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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Coby Kryos MID1125 Tablet - Android Market Place Work Around

Bought a Coby Kryos MID1125 Tablet on clearance. It comes with GetJar for getting apps, which is not all that helpful. Amazon App Store was MUCH more helpful. Then I finally found a way to install the Android Market Place, which some sites told me couldn't be done on this tablet. See below for the  instructions that this person so nicely gave the rest of us!

Posted from:

I hope this helps some people out there, because it drove me nuts trying to find a way to do this for the MID1125 since it's so new...

First off, I was told by the two main rooting software developers that there is currently no way to root my device, so I needed to find a way to add Market without rooting the tablet. BTW, I’m running 2.3.3.

Secondly, none of the guides on how to add Android Market out there worked for me (once again because my tablet is too new). Every time I tried to use Market, it would just keep crashing, so here is how I did it:

1. Turn on the Debugging Mode (Settings>Applications>Development, then check the box).

2. If you have a microSD card in the tablet, safely eject it.

3. Plug your Kyros into your computer with the supplied USB cable and turn USB Storage on. You will then be prompted to open a window up, so do that because that is the internal storage of your tablet.

4. Download and unzip the file I attached to your computer (there should be 8 files in the zip).

5. Drag the 8 files onto the root of your device.

6. Turn off USB Storage on your tablet and disconnect the cable.

7. On your tablet, use a file managing program. I use the one that came stock on the unit, which is ES File Explorer. Once this program is open, you should see “/sdcard/” on the top left. If you don’t, click the home picture toward the top left. Now when you scroll down, you will see the 8 files that you dragged onto the tablet. Install them in the order that they are listed by selecting each one at a time, which should be GoogleBackupTransport.apk, GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk, GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk, GoogleFeedback.apk, GooglePartnerSetup.apk, GoogleServicesFramework.apk, Talk.apk, and Vending.apk.

8. Once all 8 files are successfully installed, reboot your tablet, and when it comes back on, click the Market icon, and log in with the normal Google username and password (or create a new account if you don’t have one).

9. Turn off the Debugging Mode (Settings>Applications>Development, then uncheck the box) and you should be good to go.

* I've successfully done this on three of these MID1125 tablets, so I figured I would try to save others the MANY hours it took for me to figure this out.

For the files go to the website to see the original post, or click here.

So Helpful!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Can you miss your calling in life?


"Can you be called and never fulfill your calling?"
Doesn't God work with you, constantly re directing you back to His calling?


"Have you ever known anyone that died without fulfilling their calling?" 

Yes, we all have. Every human on the planet has a call of God on their life, not just a few select people. Every human on the planet is called to something, but we must cooperate with God to see that calling come to pass.

The following is my answer to that question in more detail:

This is a great question and it deserves a great response. It is true that God works with the person and leads them. It is also true that in His Grace He’ll lead them as long as it takes. However it is still always the responsibility of the person to obey. God will lead, but never force.

Luke 6:47-48
“Whoever comesto me, hears my word and DOES them… “ will build his life’s foundation on a rock.

James 1:22
“But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

So we see that if you hear and don’t do you end up self deceived. Thinking the whole time “Why am I not receiving what God said?”

Hebrews 13:17
“Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls…”

Ephesians 6:13-18
“Take up the armor of God and stand against the wiles of the devil…”

The Word wouldn’t tell us to stand in armor if there wasn’t a fight to be had.

Of course God has given you Grace so that you could have everything you need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:2-3) So that you would have Grace to have ALL THINGS at ALL TIMES(2 Cor 9:6-12), He has given you the gifts you need to succeed (1 Cor 12, Ephesians 4:11-13) So God is always doing exceedingly and abundantly above and beyond all we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20) So yes, He is always working with us… his mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) But we still have a role to play to see it come to pass. Idle hands lead to poverty (Proverbs 19:15)

For a wild example, it was God’s will for Michael Jackson to live long and fulfill his calling in this earth, it was a calling of his to Glorify God in his craft. He was called to write music for Church and for Secular society that would radically change and inspire people to magnify God. He knew it. He was actually working toward that. “This is it” was to be his last secular album and he was going to start creating worship and praise music and possibly start a new genre that didn’t even fit into those categories because it hadn’t been invented yet.  He had many things that hindered him, many excuses for why he was the way he was, many demons that he invited into his life that he needed to remove, and he died young, not because God wasn’t leading I know some of the people who talked to him about His call. In the end He refused to listen to God’s leading, sowed seed that caught up to him, and died young.

On 9/11 God was speaking to EVERY PERSON to keep them out of harm’s way. Some heard directly, some heard as an impression. Some obeyed and some didn’t. Some didn’t know it was God but just felt a need to stay home. One lady was headed back into the building, after the first hit they said it was all fine to go back in, and she heard God say “RUN GET OUT!” She called to everyone and said to get out and tried to convince everyone to follow her. Some did, and some did not. Those that followed her survived. Moments after the second plane hit the building. Everyone in that lobby had the change to live, not everyone obeyed. More people called in sick that day than in the history of the World Trade Center. 60,000-80,000 people could have died that day, and we only lost about 3,500, if memory serves.

Among the most famous biblical examples: Saul

Saul, the first King of Israel, was given instructions and he did the opposite. Even though God worked a mighty plan to make him king, he died out of the will of God. It is completely possible to not complete your calling. Obedience to His call is required. There is case after case where this is exampled throughout the Word.

There is this strange balance between God’s hand of protection and our obeying His word. If God tells me NOT to go to work via a certain route, I feel strongly about it in my gut, but I go anyway because I’m late to work and it’s the fastest way, then I get in an accident. That is ME not God. He tried to tell me. I didn’t listen. We have a responsibility to heed his Word written and spoken.

So unfortunately although God’s calling is without repentance (Romans 11:29), meaning that it’s NEVER too late to start walking in it, it also requires obedience and you can die without having fulfilled your calling, or even die before your time due to disobedience. Many pastors have been warned about over eating by prophetic words and later died from complications due to obesity because they didn’t obey the Words that were given. The Holy Spirit is our helper, but not our doer. God will always do His part, and always require you do your part. But in His Grace, he makes your part VERY easy! LOL.

