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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

When Machines Go Wild!

When Machines Go Wild! 

Basic Solutions to Complicated Problems

When Machines Go Wild!
Sometimes... for no "apparent" reason... machines do funny things. There is a reason. There is always a reason. But the reason is not apparent. Like last night when we were nearly done closing out the night and we were called to assist with an ice machine that had decided to produce ice on it's own. With a giggle the ice machine stopped, but with one light tap it started up again. So we giggled it again and it stopped. We called security to call maintenance and they'll have it all fixed before I show up today... probably...

But this makes me think about life and success. I had a business mentor that told me that there is absolutely NO problem in life or business that is a result of complicated issues. It may look very complicated. It may seem from the outside and outset that there is no way to fix the problem and that it's to complicated for anyone to solve. However this mentor had spent a career solving problems for his bosses in various departments across several business lines. This advice was the result of his years of turning things around to functioning again. You want to know the solution to ANY problem you have? Well here it is.

ALL problem are a result of the failure of basics. There are foundational, basic, elementary things that must take place for something to work. Now, the elements change based on the topic. There is no one set of elements for every issue. But every issue has a base set of elements. Find the basic elements of your machine and you have all you need. All problems are a result of something wrong in your basics.

For example: The machine above operates on mechanical principles. Levers, Wires, Etc. A handyman knows the basics of electronic wiring and mechanical levers. He will be able to go in and find out what is causing the lever to malfunction or be over sensitive or not respond correctly to release. He will make an adjustment and all will be well.

A cake has basics. You get a box from the store, you put in an egg, water/milk, and maybe some oil. There are instructions on the box. Two cake mixes may use slightly different instructions based on what they already have included in the mix. If you use the elements from one box to make a cake with mix from another brand box... you may, if there is a difference, not get the desired result. Adding an extra egg will not produce the desired result. Adding a whole stick of butter (I've done this!) when it calls for a half stick will NOT produce the desired result!

If you are a chef/baker... and you know all about the WHY behind the ingredients... you know the basics and why they do what they do, you could then break from the instructions on the box and produce a different result than the box intended, but the result you wanted. Why can you break from the instructions? Because you KNOW the basics. You are not just following the basics anymore. Now you are using them according to the knowledge you have developed. That is a whole new level of proficiency.

Marriage, Work, Kids, Church, Businesses... they all have a basic set of principles. What is your core concept? Are you staying true to who you are and what you've been created to do? Are you following the guidelines that have been set before you in and for that situation? Have you taken steps to master the basics to the point that you now know what they do and you are able to mix them in new and exciting ways to produce variations on the result?

If you've mastered the basics of whatever endeavor you have set your mind to, than you are well on your way to creating new and exciting solutions, products, services, ways of doing things... and you can quickly solve any problem because you now know what to look for.


I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

When Machines Go Wild!

When Machines Go Wild! 

Basic Solutions to Complicated Problems

When Machines Go Wild!
Sometimes... for no "apparent" reason... machines do funny things. There is a reason. There is always a reason. But the reason is not apparent. Like last night when we were nearly done closing out the night and we were called to assist with an ice machine that had decided to produce ice on it's own. With a giggle the ice machine stopped, but with one light tap it started up again. So we giggled it again and it stopped. We called security to call maintenance and they'll have it all fixed before I show up today... probably...

But this makes me think about life and success. I had a business mentor that told me that there is absolutely NO problem in life or business that is a result of complicated issues. It may look very complicated. It may seem from the outside and outset that there is no way to fix the problem and that it's to complicated for anyone to solve. However this mentor had spent a career solving problems for his bosses in various departments across several business lines. This advice was the result of his years of turning things around to functioning again. You want to know the solution to ANY problem you have? Well here it is.

ALL problem are a result of the failure of basics. There are foundational, basic, elementary things that must take place for something to work. Now, the elements change based on the topic. There is no one set of elements for every issue. But every issue has a base set of elements. Find the basic elements of your machine and you have all you need. All problems are a result of something wrong in your basics.

