window is a perfect example of a world without God. These people, including the Middle East, Asia, and parts of Africa, are the least reached by the Word of God and the Gospel of Christ, as a DIRECT RESULT they suffer more hatred, wars, violence, death, sickness, poverty, demons, and fear! Right in the middle of that mess lies Israel, once called Palestine under roman rule and ottoman rule until the 1800's. At the time of Israel's Re Founding the land was a desolate wasteland. Israeli and Arab nomads filled the desert waste. Nothing would succeed or grow there. As the WORD was brought back by Israel the land became fruitful and multiplied and filled up the earth. Read Israel 101, the land is bringing fruit and technology in some cases way ahead of the US and China. The USA went from a nomad land to a land producing the best and brightest. UK, Germany, France... All touched by the Word of God, despite religion not because of it. As each of these lands pull back from the Word as a country, they suffer loss, theft, death, and destruction. These are the work of the devil. Only as we pull back from God do these occur in a persons life or in a society.

So what? The devil kills. What am I going to do about it? Among other things, I have authority over my life not the devil. Jesus ripped the keys from him and gave them to us. I can appeal to THE higher authority. I am IN that system but not OF it. I am an ambassador of THE kingdom that rules over all!

Colossians 1

God willed to make known what are the riches of the Glory of this mystery, which is: "Christ In Us" AND "the Hope of Glory".

Christ is IN ME. The Anointed one and His Anointing is IN ME! I have the hope, eager expectation of a glorified body in the glory of heaven! I have the greater one IN ME, how can I fear? How can I waiver? How can I doubt? ONLY by not being totally saturated with the knowing that CHRIST IS IN ME! He is inside of me right now! I am who He says I am, I can do what He says I can do, I have EVERYTHING He says I have! I open my heart to the Word of God today to hear something that will change my life forever!

It is HIS WORD IN ME that overcomes the devil in my life. Attacks WILL come, I WILL OVERCOME!
It is HIS WORD IN the USA and it's Leaders that will overcome. Attacks WILL COME, and we WILL OVERCOME!

GLORY! EXPLODE past the devils failed attempts to place limits and boundaries on your life that GOD never said you had to have! Satan is not your authority! Walk in the KINGDOM of God!

Darrell G. Wolfe

Be Loved

Philippians 4 (New King James Version)

Therefore, my BE LOVED and longed-for brethren, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, BE LOVED.

Be Loved, beloved, loved, dear friends...

Be Loved today! God sent his Word, His Son, His Spirit, His Gifts and Giftings, His Blessing...HIS LOVE... what else can you ask for today? Don't be like the children following Moses throwing fits in the desert... just ask, receive. It's that simple. God never berated anyone for asking for too much, religion does, God doesn't! God chides for not asking enough or at all. He wasn't mad because they wanted water, food, or meat in the desert. He was mad because they complained instead of just asking in faith. Had they been in faith they would have had WAY better food and drink! 

Allow God to love you like He wants to! Stop stopping Him from giving you ALL THINGS RICHLY TO ENJOY! Let Him Love You!

Today... BE LOVED.

Darrell G. Wolfe

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Social Media and the Bible

EMIC 7PM Pastor Scott Allen...

John 17
I have given them your the world not of it... sent INTO the world...

We are in the world, not of it, and sent into the world to make a difference for Jesus and the people he paid so high a price for!

Not every Technological Advancement is worth pursuing for Christians or viable for ministry. However if it is and it can be done with purpose and focus it should be used. The calling of KCM and it's partners is to preach the word on every available voice!

Psalms 34:8
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Whether you choose to be a leader or culture setter or not, you are! People all around you are looking for the real deal in you, they compare you to others who are not living the real deal. They are looking for the hope. 

1 Peter 3:15
...always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you...

People won't ask you about your hope if you aren't showing any...

1 Peter 2:12 (GOD'S WORD Translation)

Live decent lives among unbelievers. Then, although they ridicule you as if you were doing wrong while they are watching you do good things, they will praise God on the day he comes to help you.