Can you miss your calling in life?


"Can you be called and never fulfill your calling?"
Doesn't God work with you, constantly re directing you back to His calling?


"Have you ever known anyone that died without fulfilling their calling?" 

Yes, we all have. Every human on the planet has a call of God on their life, not just a few select people. Every human on the planet is called to something, but we must cooperate with God to see that calling come to pass.

The following is my answer to that question in more detail:

This is a great question and it deserves a great response. It is true that God works with the person and leads them. It is also true that in His Grace He’ll lead them as long as it takes. However it is still always the responsibility of the person to obey. God will lead, but never force.

Luke 6:47-48
“Whoever comesto me, hears my word and DOES them… “ will build his life’s foundation on a rock.

James 1:22
“But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

So we see that if you hear and don’t do you end up self deceived. Thinking the whole time “Why am I not receiving what God said?”

Hebrews 13:17
“Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls…”

Ephesians 6:13-18
“Take up the armor of God and stand against the wiles of the devil…”

The Word wouldn’t tell us to stand in armor if there wasn’t a fight to be had.

Of course God has given you Grace so that you could have everything you need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:2-3) So that you would have Grace to have ALL THINGS at ALL TIMES(2 Cor 9:6-12), He has given you the gifts you need to succeed (1 Cor 12, Ephesians 4:11-13) So God is always doing exceedingly and abundantly above and beyond all we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20) So yes, He is always working with us… his mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23) But we still have a role to play to see it come to pass. Idle hands lead to poverty (Proverbs 19:15)

For a wild example, it was God’s will for Michael Jackson to live long and fulfill his calling in this earth, it was a calling of his to Glorify God in his craft. He was called to write music for Church and for Secular society that would radically change and inspire people to magnify God. He knew it. He was actually working toward that. “This is it” was to be his last secular album and he was going to start creating worship and praise music and possibly start a new genre that didn’t even fit into those categories because it hadn’t been invented yet.  He had many things that hindered him, many excuses for why he was the way he was, many demons that he invited into his life that he needed to remove, and he died young, not because God wasn’t leading I know some of the people who talked to him about His call. In the end He refused to listen to God’s leading, sowed seed that caught up to him, and died young.

On 9/11 God was speaking to EVERY PERSON to keep them out of harm’s way. Some heard directly, some heard as an impression. Some obeyed and some didn’t. Some didn’t know it was God but just felt a need to stay home. One lady was headed back into the building, after the first hit they said it was all fine to go back in, and she heard God say “RUN GET OUT!” She called to everyone and said to get out and tried to convince everyone to follow her. Some did, and some did not. Those that followed her survived. Moments after the second plane hit the building. Everyone in that lobby had the change to live, not everyone obeyed. More people called in sick that day than in the history of the World Trade Center. 60,000-80,000 people could have died that day, and we only lost about 3,500, if memory serves.

Among the most famous biblical examples: Saul

Saul, the first King of Israel, was given instructions and he did the opposite. Even though God worked a mighty plan to make him king, he died out of the will of God. It is completely possible to not complete your calling. Obedience to His call is required. There is case after case where this is exampled throughout the Word.

There is this strange balance between God’s hand of protection and our obeying His word. If God tells me NOT to go to work via a certain route, I feel strongly about it in my gut, but I go anyway because I’m late to work and it’s the fastest way, then I get in an accident. That is ME not God. He tried to tell me. I didn’t listen. We have a responsibility to heed his Word written and spoken.

So unfortunately although God’s calling is without repentance (Romans 11:29), meaning that it’s NEVER too late to start walking in it, it also requires obedience and you can die without having fulfilled your calling, or even die before your time due to disobedience. Many pastors have been warned about over eating by prophetic words and later died from complications due to obesity because they didn’t obey the Words that were given. The Holy Spirit is our helper, but not our doer. God will always do His part, and always require you do your part. But in His Grace, he makes your part VERY easy! LOL.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Anointing - Study


The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, for He has anointed me…
(Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4:18)

DEFINE: The word English word ANOINT comes from the Hebrew word that we transliterate “Messiah” or the Greek word “Christ/Christos”. It means, in all three languages;” to pour, to rub into, to smear on”. It refers to the oil used by Priests to signify special calling to service.

HISTORY: It was also used to refer to healing oil applied by doctors in ancient medical practices. In both cases the oil is typically olive oil, infused with other oils from herbs, plants, and fragrances. The medical oil was infused with plants and extracts that were believed to have medically beneficial properties. The Anointing Oil of the Priests was used infused with a specific formula known for it’s potent and pleasant fragrance. A person who was anointed would smelled entering a room, before he was even seen.

Anointing Oil:
Exodus 30:22
1 Shekel : 11.33781 Grams
1 Hin : 3.785412 Liters
500 Shekels/5500 Grams: Myrrh and Cassia
250 Shekels/2750 Grams of Cinnamon and Cane
1 Hin/About 4 Liters: Olive Oil

BASE of Understanding: We take a look then in Luke 4 and Isaiah 61 to find out more about this anointing Jesus referred to. Jesus is (and we are by extension as His body) anointed to:
  • Preach the Gospel/Good Tidings/Good News to the Poor   The Kingdom of God
  • Heal the Broken Hearted                                                  The BLESSING
  • Proclaim Liberty to Captives                                             Forgiveness
  • Recovery of Sight to Blind (Luke)                                     Healing
  • Set Prisoners Free/Set Oppressed Free                              Cast out Devils

By Looking throughout the Gospels, especially Luke, we find Jesus doing the very things he said he’d do, foretold in Isaiah 61. But what is the definition of the “Anointed” How does being specially called or gifted work? What makes one anointed?

