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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Tipping Your Restaurant Server... Not Optional

Tipping Your Restaurant Server... Not Optional

This article will be written to educate the every day restaurant diner, and may be insight for those that are considering going into restaurant work.

OK, so you may or may not know this. But here it is. I worked in the Full Service Restaurant Industry as a Busser, Host, and Server. I was a server for over 5 years. You know what stereo types permeate EVERY restaurant I worked at in TWO states? You know what most servers believe without any doubt? It may or may not be true, but here is what MOST servers believe:

The worst tippers in the world are: Christians

You know what's REALLY sad? The Christian servers believe it too! Did you know that Sunday Afternoon is the MOST hated shift of all servers, even those who have NO religious affiliation and do not go to Church? They don't care about Sunday or not Sunday. It's the people they must serve they want to avoid. 

Here is the expectation of servers around the country, because I've worked with servers who have migrated throughout the country. If you serve a group of "Church People", which in their mind are the worst kind of Christians, you can expect this:
  • Large Parties full of people that are:
    • Loud, Obnoxious, Rude, Demanding, Special Needs, Special Requests.
  • Waters all around! Not because they are healthy people, because they are cheap!
    • For those who aren't cheap there may be some Tea and Lemonades maybe a few Sodas. No alcohol or drinks.
    • Note: This isn't bad, but consider that alcoholic drinks are a large part of the bill for most Non Christian Tables... Many times people order multiple and pay per drink, unlike your free refills.
      • Maybe you should consider that when figuring your TIP percentage
  • A BAZILLION separate checks. "This party of 18 needs 20 separate checks", some of them want to split their own items onto two different CC's.
    • This means TONS of time at the computer trying to figure out what went where, and for whom, because you moved 16,000 times during the evening. 
    • Oh, and can you split that desert into three and put it on mine, that girls down there, and the other guy's check WAY down there? 
    • Really!? Can't someone just buy the silly desert for the other two?
    • IN FACT, Separate Checks almost always goes hand in hand with bad tipping. Both come from the same mentalities. 
    • 10% IF the server is lucky
  • The whole time the server is wondering how his other tables, the ones who will actually pay him, are doing because your special needs are taking up all his time.
I have to tell you, I'm a believer and I CRINGE at the idea of serving a group of Church People from MOST churches around the country. Especially if they are from any of the denominations. They are the worst, statistically.

At the end, I'll talk about a few stories gone right and wrong. 

Origin of Tipping

First of all what is a TIP? Wiki explains it's current usage:
tip (also called a gratuity) is a sum of money tendered to certain service sector workers for a service performed or anticipated. Such payments and their size are a matter of social custom. Tipping varies among cultures and by service industry. In some circumstances, such as with U.S. government workers, receiving of tips is illegal.[1]

T.I.P.S. (To Ensure Proper Service)?

Snopes informs us that the idea of the word "TIPS" having it's origins as an acronym for To Ensure Proper Service, or other variations, is not true to the origin of the word. Snopes tells us the true Etymology:
Tip is an old word, and it has nothing to do with either acronyms or the act of attempting to influence quality of service. Although the word has many meanings, both as a verb and as a noun, the use of the term as it applied to monetary rewards to servants dates to the 1700's....Tip slipped into the language as underworld slang, with the verb "to tip" (meaning 'to give to' or 'to share') being used by shady characters as part of the then current argot of petty criminals. 
Although this may not be the origin, it still has a certain ring to it that sound right. You are getting service and you are paying of it. What kind of service do you want?

There are a variety of positions that are, the USA, known as "Tipped Positions". This article is primarily about Tipping Servers in a full service restaurant setting. A tip in a restaurant situation happens when you are presented your Bill of Sale for the items you purchased. I ask you to stop for a moment and ask yourself this question:

"Why did I go to the "Full SERVICE Restaurant" and not to the "Fast Food" place?

The food is often better prepared at a full service restaurant. But let's walk through the experience of both for a moment.

Fast Food:

  • You stand and stare at the menu, order what you want from a person who is likely still in high school, or just out, who may or may not get your order just right. (Or you do the same thing from your car and take your chances it's right before you drive away)
  • If you went inside, you went and filled up your drink, grabbed your tray of food that is now ready, and found a seat somewhere, unless of course it's lunch time on Saturday and there ARE no seats and then you just stand there hoping someone gets up and you get there first. 
  • Then you either deal with a dirty table and ketchup spots, or you flag some person down with a towel to wipe it, or you just do it yourself with your handy Wet Wipes! 
  • Now you are either by yourself and have to leave your stuff to go get your refill, or you are dealing with kids in the play room and have to go get it... you see my point... 
  • Ooops... I forgot to get napkins and ketchup, and that silly little sauce packet for the nuggets! Up, and down, and up and down and up again... Whew! This is exhausting, next time I'm going to a Full Service Restaurant! 

Full SERVICE Food:

  • You report to the desk and give your name to be seated. Sometimes, if it's slow you are seated right away. If you are silly you went during peak hours like the rest of the throngs of people and you wait an hour first. (Go between 2-4pm, before 11am, or after 8pm if you want to seat faster!)
  • You are seated and presented with menu's and told your server will be right with you. A man/woman approaches your table, introduces him/her self and asks to take drink orders. 
  • As you are peacefully, comfortably, seated, taking your time to read over the menu with no-one behind you in some line waiting impatiently, your drink is being gathered and brought "All By Itself", imagine that! Most of the time there is some other wonderful little treat being brought to you too, bread and butter, chips and salsa, etc. You know who is doing that? Your server!
  • You order, usually with minor or major changes to the original item. Your server writes it down, repeats it back to you, and then reviews the order again on before submitting it to the kitchen.
  • He/She brings refills, brings condiments, anticipates your needs, asks clarifying questions. He has memorized (or carries a good copy of) any specials or "Need-to-knows". Carefully guides you when you are undecided or have an allergy or special need. You expect your banker to know why a fee occurred  and so you rightly expect your server to take his job seriously and know some things about the menu for you. 
  • If you ordered multiple courses the server, and his assistants, clear things from your table to make room for more. They bring fresh silverware if needed. 
  • (Meanwhile, they are doing the same things for between 3-8 other tables!) How well do YOU multitask?
  • When all is done you pay the bill. On the TIP line you write:
    • ?????????????

Behind the Scenes

Here's what you don't see, besides what I just described. In most restaurants around this country the servers are paid LESS THAN minimum wage. The average pay for a server in most restaurants in most states is about $2.13/Hour. How can that be? How can you earn less than Minimum Wage. Isn't that why it's called Minimum? See Wiki's Min Wage Doc. It has a list of all the states that do this.

