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Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve... short recap

Too many notes from tonight to do a full recap. I will be posting the full notes soon. Some take a ways:

Kenneth Copeland tonight quoting Norval Hayes:

You didn't make a decision to aggressively possess all God has for you. Because you didn't decide you didn't hear. Because you didn't hear you couldn't see it. Because you couldn't see it you couldn't say it. Because you couldn't say it you didn't act on it. Because you didn't act on it you didn't receive it.

If you don't end 2012 as the best year you've ever had or even heard of it's because you didn't make a decision to take what God has planned for his Body this year. Anyone not operating under the blessing is going to have a hard year, but for those operating under the blessing they will hardly even notice the bad things happening around them.

Jesus said "I only do what I see my Father do..." In like manner we must pay close attention to the Word of God. Not just for ten minutes in the morning or night. Turn the TV and Facebook and whatever else distracts you off! Turn the news and political debates OFF!

When you see the Word say "Despise" as in Isaiah 30:12 it can mean to reject or have a low opinion of. It basically means to think nothing about. They just ignored the Word of God. Paul also Ignored his degrees and history, thought nothing of it because of the Anointing!

Some of you have become weary in well doing. 

If you become weary in well doing & faint in your mind by giving attention to other things and NOT giving attention to the Word!

2012 is going to be a time of GREAT Wealth and GREAT Opportunities!

Enter into the REST!

Both Sin and Victory over sin have the same root. Attention/Focus. What are you giving your attention to, that will rule what you say and do.

It upsets God when his people don't let him Bless them!

More notes to come...
Darrell G. Wolfe

2011 into 2012

2012 is in less than 12 hours... What about 2012? In many ways it will be more of the same. Most will wake up on January 1st and it will feel like any other day, just as the last many January 1st's have been.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 (The Message)
9 What was will be again, what happened will happen again. There's nothing new on this earth. Year after year it's the same old thing.

There is nothing new really. Wars, Rumors of Wars, Uprisings, Arab Winters, People complaining against God and His people when it is those against God and His People causing most of the problems. There will be catastrophes throughout the World. Someone withing the USA Government will likely do something stupid against Israel and the USA will have a catastrophe because of it. Democrats will complain about republicans. Republicans will complain about Democrats and each other. In many ways there will be more and more of the same.

But wait... what is that I hear? There is a sound rising... It is the sound of the Church, the sleeping giant waking up. It is the sound of baptists getting baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. It is the sound of Calvinists realizing that God is not making their decisions for them. It is the sound of Pentecostals getting stronger on the Word. It is the sound of Word of Faith folks getting out of their houses and meeting the needs of the lost. It is the sound...

It is the sound of one heart, one mind, one voice, one army of LOVE Himself meeting the needs of helpless and hopeless humanity through the Anointing of the Anointed One.

Leviticus 26:10 (Complete Jewish Bible)
10 You will eat all you want from last year's harvest and throw out what remains of the old to make room for the new.

I see those who walk by faith and not by sight living in abundance. I see those who refuse to accept their own shortcomings but learn to hide themselves in the shadow of the Almighty learning to use His power and not their own.

Darrell G. Wolfe

Kenneth Copeland, through the Word of the Lord, said it best at the DC Victory Campaign:

What About 2012?

Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on November 10, 2011
Washington, DC Victory Campaign
“What about 2012? What does it hold? What’s in store? What’s in store for the nations? What’s in store for Israel and what’s in store for the Church? I have a great storehouse. Much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I laid up for you before the foundation of the world. Much more is stored up there than what the Church has ever called for. I never have held back on the Church,” saith The LORD and the God of plenty. “I’ve made it available to you. I put it in My WORD. I gave you a promise and stood behind it with the blood, precious blood of your Savior. But there has been a backwardness in My people about laying hold of the things that I have provided for you. But I will say this: There is a people in the land. There is a people around the world. There is a people strong and mighty, growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold to lay hold and put their claim of faith on the things that I have laid up for you and it thrills Me,” saith The LORD, “because it’s been yours all the time.
Ah, but what about 2012? 2012 is a year full of surprises. Some surprises are going to shake people up. Some surprises are going to shake people down. But for those who are listening to My voice, those who have made themselves available to My Spirit and to My WORD, you’ll have surprises. Oh, not like the world and not like a lot of carnal-minded Christians. Your surprises will come as suddenlies. Like in My WORD when it said, ‘And suddenly there came upon them.’ And you’ll stand up with a big smile on your face and say ‘I just got a suddenly, didn’t I? Oh! Yes.’ But it’ll not take you by surprise because I said in My WORD I’d show you things to come. I said in My WORD what I speak the Holy Ghost will hear and He will speak it to you. And there are those of you who are seeking My voice and seeking My WORD and seeking My Name and looking at Me in My face while I’m looking at you in your face. And together we’ll walk in this and together we’ll walk through this and there’ll come a time when you’ll just smile at Me and I’ll just smile at you and you’ll say, ‘Ha. Ha. Ha. I knew that all the time. Praise God. My Father showed me that was coming and I was all prepared and it didn’t come on me as a suddenly. But this other surprise that came on me. Oh, what joy. Oh, what thrill. Oh, what goodness. I wonder what else my Father has in store for me. Hallelujah. Praise God.’
“2012? I’ll tell you about 2012. It’s going to be a year of great joy for those who know joy. It’ll be a time of marvelous breakthroughs. This is a time of victory. It’s a time when people begin to realize that My WORD is a living WORD, that My Spirit is the living Spirit, and that you are My voice in the earth. And your voice is the voice of victory. So rejoice and shout and understand that the breakthroughs that you’ve sought and watched over, prayed over, stood in faith for, ah, don’t turn loose now. Don’t turn loose now because they’re at hand. They’re right at hand. They’re right on top of you right now. Praise God. Hey!
“Have no worry. Do not be in fear about the United States of America. Don’t be in fear over the failure of this republic. This is not the time for this nation to fail. I’m not done with it yet. And it may come as a surprise to many; this nation is not done with Me yet,” saith The LORD. Hallelujah.
“We have a job to do. And this year will be like none other where this nation is concerned. And many will say, ‘Oh, woe is us! Oh, woe is us!’ And you know what? Oh, woe will be them.
“And there are others who’ll say, ‘Oh, we can’t win! We can’t win!’ And to them they can’t win.
Ah, but to those of them who say, ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. This is a time of greatness! America again! Oh, and it’s my nation and it’s God’s nation and we’re right where we’re supposed to be. He has us right where He wants us, and our future is bright because God is still LORD over the United States of America.’
“So rejoice and give forth a glad sound because The LORD of glory is still on the throne and prayer changes things and together we’re going on to greater victory.
“Oh yes! 2012 is a time of miracles. Miracles that seemed as if they would not come but they’re here. There is an atmosphere conducive to miracles that’s been growing and growing and will manifest greatly in the first quarter of 2012 and continue throughout the year and on into 2013. I’ve been looking forward to 2012,” saith The LORD. “I know how it’s going to turn out. I’ve already dealt with it in My WORD. Your future is looking better all the time. But of course you’ll need to look at it through My eyes,” saith the Spirit of grace. “So as I said before, rejoice, for your time has come.”