Isaiah 10:27 shows us the single best definition,
“It shall come to pass in that day
that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder
and his yoke from you neck,
 and the yoke will be destroyed
because of the anointing oil. “

Burden Removing, Yoke Destroying, Power of God.

FILLED WITH POWER: We see that Jesus didn’t receive this anointing until He was baptized. He didn’t do miracles before then. After being baptized he was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1) and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to pass a test, then he came“In the power of the Spirit” to Galilee (Luke 4:14). So he was Filled, Led, and Came in Power. So we see that only a life filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit can come in power, and power is the true basis of the anointing. Even JESUS did not do miracles without being filled with The Holy Spirit.

What’s in a NAME? Jesus CHRIST. People in that day did not use last names. They went by parentage John son of Zacharias. Christ is not Jesus’ last name. If anything it is more of a title used by the New Testament Authors. English translators have never bothered to translated this word so they just “Transliterated” the word, which means to re-write a word from one language to make it easier to use in another language without actually translating it. Properly then CHRIST means Anoint/Anointed.

Therefore Jesus Christ should be written Jesus The Anointed One. When the word Christ is used without the word Jesus it depends upon the context of the text whether Anointing or Anointed One should be used. Of course it’s nearly impossible to refer to Anointing without referring to the Anointed One that was Anointed, likewise it’s nearly impossible to refer to the Anointed One without referring to the Anointing that he was anointed with.

So “Christ” can and should be translated in any occurrence. If one is not sure which translation fits based on context you could hit it all by saying: “Anointing of the Anointed One” or “Anointed One and His Anointing”. Both would hit the meaning well. So in Mark 1:1 The Beginning of the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ (Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing). The good news of Jesus the Anointed One. That is the correct translation. That is how it should be read. Why is this important? Because when we understand that the POWER of God to remove burdens and destroy yokes, we get a new meaning to various verses.

Anointed to Remove Burdens and Destroy Yokes!

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me…

Among my favorite verses, for most of my life, is Philippians 4:13. I can do ALL THINGS… what a statement. Whether excited or depressed it’s meant much to me. But it wasn’t until I learned that Christ needs to be translated that I got totally thrilled about this verse.

I can do ALL THINGS through the Anointing of the Anointed One which strengthens me!

I am a partaker of His Anointing, because I am part of the Body of Christ (The Anointed One and His Anointing)! It is through the burden removing, yoke destroying power of God that I can do all things. I know how to abase and how to abound… not because I’m a doormat. I don’t bow to low circumstances! I take the power of God to remove burdens and destroy yokes and I break through that circumstance! King David got a hold of this and wrote in Psalms 23, even though I walk THROUGH (not camp out and live in) the valley of the shadow of death I fear NO EVIL for THOU art with me! The GREATER ONE is on the inside of me!

So take a look then at Philippians 4. Don’t be anxious, take joy! Ask God, Thank Him for the answer, and let His peace rule your heart and mind! That’s how you abase and abound. You are the same in any circumstance, because the answer is the same in any circumstance! GLORY!

“Prayers and Supplications” is an interesting study. This is better translated General Prayers and Specific Prayers. So, in general and specific prayers, let your requests be made known to God, then thank him as though it was already done!

See Matthew 21:22
“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing you will receive.”

So what you ask for in prayer, you believe it’s already done. If you ask God in prayer, and than at any point say: “I didn’t got it” you negate what you asked for. You must call those things that are not, as though they are (Romans 4:17)! But you ask according to His Will (1 John 5:14-15). Asking according to his will brings the confidence to stand until it comes to pass. If you are not CONVINCED that it’s His will, you will be double minded and you will not receive! (James 1:2-8) The Word of God is the Will of God. (John 17:17, Joshua 1:8, Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Darrell G. Wolfe

The Anointing - Study


The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, for He has anointed me…
(Isaiah 61:1 and Luke 4:18)

DEFINE: The word English word ANOINT comes from the Hebrew word that we transliterate “Messiah” or the Greek word “Christ/Christos”. It means, in all three languages;” to pour, to rub into, to smear on”. It refers to the oil used by Priests to signify special calling to service.

HISTORY: It was also used to refer to healing oil applied by doctors in ancient medical practices. In both cases the oil is typically olive oil, infused with other oils from herbs, plants, and fragrances. The medical oil was infused with plants and extracts that were believed to have medically beneficial properties. The Anointing Oil of the Priests was used infused with a specific formula known for it’s potent and pleasant fragrance. A person who was anointed would smelled entering a room, before he was even seen.

Anointing Oil:
Exodus 30:22
1 Shekel : 11.33781 Grams
1 Hin : 3.785412 Liters
500 Shekels/5500 Grams: Myrrh and Cassia
250 Shekels/2750 Grams of Cinnamon and Cane
1 Hin/About 4 Liters: Olive Oil

BASE of Understanding: We take a look then in Luke 4 and Isaiah 61 to find out more about this anointing Jesus referred to. Jesus is (and we are by extension as His body) anointed to:
  • Preach the Gospel/Good Tidings/Good News to the Poor   The Kingdom of God
  • Heal the Broken Hearted                                                  The BLESSING
  • Proclaim Liberty to Captives                                             Forgiveness
  • Recovery of Sight to Blind (Luke)                                     Healing
  • Set Prisoners Free/Set Oppressed Free                              Cast out Devils

By Looking throughout the Gospels, especially Luke, we find Jesus doing the very things he said he’d do, foretold in Isaiah 61. But what is the definition of the “Anointed” How does being specially called or gifted work? What makes one anointed?

Isaiah 10:27 shows us the single best definition,
“It shall come to pass in that day
that his burden will be taken away from your shoulder
and his yoke from you neck,
 and the yoke will be destroyed
because of the anointing oil. “

Burden Removing, Yoke Destroying, Power of God.

FILLED WITH POWER: We see that Jesus didn’t receive this anointing until He was baptized. He didn’t do miracles before then. After being baptized he was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1) and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to pass a test, then he came“In the power of the Spirit” to Galilee (Luke 4:14). So he was Filled, Led, and Came in Power. So we see that only a life filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit can come in power, and power is the true basis of the anointing. Even JESUS did not do miracles without being filled with The Holy Spirit.

