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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dreaming Blue: Faith and Hope Expounded

Hebrews 11:1

English Standard Version (©2001)
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

American King James Version
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Douay-Rheims Bible
Now faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not.

Weymouth New Testament
Now faith is a well-grounded assurance of that for which we hope, and a conviction of the reality of things which we do not see.

Young's Literal Translation
And faith is of things hoped for a confidence, of matters not seen a conviction,

Interlinear Bible

1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not seen .
~estin {V-PXI-3S} de; {CONJ} pivsti? {N-NSF} ejlpizomevnwn {V-PPP-GPM} uJpovstasi?, {N-NSF}pragmavtwn {N-GPN} e~legco? {N-NSM} ouj {PRT} blepomevnwn. {V-PPP-GPN}


Hope: Greek Elpid'zo
to expect or confide:-(have, thing) hope(-d) (for)

Faith: Greek Pistis
conviction of the truth of anything

Substance: Greek Hupostasis
a setting or placing under thing put under, substructure, foundation that which has foundation, is firm that which has actual existence a substance, real being the substantial quality, nature, of a person or thing the steadfastness of mind, firmness, courage, resolution confidence, firm trust, assurance

Hope is Expectation which is founded on some understanding. If I expect you to pay my light bill, but you never said you would and don't have the money to do it anyway, that would be an unfounded expectation. But if Bill Gates, who has the money for sure, said he would pay my light bill I would have a better expectation of that result, but I still have no relationship with him, so I could have some lingering doubts. If my Dad said he'd pay my light bill, he has the money put aside and has quite frequently followed through on his word financially, so I could expect that that would happen. In fact my expectation in my Dad's word would be higher than that of Bill Gates Word because I have no relationship previously established with Bill Gates.

Hope is the blue print that Faith funds. Faith is substance, material substance. The earth was NOT created out of nothing. It was created by that which is not seen, yet has very real substance. It is called Faith. (Genesis 1, John 1, Heb 11:3) Science finally catching up to some of the bible and telling us that matter is made of light. (God is light... so duh!). Not all light is visible. Only visible light is visible.... let that sink in. There are spectrum of light that are not visible to humans or their equipment, more and more is becoming visible to equipment but not all is. FAITH is light is substance. Faith was the substance that trees, rocks, oceans, and you and I came from. It is the SAME substance that is the basis for any and all answered prayers. But how do we get that substance into the tangible realm?

HOPE. The blue print.

A contractor only orders supplies after he has analyzed the blue prints to determine what supplies and how many he needs. You don't order supplied and then figure out if you got enough. So you can have all the faith to move mountains but without Hope there is nothing for the Faith to do.

It is HOPE then, not faith, that is the first step to "Faith Projects". You must have a blue print. Joshua had to go to God to get a blue print of the Jericho Battle Plan. Only then could Faith go to work and make it happen. Your God given dreams are blue prints that set in motion the angels to gather up the supplied and minister to you. "Minister" is the root word for Administer, and it means to serve. Administer means that service is dispensing supply to you. But they can't go to work on supplies if you haven't created the blue prints. They also have delays when you keep CHANGING the blue prints!

  1. Get a vision and dream for what God would have you do/accomplish. (Josh 1:8)
  2. Get it down on paper so that it's clear and unchangeable (Hab 2:2)
  3. Then call in your supplies. (Heb 1:14)

Get a dream, a clear dream... if it's not clear start making it clearer. Write it down, create a folder if need be. Collect Pictures and articles. Get a picture on the inside of what you want. When it's more real on the inside than anything on the outside than your delivery is almost at hand!

Darrell G. Wolfe

To Walk in Authority Today: First Be Still

Psalm 16:5-7 NKJV
5 O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; You maintain my lot. 6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance. 7 I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.
Psalms 16: 5-7 NIV
5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. 6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. 7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3: 5-6 NIV
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

My Father in Heaven has given me assignment and boundaries. He counsels me in throughout my day and especially in my quiet times. My spirit is led and directed by Holy Spirit, moving in me to will and to do His good pleasure. I trust in my Lord and acknowledge Him in all my ways, therefore he will make my paths straight!