Well, it's legal, and it's called a TIP OFFSET WAGE. It barely pays the income tax withholding's after declaring the tip income. The employer figures YOU the diner are paying their server their income, so they don't have to pay them the true minimum wage. They pay them $2.13 and you pick up the rest! So out of that 10% you left them they don't make much over Min Wage.

But wait, there's more! In most restaurants the server has assistants who help. Bussers, Food Runners, and Bar are almost always tipped by the server to make their jobs easier. Part of your tip is going to the bartender, even if you didn't order a bar drink. Some places also require tips to the "To Go" person or the Host/Hostesses. In general it's typical for the server to have to tip out about 3% to the Busser, 1% to the Bar, and 1% to the Food Runner. Percentages may vary, but you can figure about 4-6 percent of what you leave that server will go to people other than him/her. Sometimes it's a percentage of sales and sometimes a percentage of tips received. So you left the server $10, they walk away at the end of the night with $6, or less.

Because of this, YOU are the primary source of income for servers in the USA. NOT the employer. That 4-6 table section is the servers business and storefront. You are the patron. Think of the server NOT as an employee of the company, but more like a contracted business person. They are there to provide a service to you. You came for a reason.

Behind the scenes, the server is filling salt and pepper shakers, condiments are being refilled and restocked, floors are being swept, tables cleaned, reset, and benches brushed down. Bread and Butter is being cut for you. Lemons and Limes are being hand cut by the Servers, not the cooks. Soda machines are fed by heavy soda syrup boxes. Those are being reloaded by the servers and bussers. Communications is being had between the chefs and servers to get your special needs done right. Orders are being placed into the computer while 15 things are going through their head.

"Did I get that? What else do I need to do? Why do I feel like I"m forgetting something? OH shoot! I forgot to put that order in before going over there, it's already been 5 minutes. I put THIS order in 20 minutes ago, why isn't it ready yet? The cook dropped it and had to start over?! WHAT?!... " and on and on the thought go. It's thoughts racing from moment one to the end. That's why MOST servers go out for a drink after, to calm the brain down.

Some servers in a family casual restaurant make $15,000-$30,000 per year. Some servers in higher end restaurants make $30,000 - $50,000 per year. Some servers in Fine Dining (and ultra Fine Dining)(that means LOT'S of extra service steps for the server to remember and do) make upwards of $50,000 - $80,000.

9 times out of 10, that money comes from you, not the restaurant. You, and 10 other tables choose to tip badly, or not at all, that server goes home with nothing to show for it and mouths to feed at home. Most servers live not check to check, but day to day. Literally tonight's tips are gas to get home. If you paid less than $30 per person (before tip), the likelihood is that your server is living this day to day lifestyle. Your tip may be the difference between them eating tonight or not. And no, most restaurants do NOT give their employees free food. They may get 20-50% off, but they can't afford even that most of the time.

Most servers have no benefits. No medical, dental, vision. No paid vacations. No 401(k)'s. If they do have something, it's meager and practically worthless. Few restaurants offer any benefits to servers, those that do take them away the moment they average less than 30 hours a week for a while.

At the end of the night, they must take ALL the credit card receipts and add them up on a calculator, first all the totals, then all the subtotals and tips to make sure it all matches. All the CC's they run add more work to their night. Split checks causes a TON more work at the end.


  1. It is considered standard in the restaurant industry, among servers, to TIP 20%. 
  2. Anything less than 20% means they did something wrong. 
  3. If you leave 10% you are insulting them. 
  4. If you leave a Penny it's like you called them cuss words and slapped them. 
  5. If you leave nothing but a Bible Gospel Tract, you are just one of those Christians they hear so much about. They won't read it. It will go straight to the trash. Think about, do YOU like to read those? I've never seen one that was fun to read, have you? There are a few that are cute. But they are all too heavy handed, and turn most people off before the message is truly delivered. 

Christians' Standards

Christians should leave AT LEAST 20% in all cases, and go up from there!

No Christian should EVER tip less than 20%, even for bad service! Why? Because it's not about YOU! It's about your witness to and for Jesus. Jesus will deal with them. Romans 12:19 tells us that it is God's duty to avenge you. If you feel you were down right wronged, purposefully treated badly, because you were a Christian, turn the other cheek!

First of all, did you do or say anything that could have led to that service? Servers are usually thermometers, they are reading back to you what you are giving them.

Second, maybe they have had their fill with Christians and you are just another one. They saw you pray over the meal, heard you talk about church, saw your necklace, bracelet, convention badge, etc. And they've had enough of "Your Kind". You may be reaping the rewards of past Christians "efforts". Your bad tip now confirms what they already know about you!
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:18
In a great short article on this subject Olga Hermans points out that our unintended behavior has a direct impact on the world around us. People could be rejecting Jesus by OUR example and what we do, say, and how we behave. Tipping is not about your experience, it's about leaving an impression that will carry someone into eternity.

Matthew 10:8 tells us that we have freely received and we should freely give. For God so loved the world that HE GAVE...(John 3:16)

Christians SHOULD BE the most generous people on the planet. We don't give to get, although God's Word promises that we will reap what we sow. Gal 6:7 The purpose of accumulation is distribution. God blesses us, Spiritually, Physically, and Financially, so that we can GIVE to the world around us. That giving causes the world around us, the receivers of our giving, to be thankful to God! 2 Cor 9.

Tips aren't about you, it's about eternity. Do you want to be guilty of being one of the ones who showed a person that Jesus is a stingy, rude, demanding god who doesn't love them? Or do you want to be "guilty" of loving too much, showing too much grace, giving too much. Do you want to be the one that makes someone say: "Maybe there is something to this Christianity, that persons brand anyway... I wonder where they go to Church?"


On this note, let's talk about tracts. It's very common for business people to leave a business card. Some insurance person leaves their card, hoping that if you need insurance you'll call him. Some MLM person leaves their card hoping you'll buy their product. Do you know what they all know that Church People don't? Impressions! No business person leaves their card after having been rude, loud, obnoxious, and leaving a bad tip!

Yet Christians do this ALL THE TIME! How do we expect people to "buy" what we have to "sell" when we act this way? It's amazing. Also, most bible tracts are heavy on identifying sin and light on preaching grace. They are the source of jokes and ridicule in most restaurants. In fact, I don't know one person, ever especially not a server, that was led to Jesus though a bible tract. I'm sure it's happened. I'm sure it's possible. God will use anything he can to reach someone at just the right time.

However almost everyone I've ever met that was saved, was saved through one-on-one witness or through anointed teaching in a church service. It's usually not that heavy handed one-on-one witness you see on streets either. It's usually a friend reaching a friend, and talking like friends. It's not scripted, there are no hand outs, it's just loving someone into the Kingdom of God.