Friday, December 30, 2011

Last Days and Eternal Glory!

Revelations 22

7 "Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book."
8 Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things. 9 Then he said to me, "See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God."

Blessed/Empowered to Prosper is the person who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book. The book of revelations has been the most misunderstood book in the bible. People consider it shrouded in mystery and imagery and therefore too complex to understand. But the Word of God says here that keeping this book and it's words will empower you to prosper!

All around us the signs of the end are rising. Wars, Famine, Earthquakes... All increasing in power and frequency. Demonic influence has begun to hit a new wave of boldness. Not since the days of Jesus earthly ministry has demons been so bold as to announce their presence and seek glory for it. They are traditionally hidden in side tracks and mystery. They have posed as Ghosts, Ghouls, Vampires, Werewolves, etc... They have played the not so subtle roles in witchcraft and other dark cults. They have shown them selves to people as aliens visiting from another planet. But they are getting bolder. TV series about ghost hunting are being taken series by the average person now. Genetic manipulation. They have even started cult followings saying that they are alien beings coming back to the planet they seeded/created using the names of God himself for their own (which can be seen by this example:

But under the radar... God will NOT be out matched... God is working on his Church. As with the showdown of Baal vs God in the days of Elijah there is a showdown coming. The final showdown will take place during a 7 year tribulation after the children of God, washed in the blood of Jesus, are evacuated from this planet. However these is a build up coming. I am seeing signs of it everywhere. TV has become a breeding ground for the devil but it's also being used to proclaim the gospel like never before!

One sure way to know if you are dealing with Angels of God vs Fallen Angels/Demons is that Angels (As seen in Rev 22:8-9) will always point away from themselves to God. Position themselves as fellow servants of THE MASTER! Demons seek their own glory, sometimes subtle and most times not. They want to be viewed as god's and lords. They want to be seen as creators and masters.

Read... study... Paul said that we should NOT BE IGNORANT of the times and happenings of God and the end times time table.

These are the best times to live for the Body of Christ and worst time to live for the world. Are you ready, enthusiastic, excited about what God is doing and is about to do? If not you may be on the wrong side, or not sufficiently educated in your rights in Him! Get ready... Go... Fight... Win!!!

Darrell G. Wolfe


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Building Traffic? How do I do it?

One of the hardest things to learn concretely as a new blog writer is how to build traffic. Blogger and Wordpress both have their advantages. But Blogger makes it increasingly easy to use amazon affiliation and Google adsense. So there is so little work left to do but build the blog to an appearance of your liking and then write on your hearts passions. You are told from the start that MOST blogs don't make money and that writing should be done because you enjoy it. But if no-one ever reads it what's the point right?

Then there is the point that comes after you've been doing this for years and you only see traffic from a few friends and relatives and some random foreign tracking machines that you wonder is there anything else? What's next? Can this be more?

So you wonder what I am wondering now. How do I build a steady stream of traffic both from repeat visits and new visitors? How do I top the Google Hit List when someone looks up my subject? How do I get someone to click on those ads so I can make some money? That's what I want to know so I'm starting my research. I found the below articles that I don't have time to read. But I'll look into them and then see if there are any common threads that I can summarize.

Articles on Building Traffic:

Darrell G. Wolfe

Sunday, December 25, 2011

The calling of Distributorship

The calling of Distributorship. There is a calling for distribution, a gift of distribution that has been overlooked by the body of Christ. In listening, re listening, re listening, etc to a message by Keith Moore from the Great Lakes Believers Convention 2005; I have come to a conclusion. I need to take this calling more seriously.

In Luke we see a young man, a rich young ruler, who truly had done everything he knew to do, and he did it well. He was obeying the laws and keeping covenant. He asked Jesus what to do next, in order to walk in the God kind of life with no limits. Jesus responded:

Luke 18:22 NAS
When Jesus heard this, He said to him, "One thing you still lack ; sell all that you possess and distribute it to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven ; and come, follow Me."

In other words: "Liquidate what you have, start to sow that into the lives of other people. Build up a heavenly treasury account. Follow Me!" Throughout the gospels when Jesus said "Follow Me" they ended up becoming the chosen 12. If you study this out Jesus knew that Judas was stealing out of the money box. The bible also tells us that Judas, being the treasurer of the Jesus Messiah Evangelistic Organization, was in charge of the money box. When Jesus wanted to give to the poor or needed Judas was responsible for this task. Judas was responsible for distributorship. Apparently he must have done it often because we see in John that the first thought of the disciples when Judas left that night was "Oh yeah, he must be off to give Jesus' money to the poor again."

John 13:29 NKJV
For some thought, because Judas had the money box, that Jesus had said to him, "Buy those things we need for the feast," or that he should give something to the poor.

You don't don't assume someone is going to do something they've never done before. You're wife get's up off the couch and heads to the bedroom and comes back dressed. You might assume, "Oh, you headed to the store?" You probably don't assume "Oh, you headed on your private jet to France for a cup of real coffee and then headed to Belgium for sweets?" Why not? More than likely she doesn't just do that on a whim, even if you have the money to do so.

The disciples assumed Judas was going to either buy supplies or give to the poor because those are the things he usually did. What they didn't know, but Jesus did, is that he was stealing that money! So here Jesus is talking to Judas' replacement. Literally someone who would be more faithful with His money. He tells the rich young man, "Go sell all your stuff, come be my treasurer!"

The young man didn't get it! He passed up literally THE opportunity of a life time. He could have been Jesus' personal treasurer! All he could see is how much he had, not what he could gain by giving to the Kingdom of God. This is where he made his second mistake. He saw giving as loosing, instead of giving as investing! He was a wise natural investor because he'd made a lot of money already. He missed it. His third mistake? He got his feelings hurt and left. Nobody asked him to leave. Jesus turned to Peter and told him that it was hard for people who gained wealth trusting in the worlds system of wealth to transfer over to God's system of wealth. Then he told peter that anyone who left anything in this life would reap MUCH MORE/100 Fold NOW IN THIS LIFE and eternal life in the ages to come.