So many times I rush through life, through my days without acknowledging Him. Maybe I read my bible and ran a post for this site. I felt the leading of the Holy Spirit in it. It was the anointing. But I didn't STOP, be still and know that He is God. I want to remember to take time to be still in His presence, reminding myself that I don't need the answers and solutions to all the various things I am facing and decisions I am making. Only one thing is needful, sit at the feet of Jesus and listen, He has all the answers I need now and will ever need. He'll tell me what to do and say if I will just listen and stop trying to force my will onto the situations at hand.

Authority used without being under authority, is not authority. If I process an override as an officer of the bank I do so under the authority given to me. As a customer I can't hop over the counter and try to override things. I haven't been given that authority or the codes necessary. I have to be submitted to the authority of God, listen to his instruction, receive the codes for that situation and then carry that command out. Only with the command codes can I carry out the assignment for the day. They change daily to prevent fraud and sabotage of the Devil. So all I need is today's instruction, not the ever intricate detail of the years to come.

I'm going to sit and listen to Holy Spirit tell me about today before I start it.

This is my day! There are many like it but this one is mine. I have been given authority today. to rule my domain, put down those things that are out of order, so that I may be fruitful, multiply, and increase. I ascribe worth to my Father in Heaven.

Your Kingdom is here, in me! Your will be done today in and through my life. I accept today's bread of provision and instruction. I am forgiven, so I forgive. Reveal to me those points of my life that are out of order that I might bring those in line with your Word. YOU are my power and my source. In YOU I trust!

Darrell G. Wolfe

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jesus wasn't poor, he didn't ask you to be either!

Matthew 19:21
21 Jesus said to him, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."

29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.

Compare to:
Mark 10:30
30will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields--and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.

Paraphrase: "If you want to be complete, mature, lacking nothing, go on your way, sell what you have to sell, and begin giving to the poor, this will add to your account in heaven, which pays far better dividends. Then come follow me... And if you'd hung around long enough, instead of walking away sad at what I said, you'd hear me tell the disciples that anyone who left things for me would receive a 100 fold return on that investment! Besides that I didn't tell you to sell everything you have, I said to sell what you have, that means sell what you have to sell, start somewhere!"

Isn't it funny how we like to jump to conclusions and think we know what we heard someone say and then totally miss it? Just between my wife and I there are constantly situations I heard her say words, I took those words to mean X and she meant Y. If a husband and wife, so close to each other, can misunderstand each other, how much more should we pay attention that we don't misunderstand other people, God, and the Preachers who God has sent?

Jesus didn't tell this man to give away everything he had. He said to sell, whatever he had to sell, in order to start giving to the poor. As we know from throughout the rest of scripture OT and NT giving IS receiving... there is a seed/harvest principle here. If Jesus didn't want the man to have anything he would have just told him to get rid of everything, or leave it, or abandon it to someone else and come along, but that's not what he said. He said. Jesus said "Sell" there is a process to selling things. It takes time, you have to find a buyer, you  have to receive the payment and process paperwork. Then to give to the poor probably meant then, as it does today, that you would give to organizations that help the poor, or maybe Jesus had a specific poor person in mind?

Besides all of this, you can't sell everything all at once. Even estate sales end up having multiple buyers over a period of time. Especially if the man had multiple lands, which he must have if he was that wealthy. So selling would have been sell, give, sell give, sell give... etc... There is a LOT of process going on here.

Through this process Jesus is going to show this young man how to get OFF the worlds system of wealth creation and hop over on to God's system of wealth creation. Jesus didn't want the man poor, how can you give to the poor and be poor? Jesus didn't say, and you know, I'm the poorest of them all, so you need to give to me... Jesus didn't need that money because HE wasn't poor either! He was a successful carpenter. Poor people don't hire a staff of 12, part time staff of 120, and engage the services of a treasurer. Jesus owned a home in Capernum (Mark 2:1, John 1:35-42). He was funded at birth with immense wealth, and by many rich men and women during his years in ministry. He slept in a manger because the Inn keeper lost his parents reservations, which may have belonged to his family by the way (See Joseph Prince that that explanation).

The purpose of accumulation is distribution. Become a distributor for the Kingdom.

