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Monday, February 20, 2012


Mark 87 They also had a few small fish; and having blessed them, He said to set them also before them.
12 But He sighed deeply in His spirit, and said, "Why does this generation seek a sign? Assuredly, I say to you, no sign shall be given to this generation."
I'm thinking of signs given to the people of earth, and the BLESSING. When we read that Jesus BLESSED the fish we take that for granted. We get the idea that He did was we do: "Thank you Father for this Food." That would be thanking the Father for the fish. But it says He BLESSED the fish. What does that mean? What does God say when He BLESSES something?

Gen 1:28: God BLESSED: "Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill Up the Earth/Increase, Subdue and Have Dominion"

Gen 8:20-9:18; God had just wiped the planet of mankind and started over with Moses. Some scholars believe that God wiped the planet of an earlier creation before making this earth and before making man, so this may have been the second time the earth was destroyed with a world wide flood.

In Gen 9:1: God BLESSED: "Be Fruitful Multiply, Fill Up the Earth/Increase"

Notice that this second BLESSING is missing the authority to have dominion and subdue. Although these still belong to man, they have been stolen by Satan and will not be back in man's total control until Jesus restores the full blessing back to them.

So again now, men have been given a right and responsibility. GO, Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill Up the Earth. This is not speaking, only, of natural procreation and having babies. It is a command to fill out all areas of life. Art, Science, Farming... Do what is in the heart and spirit of man to do... build societies that are fruitful, multiply in ability and understanding, fill up the earth with your creative inventions. God is saying: "I'm a creator, now go be creative!"

Of course, we see quickly, in Gen 11 a precursor of what will happen latter both in Israel (with the Pharisees) and in the Church (with the Catholic Church and then with denominations)... God starts a movement and man turns it into a monument.

Gen 11, Not only did the people have one language but they had one speech. Speech here is one way of talking and thinking, one business, one act, one mannerism. They were unified in thought and action. Instead of being unified to do what God said: GO fill the earth; they decided to stop going and settle here and build a monument.

God says that they could accomplish anything with this kind of unity. Unfortunately the Holy Spirit had not been restored to the hearts of men and we saw in Noah's pre-flood experience what this kind of unity in men leads to, under satanic rule. God already promised NOT to destroy the whole earth again, so we CANNOT allow man to operate under THIS kind of unity again.
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
So man's speech is confused. He confused their speech. So they called the place babel (confused). The bible says that this is where the many languages of earth began. We have seen from Sci-Fi films and shows that language comes easy to man. We've created languages in the past 50 years. "Klingon or Klingonee" and "Elvish" were both created by fiction authors to enhance their characters, and are now and accepted "2nd Language" in parts of society.

It is likely that this word confused here is just as likely to mean a confusion of thought, than that of a language. They were saying the same things, but not grasping each others meanings. Nail? What nail? 1 inch nail? 5 inch nail? Hang nail? What are you talking about? They were not able to think and act as one and so they abandoned the project. They were no longer of one heart and mind any longer. They all took off in search of new homes. People who could seem to get along went together.

This is why, even today, business meetings people can't ever seem to agree on what needs to be done and how to do it. We've had to impose artificial structure and hierarchy onto people to get things done. "Agree to disagree" is the common end all for arguments, "those in charge said do it this way, that's how we do it".  But this isn't how it was in before Babel. They all thought and acted as one living organism. They didn't need command. They all wanted the same things.

When I am wrapped up in my life, not paying attention to God, God's Word, God's Will... When I get inward focused, my life gets confused. I cease to know what I am, what I want, what I am doing, and why I am doing it. Things get foggy. I get the feeling like I'm just spinning my wheels. That is why so many people to go work, to get money, to get food, to get gas, to go to work... they even call it the hamster wheel. There is no meaning or purpose. If you find that your life doing hold meaning or purpose, that you are just going through the motions, that is a result of the BABEL. Confusion causes a lack of purpose. That's why they all gave up on the tower. It was hard, confusing, and lost it's meaning to them.

Only true clarity, focus, and purpose is found in God and God's Word. So God is saying BLESS: Be Fruitful, Multiply, Fill Up the Earth. The Church is to be doing just that. We need to start saying what God is saying, we need to start doing what God is doing. If I am only concerned about my little life and issues, I fail to see the bigger picture. God wants to use me to BLESS an entire world.

My prayer needs to expand to be praying for my partners, my vision for my finances needs to expand to be about what I can do for others, and the projects my partners are involved in. I got the 2011 Partner Update from Kenneth Copeland Ministries and although I gave to them this past year, I didn't feel a part of what they did because it was "they". I wasn't actively praying for KCM and believing God with them for provision and results. I wasn't really being a partner.

My life this past year, for the most part, was about me, my job, my finances, my needs... etc... boring. It's time to get THE BLESSING on my mind, expand my prayer to include not just others in my circle of influence, but all the work my partners are doing throughout the world. It's time to get BLESSING on my mind.
Darrell G. Wolfe


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