If you want to leave information with them, ask them to your Church, or in any way communicate with them that you are a Christian, BUY their attention! "What's in it for me?" is what every business sales person has to ask himself about his client. If I don't tell them what's in it for them, they will never buy this product, despite ALL it's features and benefits. Why should they buy? That's the question you want to ask about them. Sure YOU know it could help them, but if THEY don't see any value, they will not buy.

Am I selling the Gospel now? Kind of... yes. I'm asking for your attention, you are "Paying Attention". People only "PAY" attention when it's worth their time to do so. They will PAY attention when they see value in doing so. You want to buy that attention from a server?

I know of one man who would come in and lay out $20 into the servers hand with this statement. "I just want to let you know I'm not a cheap skate. That $20 has nothing to do with your tip, that will still come at the end. I just want to let you know that we appreciate you."

That get's servers attention. However, it may also put undue pressure on the server to try to preform to a higher level and may add more stress. It could be viewed as coercion or blackmailing or being too pushy. I don't advise tipping before like that, but I tell it to make a point. Good tipping does buy their attention.

I advise NOT leaving tracts; EVER! 

If you want to leave something that they could follow up on, leave a business card with a website to your favorite ministry, unless you have a ministry of your own and leave that card. Make sure the ministry website is high quality, full of Faith and Grace. Any good ministry website will have information about getting saved and going to Church, but it won't BEAT them over the head with it either. The website, TOO should be written with: "What in it for them?" in mind.

If you want them to contact YOU with questions since YOU are the point of contact, leave your email or phone or website. Leave a personal, hand written, LEGIBLE, note on the back of the card thanking them. Make SURE it's carried with a LARGE tip!

What SHOULD I do as a Christian?

  • Be EXTRA kind and attentive. 
    • STOP talking EVERY TIME they come to your table and give them your full attention.
    • Please and Thank You go a long way
    • SMILE, are you GLAD you are saved?
  • Ask for special things at one time, don't make them run to your table 50 times. 
  • Ask them what THEY need to make this go smoother for you and them? 
    • "You tell US when YOU are ready or how this would be easiest for you?"
    • Especially important on big parties.
  • Don't ask for split checks! Really?
    • If you MUST split checks, encourage your party to split as few ways as possible and leave bigger tips for all the extra work that entails. I've had it take me an extra 30 minutes to split, process, and close out split checks for large parties. You want to make they do all that work, pay them extra for it. And make SURE your party does so. Take the leadership role and explain what being a witness means and that they had better leave 20+% or else!
  • Leave MORE than 20% How much more? 
    • More if they did over and above
    • More if YOU cause them more work
    • More if you asked for special things, modified an order, or asked for split checks. 
    • Split checks should really cause a 50% tip.
    • Large Parties should be extra. 2% per person over the standard 20%
    • Are you about to leave a tract or card? BUY that attention! 


Kenneth Copeland Ministries

When I worked Ruth's Chris Steak House after the 2007-2008-2009 West Coast Believers Conventions there was one common thing I heard from the servers. I had the honor of serving someone in a leadership role there and they were extremely kind, pleasant to be around and serve, and left extravagant tips. Nearly all of the attendees at a KCM Convention are givers and have a givers heart. So hundreds of them descend on the restaurants it's a sight to behold.

I would hear from servers over and over all week, did you SEE that tip I got from table 23? I didn't do anything all that special. These are really cool people! I can assure you that givers get attention, and leave positive lasting impressions. What do you think those servers think about Jesus?

Jesse and LeRoy

I may get the details wrong, but the essence of this story goes like this: Jesse Duplantis and a friend (I believe it was LeRoy Thompson went out to eat. This server was GOOD. It was slow and she went out and got them a newspaper because they asked if there were any in the back maybe that someone had brought and left. She talked about her schooling and other things.

They started a give-off! At end of the meal, Jesse said "I want to help you with that school..." or something like that Well he takes out cash from his pocket and starts laying out $100 bills. LeRoy says, "Oh no you don't I want to help too, so HE starts laying out $100 bills." Well then they pull out their check books when they run out of cash. I don't remember right, and couldn't find the story being told, I'll keep looking for it, but I want to say it was in the $10,000 plus range that she walked out of there with that night.

Some religious nut will say that story is about extravagance and greed... HOW?! That lady got her need met because two men who love Jesus gave! Jesus gave his best for you, couldn't you give your best for him!?

Pastor's Intervention

I attended a ministry meeting at a local restaurant. It was led by the pastor. Some 20 plus people were there. At the end, someone started to ask for a split check and the Pastor stood up and said: "No. Don't split anything. You bring the check, the whole check, to me. Now, you all pay ME and I will pay her."

This saved that woman from an hours worth of work trying to split items for people at different parts of the table, run, deliver and then close all of those credit cards, then tally them up on a calculator receipt at the end of the night.

Jr High Desert Fest

There have been enough stories earlier of what NOT to do, but here is one that I felt needed to be said. One church, who is generally accepted as a great (and large) church in the area, wanted to treat all their Jr High kids to desert. So instead of buying the deserts in bulk and serving them at the church, wise idea, they brought 80+ kids into a Full Service Restaurant  Tied up some 20-30 tables and 6 servers for nothing but desert and made those servers stay an extra 3 hours past the time they would have gone home. Then it was paid for on one check, but only left a 15% TIP. This was a "What NOT do to" moment.

Church leaders. Consider the people who will NOT likely want to visit your church after pulling a stunt like this?

Personal Life Story

One day, I was tired, working two jobs, 60 hours a week. I was feeling foggy and disoriented. The managers were seating me when I told them not to because I needed a mental break. I had a four table section but one was a bad seat, no one wants to sit there so it hadn't been sat most of the night. I didn't see them for a longer time than it should have been. Drinks were late getting to them and refills were long between. Food came out on time, but I don't remember why, something was wrong with it. They got by far the worst service I think I've given in my career, and by this time I'd already been serving 5 years I was NOT new. If I were them I'd want to leave nothing, complain to the manager, and maybe never come back. Worst of all, I smiled, did my best to catch up with them, but secretly resented them for being there at the table that no-one sits at, because if that table was empty I would be caught up, but instead I was falling further and further behind.

Do you know what they did? They left me nearly 25% and wrote on the ticket: "My Jesus really love you, it's going to be ok." (or something like that). I nearly broke down and cried when I saw it. I felt horrible, not only for the service I gave, and their experience, but because of how I had felt about them. Their giving did more, by the work of the Holy Spirit, that night, than anything they ever could have said negative would have. It melted by hard heart, and I returned to work the next day on a mission to serve Jesus twice as hard for my customers the next day. I don't know that I'll ever see them this side of heaven, but I will take this time to say publically... THANK YOU Table 81!