Pray about where Holy Spirit is leading me to sow my time, talent, and treasure today... so that I may engage HIS system of operation and gain wealth his way: To become a distributor for the Kingdom.

Holy Spirit, tell me today, what to give, when to give it, and whom to give it to!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:

The poster of this video posted it to disagree with the preacher, but I liked it!

The Word in my mouth IS my deliverance!

Holy Spirit has been dealing with me for a few weeks now about words, specifically for the last 24 hours. Words are the seed. Words are the controlling factor of life.

From Nancy Dufresne on the Ed Dufresne Ministries Facebook page:

Here's words of utterance from this mornings service with Pastor Nancy:

"The Word is enough! The Word is enough! The Word is enough!"

"To Faith, the Word is the voice of God."

"The Word in my mouth is my deliverance."

"The good fight of faith is a fight of words." referencing Proverbs 12:6

"Your victory is waiting for faith to be applied."

"Meditation puts you in the verse and the verse in you."

"The heart is only the storage place for Faith...and with the mouth it flows out!"

Ed Dufresne: "You've got to say it to move it...That's how God rolls!"

It is Words that will bring provision or keep it from coming. I keep going back, over and over, to the Word of the Lord given through Pastor Nancy Dufresne and Ed Dufresne several years ago.

"When your manner of speech changes from 
'I need it' 
'I got it' 
than the things you've been needing can come in to your life..."

I need to spend more time praying about the everyday words, thoughts, images, and imaginations that I permit in my life.

Darrell G. Wolfe

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Conversation with Kory

Conversation with Kory:
  • How long you purchased the Domain name for matters to Google.
  • Quality AND Quantity AND Consistency Content
  • Consistency  
    • Wordpress platform is a good platform. 
    • Knock out articles, but schedule the articles to post over time.
  • Clean Code, up to date coding style
    • Tables are for Tables and Data
      • VS
    • Clean and separate DIV's, Headings, Paragraphs, Etc... 
      • HTML 5: Elements like 
  • Look for themes: Responsive to multiple Devices
    • iPad, iPhones, Computers, TV's, Etc...
  • Responsive: Content VS Style
    • See:
      • Content is focus no matter how you zoom in our out. 
      • No matter how wide or small it works
  • Commenting is good.
    • Just make sure that you add meaningful comments.
    • Cite other authors, but don't copy lots and lots of others content. 
  • Adding Content Media
    • Embedding Video's, And other things. 
  • Wordpress best to used when you start hosting a site.  
  • Buying a top level domain and hosting... 
  • With themes, consider what you want out of it before you use it. 
    • If it's primarily it's about content, don't need to be too flashy or distracting. 
      • VS
    • Business website that embodies your personality, maybe more flash. Unless people can sign on to your website like a bank. 
      • Interactive
        • Bank is signing on
        • Restaurant, click and play
    • Examples  

What are you allowing in your life?

Matthew 18
18 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them."

International Standard Version (©2008) "I tell you with certainty, whatever you prohibit on earth will have been prohibited in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will have been permitted in heaven.

New Living Translation (©2007) "I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.

Job 1
9 So Satan answered the Lord and said, "Does Job fear God for nothing? 10 Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. 11 But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!" 12 And the Lord said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person." So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord.

Behold = LOOK! Check it out!

Genesis 1:28
28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

Jesus here doing much more than giving us the keys to the Kingdom, or even offering us a way to use the Kingdom to our advantage. He is doing those things too. But I now also see a warning here. He just finished telling us how to deal with someone who is out of line in the Church. He wraps this up by telling us that what we allow will be allowed and what we forbid will be forbidden.

In other words, we have the spiritual authority over our own lives, individually and collectively. We have been given dominion. In Genesis the foundation of person-hood was THE BLESSING. Among other things, we are given the authority, command, and responsibility to Subdue (put down things that are out of order) and have Dominion (authority of a domain).