What’s in a NAME? Jesus CHRIST. People in that day did not use last names. They went by parentage John son of Zacharias. Christ is not Jesus’ last name. If anything it is more of a title used by the New Testament Authors. English translators have never bothered to translated this word so they just “Transliterated” the word, which means to re-write a word from one language to make it easier to use in another language without actually translating it. Properly then CHRIST means Anoint/Anointed.

Therefore Jesus Christ should be written Jesus The Anointed One. When the word Christ is used without the word Jesus it depends upon the context of the text whether Anointing or Anointed One should be used. Of course it’s nearly impossible to refer to Anointing without referring to the Anointed One that was Anointed, likewise it’s nearly impossible to refer to the Anointed One without referring to the Anointing that he was anointed with.

So “Christ” can and should be translated in any occurrence. If one is not sure which translation fits based on context you could hit it all by saying: “Anointing of the Anointed One” or “Anointed One and His Anointing”. Both would hit the meaning well. So in Mark 1:1 The Beginning of the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ (Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing). The good news of Jesus the Anointed One. That is the correct translation. That is how it should be read. Why is this important? Because when we understand that the POWER of God to remove burdens and destroy yokes, we get a new meaning to various verses.

Anointed to Remove Burdens and Destroy Yokes!

Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me…

Among my favorite verses, for most of my life, is Philippians 4:13. I can do ALL THINGS… what a statement. Whether excited or depressed it’s meant much to me. But it wasn’t until I learned that Christ needs to be translated that I got totally thrilled about this verse.

I can do ALL THINGS through the Anointing of the Anointed One which strengthens me!

I am a partaker of His Anointing, because I am part of the Body of Christ (The Anointed One and His Anointing)! It is through the burden removing, yoke destroying power of God that I can do all things. I know how to abase and how to abound… not because I’m a doormat. I don’t bow to low circumstances! I take the power of God to remove burdens and destroy yokes and I break through that circumstance! King David got a hold of this and wrote in Psalms 23, even though I walk THROUGH (not camp out and live in) the valley of the shadow of death I fear NO EVIL for THOU art with me! The GREATER ONE is on the inside of me!

So take a look then at Philippians 4. Don’t be anxious, take joy! Ask God, Thank Him for the answer, and let His peace rule your heart and mind! That’s how you abase and abound. You are the same in any circumstance, because the answer is the same in any circumstance! GLORY!

“Prayers and Supplications” is an interesting study. This is better translated General Prayers and Specific Prayers. So, in general and specific prayers, let your requests be made known to God, then thank him as though it was already done!

See Matthew 21:22
“And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing you will receive.”

So what you ask for in prayer, you believe it’s already done. If you ask God in prayer, and than at any point say: “I didn’t got it” you negate what you asked for. You must call those things that are not, as though they are (Romans 4:17)! But you ask according to His Will (1 John 5:14-15). Asking according to his will brings the confidence to stand until it comes to pass. If you are not CONVINCED that it’s His will, you will be double minded and you will not receive! (James 1:2-8) The Word of God is the Will of God. (John 17:17, Joshua 1:8, Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Darrell G. Wolfe

Monday, February 20, 2012


Mark 87 They also had a few small fish; and having blessed them, He said to set them also before them.
12 But He sighed deeply in His spirit, and said, "Why does this generation seek a sign? Assuredly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation."
I'm thinking of signs given to the people of earth, and the BLESSING. When we read that Jesus BLESSED the fish we take that for granted. We get the idea that He did was we do: "Thank you Father for this Food." That would be thanking the Father for the fish. But it says He BLESSED the fish. What does that mean? What does God say when He BLESSES something?

Gen 1:28: God BLESSED: "Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill Up the Earth/Increase, Subdue and Have Dominion"

Gen 8:20-9:18; God had just wiped the planet of mankind and started over with Moses. Some scholars believe that God wiped the planet of an earlier creation before making this earth and before making man, so this may have been the second time the earth was destroyed with a world wide flood.

In Gen 9:1: God BLESSED: "Be Fruitful Multiply, Fill Up the Earth/Increase"

Notice that this second BLESSING is missing the authority to have dominion and subdue. Although these still belong to man, they have been stolen by Satan and will not be back in man's total control until Jesus restores the full blessing back to them.

So again now, men have been given a right and responsibility. GO, Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill Up the Earth. This is not speaking, only, of natural procreation and having babies. It is a command to fill out all areas of life. Art, Science, Farming... Do what is in the heart and spirit of man to do... build societies that are fruitful, multiply in ability and understanding, fill up the earth with your creative inventions. God is saying: "I'm a creator, now go be creative!"

Of course, we see quickly, in Gen 11 a precursor of what will happen latter both in Israel (with the Pharisees) and in the Church (with the Catholic Church and then with denominations)... God starts a movement and man turns it into a monument.

Gen 11, Not only did the people have one language but they had one speech. Speech here is one way of talking and thinking, one business, one act, one mannerism. They were unified in thought and action. Instead of being unified to do what God said: GO fill the earth; they decided to stop going and settle here and build a monument.

God says that they could accomplish anything with this kind of unity. Unfortunately the Holy Spirit had not been restored to the hearts of men and we saw in Noah's pre-flood experience what this kind of unity in men leads to, under satanic rule. God already promised NOT to destroy the whole earth again, so we CANNOT allow man to operate under THIS kind of unity again.
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
So man's speech is confused. He confused their speech. So they called the place babel (confused). The bible says that this is where the many languages of earth began. We have seen from Sci-Fi films and shows that language comes easy to man. We've created languages in the past 50 years. "Klingon or Klingonee" and "Elvish" were both created by fiction authors to enhance their characters, and are now and accepted "2nd Language" in parts of society.