So in this case Jesus was calling the man to a ministry gift of distribution. It is interesting to note that some people read that the young man went away grieved but no-where does it say that he out right rejected Jesus idea either. He obviously wasn't joyful about the idea and "God loves a joyful giver!" So what did happen? He most likely went away heavy hearted with a decision to make.

It's also interesting to note that tradition has told us that this young man was in fact Barnabas who later became a distributor of lands in the book of Acts and played vital roles in financing the 11 remaining Apostles. He also went on to become a friend of Paul and an encourager who helped Paul to become who he became. It was Barnabas support and encouragement that kept Paul going in the beginning of his ministry.  Giving makes one a happy person and Barnabas was given the name Barnabas because he was known as "Son of Encouragement". So it sounds like he came around eventually. Some people also believe that Saul/Paul and Barnabas were actually colleagues of the Sanhedrin together, which is why it says Barnabas went looking for Paul.

Barnabas, was called to be a distributor. It turns out that gifting and calling permeates Old and New testament. People were assigned in the OT to distribute to the priests and poor. Seven young men full of faith were assigned in the NT to distribute as well.

Many are familiar Steve Green who has done SO MUCH to use his wealth to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the US and maybe the world.

Sadly there are not enough people believing God to operate in this gift so God has had to turn to the unsaved who will believe in wealth and turn them into ultra rich and then incite them to give through tax deductions and the like. Ultimately Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple... all should have been invented by, started by, increased by God's people. Most church people don't believe God wants them wealthy because they have this perverted demonic idea that money is evil. Satan uses that to keep them out of God's plan for their lives. Those who do believe in wealth for the believer Satan tries to get distracted with the attaining process and then steal their attention through the distractions listed in Mark 4. So few are left to do God's work. He uses who he is able to at any level he is able to use them.

So how about it? You are supposed to be BLESSED (Empowered to Prosper) to the point that ALL your need, want, AND desires are provided to the abundance and all you have to work on is getting God's money to the people he wants to get it to!

Other scriptures to look at:
2 Chronicles 31:15 NAS
Under his authority were Eden, Miniamin, Jeshua, Shemaiah, Amariah and Shecaniah in the cities of the priests, to distribute faithfully their portions to their brothers by divisions, whether great or small,

2 Chronicles 31:19 NAS
Also for the sons of Aaron the priests who were in the pasture lands of their cities, or in each and every city, there were men who were designated by name to distribute portions to every male among the priests and to everyone genealogically enrolled among the Levites.

Nehemiah 13:13 NAS
In charge of the storehouses I appointed Shelemiah the priest, Zadok the scribe, and Pedaiah of the Levites, and in addition to them was Hanan the son of Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah ; for they were considered reliable, and it was their task to distribute to their kinsmen.

Mark 8:7 NIV
They had a few small fish as well; he gave thanks for them also and told the disciples to distribute them.

EVERYONE is called to distribution. What level are you going to try to attain to? Can I decide that? YES!

1 Corinthians 12

1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware. (There should be NO mystery about the gifts of God)

4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6 There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons!!!!.....

31 But earnestly desire the greater gifts. A nd I show you a still more excellent way... LOVE (1 Cor 13)

If you walk in LOVE God will be able to use you to preform ALL his giftings in your life. LOVE requires that I desire and seek the gifts that bring the most benefit first. Distribution is one of those.

God says that if I give, it will be given to me pressed down, shaken together and running over. Who? Who will be giving to me? Who is going to be giving back me? God? Yes, God is. But who will he use. No angel is coming down and shoving money into your shirt. Men will. God will use men to bless men. I decide right now that I am going to be the man doing the pressing, shaking and running over on OTHERS behalf. I am gong to be a hose of God's blessing. Turn on the hose and the hose gets wet too!

Thoughts to live by. Darrell G. Wolfe
Have a joyous and laughter filled day celebrating the coming of the Anointed One and His Anointing!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Seed, Time, Harvest!

Revelation 16
6 For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, And You have given them blood to drink. For it is their just due."

How often have you heard someone say that they could not fathom a loving God sending someone to hell or doing this or that in judgement? I hear it often. Either God is thought of as a Tyrant or a Pacifist. Neither is true. God is Holy! He is Just! He is Love! He is all of these things and more.

Consider for a moment:

A child runs out into the street and there is on coming traffic. The father of the child allows him to run out into traffic because he doesn't want to offend him or hurt his feelings by correcting the child. Is this a good father? NO!

Love will step in front of a gunman and take him out to prevent the gunman from harming others!

Love will says "If you come to bring death to my family I'll take you out first!"

Love is aggressive and defensive!

Seed, Time, Harvest!

There is also another factor here. That is "Seed, Time, Harvest!" The planet operates on a principle of sowing and reaping. Mankind has been killing, literally, God's people for 1,000's of years. He is the vineyard owner who sent people to check on the vineyard and the workers kept killing or beating the owners servants. Finally the vineyard owner is coming to deal with those evil workers!

The judgement of God are not harsh or unloving. They are right and good! Just like serial killers who deserve death row, mankind deserves judgement. Especially those who have been violently resisting God and his people.

ALL opportunities have been given to men to avoid this wrath and judgement before it happens. Those left are the ones who rejected God, not the ignorant. No-one is left to receive judgement accidentally!


1. Make a point to not shy away from telling people about Jesus Blood and the great escape that is coming before the days of wrath come!

2. Are there things in my life that are not what I want them to be? Pain, physical or emotional, that are the result of my own seed? Maybe I should seek to find the root cause of the pain instead of treating the symptom.

I can believe for and receive divine healing, but if I feed my body toxins and don't treat it right the cause isn't being dealt with.

I can pray and cleanse my heart of sadness, but if I am holding on to un-forgiveness or rehearsing the past things that hurt me, I can expect nothing less than depression to return.

What recurring themes are you dealing with that won't go away? Maybe you are dealing with symptoms and not cause. Check your heart and life for a pattern of living out of line with the Word of God. Then deal with that. Once you do the symptoms will go away naturally.

Father, search my life and heart. Reveal to me causes, known and unknown, for the symptoms I experience repeatedly in life. Show me the path to repentance which will lead me beyond where I've been living.