God will not usurp the authority He gave us. He will not override our will. He won't MAKE you get saved just because He did EVERYTHING he could do to get you there, you MUST respond in kind. So when it comes to things that are out of order in your life and heart he expects you to participate. Faith and Fear operate out of the same point of your spirit. There are opposing forces. Heb 11 says that Faith is substance of Hope. Opposite that Fear is substance of Negative Hope. Job 3:25 shows us what happened to Job. He had been making sacrifices "Just in case they may have done something wrong", specifically in case they cursed God, which is something Satan had been trying to sow into his heart for years, and apparently it got it far enough that he was worried that his Kids might do it. Satan said it, Job said it, Job's wife said it... "Curse God" was the temptation involved here, because Job refused to curse God right up to the very end, God said Job didn't sin with His mouth.

But Job DID allow fear to break down those hedges which is why God said to Satan in essence: "Look you fool! You are up here complaining about hedges and they are already broken because of his fear. He's already in your hands, why are you up here talking to me about it?"

God was NOT testing Job, but he's not going to lie for him either. Jesus talked about dealing with people who were out of order in your house, church, etc. He concluded with "Bind/Loose it's up to you, not me". He will ALLOW whatever you allow.

I've heard religious nonsense about God "Allowing something to teach you a lesson". NO! He allows what you allow, he binds what you bind. What are you allowing in your mind, heart, house, life? Are there thoughts and ideas that are contrary to the Word of God that you have allowed to stay? Are there people who need to go? Are there things, tasks, idle games, TV shows... things that are not evil, but aren't building you up... What needs to go? What have you been allowing?

Pray about complaining words, imaginations, habits, or anything else that is a hindrance to my life in God... find the things that need to be bound and let them go!

Holy Spirit, show me things that need to be bound and loosed in my life. I agree to work with you to clean house!

Darrell G. Wolfe

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Matthew 17
17:24 After 42  they arrived in Capernaum, 43  the collectors of the temple tax 44  came to Peter and said“Your teacher pays the double drachma taxdoesn’t he? 17:25 He said“Yes.”When Peter came into the houseJesus spoke to him first, 45  “What do you thinkSimon? Fromwhom do earthly kings collect tolls or taxes – from their sons 46  or from foreigners? 17:26After he said“From foreigners,” Jesus said to him“Then the sons 47  are free. 17:27 But so that we don’t offend themgo to the lake and throw out a hookTake the first fish that comes up,and when you open its mouthyou will find a four drachma coin. 48  Take that and give it to them for me and you.”

Jesus and Peter are asked about a tax due at the temple. Jesus indicates that this tax (A religious tax not a government tax) is not something he owes, never the less he decides to pay it to avoid offending them, which is also funny because he offended them often with his words.

But here is what I see beyond that; Jesus didn't pray, ask God to help him pay his tax, beg, wait, pray some more, wait... He not only knew that God CAN, that God WILL, but he know exactly where to get it.

Go to the lake and get a fish and in the fishes mouth with be a coin worth enough for the two of us.

How did he get that exact knowledge? In fact, all through Jesus ministry his answers to situations were exact and immediate. Even when he sent someone to wash in a pool or show themselves to the priests they received their healing within that period of time. They didn't sit at the temple for hours, days, years waiting for their healing, it was (relative to our prayers many times today) immediate.

As I've pondered this there is only one time where a true delay could be spoken of in Jesus actions and words; that I can recall anyway. That is the fig tree. But in this case it seems different.

  1. No people involved waiting to receive.
  2. No immediate need or reason for an answer.
  3. He didn't say "Die" he said "No man eat fruit of you again". That tree could have just as well sat there for 3,000 years and not produced fruit, but to show his disciples his words have power it died. 
    1. Of course THE BLESSING is to be fruitful. To say "Don't be fruitful", is to curse the tree. The BLESSING is derived from Life and the Curse derived from death. So in essence to tell the tree not to be fruitful is to curse it, which is of death, which does kill the tree. 
  4. It was a sign and prophetic act for Israel of His time and specifically for the religious priests of His time. 
  5. It happened after a time of meditation and action regarding the disgraceful way the priests had misused God's house. 
  6. He concluded by telling his Disciples that they could do the same if they had faith. 
  7. If you read all accounts of this you see that he cursed it one day and the next day it was dead and the disciples called that immediate results!
So here we see a different sort of act. This is not an answer to prayer but a decree from a man under the Authority of God, and that authority was given to us. We see that although the results were not seen in that five minute period they were seen the next day and Jesus considered it done the moment he said it. 