Ask yourself...

  • Who do I live for? Me? Them? or Jesus?
  • What kind of wake do I leave behind me when I have visited someone's life?
  • What kind of Jesus do I represent? Who do people think my Jesus is after meeting me?
  • How will my actions, needs, requests today impact the servers life?
Then stop for a moment, the next time you are at a Full Service Restaurant. Look around. 
  • Ask yourself what that person is doing? 
  • How many tables are they serving? 
  • Jesus said he came not to be served, but to serve. How you can YOU serve the server? 
  • What look do they have on their face? Worried? Mad? Sad? Happy? Fake Happy?
Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

See Also: Tip Your Servers, Christians

Tweet These:

More about BeStillBeLed <here>

And now I leave you with a question:

So... what are your thoughts about this? What did this make you think about? 

Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe or on Google +DarrellWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe


The Following are hits I found in my research of what others have said on this topic:

Sunday, November 25, 2012

The BLESSING of Joseph

Job 36
4 For truly my words are not false; One who is perfect in knowledge is with you.
The ONE who is perfect in knowledge is Jesus. Elihu : (El being the name of God, Elihu means "He is my God".) Elihu is a type and shadow of Jesus who is to come. He is the only one of the speakers in Job who is not rebuked by God. He comes as a prophet and messenger of God. His entire speech to Job is riddled with the message of Jesus and a foreshadowing of His coming. It is Jesus that we turn to, and Jesus that is our light and life.
11 If they obey and serve Him, They shall spend their days in prosperity, And their years in pleasures.
This is a promise to every born again believer to this day. If I will obey God and Serve Him I will spend my days in prosperity and my years in pleasures! But What does it mean to serve and obey Him? He is not looking for religious rituals and outer service. Jesus showed us that our service to God is a heart first service. Let us take a look at Joseph, one of the greatest examples of prospering despite adversity in the bible.

Genesis 39
8 But he refused and said to his master's wife, "Look, my master does not know what is with me in the house, and he has committed all that he has to my hand. 9 There is no one greater in this house than I, nor has he kept back anything from me but you, because you are his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"
This woman is trying to sleep with him. But she is not Joseph's wife, she's not even a single lady looking to get a man, she is his Bosses wife! Now that is a predicament to be in. As a server for 5 years in restaurants I know the life of a servant. Hospitality and Service breed with them a desire to do anything it takes to please your guests and do what it takes to make them comfortable and happy. It is bad service to deny someone something you could get them if it's in your power to do it. Many times, if the guest is particularly friendly, we may feel the need to go out of our way to make something happen for them that is not on the menu or is not usually done. Not only that, but Joseph is a man with inner hormones like any other man, he must at least feel some pressure to give in to this request, however faint. This request, however, is outside of the realm of things that are proper and good for Joseph to do.
10 So it was, as she spoke to Joseph day by day, that he did not heed her, to lie with her or to be with her.
This wasn't just a one time request. This lady is after him DAILY. Every day she's asking him to do this. I would have thought of telling her husband... "Um... Listen sir... there is a problem and I really don't know how to tell you this... I don't want to cause problems here.... Your wife is asking me to go to bed with her..." Sure that would cause ruffles but at least I'd be in the clear. That may have been the one error here, Joseph is not wanting to upset anyone, so he keeps telling her no and hoping it will go away. As a man with a servants heart he doesn't want her to get into trouble either so he just keeps turning her down hoping she'll be giving up. But that doesn't happen. Eventually she is so frustrated by his turning her down that she decides to get back at him and cause him trouble. This is bad for her, but she doesn't know it. Her whole house was prospering because of Joseph. Her and her husband will be worse off for having treated Joseph this way. I think the master knew something was up and that Joseph wasn't totally at fault here because he could have had him killed. In the end he only through him in jail.
20 Then Joseph's master took him and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were confined. And he was there in the prison. 21 But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison. 22 And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand all the prisoners who were in the prison; whatever they did there, it was his doing. 23 The keeper of the prison did not look into anything that was under Joseph's authority, because the Lord was with him; and whatever he did, the Lord made it prosper.
Now Joseph is in prison and it's not his fault. He's been framed! So of course he goes into a 3 year depression spell and throws a self pity party... ? That's what I would have done. But He is back at it again, servants heart going to work immediately. He's just listening to and obeying God every step of the way. It's God's favor on Joseph that is caused him to prosper, and he knows it. Therefore he pays no attention to circumstances or situations. He is not relying on his position to prosper him, he is relying on his FAVOR. That is the word I see repeated in his life story. Favor and Mercy were his greatest tools of prosperity.

We see in Hebrews more elaboration about another aspect of Joseph, his Faith. (Heb 11:22 Joseph gave instructions to his kids regarding future events... he did it by faith. Even after years as the vice president of the greatest nation on earth he was living by faith up to the end.) Joseph himself was a type and shadow of another servant leader, Jesus.

Jesus, the greatest servant of them all came to serve and not to be served, Matthew 20:28. What does Hebrews say about Jesus greatest trail? When Jesus was facing the cross how did he overcome that ordeal?

Hebrews 12
1 Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
For the JOY set before Him he endured the cross... What Joy was set before him? You and I. We would become his brothers and sisters in a new and glorious kingdom. That kingdom is living in us now. We are ambassadors of that kingdom here on this earth. We are imposing and enforcing the Word of God as final authority in this earth today as citizen's of that kingdom. Just as an ambassador in another country is there to see to the interests of his home country in the country he resides in so too we see to the interests of our king in this foreign land. So what JOY is set before us? THE BLESSING of the THE KINGDOM OF GOD. We are sent into barren lands to do the same things Joseph did. He didn't get sent to prosperous places to get prospered. He got sent to places that needed God and the BLESSING inside of him created prosperity everywhere he went. THAT is our mission and our message on this planet.

Whether we be at work, ministry, play, or just shopping at the grocery store, we are to constantly mindful of THE BLESSING that is in us and on us. How are my actions co-operating with that BLESSING right now?

But wait! Before we think it's automatic where did Joseph's BLESSING come from? Abraham, Issac, and then his Father Jacob all had it passed down to him and his brothers. So if that blessing was available to all 12 kids, why was Joseph the only one walking in it? There is no direct answer in the bible about this. But if you look at the life and actions of these kids there is a clear delineation between his 10 oldest brothers and him. (The youngest who is younger than Joseph is not really mentioned until later).

Then, just to give us example and contrast we are given the story of  Judah. Right smack dab in the middle of Joseph's story we are taken aside and told about Judah first. Here is a man who is NOT looking to do the right thing. His first two children displeased and angered God. He did not consult God on where to live, where to take a wife, or how to conduct his life. There is not mention one time that Judah has God on his mind at all. Then he deceives his daughter in law and robes her of her rightful inheritance. This action wasn't just about loosing a husband. In ancient culture a woman with no husband or son was in poverty. He literally was robbing her.