Darrell G. Wolfe

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Fight to enter the rest

It's official... I'm on a theme. REST. I was listening to Keith Moore from the Great Lakes Believers Conventions 2005 which was given to me as a partner gift a few years ago. He talked about REST, which has become a theme in my prayer and study.

The true fight of faith is not about struggling to get our confessions right, or battle doubt, or try to believe harder or better or more. It's not any of the things I so often make it about. It's not about me being a better christian or walking in more consistent faith so I can earn enough brownie points to get what I want. It's not a rewards card with points to redeem. There are aspects of some of these things involved in a life of faith. But the good fight of faith really is not any of these.

The good fight of faith is about me laying hold of eternal life. Eternal means without beginning and end, that which always was, is, and will be. Life means the absolute fullness of the life-force of God. We know Faith is the material substance of things hoped for (expected; not wished for). We know that faith is the substance that God used to create the worlds, heaven, earth, etc. He didn't create them out of nothing, he created them out of a substance that cannot be seen. Faith is that substance.

I am also to labor/be diligent to enter into the rest of God, ceasing from my own works. Unbelief keeps me from resting. I cannot rest if I have unbelief. Therefore in order to REST I must battle unbelief. Or rather I battle unbelief through REST! I am also to stand fast in faith. This standing is also resting. Much like the children of Israel sent their worshipers ahead in the battle and they didn't have to lift a finger to fight, but God fought for them, so it is through our praise that we enter into the rest of God.

It could literally be said that we fight not with swords or even lawsuits but with praise! It was praise that set Paul and Silas free of chains and saved the jailers family!

So I am to lay hold of the absolute fullness of the living force of God that is without beginning and end. I am to labor/be diligent to enter into that rest where I cease from MY works and let God fight my battles for me. 

This rest is not inactive. It may require that I praise when I don't feel like it. It may require I get up, get dressed, and face my enemies and start singing at them. It may require that I started singing God's praise in the middle of a horrible situation when it's the last things I "feel" like doing. But if I will do this; if I will enter the rest through praise, song, hymns, and spiritual songs, making melody in my heart to God, singing His Word... 

God Fights on my behalf. That is REST!

Interlinear Studies:
Hebrews 4 
Timothy 6

Hebrews 4:10-16 (The Webster Bible)
10 For he that hath entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God [did] from his.) 11 Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. 12 For the word of God [is] living, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things [are] naked and opened to the eyes of him with whom we have to do. 14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, that hath passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast [our] profession. 15 For we have not a high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but who was in all points tempted as [we are], [yet] without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

1 Timothy 6:11-12 (The Webster Bible)
11 But thou, O man of God, flee from these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. 12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

Galatians 5:1 WBT
Stand fast therefore in the liberty with which Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Ephesians 6:14 WBT
Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breast-plate of righteousness;

Philippians 4:1 WBT
Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, [my] dearly beloved.

Darrell G. Wolfe

Monday, December 19, 2011

Low Slow

Pastor talked about a lot of great stuff on Sunday. I suggest you watch it:
Sunday 9:00 AM | Emmanuel - God with Us

However what he said at the end of 2nd service really marked my thinking. I have been hearing a theme from God this past year... especially the past few months. He's been asking me to sing to him. Also to enter the rest of prayer. Not rest as in: "Eat the rest of your dinner". But rest as in: "Peace, calm, rest".

Pastor George said: "You need to go into Low-Slow".


In other words: Stop getting worked up, rushed, anxious, etc. Don't let the season rush you. Don't pop in and out of stores at the speed of light frantically trying to get this or that. Rather, shift the gear down on the inside to Low-Slow.

I read an article from Kenneth Copeland talking about prayer. He said sometimes he will go to prayer about something and he will get many ideas come to his mind all at once. He knows that means he needs to shut all that out and wait. Only after entering true peace/rest will his mind shut down and allow his spirit to reign. Than something from God will float to the top. It won't be a struggle but it will be easy.

Hebrews 4:11 NKJV

Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience.

Sometimes I feel like like Doug the Dog from Pixar's movie "Up". "Squirrel!"

But I am learning to enter the rest. It's a slow learning process but I'm getting better every day. I'm even learning that my wife is right a lot of the time. She tries to tell me something and I'm not getting it or not wanting to get it. However I'm still struggling with how to respond appropriately to her insight sometimes.

Lately God's been talking to me about singing to Him. No CD's, no instruments, no guitar. Just singing. Songs as they come. Maybe parts of different songs. Eventually words and music I haven't heard before. Some of it sounds good, some doesn't. But I'm learning to obey him in this. It's allowing me to see the rest side of God like never before.

I'm learning that He can't talk until I shut up. Not just stop talking... but also stop the constant mind flow of words, thoughts, and images. Only after entering true rest inside can I hear Him clearly. Even if my body is moving my mind can be still and know that He Is God!

Darrell G. Wolfe

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Paradox of Excellence

Paradox of Excellence:

Philippians 3:7-9 NKJV
7 But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. 8 Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith;

Philippians 3:7-9 Message
7 The very credentials these people are waving around as something special, I'm tearing up and throwing out with the trash - along with everything else I used to take credit for. And why? Because of Christ. 8 Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant - dog dung. I've dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ 9 and be embraced by him. I didn't want some petty, inferior brand of righteousness that comes from keeping a list of rules when I could get the robust kind that comes from trusting Christ - God's righteousness.

It's a paradox of excellence, this christian life we live. If I am seeking my own fame, name, and fortune, I am likely to fall on my face. If I realize that HE is my fame, name, and fortune and I point to him (not just as an act but truly, inwardly, daily, point to Him) than I can be humbly exalted. To be humble doesn't mean I live in the dirt. It means I place myself under submission to Him. As I submit to God HE exalts me in due time.

I am nothing, of my own strength and accord. But through Him I can move mountains. Jesus points to His disciples and says: You have Faith and YOU can move mountains! He is always pointing back to us and saying "YOU" can do this. "YOU" have been given the authority. You GO and I'll back it! Yet at the same time we come to realize that WE don't heal, HE does. But we have a role to play. James tells us that it's humans that must come to humans, pray the prayer of faith and anoint with oil. But Jesus does the healing. We have a part, He has a part. It's not I that moves mountains. It's Him. BUT He is always pointing back to us. We never have trouble believing that HE can, but rather that we have a part to play. So God chooses to highlight our part rather than his to make the point!