Why do I bring this up? Because we have been used to praying for days, weeks, months, years, decades, to see something come to pass. WHEN?! When will it come to pass? God is NOT the one holding this back or up. Jesus conquered the enemy and gave angels the right to occupy earth again, so it's not the delay like the one that happened to the angel Daniel was waiting on. 

There are only two types of delays now, as far as I can tell, and both have to do with people. 
  1. God uses people, most times, to meet your request. The person He wants to use has to hear and obey. God wants to BLESS that person just like he does you and he is just as interested in their harvest as yours. So He gives them some time to comply before moving on to another person. 
  2. YOU. You delay by changing you mind several times, diluting your faith with words that are contrary to your request, and lack of Faith. 
    1. Faith is words spoken from the overflow of your heart. If your words were not out of the overflow they lack conviction. At that point you are not speaking faith out but building faith up within. 
    2. When you have put the word in your heart, day and night, until it becomes the overflow, it becomes more real to you than anything or anyone around you, that is the day Faith will come out of your mouth and the substance is released for answers. 
Like Joshua, commanded to meditate day and night so that he may observe to do... so we must meditate the word of God and pray in with Holy Spirit so that we may observe, through Him, the action we must take regarding a situation. The only action we should take is the one we are shown. Acting outside of that, however great the intentions is not Faith. Making a confession apart from the leading of Holy Spirit is just a page of words. 

Jeremy Pearsons summarized this well one day when an accident caused some damage to the car. He decreed that the devil would not steal from him, not even the $500 deductible. What he DIDN'T do was go around saying "Devil you owe me seven times, and I get seven cars back...." and then rant scriptures at the wall for hours. What he DID do was go into Low Slow, pray for a bit, then asked: "God, how do you want me to believe for this?" Then he received an answer and acted on it. Within a week it was paid for double and the he was able to help someone else with their car payment. 

"God, how do you want me to believe for this?" 

That is the correct way to act out a situation. Jesus had spent time praying with His Father. He ONLY spoke those things which he heard his Father say, through Holy Spirit. So when he said "Go catch a fish..." He was speaking what he heard! That is what we have been missing. THAT is why our prayers seem delayed many times. We are speaking all sorts of good things, Word principles, etc, but are we speaking what we HEARD and ONLY what we heard?

I'm going to practice today, speaking only what I hear, especially regarding situations that require my attention.

Holy Spirit, Here I am, I am listening. What instruction do you have for me to carry out your assignments today?

Darrell G. Wolfe

Monday, January 23, 2012

Replace old programs... daily renewing and rewiring.

Today on Facebook Olga Hermans posted a link to her latest blog post from TheChoiceDrivenLife.Com:

‎"Successful people do 'daily' what others do 'occassionally'." Mike Murdock

What a thought. The difference isn't knowing some secret, or being pre-wealthy. It isn't the right circumstance. It's not a big outbreak or breakthrough. It's just doing the right thing for long enough to see the result. Like the flywheel effect described in Good to Great. Just keep pushing the big heavy wheel and eventually little movements add up until it hits a breakthrough momentum. However if you push for awhile, get tired, then try the other way, that only produces canceled results.

Scott Allen posted today a Pixar tweet: "Go Ahead, Accept a Challenge."

My thoughts:

Challenge the things that have been staring you in the face and staring you down. Has debt, or lack of the money to do what you think you need to do been challenging your belief? Have you been wondering if God Can? If God Will? If you can receive? Or having any other thought of defeat?

Sometimes in life there are things that attempt to suffocate the Word in your heart and make it fruitless/cause it to come to no real effect.

These are the times that you lock yourself in your closet, or somewhere to pray, and you start to confess the Word and Pray until you come out with the right attitude. Your outlook is changeable by you. You control your emotions by controlling what you are saying to yourself. If you've never taken the time to ask God to show you the broken record or self dialogue that has been going on and on in the back of your mind, do it! It's quite revealing. Lies the devil sold you that you didn't even know were playing back there, many have been there so long you didn't recognize them, but they are ruling your thought life and emotions.