It is likely that this word confused here is just as likely to mean a confusion of thought, than that of a language. They were saying the same things, but not grasping each others meanings. Nail? What nail? 1 inch nail? 5 inch nail? Hang nail? What are you talking about? They were not able to think and act as one and so they abandoned the project. They were no longer of one heart and mind any longer. They all took off in search of new homes. People who could seem to get along went together.

This is why, even today, business meetings people can't ever seem to agree on what needs to be done and how to do it. We've had to impose artificial structure and hierarchy onto people to get things done. "Agree to disagree" is the common end all for arguments, "those in charge said do it this way, that's how we do it".  But this isn't how it was in before Babel. They all thought and acted as one living organism. They didn't need command. They all wanted the same things.

When I am wrapped up in my life, not paying attention to God, God's Word, God's Will... When I get inward focused, my life gets confused. I cease to know what I am, what I want, what I am doing, and why I am doing it. Things get foggy. I get the feeling like I'm just spinning my wheels. That is why so many people to go work, to get money, to get food, to get gas, to go to work... they even call it the hamster wheel. There is no meaning or purpose. If you find that your life doing hold meaning or purpose, that you are just going through the motions, that is a result of the BABEL. Confusion causes a lack of purpose. That's why they all gave up on the tower. It was hard, confusing, and lost it's meaning to them.

Only true clarity, focus, and purpose is found in God and God's Word. So God is saying BLESS: Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill Up the Earth. The Church is to be doing just that. We need to start saying what God is saying, we need to start doing what God is doing. If I am only concerned about my little life and issues, I fail to see the bigger picture. God wants to use me to BLESS an entire world.

My prayer needs to expand to be praying for my partners, my vision for my finances needs to expand to be about what I can do for others, and the projects my partners are involved in. I got the 2011 Partner Update from Kenneth Copeland Ministries and although I gave to them this past year, I didn't feel a part of what they did because it was "they". I wasn't actively praying for KCM and believing God with them for provision and results. I wasn't really being a partner.

My life this past year, for the most part, was about me, my job, my finances, my needs... etc... boring. It's time to get THE BLESSING on my mind, expand my prayer to include not just others in my circle of influence, but all the work my partners are doing throughout the world. It's time to get BLESSING on my mind.
Darrell G. Wolfe

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Original Fall

The First Civilization
The Original Fall
Pre-Adam Earth / Gap Theory / Fall of Angels  

The Thought:
Big Picture...
Genesis 1:1 NKJV In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

 And Then...

Genesis 1:2 NKJV The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
Some have said that this could be more accurately translated: "The Earth Became formless and void" If so, how did that happen. Then ask yourself, if Satan fell, becoming the prince of darkness and evil... WHEN did he fall? Obviously by the time Adam and Even were tending the Garden He has already been well under way as the master of trickery and deceit, coming to them disguised as a serpent. So Satan Fell BEFORE Adam walked earth... there is no indication that God paused the 7 day creation to deal with Satan and a war in heaven... What gives here? Can we know? That is my question today. In fact, as I begin this study, I don't know the answer... I'm hoping to find it as I go, pray, and study. Let's find it together.

The Background:
How simple our understanding has been. We read things in English, translated by people who, primarily, didn't speak English as a living language or live in/understand deeply the Hebrew Culture that contributed to both the Old and New Testaments. Many times, as western Christians, it's been through our enhanced understanding of Hebrew through Jewish scholars that we understand the bible better in recent years.

Now, I AM biased. I do filter through my world view. I admit it proudly! I believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God and the first place and final authority for all truth, I actually don't care what science's new flavor of the week theory is. Men who deny God become morons and believe all sorts of strange things. I care ONLY what the bible teaches.

However I am willing to admit that I don't speak Hebrew, even though I have become quite adept at using Strong Concordance for better understanding. Then again neither did the vast majority of bible scholars for the last 2000 years. Christians, after Rome took over the church, wrongly began to treat Jews as second class and nearly destroyed Hebrew as a language and culture. Though it never entirely died, Jews still spoke it and trained in their orthodox lifestyles in certain sub cultures throughout the world, little pockets of Hebrew remained. But we, western people that is, continued to treat them as second class and never took advantage of that training and knowledge that was being passed down. They are our brothers in Christ, and we treated them poorly at best for most of the past 2,000 years.

Therefore ALL biblical thought from Christians until recent years has been heavily based on tradition and religion and taken from scholars who took text that had been translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English, and mixed with Greek/Pagan ideas. No real understanding of Hebrew Language or Culture has been added to our biblical understanding until Christians and Jews began to work together, which has only been since about WWII. Even then, only more recently has their been real cooperation.

The Challenge:
So then I hear something one day, from a source I trust EXPLICITLY that knocks me back a bit. Billye Brimm, a woman of God who knows Hebrew better than most sources I know, begins to tell me that the earth was created BEFORE Genesis 1:2 and that God was re-creating it for man at that point. This was in the weekly messages on the BVOV broadcast:

Well, this information took me by surprise, I have to admit that for the first time since I've known her I thought she might be getting a bit eccentric in recent years. But, I did some research into what she said, prayed and prayed, pondered, researched more, read the word... thought about it... I've come to the conclusion that she is right.