It is our believing words (words that agree with His word) and actions that Jesus presides over as high priest (sees, authors, and causes to come to pass). He is the author and finisher of our faith. But what does that mean? If I go off half wittingly saying something I heard someone say once does that mean I'll get it? Will He endorse my half loaded schemes for wealth? Will He just empower everything my hand touches to prosper? What if it touches something ungodly? Will that prosper too? What context or framework must I understand to get how this life of faith works?

Jesus will cause what he started to come to pass in my life. But there is a catch. There is a hang up. There is a caveat. HE is the author... If He didn't author it you can be sure HE isn't likely to bring it to pass. We come up with all sorts of things. In fact, as we walk closer and closer with him, more and more aware of his presence and voice in our daily dealings, we become more like him. There could come a time where He says: "Hey, you make a decision, I'll back it!" But this comes as we walk IN HIM. He becomes the author and finisher of our faith. He indwells us so clearly and calmly that we couldn't tell if it was him in us or us anyway. In the end, it is HE who is the author. If we do get into HIS script we cannot see HIS blessing empowering us to prosper as it should. There are things he allows us to do that are not on his path, but not completely wrong and there are measures of blessing there. But unless HE is authoring your story you will only see minimal results. You will likely live a life of frustration unless you are seeking HIM as your author. Just do a search for "In Him" through the bible and see what you come up with. It's amazing what we have and are In Him!

What does that mean? It's a great principle but what does that mean? Well. You are an MBA (Masters of Business Administration). You have 10+ years experience leading the corporate world. So there is a new project laid on your desk. You see instantly, through your years of experience how to handle it. Do you:

A. Use your experience and training to handle this new project. Walking confidently in your degrees and background and training.


B. Go to prayer, with the door shut so no one watches or interrupts, and say: "Lord. There is a project here. I have some ideas as to how it should be handled. But I want to always seek your will and insight before I take any steps, mental or otherwise, toward handling this. What would you have me do here? What is your perspective on this?

It was a simple project. Not unlike anything you've done before. But what if it was 2007 and the Markets were about to crash like never before and a multi year recession was about to hit the economy and banks that you thought we always be around were about to fail... Some people saw that coming. MOST did not. The Holy Spirit could lead you through that, making provision for it ahead of time. Altering your plans to do this instead of that. Put this here not there. Etc. He sees things YOUR experience can't see. So until you lay aside your degrees and experiences for HIS wisdom, you will live as a mere man. Natural at best.

So there in lies this paradox. Paul, most likely, used his learning and experience to handle the word like no other man on the planet at that time, maybe since. But he says here in Philippians that he is laying all that down and counting it loss for the EXCELLENCE of knowing Jesus the Anointed One AND His Anointing!

It is the anointing that destroys burdens and removes yokes. Christ (Greek for anointed/anointing) is the one who keeps us free from burden and yokes that would try to hold us back. The only people walking in the freedom to prosper at whatever they put their hand to are those walking in the anointing that Paul refers to here. There is an excellence that the anointing requires. Again, herein lies the paradox. It's not your excellence. You simply acknowledge that you don't have what it takes. You make it your primary job to forget you, because you died the day you got saved/born again. You take up His life. Jesus lives IN you. You seek him 1st thing in the morning, throughout the day, and last thing at night. Not in religious prayer rituals, but in true fellowship.
Getting Practical:

This whole writing so far has been very much written in principle/concept. It all sounds great. But what does that really mean? How do I do this? There are so many things I could write here. Pray at least ten minutes a day. Read, if not study, at least a chapter a day through the bible, find a reading plan through your church, this website, or various other resources. But I'd like to offer just TWO practical skills that I have used to change my life at work and then later as I adapted them to my personal life.

I learned some valuable techniques as a coach/trainer for a call center that I'd like to share with you. One is called QNI. Another is called Post Session Review. What I suggest is that you become your own best coach. Apply these to your life. See what happens. It may feel cheesy at first, just do it. Watch how well it works. The main deal here is, realize that you are a work in progress. Remember that saying we try to relegate to kids all the time: "Please be patient, God's not finished with me yet." It applies to us as adults just as much. If you were mean to someone today, pray, ask for forgiveness from God and move on knowing that you are totally clean from that mess. DO NOT beat yourself up over anything you do. Just consider yourself in training. The important thing here is: Be Coachable.

1. QNI: Quote (What did you do/say), Name (What skill/fruit were you walking in, or not), Impact (What impact did that have on you/others)

2. Post Session Review:
     a. "What did you do well?" or "What went well for you there?"

     b. "What could you have done better next time?" or "What would you like to do differently next time?"


Today you had a rough day at work, came home were short with the kids/wife/dog/whoever... What happened here? 

Q: Lord, today I yelled "Just shut up!" to the dog.
N: That wasn't walking in Love or Patience.
I: The dog is nervous around me and I feel more tense and frustrated.

Post Session Review:
What went well?
I had a decent day at work today. I told someone about a day that had become available for vacation and they may get an extra day added to their holiday time off. I felt good about that.

What would you change?
When I came home I was frustrated because I hadn't hit my sales numbers, and I yelled at the dog. That only served to add to my frustration, and the dog is more tense around me. Next time I will take five minutes or more to reset, pray, forgive people, forgive myself, trust in your kindness, and thank you for the things that went well BEFORE I come in the house.

Wrap Up:
If you take time daily to engage in some self coaching, honestly and openly, you can add to your own productivity. Give it a try!

Darrell G. Wolfe

Monday, December 12, 2011



Philippians 3:8 WBT

Yes doubtless, and I count all things [to be] loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them [to be] dung, that I may win Christ...

  • Websters 1828 Dictionary defines “Excellence” or “To Excel” as:
  •  To go beyond
  • To surpass in good qualities
  • To Outdo
  •  To have good qualities, or to perform meritorious actions, in an unusual degree; to be eminent, illustrious, or distinguished.

  • Thesaurus.Com expounds on “Excellence” as:
  • Superiority, distinction, good, merit, nobility, perfection, quality, significance, value, virtue, worth, rightness, noblesse.