I liken these thoughts to base code on a computer. There are codes and programs that run all the time on most computers that you don't know are there, you can't see them running. There is no logo, icon, window or any indication that they are there. But they are slowing down your processor and gumming up your computer. Sometimes these are even harmful programs that came attached to some other program you downloaded. This is why having a computer person check you computer every so often is needful. Checking what runs at start up is important. It causes start up to be slower and constantly running code slows the computer.

The thoughts that are so base to your personality that they cause your reactions to situations and gut responses, those thoughts must be brought in line with the Word of God. Only through prayer will you be able to flush those out and meditating on The Word of God will replace them. You need a high level program to turn off and replace those other programs.

Then you need to do this daily, by daily repetition of Meditating on the Word of God, and then daily doing the tasks you are assigned by him, you can replace your unproductive thoughts, habits, and ideas, with new ones.

Also by daily getting little bits done toward projects you get the projects done. Books are written in an afternoon, it takes line by line, paragraph by paragraph.

Take time today to replace the old programs running around in your head...

Darrell G. Wolfe

Replace old programs... daily renewing and rewiring.

Today on Facebook Olga Hermans posted a link to her latest blog post from TheChoiceDrivenLife.Com:

‎"Successful people do 'daily' what others do 'occassionally'." Mike Murdock

What a thought. The difference isn't knowing some secret, or being pre-wealthy. It isn't the right circumstance. It's not a big outbreak or breakthrough. It's just doing the right thing for long enough to see the result. Like the flywheel effect described in Good to Great. Just keep pushing the big heavy wheel and eventually little movements add up until it hits a breakthrough momentum. However if you push for awhile, get tired, then try the other way, that only produces canceled results.

Scott Allen posted today a Pixar tweet: "Go Ahead, Accept a Challenge."

My thoughts:

Challenge the things that have been staring you in the face and staring you down. Has debt, or lack of the money to do what you think you need to do been challenging your belief? Have you been wondering if God Can? If God Will? If you can receive? Or having any other thought of defeat?

Sometimes in life there are things that attempt to suffocate the Word in your heart and make it fruitless/cause it to come to no real effect.

These are the times that you lock yourself in your closet, or somewhere to pray, and you start to confess the Word and Pray until you come out with the right attitude. Your outlook is changeable by you. You control your emotions by controlling what you are saying to yourself. If you've never taken the time to ask God to show you the broken record or self dialogue that has been going on and on in the back of your mind, do it! It's quite revealing. Lies the devil sold you that you didn't even know were playing back there, many have been there so long you didn't recognize them, but they are ruling your thought life and emotions.

I liken these thoughts to base code on a computer. There are codes and programs that run all the time on most computers that you don't know are there, you can't see them running. There is no logo, icon, window or any indication that they are there. But they are slowing down your processor and gumming up your computer. Sometimes these are even harmful programs that came attached to some other program you downloaded. This is why having a computer person check you computer every so often is needful. Checking what runs at start up is important. It causes start up to be slower and constantly running code slows the computer.

The thoughts that are so base to your personality that they cause your reactions to situations and gut responses, those thoughts must be brought in line with the Word of God. Only through prayer will you be able to flush those out and meditating on The Word of God will replace them. You need a high level program to turn off and replace those other programs.

Then you need to do this daily, by daily repetition of Meditating on the Word of God, and then daily doing the tasks you are assigned by him, you can replace your unproductive thoughts, habits, and ideas, with new ones.

Also by daily getting little bits done toward projects you get the projects done. Books are written in an afternoon, it takes line by line, paragraph by paragraph.

Take time today to replace the old programs running around in your head...

Darrell G. Wolfe

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Immediate Withdrawal.

Storehouse of BLESSING...

Make a withdrawal...

Jesus never waited, ever, for a manifestation... ALL his miracles were Suddenlies... even those that he sent to wash in a pool, or show themselves to the priests, received in their action. ONLY case of delayed response was the fig tree... but I sense something else was going on there...

I don't know what this means, but my wife is a genius... and far more in tune with the Spirit of God than I am on most days...

Pray this over... DW

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Administer THE BLESSING today!