Notice: BOTH stories involve how a man deals with sexual issues. One who has no right to withhold withholds and is cursed. One who has no right to give withholds and is BLESSED. God cares how women are treated. But more importantly he cares about how we mind Him and His BLESSING and His ways in all we do. It's not just about having a servants heart, that is merely part of it.

Ultimately the common denominator with Jesus and Joseph is that both had God and God's ways on their mind. Constantly. We must have our mind saturated with the Word of God and His BLESSING. This doesn't just mean thinking about bible verses, although this is important. It means having THE BLESSING in mind in all decisions. When you speak about that person, customer, co-worker, table, whoever is involved. Are you speaking to them/about them in Love? With THE BLESSING as your motivation? Let THE BLESSING affect your words, actions, etc...

THAT will cause the breakthrough you are waiting for. If you find yourself depressed at work, angry at people or situations... it's because you are not operating with THE BLESSING as your primary thought and motivation.


I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

For other sites by Wolfe Family Conceptions: 

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also N2 Good Success:

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 
Print Edition

Kindle Edition

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Nation on the Brink of Civil War... Or Revival... Or both?

A Nation on the Brink of Civil War... Or Revival... Or both?

          This is the most amazing article I've read regarding the state of the United States of America. It summarizes where we've been and what lies before us. We have some lessons we can learn. I suggest you reading this.
It’s a difficult Thanksgiving season. The nation is deeply divided, facing serious threats abroad and an uncertain economy at home. An unpopular war drags on, and the controversial incumbent president, after a bitter and divisive campaign, has just won re-election with barely 50 percent of the popular vote.
Welcome to November 1812. The war against the British is going badly. President James Madison, after winning a landslide victory in 1808, almost lost this time around. The citizens of a worried nation, in between the name-calling and rancor, nervously ask one another what exactly there is to be thankful for. Is it possible that the solutions of their fraught age could hold lessons for ours? ...Continue Reading
          We must find a way to heal the land. But how? The ideals the two sides fight for could not be more opposite. But are there just two sides? Which two sides? Both Republicans and Democrats are full of Satan's forces, and peppered with God's. The real issues differ depending on which person you talk to. Both sides are filled with Christians who have sold them selves to a party that doesn't truly serve their best interest.

          God's platform is not Republican or Democrat. It's not really even "Conservative" or "Liberal". It's God's! When Christians can sit down and talk to each other about the things God wants to see happen for the nation. THIS nation is his launching pad for ministry and ministries to the world. THIS nation will be the source and and funding for the spreading of the message of THE BLESSING and the Word of God around the world.

          The Bible has rules about treating people fair, fair business practices, but it also limits government, and authorities. So here's a thought. What if all the real Christians got together to talk... we could either control both parties... or form our OWN coalition government... now that would be an idea!

Darrell G. Wolfe

Have questions about anything I said here? Disagree? Have an update? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 
Print Edition

Kindle Edition

A Nation on the Brink of Civil War... Or Revival... Or both?

A Nation on the Brink of Civil War... Or Revival... Or both?

          This is the most amazing article I've read regarding the state of the United States of America. It summarizes where we've been and what lies before us. We have some lessons we can learn. I suggest you reading this.
It’s a difficult Thanksgiving season. The nation is deeply divided, facing serious threats abroad and an uncertain economy at home. An unpopular war drags on, and the controversial incumbent president, after a bitter and divisive campaign, has just won re-election with barely 50 percent of the popular vote.
Welcome to November 1812. The war against the British is going badly. President James Madison, after winning a landslide victory in 1808, almost lost this time around. The citizens of a worried nation, in between the name-calling and rancor, nervously ask one another what exactly there is to be thankful for. Is it possible that the solutions of their fraught age could hold lessons for ours? ...Continue Reading
          We must find a way to heal the land. But how? The ideals the two sides fight for could not be more opposite. But are there just two sides? Which two sides? Both Republicans and Democrats are full of Satan's forces, and peppered with God's. The real issues differ depending on which person you talk to. Both sides are filled with Christians who have sold them selves to a party that doesn't truly serve their best interest.

          God's platform is not Republican or Democrat. It's not really even "Conservative" or "Liberal". It's God's! When Christians can sit down and talk to each other about the things God wants to see happen for the nation. THIS nation is his launching pad for ministry and ministries to the world. THIS nation will be the source and and funding for the spreading of the message of THE BLESSING and the Word of God around the world.

          The Bible has rules about treating people fair, fair business practices, but it also limits government, and authorities. So here's a thought. What if all the real Christians got together to talk... we could either control both parties... or form our OWN coalition government... now that would be an idea!

Darrell G. Wolfe

Have questions about anything I said here? Disagree? Have an update? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 
Print Edition

Kindle Edition

Monday, October 8, 2012

Credit Cards

Credit Cards


"I've heard that you have to get a credit card to build credit, but so many people build up credit card debt and I'm afraid to do it... "

" I was told to get a credit card and put a $300 balance on it and make payments on it for 6 months to year... I'm very concerned because I've heard so much about credit cards causing harm..."

"I had a card when I was young and totally messed up my life with it... I don't want another one..."

"I don't want to use a credit card, I pay cash for everything..."


I want to take a moment to talk about credit cards. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and The Not As Ugly As You Think Because You Aren't Thinking Of Them Right... Is that too long?

What you are about to read takes me 30 minutes to an hour to explain verbally with people sometimes, because they ask questions and I have to keep checking for understanding. It took me two hours to write. You can read it in less than 10 minutes. 

**If you read nothing else, read the end: How does a credit card affect you?**

The Bad and Ugly

Credit Card Debt... is evil! It's a tool of the enemy to keep you subject to fear and bondage. Satan has designed this debtors system from the ground up. Every time you vote for a person, from either party, that wants more Government Spending, you are voting for more debt. Debt is BAD. The Borrower becomes a servant or slave to the lender. After years of working with people's finances I can assure you this is TRUE!

Is debt a sin? No. God said that he'd make you a lender and not a borrower. Well, you can't lend to people if it's a sin, because you'd be helping them sin and God doesn't empower you to help people sin. But it's not God's Highest will for any person to be in or stay in debt. 

A young child get's out of high school and goes to college and gets a credit card. He sees an $800 limit. He's never even made $800 a month at his job yet, but he sees this as a path to get things he wants. "I can't afford that... wait, no problem, I'll put it on the credit card..." 10 years later he's still paying that card off... Sound bad? It was me! I know first hand, credit cards can be a powerful tool of slavery if used incorrectly. 