We find then that excellence is defined both in the act of excellence and of being excellent in nature/quality. We see the high quality work of a craftsman as a work of excellence; the work of a Mozart or Bach as a musical work of excellence. We also see that the person themselves can be considered of high quality or value. Thus a person of royal heritage can be called “You excellency”.
Passion can be defined as: “An educated decision that something is worth everything!”
Jesus the Anointed One is worth our every pursuit. He left all he was to spend time on earth and a devils hell to redeem us from the curse. He calls us a treasure hidden in a field. He gave all to purchase us! So Paul tells us:

Philippians 3:8 WBT

Yes doubtless, and I count all things [to be] loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them [to be] dung, that I may win Christ,

Therefore we must spend all our life, time, talent, treasure: Pursing His life in us, His calling in us, His vision for us. For Paul states here that The Anointed One and Anointing of the Anointed One is worth more than anything we pursued beforehand! Anything in our lives that keeps us from pursing Him is worth-less.
This pursuit of the excellence of God permeates and saturates our lives. It is not a Sunday issue. It is a daily, moment by moment issue. Excellence in Christian life requires putting aside certain things to pursue other, more valuable, things. As Paul also taught, now that I am a man, I must put away childish things.  Every degree of excellence we attain will most likely require that we put away or put aside something that has held us back from this level of excellence until now. Is your pursuit of sports and Monday night football worth more than your marriage? Is your career worth more than you child? Is your promotion worth more than your prayer time with God?

As life progresses you will either move toward or away from you calling and purpose. To move away from your calling and purpose is to move toward distraction, delay, and default. It is to engage in a path to spiritual bankruptcy. To move toward your purpose is to move toward clarity, passion, and pursuit. To move toward your calling and pursue your purpose brings all of life’s many options into sharp focus. When you prioritize life in regards to purpose all other options reset and reorder on their own. It becomes clear which items must go and which can stay. When pursuing a passionate purpose the little things can start to become a hindrance and they must go. But you will want them to go, as they will irritate your passion.  These things just naturally fall off as they no longer fit in your pursuit.

This excellence then will consume every part of your life. Your pursuit of the excellence of God causes you to be a better husband, worker, boss, voter, politician, leader, follower, church member, and church leader. It will cause you and me to be more interested in feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the lonely. I will be interested in the strangers, orphans, widows, and those in prisons. You will become one who is known for having a Heart Wide Open to the men and women God created and loved and died for.
This doesn’t mean that we have perfectedour walk. It simply means that we are aiming at and striving after perfection. You will be able to say: Follow Me! As I follow Christ! We’ll all head toward perfection together. 


With special thanks to Jack E. for sparking this post. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Revelation of Jesus

Yeshua Meshiach
Anointed One
Blood Brother
Lamb that was slain
Lion of Judah
My Love
My Passion


Drawn by Akaine Kramarik

Revelation VS Information/Education

Typically artists get a paper/pencil and start to draw, then turn to books and maybe classes. God's original intent was for man to get it on download from Heaven. Learning was secondary to revelation knowledge. Full peoms/paintings ready mind in the minds eye and coming out as natural as breathing into the visual form. Music, Art, Poetry, Books... But also architecture, lawyers knowing what to say, etc... all fields of man's work operating on revelation knowledge.
"When Adam fell, he fell from Revelation to Information" Bill Winston
Adam didn't need to "learn" as we do, until after the fall. He was communicating with God. They Holy Spirit has come to show us all things and lead us into the truth. When we pray about a situation we are getting God's wisdom on download from Heaven! We don't have to rely on what we know or man's knowledge. God can show us how to do something that men have never thought of.

EVERY invention that caused society to have a major breakthrough was God given and God inspired. Unfortunately the Church is so full of people trying to avoid the Wealth that God gave them or so preoccupied in other things that they are able to hear, many times, when God is trying to give them something. So God has had to turn to heathen who are willing to work and cause an invention to come to pass in order to get it into the earth.

No more! God can and will use me and you to bring about new things, inspired things into this planet! When we do it, it will bring Glory to God the Father and to Jesus our Lord!

Darrell G. Wolfe

Friday, December 9, 2011

What did God say again????!

What has God been telling you that you thought you understood but maybe need to go back and ask Him about? Are there instructions He gave that you added to/subtracted from? Is it possible you miss-understood His instruction, even though it was simple. How simple is "Sing to me"? What has God told you? Are you sure that's what He said... the WAY He said it?

On December 7th 2002 I was sitting on a rest stop picnic table. I was smoking, again... I was contemplating joining the Air Force. I finally got approval to go in after trying for three years. I thought I had made up my mind to go in. Little did I know my life was about to have an Damascus road turn around.

The LORD said to me; and I paraphrase it's been a long time:

"If you don't stop smoking you may never sing again." 
"I don't need you to sing to do what I called you to do."

I said to myself: "I don't think He's kidding..." I thought about it for what felt like an eternity (But was probably less than 60 seconds) and put the cigarette down and stomped it out. Ironically I tried to offer the rest of the pack to the attendant at the snack shack there and he said "No, I'm trying to quit." I guess it rubbed off on him too! So I broke that pack up and threw them out.

No withdrawals, no pains, done! Years later, occasionally during times of great emotional stress, I feel a physical/mental/emotional? urge to return to smoking. But I just put that imagination down and keep going without another thought.

Center Photo there is a rock in the water.
Just a few feet off the shore.
Water on all sides, playing worship songs in anger.
That must of been a sight! LOL
Interestingly, the next day I decided to rededicate my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and stop following my own way. I didn't do it nicely either. I just got told by my friends praying mother that: "The Airforce is the best thing that ever happened to my son... and you are not supposed to go. You need to pray about where God's calling you to serve!" With that I was kept for the night when I only meant to stay for an hour... I left the next day heavy in thought and prayer. 08/08/2002 Spiritually reborn.

You see for me the Airforce was Tarshish. Ministry was my Nineveh. I took my guitar to Gaviotta State Beach. I sat out on a rock with my guitar and played worship songs mad at God... weird huh? Finally I broke down and said: "OK FINE! What do you want from me?!?! I'll do anything but preach!" He told me to return to music. I said..."I'll do anything but preach or music..." He said "You asked." I said "OK fine. You make it so clear to me that I am to return to music that I can't deny it was you and I'll do it." He said "Fine." I said "Oh C***... I think He meant that too." That was a Thursday. Sunday a woman who'd never met me or heard of me and I'd never met walked up to me and asked me..."Excuse me..." she said sheepishly at first... "Do you play guitar?" I said "Yes." She said I've been praying about starting a band and I couldn't take my eyes off of you, it was almost like there was a spot light on you all service. If you'd pray about..." I interrupted her. "I don't need to pray about it, God told me about you last Thursday... when do we start?" I also became worship leader/co leader of the Junior High team.