For example: The machine above operates on mechanical principles. Levers, Wires, Etc. A handyman knows the basics of electronic wiring and mechanical levers. He will be able to go in and find out what is causing the lever to malfunction or be over sensitive or not respond correctly to release. He will make an adjustment and all will be well.

A cake has basics. You get a box from the store, you put in an egg, water/milk, and maybe some oil. There are instructions on the box. Two cake mixes may use slightly different instructions based on what they already have included in the mix. If you use the elements from one box to make a cake with mix from another brand box... you may, if there is a difference, not get the desired result. Adding an extra egg will not produce the desired result. Adding a whole stick of butter (I've done this!) when it calls for a half stick will NOT produce the desired result!

If you are a chef/baker... and you know all about the WHY behind the ingredients... you know the basics and why they do what they do, you could then break from the instructions on the box and produce a different result than the box intended, but the result you wanted. Why can you break from the instructions? Because you KNOW the basics. You are not just following the basics anymore. Now you are using them according to the knowledge you have developed. That is a whole new level of proficiency.

Marriage, Work, Kids, Church, Businesses... they all have a basic set of principles. What is your core concept? Are you staying true to who you are and what you've been created to do? Are you following the guidelines that have been set before you in and for that situation? Have you taken steps to master the basics to the point that you now know what they do and you are able to mix them in new and exciting ways to produce variations on the result?

If you've mastered the basics of whatever endeavour you have set your mind to, than you are well on your way to creating new and exciting solutions, products, services, ways of doing things... and you can quickly solve any problem because you now know what to look for.


I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Prison Praise: Break out of your circumstances!

Acts 16
23 And when they had laid many stripes on them, they threw them into prison, commanding the jailer to keep them securely. 24 Having received such a charge, he put them into the inner prison and fastened their feet in the stocks. 25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed. 27 And the keeper of the prison, awaking from sleep and seeing the prison doors open, supposing the prisoners had fled, drew his sword and was about to kill himself. 28 But Paul called with a loud voice, saying, "Do yourself no harm, for we are all here." 29 Then he called for a light, ran in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. 30 And he brought them out and said, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"


There are so many things about this familiar story that I love, wonder about, question... But here is what is jumping off the page at me today. Paul and Silas were beaten for no crime. They were Roman Citizens, deserving a trial before being beaten, yet they were treated as criminals. More-over, Paul could have told them that they were Roman Citizens before being beaten but he didn't? Despite being badly wounded (a severe Roman beating is no small matter, many died during the beating) they were still considered such a threat that they were fastened in stocks in the inner prison. This is a very secure facility. People don't escape from this. This is hopeless, in the natural.

This guard had every reason to feel safe that they were secure and to be frightened when he found all the doors open. Paul and Silas, despite being beaten and locked up, PRAISED GOD! Their prayer and praise was so powerful that it caused a supernatural earthquake and broke all the chains and doors open. Natural earthquakes don't break off the chains, this was a spiritual event with natural consequences.

They were, however, submissive to authority. Despite the fact the authority they were placed under was wrongly abusing their power, they stayed submissive to it, even when they had a chance to be free. This, more than anything else, caused a soldiers whole family to be saved!

Your "dead-end-job" may feel like a prison to you. You may feel you have no way out. You may feel as though you are beaten and stuck in a dark place. I ask you to factor in God! God is more powerful than your situation. Pray and Praise. Let His praise be continually on your lips. Don't be fruity about it. Don't be singing hymns when you are supposed to be helping customers. Be submissive to the authority you are under. If you've been hired to sell things, sell them! Bring your company profit! Do what you've been called to do, for now. Submit to your bosses with enthusiasm, as you would unto Jesus himself! Then as you are faithful in little, God will bring you out of the dark place you feel you are in, and lead you out to a new and better place.

There is no true submission without disagreement. If you agree than you just agree. But when you disagree and still submit with enthusiasm to the decision... that is when you are preparing for promotion!

I'm going to go to work today and serve with enthusiasm! How about you!?

Holy Spirit, lead me on each call today, in each interaction. Show me words that you would have me speak that will bring me the best, more supernatural results. Amen!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Best In The World!

