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Friday, March 9, 2012

Good Success

Empowered to Prosper with Good Success! 
Joshua 1:8

Joshua 1:8 - Interlinear Bible
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous , and then thou shalt have good success .
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Two Words Defined

"Prosperous" here is the Hebrew Word: Tsalach, Strongs 6743
Advance/Rush/Prosper/Make Progress/Succeed/Be Profitable

This word Tsalach has the idea of making one prosperous, or bringing and issue to a successful end. It causes one to experience prosperity. It strikes me as the causative force in the verse.

"Success" here is the Hebrew Word: Sakal, Strongs 7919
Prudent/Circumspect/Wisely Understand/Prosper

This word Sakal has the connotation of seeing something clearly and understanding it's many aspects so that it can be handled accurately and bring success or prosperity. It gives the idea that one who has this has taken the time to understand a thing so well that he can wield it accurately. I get the idea in my mind of a master craftsman who has spent so much time with his craft that he knows how to wield the tools just right to bring about perfection in his work. I get the idea here that wisdom brings success.

Taking a closer look

Meditating here means: to ponder, think about, imagine, murmur, speak aloud to ones self, sing about, and otherwise mentally consider the Word of God.

By meditating the Word of God I observe certain things in the Word to do. At first there are basic things like "Love your Enemy". Then I keep meditating and I see principles in the Word that apply to my life. As I ponder and engage those principles I begin to see a measure of success in those. But there is an even deeper thing that must happen. It was not until recently that I realized this.
Jeremy Pearsons, on the BVOV in Feb 2012, said
"The Principle must reveal the Person of Jesus"
Jesus said that He only does what he sees His Father do! (John 5:19)

So then what is it that I observe to do? It's not just basic things, and it's not even just the principles I find here. I must meditate this Word until I See and Hear from God what He would have me do regarding a situation. As I do this makes me prosperous. I don't have to try to strive for prosperity. I don't have to work and toil under the curse of Adam. My job doesn't have to be a tiresome and exhausting experience.

I am not required to be the smartest person or do the best job. It's not my talents and skills that will make me successful. In fact, the talents and skills I have may cause me to rely on them and not on God and hinder my success. So I forget my training, talents, skills and like Paul I count them as dung for the excellency of the Anointing of the Anointed One! (Phill 3:8)

As I meditate the Word day and night and night and day... letting it saturate my thinking, my mind, my thoughts, my imaginations, my in between calls, my walking down the hall, my songs in my head, my dreams and visions and day dreams... as I pray in tongues building myself up on my most holy faith (Jude 1:20)... It will become effortless for me. I will hear and see and then do what I heard and saw. This will force my life to become prosperous.

Not only will prosperity become a super-natural result of my super-natural activity, but I will go beyond prosperous and have good success. This word "Good Success" from the Hebrew Sakal, indicates that I will have the wisdom and understanding, through time and practice in the Word. This understanding will allow me to see more clearly and more quickly into the heart of a matter and bring God's presence and Word and Power onto the scene. It is beyond prosperous and I am now a conduit of prosperity. My life has moved beyond my own success and now I have GOOD success, because I am causing others life to have success.

This kind of success is reflected in 2 Corinthians 9:8
And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
That is ultimately what the Grace of God does in a life. It makes one abundant to every good work. It takes you so far past your life and needs that you don't even consider what you want or need because your so busy helping everyone else. And it is NOT because you are going without your needs met and ignoring it, but because you have so much you are FULL. It's the overflowing cup of Psalms 23:5 and the "Indeed I have ALL and ABOUND..." of Philippians 4:18.

Wisdom for any and every situation. That is what Good Success really means. 
Therefore we must examine the Word for spiritual principles and practical applications. We must examine each situation in life in light of The Word of God. What about UFO's? What about Abortion? What about getting Promoted at Work? All the things that make up this life we live must be examined in light of the Wisdom of the Word of God. In meditating that Word until we see it in light of what God has to say about it, we are able to navigate these things and have Good Success!

Dr James Richards in "Grace the power to Change" Page 56 said:
"Faith brings Grace, but Grace brings change!"

As we meditate the Word of God what do we really encounter? Grace! Grace is the thing that brings all the prosperity and success into focus. Without Grace they would be both impossible and empty. It is by Grace through Faith that the salvation Jesus died to bring us, Spirit, Soul, and Body, comes to us!

BLESSED with Good Success!
Darrell G. Wolfe


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