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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Interesting Dialogue

EMIC Men's Tailgate Party Sat 10/22/2011

Today I woke up late. I stayed up late last night to do some final touches on Banking Basics for Believers and thus woke up late. The Men's Tailgate party started at 9 and I woke up at 10. I almost didn't go. I'm not always one to socialize well in men's groups. I don't have much to say about sports or hunting and such. However I'm always glad that I went and so today I decided to go. I'm glad I did today too. I sat down with brisket and listened to people talk about some things. A conversation started about Iraq and Iran and I have quite a few things bubbling in me about that so I listened more intently. I didn't say half of what I was thinking but it was a start.

That got me started into a conversation with a man named Al. Al is a motivational speaker among other things and a man of God. It's rare that I meet someone with the passion for God that Al has matched by the backing of the Word. I meet lots of people with Word and no passion or passion and no Word. But he has both and it was refreshing.

Many other people came and went during the conversation and it ended up lasting from about 11AM to 3PM. I am now sunburned. But I deeply appreciated what everyone had to say and interject. Even Pastor Scott came by for a few moments. It was a very interesting event. We talked so long that the food was packed up and everyone gradually left as we all kept standing around talking. I failed to bring anything to write with and the whole things has become a blur. I am now trying to recall the things that stuck. I pray the Holy Spirit help me remember the important things that were pertinent to me.

NOTE TO SELF: Carry a recorder from now on or at least a pen and paper. Always expect to receive from God no matter where you are. Even a pocket notebook would be good no matter where you are. Even shopping God could give you and idea. 

I know my spirit received more than my head can remember but I'm trying now to recap some of what we all said during our big round table impromptu discussion so that I can digest it. Quite a bit was said by many parties. The following are the things I walked away with to ponder. Anything could have been said by anyone. It's all a blur by the time I got back to write it down. Random notes from many conversations with several people.

Praise is done by speaking. Worship is done by being. The trees worship God by being His workmanship. You don't enter into worship because you worship by being who you are. Praise is speaking well of someone. So the correct response to "Praise God" is not to repeat back "Praise God" but to begin speaking well of God. "God you are wonderful. You always follow through on your word. etc...". Worship on the other hand is being who God created you to be. Interesting thought... bears more study and meditation.

Voice. Core Message. Don't parrot your teachers. Learn from them. But find your voice. What is it that YOU have to say?

A man is built as a sower of seed. The woman is built as a receiver of seed. She receives his seed, incubates that seed, and produces a harvest to return to him. This is true in spirit and nature. Therefore if you are married for any length of time you have together produced a harvest. If you do not like what you see don't blame the tree of your wife who helped incubate it. Blame yourself of the sower. I you sow hell into a woman... you are going to get back a harvest on that. If you sow LIFE into a woman you will see a harvest on that. You are the sower. If you have a bad tree, speak to it like Jesus did to the fig tree. (Not to the woman to the tree she produced from YOUR seed.) Give the process time to take to the roots both to uproot the old and birth the new.

When God created Adam he brought the animals to see what he would call them. The word "call" is recite. To say what God already said. He was training Adam to call things what God called them.

I am still feeling, and apparently still being perceived as a bit scattered. I have many things in me to do. As such I don't choose and then do nothing. That about hits the nail on the head. I must focus. Flavia told me that recently too. Choose something to do, focus on that until another direction is given.

Need to start compiling quotes I like or create. They help to lock in something you've learned. Most successful people have quotes that help define who they are, what they do, and why they do it. They help define something they've learned of value and put it into a memorable recall-able package. Just having a message title can be all you need to recall that whole message and re preach it at a moments notice.

You must BE something and not DO something. If you are known as Frank the Auto Mechanic and you loose your shop or get fired do you feel lost? If you do than your identity was founded in what you did rather than who you are. If you know who you are... what your core message and mission is. You will always know what to do and what to say in any situation. It doesn't matter what situation you are put into, that core will come out.

Forget titles. Pastor, Teacher, Motivator, Blogger, Author.... let people call you what they will. The question is how do you define those things for yourself. Then you can answer your question. Only then can you answer the questions others ask. If someone asks you... "Hey you sound like an XCV. Are you?" You can't answer that until they define XCV for you. Ask them what they feel an XCV (Pastor, Teacher, etc etc) is. Only after you get their question and definition can you give an answer. You cannot answer someone else's question with your definition. Find their definition and then answer accordingly.

We were talking about the presence of God. The Word of God. Praise. Worship. Dryness vs Soaked in the presence of God. You must know who you are IN HIM...

Jerry Savelle/Kenneth Hagin: The difference between me and you is that you have a swelled head and I have a swelled heart.

Praise and Worship is far more simple than it's made out to be. Singing can be used to do them but is not required. Praise is to speak well of. Worship is work. See Article :Work/Worship So to do what God called you to do, live how God called you to live, and BE who God called you to be is Worship. Thus you sing with an attitude of speaking well of God and being who he sent His Son to die for you to be.

There are systems to control and systems of control. Systems of control regulate outcomes, results, and order. Systems to control are manipulative, selfish, and without the Love of God. God is a God of order. He placed seasons on this planet to regulate temperature. He placed rules and regulation. Do this get this result. Those are systems of control. Some people or companies or countries introduce fear and violence in order to get people to do what they want. Those are systems to control and they never work. Dictators always fall, eventually. Because systems to control are out of order. As a leader we must recognize when we are doing something because it's God's right order of doing things in order to produce results vs when we do things in order to get someone to do what we want them to do outside of their will. God gave us dominion over the entire planet and every living thing save for one. We were not to attempt to exercise dominion over people. We can operate in a system of order. We can have hierarchy and leadership. But not manipulation.

There were so many things we talked about that I know I left some out. If it comes to me I'll add that too. It was a great day.

              Darrell G. Wolfe


Ephesians 6
We place on the armor not in order to go out toward war, but rather to stand. Stand where, why? To stand against the tactics of the enemy. Have you noticed that Prayer is the last thing on the list after all of the armor. This is because ONLY after we are properly equipped can we pray effectively!

For more information on Al:

Aldean "Al" Pearson

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