St Francis of Assisi: "Let all the brothers preach by their deeds."
What avenues have I been given and not used? Have I prayed for the people I am linked to on Facebook? Have I considered the impact of my audience?

Matthew 5:13 You are salt...

Matthew 22:23
Go urge the people to come! Come taste my life, see that God is good to me and He'll be good to you too! Where are the highways and byways of today? It's on the Internet 2.0, in social media. Over 50% of the worlds population is under 30 years old, yet over 96% of those under 30 years old are on social media! There is a harvest out there! But we can't just preach, especially not to this generation that is so keen to advertisement lies. We have to live it in front of them, and be real! We can't just post scriptures everyday... show me your life and when I see something I want I'll check it out more. It's fine to post scripture! However, we can't be one dimensional with people and expect them to listen! 

2 Corinthians 1:12 (English Standard Version)

12 For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.

We allow the darkness into these outlets by not participating in them.

See the message yourself including many statistics:
Wednesday 09/07/2011 Scott Allen Social Media Today 09/07 Once it's on demand in a few days

Darrell G. Wolfe

Men's Meeting

7am... Lake Worth

What is the purpose of covenant?

  • To remove all doubt
Covenant is establish to define or re define relationship.
  • There are 10 commandments given to Moses and of those 4 deal with our relationship with God and 6 deal with out relationship with people. The commandments of the covenant are about relationship. 
When I loose sight of relationship I TRY to receive, instead of just receiving as a child of God. 

Satan ONLY comes to steal, kill, and destroy among his tools for this are to cause division in relationship.

God CANNOT lie
Numbers 23.19
Don't put human limitations on a limitless God. How you see God is reflected in how you see yourself. Are you feeling worthless or worth much? This depends on whether you KNOW God's love for you and the price He paid. Value is given by how much someone is willing to pay for something. If God gave His son... How much are you worth?

Heb 6.18 Confirmed by covenant God can't lie.

John 8.44 Satan was a murderer from the very beginning. It's been his nature. Check the source of your situation. God and Satan both have defined fruits. Satan Kills. God brings LIFE Abundant!

Husbands must learn to love their wives, in part we can do this by building her up with daily devotion acts... also taking time to study her and her needs. Read books about her needs. Not just yours. You don't become a banker, financier, politician, accountant, businessman, etc... without study. You don't become a Godly and Mature husband without study either!

Psalm 31 WOMAN... Read Woman,Wife,Mother by  Pat Harrison

Darrell G. Wolfe

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


In prayer today:

     Never before has there been a generation with so many tools and resources and so little success. Value has been placed on learning more than doing. Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

     It's time to focus. Game Time. Stop seeking ways to get money in and start seeking ways to get the Word out! Promotion will come but it won't satisfy you unless you were already satisfied. Your team needs your anointing, start walking in it! 

     Ever time you feel great financial pressure you stop. Pray thankfullness over what you have and thankfulness over the Promise and Blessing. Then Pray for the needs of others starting with Leaders, Partners, and Family.


2 Timothy 3

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come... 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth...10 But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, 11 persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra—what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me. 


Todays Reading was from Luke 8

Never Posted This... it was in drafts...DW

Cinco De Mayo!

Good Morning, 05/05/2011

The following is a selection of quotes from the KCM Bible Introduction.

"... Forget those things which are behind literally!"

"... Stop working hard to "get" back into God's will. Let Him lead you into it. Relax! Stop looking back at the past. It's over. Everything God has for you is up ahead. Go fot it in faith and joy."

"Somebody once asked me, "Don't you ever have any failures?" No, I don't because I don't lay nine-inning games. We play until I win. I would have a lot opportunities to fail if I would receive failure. My shortcomings are many. But I don't count that as failure. I just count that as practice. But when I win, Praise God, that's for real! I don't play fair with the Devil!..."