In fact, it seems so obvious that I don't know how I didn't see that before? It's always been my assertion that Genesis has three accounts of creation. All of them speaking about the same event from a different level of focus. Like a microscope zooms in closer and closer to see more detail, or a camera can give us panorama view or close up view; and much like a good novel can take you closer and closer telling the same story from different angles... God gives us three right up front, and the whole rest of the bible has pockets that fill out the story:
    1. Genesis 1:1 Panorama "God created the heavens and the earth"
  2. ZOOM Level 1
    1. Genesis 1:2 through Gen 2:3 This is what He did with the earth after creating it: Day 1, Day 2, etc... 
  3. ZOOM Level 2 More detail is given, looking back at it again, regarding what the process actually looked like. 
    1. Genesis 2:4-25
      1. God's creation of plants and animals was NOT global, rather they were focused in the east in a Garden called Eden. The rest of the planet was just fertile ground and it was mans job to take the Garden and re-produce (Be fruitful, Multiply, Increase, Subdue and Have Dominion) what he saw in Eden on the rest of the planet. Gen 2:8
      2. This is a closer look at the process of Man's creation and what God said to man and did with him after day 7. 
      3. The planet was ONE piece before being broken apart at/after the flood. 
    1. If anything about Gen 2:8 confuses you, lest you think that somehow that contradicts what Gen 1 said consider this:
      1. God ALWAYS works through seed. ALL that is needed for the apple tree is in the seed. The whole Kingdom of God is as a man who casts seed into the ground! (Gen 1:28, Mark 4:26)
      2. So if God says to you "here is an apple tree". Then takes you to an empty dirt lot and hands you a seed. As far as God is concerned, He gave you an apple tree. Plant it! As far as God is concerned an Apple Tree is an Apple Tree whether it's a seed or fully grown, it's the same thing to God. 
      3. So when God hands you His Word and says "You are Rich!", as far as He's concerned it's done. He gave you the seed, plant it! Grow! Be Rich!
      4. Pre-Curse seed didn't need to take months to grow. God could have shown Adam a seed, how to plant it, and then Adam could watch the seed grow to a full tree right before his eyes. There was no reason for it to take any time, there were no seasons pre-flood. 
One of the best presentations of this idea that I could find, apparently known as the Gap Theory, was found at this blog: and
    J.R.R. Tolkien in his Pre-Work for the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit wrote fictional tales of the creation and pre-creation of earth. His tale is inspiring, and fictionalizes many things that the bible indicates really happened. His Ainur and Elves could actually both be taken for real things that occurred with the angels. Although the Silmarillion is fiction and not to be taken as anything more, I believe he was taping into, probably unaware, things that really took place. Because it's fiction much of it is NOT what really happened, but there is a certain essence that compels the bible student to wonder about passages that describe the war in heaven.

    So now I am going to take time to study this out. This may be a multi-article study. Here is the basics of the common understanding of Gap Theory for a ground work, however I believe there may be dots that are not being connected by any of the writings I found. This is how I understand it, so far, with my own corrections placed in:

    The Days before Days:

    • God creates the angel class BEFORE creating the heavens and the earth. (Job 38:2-12)
    • God creates the universe and the angels are these singing about it. (Job 38:2-12)
    • There is an earth, possibly with plants and animals and civilizations for untold many numbers of years. Any such civilizations that existed would have been angelic, and therefore just as intangible to us today as they are to us today. (Jeremiah 4:23-26)
    • Satan is said to have walked in the Eden, the Garden of God, before man. (Ezekiel 28:13-18)
    • Satan then led a great deception that managed to fool 1/3 of the angels, this is no small feat and didn't take place in the hours between creating the universe and starting the earth on day one. This would have been a major set of events. 
      • "You defiled your sanctuaries By the multitude of your iniquities, By the iniquity of your trading; Therefore I brought fire from your midst; It devoured you, And I turned you to ashes upon the earth In the sight of all who saw you. (Ezekiel 28:13-18)
        • Now this could just as easily be referring to forward looking prophecy of Satan's future instead of speaking about his past. For God the future is past tense already.
      • Satan took a third of the angels with him (Revelation 12:4-9)
    • So the earth is destroyed, by God as judgement, a sort of cleaning house moment, after the onset of these events. 
    • One reading says that the word "The Deep" is the same word for the word "Abyss" which is used in revelation to talk about the jail of angels. This indicates that at the destruction of earth, the disobedient angels were locked away, for a time, in the Abyss.
    • The waters are full of darkness and chaos and the Spirit of God is hovering over the Abyss... who knows how long it stood like this... Then God's Word, Jesus, starts to speak again, the Spirit of God starts moving and things start happening...
    • Thus Day One, God is Light, the Sun isn't created yet, so He releases Himself into the darkness and chaos: LIGHT BE!
    • Thus he begins re creating the earth, this time, not to be inhabited, primarily, by angels, but a new class of beings. This class is created in God's Own Image, with God's own authority, a HIGHER class of beings than the angels themselves. 
      • Both sides watch these events and marvel.
      • When Satan sees man given more authority and rights than he was created with he is OUTRAGED. 
      • Thus ends the prelude, and opens Act 1, the days of creation. 
    • Note about Fossils:
      • The Fossils we see today, are NOT from the pre-adam earth, that earth was a different class, the fossils we see today are from the Noah Flood. Dinosaurs obviously roamed the earth with men, because God described them to Job (who lived at the same time as Abraham) and seemed to indicate that Job should know who and what He was talking about. 
      • Leviathan is also known as dragon in the AD ancient language, until a new word Dinosaur was used to replace that word. (Job 41:1-34, Psalms 74:12-15, Isaiah 27:1)
      • Just as the serpent was used by Satan and came to represent Him, so Leviathan also was a real creature that was mighty and scary, and came to represent Satan. 

    More Study to come, to be continued...


    For references to this Gap Theory see:

    For Gap Theory:

    Against Gap Theory:
    Old Earth vs Young Earth

    I personally see no quality scientific evidence that the earth is millions of years old. I see lot's of people ignoring evidence on both sides of the issue because they only see what their world view allows them to see. Macro-Evolution (Atom to Adam) is a dying breed of science because it's bad science from the outset. Fossil records flatly deny the existence of one single hybrid creature, when in fact based on the theory of Darwin we should see MORE hybrids than fully developed creatures and MANY subtle changes. We don't, however. We see fully developed species in the fossil record and a complete absence of hybrid/changes. That alone debunks evolution completely. Even if they theoretically found one, it wouldn't matter, because we should see MORE of those that the fully developed species and it's just not there.

    This is why so many rational scientists are coming up with insane answers like "life hitchiked on a comet to get to earth" or "aliens seeded the earth".