Matthew 15:21-28
21 Then Jesus went out from there and departed to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed." 23 But He answered her not a word. And His disciples came and urged Him, saying, "Send her away, for she cries out after us." 24 But He answered and said, "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." 25 Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, "Lord, help me!" 26 But He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs." 27 And she said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." 28 Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

At first glance Jesus' response to this woman seems rude, even uncharacteristic. I thought Jesus was LOVE himself. How could he treat this woman so badly. She wasn't Israeli. The centurion wasn't Israeli. Well the centurion was in a ruling position over Israel and therefore had the authority to ask. Technically, in the natural, Jesus was under the Centurions authority as Rome had conquered Israel and was occupying it.

We are BLESSED to be a BLESSING. Jesus was sent to Israel first, only under Paul and Peter's ministry was THE BLESSING opened up to all people. Yet part of THE BLESSING was to be a blessing to all people. So She correctly responded that she wasn't part of the Masters table, as a non Jew, but she did have a right to the scraps. That gave Jesus the opening He needed to administer THE BLESSING to her!

I'm not outside the Covenant today. But many, many people are. Those that have not accepted Jesus are outside the Covenant. It is my JOB and DUTY to administer the BLESSING to them, but under GRACE they need not beg.

Make it a point to pray for opportunities to administer THE BLESSING wherever I go.

Holy Spirit, use me to dispense your BLESSING this week. Thank you for the opportunity!

Darrell G. Wolfe

What about 2012?

These are the prophecies from the man of God for 2012.


The flood gates are open and THE BLESSING is being poured out. This is a year of Suddenlies and Surprises! This is a year of GREAT WEALTH and GREAT OPPORTUNITIES!  

Prophecies on KCM:

See Also:

What About 2012?

Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on November 10, 2011
Washington, DC Victory Campaign
“What about 2012? What does it hold? What’s in store? What’s in store for the nations? What’s in store for Israel and what’s in store for the Church? I have a great storehouse. Much more has been stored up in the storehouse of riches beyond your wildest dream that I laid up for you before the foundation of the world. Much more is stored up there than what the Church has ever called for. I never have held back on the Church,” saith The LORD and the God of plenty. “I’ve made it available to you. I put it in My WORD. I gave you a promise and stood behind it with the blood, precious blood of your Savior. But there has been a backwardness in My people about laying hold of the things that I have provided for you. But I will say this: There is a people in the land. There is a people around the world. There is a people strong and mighty, growing much stronger and much mightier and more bold to lay hold and put their claim of faith on the things that I have laid up for you and it thrills Me,” saith The LORD, “because it’s been yours all the time.
“Ah, but what about 2012? 2012 is a year full of surprises. Some surprises are going to shake people up. Some surprises are going to shake people down. But for those who are listening to My voice, those who have made themselves available to My Spirit and to My WORD, you’ll have surprises. Oh, not like the world and not like a lot of carnal-minded Christians. Your surprises will come as suddenlies. Like in My WORD when it said, ‘And suddenly there came upon them.’ And you’ll stand up with a big smile on your face and say ‘I just got a suddenly, didn’t I? Oh! Yes.’ But it’ll not take you by surprise because I said in My WORD I’d show you things to come. I said in My WORD what I speak the Holy Ghost will hear and He will speak it to you. And there are those of you who are seeking My voice and seeking My WORD and seeking My Name and looking at Me in My face while I’m looking at you in your face. And together we’ll walk in this and together we’ll walk through this and there’ll come a time when you’ll just smile at Me and I’ll just smile at you and you’ll say, ‘Ha. Ha. Ha. I knew that all the time. Praise God. My Father showed me that was coming and I was all prepared and it didn’t come on me as a suddenly. But this other surprise that came on me. Oh, what joy. Oh, what thrill. Oh, what goodness. I wonder what else my Father has in store for me. Hallelujah. Praise God.’
“2012? I’ll tell you about 2012. It’s going to be a year of great joy for those who know joy. It’ll be a time of marvelous breakthroughs. This is a time of victory. It’s a time when people begin to realize that My WORD is a living WORD, that My Spirit is the living Spirit, and that you are My voice in the earth. And your voice is the voice of victory. So rejoice and shout and understand that the breakthroughs that you’ve sought and watched over, prayed over, stood in faith for, ah, don’t turn loose now. Don’t turn loose now because they’re at hand. They’re right at hand. They’re right on top of you right now. Praise God. Hey!
“Have no worry. Do not be in fear about the United States of America. Don’t be in fear over the failure of this republic. This is not the time for this nation to fail. I’m not done with it yet. And it may come as a surprise to many; this nation is not done with Me yet,” saith The LORD. Hallelujah.
“We have a job to do. And this year will be like none other where this nation is concerned. And many will say, ‘Oh, woe is us! Oh, woe is us!’ And you know what? Oh, woe will be them.
“And there are others who’ll say, ‘Oh, we can’t win! We can’t win!’ And to them they can’t win.
“Ah, but to those of them who say, ‘Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. This is a time of greatness! America again! Oh, and it’s my nation and it’s God’s nation and we’re right where we’re supposed to be. He has us right where He wants us, and our future is bright because God is still LORD over the United States of America.’
“So rejoice and give forth a glad sound because The LORD of glory is still on the throne and prayer changes things and together we’re going on to greater victory.
“Oh yes! 2012 is a time of miracles. Miracles that seemed as if they would not come but they’re here. There is an atmosphere conducive to miracles that’s been growing and growing and will manifest greatly in the first quarter of 2012 and continue throughout the year and on into 2013. I’ve been looking forward to 2012,” saith The LORD. “I know how it’s going to turn out. I’ve already dealt with it in My WORD. Your future is looking better all the time. But of course you’ll need to look at it through My eyes,” saith the Spirit of grace. “So as I said before, rejoice, for your time has come.”