Jericho Tribe the rock worship band was born. Friendships were forged. It didn't last long. I don't know that God may not have a place for it yet... But it started me on a new path. Within less than one year I was baptized in the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues. Became uncomfortable at the church I was at. Became un-needed as worship leader of the Junior High because the pastor wanted to use Cd's for awhile. Un-needed and uncomfortable because tongues wasn't highly thought of... I was ushered into the Pentecostal Church and eventually Word of Faith. I met my wife that year, and we've been working toward the plan of God ever since, despite many self caused detours, mostly by me.

He has also said repeatedly throughout the years "Sing to me like you did when you were young"

So why am I bringing this up now? It's 9.5 years later?

Last night I was singing... and praising God. Praying and Singing by and in the Spirit and tongues... I hit a break through point. I was so used to singing with new vigor, spirit led words, new vocal patterns it was great...

Then the LORD spoke again:
"I said that 

"If you don't stop smoking you may never sing again." 

"I don't need you to sing to do what I called you to do."

However, you took that to mean that music/singing wasn't a part of your calling. It's not primary to your calling, but it's in the fullness of your calling."  

Then it occurred to me that it would be odd for that to mean it wasn't in my calling if the next thing He asked me to do the next day was return to music... it also occurred to me that I'd taken his instruction to sing to him like I did when I was younger and made it about playing worship songs to him on the guitar. I was frustrated with my lack of growth in the guitar so I would put it down, which kept me from growing, which kept me from playing, which kept me from growing... you get the idea...

It occurred to me then... for the first time since he game that instruction which I believe was... 2005-2006 some time... I don't NEED a guitar to sing... HA HA HA! What a concept. I don't need music, Cd's, anything... voice and words are the only requirements for singing. Sometimes I've been known to be a bit dense.

So what now? I guess I don't know what now. I'm going to start by singing... daily... as often as I can. In the car on the way to work... walking through halls, at breaks, lunches, etc... I suppose I'll try to learn/grow further on my guitar... but I think, even as I say that, the guitar must wait until I have built a habit and lifestyle of this singing to God. Then music can be a passion and not a frustrating experience. Yes. I think that's what I'll do. For now. Praise God for his patience.

Who knows... maybe I'll look back at today's post and say: "My my my... that was the start of an amazing set of events!" Just like I do now at that day.

What has God been telling you that you thought you understood but maybe need to go back and ask Him about? Are there instructions He gave that you added to/subtracted from? Is it possible you miss-understood His instruction, even though it was simple. How simple is "Sing to me"? What has God told you? Are you sure that's what He said... the WAY He said it?  