    Now, I AM biased. I do filter through my world view. I admit it proudly! I believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God and the first place and final authority for all truth, I actually don't care what science's new flavor of the week theory is. Men who deny God become morons and believe all sorts of strange things. I care ONLY what the bible teaches. However I am willing to admit that I don't speak Hebrew, and neither did the vast majority of bible scholars for the last 2000 years. Christians, after Rome took over the church, wrongly began to treat Jews as second class and nearly destroyed Hebrew. Therefore ALL biblical thought from Christians until recent years has been heavily based on tradition and religion and taken from scholars who took text that had been translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English. No real understanding of Hebrew Language or Culture has been added to our biblical understanding until Christians and Jews began to work together, which has only been since about WWII.

    See Below for some interesting references:

    See: "Expelled" by Ben Stein

    Darrell G. Wolfe

    The Original Fall

    The First Civilization
    The Original Fall
    Pre-Adam Earth / Gap Theory / Fall of Angels  

    The Thought:
    Big Picture...
    Genesis 1:1 NKJV In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

     And Then...

    Genesis 1:2 NKJV The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
    Some have said that this could be more accurately translated: "The Earth Became formless and void" If so, how did that happen. Then ask yourself, if Satan fell, becoming the prince of darkness and evil... WHEN did he fall? Obviously by the time Adam and Even were tending the Garden He has already been well under way as the master of trickery and deceit, coming to them disguised as a serpent. So Satan Fell BEFORE Adam walked earth... there is no indication that God paused the 7 day creation to deal with Satan and a war in heaven... What gives here? Can we know? That is my question today. In fact, as I begin this study, I don't know the answer... I'm hoping to find it as I go, pray, and study. Let's find it together.

    The Background:
    How simple our understanding has been. We read things in English, translated by people who, primarily, didn't speak English as a living language or live in/understand deeply the Hebrew Culture that contributed to both the Old and New Testaments. Many times, as western Christians, it's been through our enhanced understanding of Hebrew through Jewish scholars that we understand the bible better in recent years.

    Now, I AM biased. I do filter through my world view. I admit it proudly! I believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God and the first place and final authority for all truth, I actually don't care what science's new flavor of the week theory is. Men who deny God become morons and believe all sorts of strange things. I care ONLY what the bible teaches.

    However I am willing to admit that I don't speak Hebrew, even though I have become quite adept at using Strong Concordance for better understanding. Then again neither did the vast majority of bible scholars for the last 2000 years. Christians, after Rome took over the church, wrongly began to treat Jews as second class and nearly destroyed Hebrew as a language and culture. Though it never entirely died, Jews still spoke it and trained in their orthodox lifestyles in certain sub cultures throughout the world, little pockets of Hebrew remained. But we, western people that is, continued to treat them as second class and never took advantage of that training and knowledge that was being passed down. They are our brothers in Christ, and we treated them poorly at best for most of the past 2,000 years.

    Therefore ALL biblical thought from Christians until recent years has been heavily based on tradition and religion and taken from scholars who took text that had been translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English, and mixed with Greek/Pagan ideas. No real understanding of Hebrew Language or Culture has been added to our biblical understanding until Christians and Jews began to work together, which has only been since about WWII. Even then, only more recently has their been real cooperation.

    The Challenge:
    So then I hear something one day, from a source I trust EXPLICITLY that knocks me back a bit. Billye Brimm, a woman of God who knows Hebrew better than most sources I know, begins to tell me that the earth was created BEFORE Genesis 1:2 and that God was re-creating it for man at that point. This was in the weekly messages on the BVOV broadcast:

    Well, this information took me by surprise, I have to admit that for the first time since I've known her I thought she might be getting a bit eccentric in recent years. But, I did some research into what she said, prayed and prayed, pondered, researched more, read the word... thought about it... I've come to the conclusion that she is right.

    In fact, it seems so obvious that I don't know how I didn't see that before? It's always been my assertion that Genesis has three accounts of creation. All of them speaking about the same event from a different level of focus. Like a microscope zooms in closer and closer to see more detail, or a camera can give us panorama view or close up view; and much like a good novel can take you closer and closer telling the same story from different angles... God gives us three right up front, and the whole rest of the bible has pockets that fill out the story:
    1.  BIG PICTURE 
      1. Genesis 1:1 Panorama "God created the heavens and the earth"
    2. ZOOM Level 1
      1. Genesis 1:2 through Gen 2:3 This is what He did with the earth after creating it: Day 1, Day 2, etc... 
    3. ZOOM Level 2 More detail is given, looking back at it again, regarding what the process actually looked like. 
      1. Genesis 2:4-25
        1. God's creation of plants and animals was NOT global, rather they were focused in the east in a Garden called Eden. The rest of the planet was just fertile ground and it was mans job to take the Garden and re-produce (Be fruitful, Multiply, Increase, Subdue and Have Dominion) what he saw in Eden on the rest of the planet. Gen 2:8
        2. This is a closer look at the process of Man's creation and what God said to man and did with him after day 7. 
        3. The planet was ONE piece before being broken apart at/after the flood. 
      1. If anything about Gen 2:8 confuses you, lest you think that somehow that contradicts what Gen 1 said consider this:
        1. God ALWAYS works through seed. ALL that is needed for the apple tree is in the seed. The whole Kingdom of God is as a man who casts seed into the ground! (Gen 1:28, Mark 4:26)
        2. So if God says to you "here is an apple tree". Then takes you to an empty dirt lot and hands you a seed. As far as God is concerned, He gave you an apple tree. Plant it! As far as God is concerned an Apple Tree is an Apple Tree whether it's a seed or fully grown, it's the same thing to God. 
        3. So when God hands you His Word and says "You are Rich!", as far as He's concerned it's done. He gave you the seed, plant it! Grow! Be Rich!
        4. Pre-Curse seed didn't need to take months to grow. God could have shown Adam a seed, how to plant it, and then Adam could watch the seed grow to a full tree right before his eyes. There was no reason for it to take any time, there were no seasons pre-flood. 
    One of the best presentations of this idea that I could find, apparently known as the Gap Theory, was found at this blog: and
      J.R.R. Tolkien in his Pre-Work for the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit wrote fictional tales of the creation and pre-creation of earth. His tale is inspiring, and fictionalizes many things that the bible indicates really happened. His Ainur and Elves could actually both be taken for real things that occurred with the angels. Although the Silmarillion is fiction and not to be taken as anything more, I believe he was taping into, probably unaware, things that really took place. Because it's fiction much of it is NOT what really happened, but there is a certain essence that compels the bible student to wonder about passages that describe the war in heaven.