The Good

Money, Credit, Hammer, Nail. What does these four have in common? They are just tools. Neither good nor bad. A hammer can be a powerful tool to smash a vase! A hammer can be a powerful tool to build a home. It's just a tool. It's the heart and understanding of the one who uses it that determines it's effectiveness and direction. Passion, without direction, is pointless. So having the right heart, but not the knowledge and skill is still without any positive effect for you. 

A credit card is a tool. What is that tool for? The bank divides credit card users into 2 categories. There are Debtors and Transactors. 


A debtor is a person who looks at their checking account and sees $500. Then this Debtor looks at their credit card and sees $1,000 available credit. In their lightning fast mind they see $500+$1,000=$1,500. Whoo Hoo! I can spend $1,500 right now! Momma needs a new pair of shoes... Daddy needs that new sports thingy he's been dreaming about... etc... This person can't pay off that card, so they now set in to the LONG task of making payments on that card. Hopefully they're smart enough to realize they must pay A LOT more than the minimum payment if they ever want to see that card paid off, and more than likely it will take them a year or two to pay it off... unfortunately the mindset that had them creating the debt, usually prevents them from seeing clearly how to get out of debt also. 


A Transactor sees that SAME $500 balance in checking and the SAME $1,000 available credit, but does some different math. They say I have $1,000 on the card and $500 in checking $1,000-$500,... So I have $500 to spend this month. In other words this person doesn't see this as extra money. This person sees that they have $500 and they could either spend that with their credit card, debit card, checks, cash, etc... but they still only have $500 to spend. 

A transactor pays off their card, IN FULL EVERY MONTH. They carry no balance over, and pay no interest. They use the card as a tool. 

Why use a credit card at all? Here are some reasons:

  • Protection
    • FRAUD: Your card is lost, someone uses it, you file a claim and the money is refunded. This takes 7-10 business days many times. It doesn't matter if the fraud was on a Credit Card, Debit Card, or Check... It's going to take a little while to refund. BUT on a credit card it's only tying up your "Available Credit" NOT your "Cash Balance" like fraud on a check or debit card would. Yes you'd get the money back either way, but the credit card makes that wait more comfortable. 
    • Purchase Protections: There are things SOME credit cards offer that debit cards typically don't. 
      • If you rent a car, the credit card may cover the insurance so you don't have to pay extra for that. 
      • If you pay your monthly cell phone bill through the credit card the card may cover the insurance on the phone so you don't have to pay for that. 
      • Certain items you purchase are guaranteed against loss or damage. 
  • Rewards
    • GET PAID to spend your own money. With credit card rewards you can earn cash back, gift cards, and more for making purchases you were going to make anyway. This way your money is working for you more.
      • Debit Cards used to offer this, and at most banks they don't anymore. But even when they did the rewards were less than the credit cards rewards were. 
  • Building Credit
    • You CANNOT build a GREAT credit score without a credit card. You can't. There are idiot bloggers out there saying "You don't need a credit card, just do XYZ..." Here's the thing. You can build SOME credit without a credit card. 
    • You CAN build GOOD/DECENT credit without a credit card. You cannot build GREAT credit without a credit card... more on this in a moment. 
    • Again, despite the bloggers who love to misinform you, paying rent, utilities, insurance, cell phone bills, etc... does NOTHING for your credit. All of that positive info you are building helps with certain public profiles, but it does not help your credit reports or scores at all. 
      • NOT paying them may send you to collections which could ruin your credit, but the positive stuff doesn't help. You must pay on a "Credit Product" or "Trade Line" to build credit. These are Credit Cards, Loans, and Lines of Credit. That's pretty much it. Only these build credit. 

The Things You Didn't Think About...

What do you mean by building GREAT credit? 

FICO is the company that creates the credit score that most banks use to make credit decisions. They are THE credit score. There are others, but non as popular as FICO. At this time (10/08/2012) FICO doesn't look at your job, income, rent, phone bills, etc. They only look at Credit Products, because they only look at your "Credit Reports" which are reports about how you use your "Credit". There are three credit reporting agencies. Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax

You can and SHOULD obtain a free credit report at least once a year, from EACH of the three credit reporting agencies. Each agency will have a different mix of items reported and therefore you have THREE credit scores by default. Go to, or use a free/low cost trail offer of Identity Theft Protection. I prefer the latter because those companies usually tailor the reports to make them easier to read and understand. I also suggest having an on going service with one of these companies because you can keep tabs on your reports that way without affecting your score. Pulling your own score, through any monitors service has NO downside effect on your score.  

Here are some reputable credit report/ID Theft Monitoring companies.

FICO sees your credit score like this:

  • Payment History (Making payments on credit products)
  • Amounts Owed on credit products
  • Length of Credit History ( how long credit products have been open)
  • New Credit (when was the last time you applied for new credit)(this is where those "Inquiries" or "Hard Hits" affect you. 
  • Types of Credit used (They want to see experience with ALL credit types, including credit cards)

How does a credit card affect you?

  • Payment History

    • ANY time a credit product shows that something was due, and you paid at least what was due you get an "OK" stamp for that month. Whether you paid a $25 payment on a $300 card balance, or you had a balance of $1.50 and you paid the whole $1.50, either way you get an "OK" stamp for that month. 
    • Therefore the idea of getting a balance on a credit card and making payments could have some merit... BUT...

  • "Usage" part of "Amounts Owed" 

    • Usage kills the idea of putting a $300 balance on a $300 limit card and making payments on it. 
    • Usage asks two questions. How much is available on the card? How much are they using? 
      • $300 credit limit (Available Credit)
      • $300 balance on the card
      • =100% Usage
      • Grade F.
    • FICO actually wants you to use LESS than 30% of your credit limits, less than 10% would be best. 
      • $300 credit limit
      • $1.50 Balance
      • = 0.5% Usage
      • Grade A
    • To figure out how much of your credit limit you can use and stay in good graces take the credit limit ($300) times 10% (0.10) [or 30% max (0.30)]. On a $300 credit limit you should not use more than $30-$90 during the whole month. 
      • $300 credit limit
      • $30 balance ($90 balance)
      • =10% Usage (30% Usage)
      • Grade A
    • If you pay the balance in full you will not pay interest.  But the card, and credit report, will STILL show your balance as of the statement date so don't use more than 30% tops!