The Flood Is On!

Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on October 28, 2011
Autumn Assembly of Prayer, Branson, MO
“Now you saw firsthand what a flood and outpouring can do when it falls on natural land and natural things. It goes into places where it never was intended to be. There’ll be water in places where nobody wanted water. And there’ll be water higher than anybody wanted to be. And the water begins to cover up all that you can see but all of the other things begin to float to the top.
“There is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is underway right now. Right now all over this land. The news media doesn’t know it yet, and most Christians don’t know it yet, but the flood is on. The flood is on. The flood is on. I said, ‘The Flood Is On!’ The flood has come. And My Spirit….Are you listening to Me? My Spirit is moving in places where the devil doesn’t want it to be. And My Spirit is moving into areas and getting higher and deeper than most people wanted Me to be.
“But you wait and see. You’ll just see all kinds of things begin to float to the surface. Praise God. You’ll see the power of The LORD begin to float to the surface and begin to bring things out in the open that the devil didn’t want anybody to see. Ah, but you wait and see what happens on the wave of that flood. For it begins to wash in as well as wash out, because when all of the junk washes out, all the good stuff washes in….And the glory of The LORD shall shine round about and the glory of The LORD will be in places that you and most other people had no idea that it would ever shine—people in foreign and funny religions with funny and really silly ideas. “But they are seeking Me,” saith The LORD, “and I am going to manifest Myself to them right in the middle of their funny meetings—right in the middle of their worshiping I don’t know what. I will manifest Myself to them. I will jubilee them into the kingdom of God and show them things that they know not of and they will be glad and you will be glad and the devil will be sad and everybody will be a thrill and a breath away from glory itself. For these are those days,” saith The LORD, “and you will see it happening because it is raining right now. It is raining right now. It is raining right now!”
Your Time Has Come! 
Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
on December 31, 2011
Eagle Mountain International Church, Newark, TX


It is a time of great 
wealth for you, a time
of great opportunities.
Continue to stay in my
rest. Heaven’s release is
continuing to increase.

Yes Lord! I believe! I receive! I take it! It's mine! I have it! Thank you for it! I forgive! Darrell G. Wolfe

Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This Present Darkness
By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
Knife of Dreams
A Memory of Light
The Path of Daggers
He Who Fights with Monsters 10
He Who Fights with Monsters 9
He Who Fights With Monsters 8
He Who Fights with Monsters 6
He Who Fights With Monsters 7
He Who Fights with Monsters 5
He Who Fights with Monsters 4
He Who Fights with Monsters 3
He Who Fights with Monsters 2
He Who Fights with Monsters
[ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Horse and His Boy

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