      So now I am going to take time to study this out. This may be a multi-article study. Here is the basics of the common understanding of Gap Theory for a ground work, however I believe there may be dots that are not being connected by any of the writings I found. This is how I understand it, so far, with my own corrections placed in:

      The Days before Days:

      • God creates the angel class BEFORE creating the heavens and the earth. (Job 38:2-12)
      • God creates the universe and the angels are these singing about it. (Job 38:2-12)
      • There is an earth, possibly with plants and animals and civilizations for untold many numbers of years. Any such civilizations that existed would have been angelic, and therefore just as intangible to us today as they are to us today. (Jeremiah 4:23-26)
      • Satan is said to have walked in the Eden, the Garden of God, before man. (Ezekiel 28:13-18)
      • Satan then led a great deception that managed to fool 1/3 of the angels, this is no small feat and didn't take place in the hours between creating the universe and starting the earth on day one. This would have been a major set of events. 
        • "You defiled your sanctuaries By the multitude of your iniquities, By the iniquity of your trading; Therefore I brought fire from your midst; It devoured you, And I turned you to ashes upon the earth In the sight of all who saw you. (Ezekiel 28:13-18)
          • Now this could just as easily be referring to forward looking prophecy of Satan's future instead of speaking about his past. For God the future is past tense already.
        • Satan took a third of the angels with him (Revelation 12:4-9)
      • So the earth is destroyed, by God as judgement, a sort of cleaning house moment, after the onset of these events. 
      • One reading says that the word "The Deep" is the same word for the word "Abyss" which is used in revelation to talk about the jail of angels. This indicates that at the destruction of earth, the disobedient angels were locked away, for a time, in the Abyss.
      • The waters are full of darkness and chaos and the Spirit of God is hovering over the Abyss... who knows how long it stood like this... Then God's Word, Jesus, starts to speak again, the Spirit of God starts moving and things start happening...
      • Thus Day One, God is Light, the Sun isn't created yet, so He releases Himself into the darkness and chaos: LIGHT BE!
      • Thus he begins re creating the earth, this time, not to be inhabited, primarily, by angels, but a new class of beings. This class is created in God's Own Image, with God's own authority, a HIGHER class of beings than the angels themselves. 
        • Both sides watch these events and marvel.
        • When Satan sees man given more authority and rights than he was created with he is OUTRAGED. 
        • Thus ends the prelude, and opens Act 1, the days of creation. 
      • Note about Fossils:
        • The Fossils we see today, are NOT from the pre-adam earth, that earth was a different class, the fossils we see today are from the Noah Flood. Dinosaurs obviously roamed the earth with men, because God described them to Job (who lived at the same time as Abraham) and seemed to indicate that Job should know who and what He was talking about. 
        • Leviathan is also known as dragon in the AD ancient language, until a new word Dinosaur was used to replace that word. (Job 41:1-34, Psalms 74:12-15, Isaiah 27:1)
        • Just as the serpent was used by Satan and came to represent Him, so Leviathan also was a real creature that was mighty and scary, and came to represent Satan. 

      More Study to come, to be continued...


      For references to this Gap Theory see:

      For Gap Theory:

      Against Gap Theory:
      Old Earth vs Young Earth

      I personally see no quality scientific evidence that the earth is millions of years old. I see lot's of people ignoring evidence on both sides of the issue because they only see what their world view allows them to see. Macro-Evolution (Atom to Adam) is a dying breed of science because it's bad science from the outset. Fossil records flatly deny the existence of one single hybrid creature, when in fact based on the theory of Darwin we should see MORE hybrids than fully developed creatures and MANY subtle changes. We don't, however. We see fully developed species in the fossil record and a complete absence of hybrid/changes. That alone debunks evolution completely. Even if they theoretically found one, it wouldn't matter, because we should see MORE of those that the fully developed species and it's just not there.

      This is why so many rational scientists are coming up with insane answers like "life hitchiked on a comet to get to earth" or "aliens seeded the earth".

      Now, I AM biased. I do filter through my world view. I admit it proudly! I believe the Bible is the perfect Word of God and the first place and final authority for all truth, I actually don't care what science's new flavor of the week theory is. Men who deny God become morons and believe all sorts of strange things. I care ONLY what the bible teaches. However I am willing to admit that I don't speak Hebrew, and neither did the vast majority of bible scholars for the last 2000 years. Christians, after Rome took over the church, wrongly began to treat Jews as second class and nearly destroyed Hebrew. Therefore ALL biblical thought from Christians until recent years has been heavily based on tradition and religion and taken from scholars who took text that had been translated from Hebrew to Greek to Latin to English. No real understanding of Hebrew Language or Culture has been added to our biblical understanding until Christians and Jews began to work together, which has only been since about WWII.

      See Below for some interesting references:

      See: "Expelled" by Ben Stein

      Darrell G. Wolfe

      Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

      Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
      The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
      This Present Darkness
      By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
      Knife of Dreams
      A Memory of Light
      The Path of Daggers
      He Who Fights with Monsters 10
      He Who Fights with Monsters 9
      He Who Fights With Monsters 8
      He Who Fights with Monsters 6
      He Who Fights With Monsters 7
      He Who Fights with Monsters 5
      He Who Fights with Monsters 4
      He Who Fights with Monsters 3
      He Who Fights with Monsters 2
      He Who Fights with Monsters
      [ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
      J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
      The Horse and His Boy

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