  • Length of Credit History

    • The older your credit history and average age of all your credit accounts, the better. 
    • Credit Cards (and some other credit lines) are the only products that stay open forever.
    • Loans (Mortgages, Student Loans, Auto Loans, Etc) all eventually get paid off, refinanced, or closed/sold). Every time you close a loan it is removed from the average age of your open accounts. Every time you get a new loan it reduces the average age of your accounts. 
    • If you have 3 CC's. One is open 2 years and two are open 5 years. Your average age is 4 years. (2+5+5)/3=4.
    • Close one of the 5 year old cards (2+5)/2=3.5 and you now have an average age of 3.5 years.
    • Close the 2 year old card (5+5)/2= 5 and you now have an average age of 5 years.
    • FICO prefers that you have 1-3 credit cards and no more. Department store cards like dillards, kohls, target and walmart count as credit cards. You should have no more than 3. Closing them may hurt you because of the above math. 
    • Because you don't want to open new cards or close old ones unless you have to, choose 2 great cards, keep them active, used regularly, and open forever. Never close a card unless you must or get a new one unless there is a significantly good reason to do so. If you already have 5 credit cards do more research before closing any. 

  • TYPES of credit used

    • The more variety of good history you have the more secure your credit looks to be. 
    • Some people with high credit scores are still declined for auto loans because they've had no "loan" experience. Adding a credit card or two can balance out your experience. 


Get 1 or 2 credit cards (NOT 3). Make sure these are cards you can use everywhere (Visa, Master, Discover, Amex logos) NOT a department store card or jewelry store card. These should be cards you can use frequently for small amounts. Walmart/Target may be OK, IF you shop at walmart/target frequently already

Go out ONCE A MONTH and make a RIDICULOUSLY SMALL purchase. Go buy a $1.50 Dr Pepper, a $5 Cheeseburger, or $30 in gas. Put the card in the back of your wallet and don't touch it again. Wait for your statement, PAY IT IN FULL!

This way you'll NEVER pay interest on a credit card, you'll NEVER get into credit card debt, and you'll STILL build credit. In fact, because of usage scoring, your credit will be BETTER than the one who put the $300 balance on his card and made min payments for a year.

Do this every month, from here on and into the future. DO NOT put big purchases on your card. DO NOT use more than 30% of your available credit during the course of the month. DO NOT use more than 2 cards (3 if you must, no more). DO NOT EVER carry a balance over (paying less than the total statement balance).

It's not that hard. If you don't have the discipline to make one purchase and pay it off you shouldn't be even talking about credit. You should be building a habit of saving and budgeting first. Until you have a savings started, it's a waste of time to start building your credit. Once you have developed the habit of saving and NOT touching that savings, and you are working some form of a budget, THEN build credit. Don't touch credit until you have that down first.

Live Long and Prosper! Selah... Darrell G. Wolfe

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Have questions about anything I said here? Disagree? Have an update? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 
Print Edition

Kindle Edition

Credit Cards

Credit Cards


"I've heard that you have to get a credit card to build credit, but so many people build up credit card debt and I'm afraid to do it... "

" I was told to get a credit card and put a $300 balance on it and make payments on it for 6 months to year... I'm very concerned because I've heard so much about credit cards causing harm..."

"I had a card when I was young and totally messed up my life with it... I don't want another one..."

"I don't want to use a credit card, I pay cash for everything..."


I want to take a moment to talk about credit cards. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and The Not As Ugly As You Think Because You Aren't Thinking Of Them Right... Is that too long?

What you are about to read takes me 30 minutes to an hour to explain verbally with people sometimes, because they ask questions and I have to keep checking for understanding. It took me two hours to write. You can read it in less than 10 minutes. 

**If you read nothing else, read the end: How does a credit card affect you?**

The Bad and Ugly

Credit Card Debt... is evil! It's a tool of the enemy to keep you subject to fear and bondage. Satan has designed this debtors system from the ground up. Every time you vote for a person, from either party, that wants more Government Spending, you are voting for more debt. Debt is BAD. The Borrower becomes a servant or slave to the lender. After years of working with people's finances I can assure you this is TRUE!

Is debt a sin? No. God said that he'd make you a lender and not a borrower. Well, you can't lend to people if it's a sin, because you'd be helping them sin and God doesn't empower you to help people sin. But it's not God's Highest will for any person to be in or stay in debt. 

A young child get's out of high school and goes to college and gets a credit card. He sees an $800 limit. He's never even made $800 a month at his job yet, but he sees this as a path to get things he wants. "I can't afford that... wait, no problem, I'll put it on the credit card..." 10 years later he's still paying that card off... Sound bad? It was me! I know first hand, credit cards can be a powerful tool of slavery if used incorrectly. 


The Good

Money, Credit, Hammer, Nail. What does these four have in common? They are just tools. Neither good nor bad. A hammer can be a powerful tool to smash a vase! A hammer can be a powerful tool to build a home. It's just a tool. It's the heart and understanding of the one who uses it that determines it's effectiveness and direction. Passion, without direction, is pointless. So having the right heart, but not the knowledge and skill is still without any positive effect for you. 

A credit card is a tool. What is that tool for? The bank divides credit card users into 2 categories. There are Debtors and Transactors. 


A debtor is a person who looks at their checking account and sees $500. Then this Debtor looks at their credit card and sees $1,000 available credit. In their lightning fast mind they see $500+$1,000=$1,500. Whoo Hoo! I can spend $1,500 right now! Momma needs a new pair of shoes... Daddy needs that new sports thingy he's been dreaming about... etc... This person can't pay off that card, so they now set in to the LONG task of making payments on that card. Hopefully they're smart enough to realize they must pay A LOT more than the minimum payment if they ever want to see that card paid off, and more than likely it will take them a year or two to pay it off... unfortunately the mindset that had them creating the debt, usually prevents them from seeing clearly how to get out of debt also. 


A Transactor sees that SAME $500 balance in checking and the SAME $1,000 available credit, but does some different math. They say I have $1,000 on the card and $500 in checking $1,000-$500,... So I have $500 to spend this month. In other words this person doesn't see this as extra money. This person sees that they have $500 and they could either spend that with their credit card, debit card, checks, cash, etc... but they still only have $500 to spend. 

A transactor pays off their card, IN FULL EVERY MONTH. They carry no balance over, and pay no interest. They use the card as a tool. 