Maturity Looks Ahead

How many minutes, hours, or days have I spent thinking about the past? "Man wasn't that a great time..." or "If only I hadn't have done xyz I could be so much further along..." The past, your successes and failures, is always a chain to your future. You can learn from the past failures, even use them as examples of what not to do, or repeat. You can learn from the past successes and implement those tools, trades, or abilities to succeed again. Much of what we do is built experience by experience. However sometimes there is a danger in the past. It becomes a hindrance when you are tempted to spend time reviewing the past so much that you are then replaying it. Images, videos and audio in the mind, replaying what you did or didn't do. The glory days as on the football team, or the low days on the streets.

Philippians 3:13-15 (ESV)(emphasis added)
Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But ONE THING I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ (The Anointed One and His Anointing) Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. 

I must learn to apply pressure to my future. Change requires change. Pastor Art Aragon says that "change requires change, if you want to change you have to change or it wouldn't be change." You can't do that same thing over and over expecting different results, that's insanity. Many times the problems of life attempt to apply pressure on us. Mark 4 talks about them choking the Word in us. To choke something is to apply pressure until it dies by suffocation. So in order to remove myself from the pressure of life I must begin to apply pressure to my future instead; to push back against the pressure pressing me. 

I apply pressure to my future by engaging my dreams daily. As I enter into the secret place of the Most High, He begins to speak to me. He tells me things about himself, and about my future and about my present. He gives me insights, ideas, and witty inventions. He gives the ability to see something no one else sees, or in a way no one else sees it. There are unique things I was called to do on this planet, in this life. He called me to do these things before the earth was created! My time in the presence of God, in prayer and study and meditation of His Word brings me to a place that I can hear him and walk it out.   

However, if I gain a grand revelation and forget about it by noon and then don't do anything about it again for three years... it will have profited me nothing. Faith without works is dead. So then what must I do to work things out that I hear from Him? Especially, what do I do when the dream or vision of a project or calling is so big that I can't begin to fathom how He could ever bring that to pass in my life? How does the person flipping burgers having visions from God of a multi-million dollar business begin? 

But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it. I must meditate on the Word of God day and night that I may do it, not just the bible which is of course the HIGHEST authority and must never be contradicted, but also the word I hear from Him in prayer. 

This can be done many ways, it can be done by taking a picture that reminds me of that calling/mission/vision and post it on the wall, door, etc. Every time I see it I can thank God for bringing it to pass in His timing. But whatever the tool, the principle is the same. Keep it before me, meditate it, keep it in my mouth, which brings it into the heart, which comes back out as Faith. Speak to the mountain, daily. I must begin to use my imagination to work for me and not against me. I must imagine days of too much blessing, instead of days of not enough. I, and I alone, must be responsible for my future, through Him who called. He will do the work, if I will do the believing. That is my work. My work is to do all I can to build my believer muscle until I can't believe anything else but that which he has called me to. The work of the believer is to enter into the rest. It's a heart AND mind matter. Selah...Pause and think about it, meditate it, ponder it...


Hebrews 4:11 NKJV
Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.

Hebrews 4:3 NKJV

For we who have believed do enter that rest, as He has said: "So I swore in My wrath, 'They shall not enter My rest,' " although the works were finished from the foundation of the world.

  • John 17:24 NKJV

    Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.
  • Ephesians 1:4 NKJV

    just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,
  • 1 Peter 1:20 NKJV

    He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you

    Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV

    "Before I formed you in the womb I knew youBefore youwere born I sanctified youI ordained you a prophet to the nations."

    Romans 11:29 NKJV

    For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

    Ephesians 1:18 NKJV

    the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

    2 Timothy 1:9 NKJV

    who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began,

Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This Present Darkness
By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
Knife of Dreams
A Memory of Light
The Path of Daggers
He Who Fights with Monsters 10
He Who Fights with Monsters 9
He Who Fights With Monsters 8
He Who Fights with Monsters 6
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[ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Horse and His Boy

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