Darrell G. Wolfe

2011 Prophecies by KCM

2011 Prophecies by Kenneth Copeland:

Come On Out!
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on July 8, 2011
Southwest Believers’ Convention
“Oh, in the generations before you there have been moments of uplifting and moments when My people would rejoice and think My, oh how wonderful! And it was wonderful and it was filled with joy and filled with My presence, and many miraculous and wonderful things happened. But those days were like small children playing in a little pond and in spiritual waters up almost to the knees. Oh, isn’t it wonderful? Isn’t it wonderful? And it was wonderful. Because, you see, it was all of the depth that those generations had ever experienced. But these days, these days, I want you to understand,” saith the Spirit of grace, “that you have begun to ride a wave that those before generations brought about and they taught and they preached and they stood and they fought the fight of faith. And for the last 100 years you are now being the product and the recipient and you are up to waters up to here. And you are reaching out for more and I’m sending more,” saith The LORD.
“So come on out into the deep. Come on out! Come on out! Come on out, because I am beginning to take you into the heavenlies. Hallelujah. Heaven and earth, the heavenly realm and the earthly realm, are beginning to touch one another. And so much of the kingdom of darkness is screaming. The devils are screaming, ‘Our time is short! Our time is short! If we don’t get it done now, we won’t get it done at all!’ And for once in their life they got something right. Only they can’t get it done. Their plan is not eternal. Their plan is dying. Their plan won’t do. Your plan is from the heavens. Your plan is eternal. Your plan is in the hand of God, and I’m coming after you,” saith The LORD. “And it’s much sooner than you think.”
The Flood Is On!
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on October 28, 2011
Autumn Assembly of Prayer, Branson, MO
“Now you saw firsthand what a flood and outpouring can do when it falls on natural land and natural things. It goes into places where it never was intended to be. There’ll be water in places where nobody wanted water. And there’ll be water higher than anybody wanted to be. And the water begins to cover up all that you can see but all of the other things begin to float to the top.
“There is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is underway right now. Right now all over this land. The news media doesn’t know it yet, and most Christians don’t know it yet, but the flood is on. The flood is on. The flood is on. I said, ‘The Flood Is On!’ The flood has come. And My Spirit….Are you listening to Me? My Spirit is moving in places where the devil doesn’t want it to be. And My Spirit is moving into areas and getting higher and deeper than most people wanted Me to be.
“But you wait and see. You’ll just see all kinds of things begin to float to the surface. Praise God. You’ll see the power of The LORD begin to float to the surface and begin to bring things out in the open that the devil didn’t want anybody to see. Ah, but you wait and see what happens on the wave of that flood. For it begins to wash in as well as wash out, because when all of the junk washes out, all the good stuff washes in….And the glory of The LORD shall shine round about and the glory of The LORD will be in places that you and most other people had no idea that it would ever shine—people in foreign and funny religions with funny and really silly ideas. “But they are seeking Me,” saith The LORD, “and I am going to manifest Myself to them right in the middle of their funny meetings—right in the middle of their worshiping I don’t know what. I will manifest Myself to them. I will jubilee them into the kingdom of God and show them things that they know not of and they will be glad and you will be glad and the devil will be sad and everybody will be a thrill and a breath away from glory itself. For these are those days,” saith The LORD, “and you will see it happening because it is raining right now. It is raining right now. It is raining right now!”
What About 2012?
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on November 10, 2011
Washington, DC Victory Campaign
“What about 2012? What does it hold? What’s in store? What’s in store for the nations? What’s in store for Israel and what’s in store for the Church? I have a great storehouse. Much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I laid up for you before the foundation of the world. Much more is stored up there than what the Church has ever called for. I never have held back on the Church,” saith The LORD and the God of plenty. “I’ve made it available to you. I put it in My WORD. I gave you a promise and stood behind it with the blood, precious blood of your Savior. But there has been a backwardness in My people about laying hold of the things that I have provided for you. But I will say this: There is a people in the land. There is a people around the world. There is a people strong and mighty, growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold to lay hold and put their claim of faith on the things that I have laid up for you and it thrills Me,” saith The LORD, “because it’s been yours all the time.
“Ah, but what about 2012? 2012 is a year full of surprises. Some surprises are going to shake people up. Some surprises are going to shake people down. But for those who are listening to My voice, those who have made themselves available to My Spirit and to My WORD, you’ll have surprises. Oh, not like the world and not like a lot of carnal-minded Christians. Your surprises will come as suddenlies. Like in My WORD when it said, ‘And suddenly there came upon them.’ And you’ll stand up with a big smile on your face and say ‘I just got a suddenly, didn’t I? Oh! Yes.’ But it’ll not take you by surprise because I said in My WORD I’d show you things to come. I said in My WORD what I speak the Holy Ghost will hear and He will speak it to you. And there are those of you who are seeking My voice and seeking My WORD and seeking My Name and looking at Me in My face while I’m looking at you in your face. And together we’ll walk in this and together we’ll walk through this and there’ll come a time when you’ll just smile at Me and I’ll just smile at you and you’ll say, ‘Ha. Ha. Ha. I knew that all the time. Praise God. My Father showed me that was coming and I was all prepared and it didn’t come on me as a suddenly. But this other surprise that came on me. Oh, what joy. Oh, what thrill. Oh, what goodness. I wonder what else my Father has in store for me. Hallelujah. Praise God.’
“2012? I’ll tell you about 2012. It’s going to be a year of great joy for those who know joy. It’ll be a time of marvelous breakthroughs. This is a time of victory. It’s a time when people begin to realize that My WORD is a living WORD, that My Spirit is the living Spirit, and that you are My voice in the earth. And your voice is the voice of victory. So rejoice and shout and understand that the breakthroughs that you’ve sought and watched over, prayed over, stood in faith for, ah, don’t turn loose now. Don’t turn loose now because they’re at hand. They’re right at hand. They’re right on top of you right now. Praise God. Hey!
“Have no worry. Do not be in fear about the United States of America. Don’t be in fear over the failure of this republic. This is not the time for this nation to fail. I’m not done with it yet. And it may come as a surprise to many; this nation is not done with Me yet,” saith The LORD. Hallelujah.
“We have a job to do. And this year will be like none other where this nation is concerned. And many will say, ‘Oh, woe is us! Oh, woe is us!’ And you know what? Oh, woe will be them.
“And there are others who’ll say, ‘Oh, we can’t win! We can’t win!’ And to them they can’t win.
“Ah, but to those of them who say, ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. This is a time of greatness! America again! Oh, and it’s my nation and it’s God’s nation and we’re right where we’re supposed to be. He has us right where He wants us, and our future is bright because God is still LORD over the United States of America.’
“So rejoice and give forth a glad sound because The LORD of glory is still on the throne and prayer changes things and together we’re going on to greater victory.
“Oh yes! 2012 is a time of miracles. Miracles that seemed as if they would not come but they’re here. There is an atmosphere conducive to miracles that’s been growing and growing and will manifest greatly in the first quarter of 2012 and continue throughout the year and on into 2013. I’ve been looking forward to 2012,” saith The LORD. “I know how it’s going to turn out. I’ve already dealt with it in My WORD. Your future is looking better all the time. But of course you’ll need to look at it through My eyes,” saith the Spirit of grace. “So as I said before, rejoice, for your time has come.”
Watch Me Work!
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on November 10, 2011
Washington, DC Victory Campaign
“You wait and see what the next 14 months, 15 months, 16 months, 17months, 18 months bring to those who insist on living and walking by faith. You just watch and see,” saith the Lord. “You want to see what I can do in this earth? You want to see what I can do when the rest of the world is flat of its face, not to praise Me, but have their face pushed in the mud by the devil? You want to see what the power of the Resurrection is like? Then you begin to praise Me and you begin to worship Me every day and you put My Word first place in your life and you get up every morning and shout, ‘Everything is going to be all right!’ You enter into My rest,” saith the Lord. “You enter into My way of doing things. You take your rest with Me and you put yourself, place yourself in the secret place of the Most High and watch Me work in your life. Watch Me work in the life of your children. Watch Me work in the life of your nation. Watch Me work in this world. You watch Me work for the next 18 months and you’ll be glad you came,” saith the Lord. “I’ll do this thing. I’ll do it. For you are the very center of My attention. In My eyes you are second to none. For you see, even in My own eyes you’re not second to Jesus. You’re joint heir with Him. I see you in Him, and I see Him in you. And our time has come and you just rest in Me and smile every morning and say, ‘God loves me and everything is going to be all right. God loves me and everything is going to be all right. God loves me and everything is going to be all right.’”
Continue to Walk in My Love!
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on November 10, 2011
Washington, DC Victory Campaign
“You’re going to see the same example take place in the very near future because people have begun to thumb their nose in My face. I’m not to the point where I will not forgive, but I have turned many things and many people over to a reprobate mind. And when you get in that position, then you have cut Me completely out of the influence. And when that happens you will bring certain spiritual laws into motion that, even though you repent, you don’t have time to turn it around. And the results will take place while you’re still stuttering and wondering what you did wrong. So stay prayed up. Stay looking up and continue to walk in My love and you will know things that other people can’t seem to know, and you’ll do things successfully that they’ve tried and couldn’t do because your house is built on THE rock. And your doors are open so that the guy that has the sinking house next door will have somewhere to run.”
‘I’m Raising Up a People’
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on November 12, 2011
Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign
“I’m moving by My Spirit,” saith The LORD. “I’m raising up a people that will listen to what I say. I’m raising up a people that will believe My WORD and are glad and thrilled to lay hold and lay claim what I say in My WORD. Those that have a desire to be like Me and are not afraid to stand up and by faith receive it, and walk in it, and let this mind be in them that was also in Me, and think it not robbing Me to be like Me, and to claim to be like Me, because I called you and I filled you and I have thrilled you. And I have more for you than you can imagine!”

Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This Present Darkness
By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
Knife of Dreams
A Memory of Light
The Path of Daggers
He Who Fights with Monsters 10
He Who Fights with Monsters 9
He Who Fights With Monsters 8
He Who Fights with Monsters 6
He Who Fights With Monsters 7
He Who Fights with Monsters 5
He Who Fights with Monsters 4
He Who Fights with Monsters 3
He Who Fights with Monsters 2
He Who Fights with Monsters
[ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Horse and His Boy

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