Why use a credit card at all? Here are some reasons:

  • Protection
    • FRAUD: Your card is lost, someone uses it, you file a claim and the money is refunded. This takes 7-10 business days many times. It doesn't matter if the fraud was on a Credit Card, Debit Card, or Check... It's going to take a little while to refund. BUT on a credit card it's only tying up your "Available Credit" NOT your "Cash Balance" like fraud on a check or debit card would. Yes you'd get the money back either way, but the credit card makes that wait more comfortable. 
    • Purchase Protections: There are things SOME credit cards offer that debit cards typically don't. 
      • If you rent a car, the credit card may cover the insurance so you don't have to pay extra for that. 
      • If you pay your monthly cell phone bill through the credit card the card may cover the insurance on the phone so you don't have to pay for that. 
      • Certain items you purchase are guaranteed against loss or damage. 
  • Rewards
    • GET PAID to spend your own money. With credit card rewards you can earn cash back, gift cards, and more for making purchases you were going to make anyway. This way your money is working for you more.
      • Debit Cards used to offer this, and at most banks they don't anymore. But even when they did the rewards were less than the credit cards rewards were. 
  • Building Credit
    • You CANNOT build a GREAT credit score without a credit card. You can't. There are idiot bloggers out there saying "You don't need a credit card, just do XYZ..." Here's the thing. You can build SOME credit without a credit card. 
    • You CAN build GOOD/DECENT credit without a credit card. You cannot build GREAT credit without a credit card... more on this in a moment. 
    • Again, despite the bloggers who love to misinform you, paying rent, utilities, insurance, cell phone bills, etc... does NOTHING for your credit. All of that positive info you are building helps with certain public profiles, but it does not help your credit reports or scores at all. 
      • NOT paying them may send you to collections which could ruin your credit, but the positive stuff doesn't help. You must pay on a "Credit Product" or "Trade Line" to build credit. These are Credit Cards, Loans, and Lines of Credit. That's pretty much it. Only these build credit. 

The Things You Didn't Think About...

What do you mean by building GREAT credit? 

FICO is the company that creates the credit score that most banks use to make credit decisions. They are THE credit score. There are others, but non as popular as FICO. At this time (10/08/2012) FICO doesn't look at your job, income, rent, phone bills, etc. They only look at Credit Products, because they only look at your "Credit Reports" which are reports about how you use your "Credit". There are three credit reporting agencies. Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax

You can and SHOULD obtain a free credit report at least once a year, from EACH of the three credit reporting agencies. Each agency will have a different mix of items reported and therefore you have THREE credit scores by default. Go to, or use a free/low cost trail offer of Identity Theft Protection. I prefer the latter because those companies usually tailor the reports to make them easier to read and understand. I also suggest having an on going service with one of these companies because you can keep tabs on your reports that way without affecting your score. Pulling your own score, through any monitors service has NO downside effect on your score.  

Here are some reputable credit report/ID Theft Monitoring companies.

FICO sees your credit score like this:

  • Payment History (Making payments on credit products)
  • Amounts Owed on credit products
  • Length of Credit History ( how long credit products have been open)
  • New Credit (when was the last time you applied for new credit)(this is where those "Inquiries" or "Hard Hits" affect you. 
  • Types of Credit used (They want to see experience with ALL credit types, including credit cards)

How does a credit card affect you?

  • Payment History

    • ANY time a credit product shows that something was due, and you paid at least what was due you get an "OK" stamp for that month. Whether you paid a $25 payment on a $300 card balance, or you had a balance of $1.50 and you paid the whole $1.50, either way you get an "OK" stamp for that month. 
    • Therefore the idea of getting a balance on a credit card and making payments could have some merit... BUT...

  • "Usage" part of "Amounts Owed" 

    • Usage kills the idea of putting a $300 balance on a $300 limit card and making payments on it. 
    • Usage asks two questions. How much is available on the card? How much are they using? 
      • $300 credit limit (Available Credit)
      • $300 balance on the card
      • =100% Usage
      • Grade F.
    • FICO actually wants you to use LESS than 30% of your credit limits, less than 10% would be best. 
      • $300 credit limit
      • $1.50 Balance
      • = 0.5% Usage
      • Grade A
    • To figure out how much of your credit limit you can use and stay in good graces take the credit limit ($300) times 10% (0.10) [or 30% max (0.30)]. On a $300 credit limit you should not use more than $30-$90 during the whole month. 
      • $300 credit limit
      • $30 balance ($90 balance)
      • =10% Usage (30% Usage)
      • Grade A
    • If you pay the balance in full you will not pay interest.  But the card, and credit report, will STILL show your balance as of the statement date so don't use more than 30% tops!

  • Length of Credit History

    • The older your credit history and average age of all your credit accounts, the better. 
    • Credit Cards (and some other credit lines) are the only products that stay open forever.
    • Loans (Mortgages, Student Loans, Auto Loans, Etc) all eventually get paid off, refinanced, or closed/sold). Every time you close a loan it is removed from the average age of your open accounts. Every time you get a new loan it reduces the average age of your accounts. 
    • If you have 3 CC's. One is open 2 years and two are open 5 years. Your average age is 4 years. (2+5+5)/3=4.
    • Close one of the 5 year old cards (2+5)/2=3.5 and you now have an average age of 3.5 years.
    • Close the 2 year old card (5+5)/2= 5 and you now have an average age of 5 years.
    • FICO prefers that you have 1-3 credit cards and no more. Department store cards like dillards, kohls, target and walmart count as credit cards. You should have no more than 3. Closing them may hurt you because of the above math. 
    • Because you don't want to open new cards or close old ones unless you have to, choose 2 great cards, keep them active, used regularly, and open forever. Never close a card unless you must or get a new one unless there is a significantly good reason to do so. If you already have 5 credit cards do more research before closing any. 

  • TYPES of credit used

    • The more variety of good history you have the more secure your credit looks to be. 
    • Some people with high credit scores are still declined for auto loans because they've had no "loan" experience. Adding a credit card or two can balance out your experience. 


Get 1 or 2 credit cards (NOT 3). Make sure these are cards you can use everywhere (Visa, Master, Discover, Amex logos) NOT a department store card or jewelry store card. These should be cards you can use frequently for small amounts. Walmart/Target may be OK, IF you shop at walmart/target frequently already

Go out ONCE A MONTH and make a RIDICULOUSLY SMALL purchase. Go buy a $1.50 Dr Pepper, a $5 Cheeseburger, or $30 in gas. Put the card in the back of your wallet and don't touch it again. Wait for your statement, PAY IT IN FULL!

This way you'll NEVER pay interest on a credit card, you'll NEVER get into credit card debt, and you'll STILL build credit. In fact, because of usage scoring, your credit will be BETTER than the one who put the $300 balance on his card and made min payments for a year.

Do this every month, from here on and into the future. DO NOT put big purchases on your card. DO NOT use more than 30% of your available credit during the course of the month. DO NOT use more than 2 cards (3 if you must, no more). DO NOT EVER carry a balance over (paying less than the total statement balance).

It's not that hard. If you don't have the discipline to make one purchase and pay it off you shouldn't be even talking about credit. You should be building a habit of saving and budgeting first. Until you have a savings started, it's a waste of time to start building your credit. Once you have developed the habit of saving and NOT touching that savings, and you are working some form of a budget, THEN build credit. Don't touch credit until you have that down first.

Live Long and Prosper! Selah... Darrell G. Wolfe

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I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

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Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
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Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 
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