Core Concept:

Staying true to your core concept/theme means that you are staying true to the thing or things you can be best in the world at. Now when I say "Best In The World" I don't mean that there is no one better than you. One could say that it's debatable whether there is a difference between Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix in ability.

However, There is no debate that they operate in different styles. It's clear, from a non partial casual observer that they are both excellent players and have their own unique style. They both add something to the world of music.

The idea here is that they are both "Best In The World" at what they do. This is because they have something of themselves to add to their music and nobody else does it quite like them.

What is there, in your life, that you do BEST! This is not to say that there is nobody else who is better, this is rather to say that there is something that you do really well, and nobody does it quite like you.

You can always tell an amatuer musician from a professional. This is the difference between copying the music and sound, even a good copy... vs adding your own unique style to it. What do you do, that you do, and only you do the way you do it? What do you do and loose all track of time because you love it? What would you do if you have billions of dollars in the bank and could do anything you felt like for hours a day?

Go to that! Start small... even if all you can do is read about it, because you don't have the equipment yet... start somewhere... and work toward doing what only you do, because you love it.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Best In The World!

Core Concept:

Staying true to your core concept/theme means that you are staying true to the thing or things you can be best in the world at. Now when I say "Best In The World" I don't mean that there is no one better than you. One could say that it's debatable whether there is a difference between Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix in ability.

However, There is no debate that they operate in different styles. It's clear, from a non partial casual observer that they are both excellent players and have their own unique style. They both add something to the world of music.

The idea here is that they are both "Best In The World" at what they do. This is because they have something of themselves to add to their music and nobody else does it quite like them.

What is there, in your life, that you do BEST! This is not to say that there is nobody else who is better, this is rather to say that there is something that you do really well, and nobody does it quite like you.

You can always tell an amatuer musician from a professional. This is the difference between copying the music and sound, even a good copy... vs adding your own unique style to it. What do you do, that you do, and only you do the way you do it? What do you do and loose all track of time because you love it? What would you do if you have billions of dollars in the bank and could do anything you felt like for hours a day?

Go to that! Start small... even if all you can do is read about it, because you don't have the equipment yet... start somewhere... and work toward doing what only you do, because you love it.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." - Confucius

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Time is Precious - Build Your House Right


Time is Money. That's what they say. I say Time is worth FAR more than money. Fortunes have been lost and rebuilt by one person more than once. I say time is worth more. Time is possibly the only commodity that cannot be replaced.

Have you ever taken a look back and realized all the time wasted on things that didn't bring you progress, and didn't add value to your life? Life is like building a house. If you don't start with a good foundation, take time to measure and cut, draft out plans, follow through with the right materials, spend time doing it right, make sure not to cut corners or scimp out on details.


Take time to enjoy your life. The person in this video not only took the time, 9 months, to build this project right, but he took the extra care to video the experience. This is a lesson we could use. Keeping a diary/blog of your life, even if you keep it for your eyes only, is a great way to keep track of your life. This has many benefits. Pictures, Diaries, Blogs, Etc... they all help us take a look back. What were we thinking back then? What mind sets did we have? Have we grown in an area but didn't recognize it without looking back? Have we let something we learned slip and we need to pick it back up? Keeping a log of life is a great way to ensure you are living it to it's fullest.

Logs also help others see life. Kids grow up. Kids don't remember much from growing up. They have a few basic memories, impressions, etc. But the day to day disappears with time. Even parents forget more of the childs growth than they remember. Logs of various kinds are a great way to preserve those memories and lessons for the future. A few videos on you tube wouldn't hurt either.

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Time is Precious - Build Your House Right


Time is Money. That's what they say. I say Time is worth FAR more than money. Fortunes have been lost and rebuilt by one person more than once. I say time is worth more. Time is possibly the only commodity that cannot be replaced.

Have you ever taken a look back and realized all the time wasted on things that didn't bring you progress, and didn't add value to your life? Life is like building a house. If you don't start with a good foundation, take time to measure and cut, draft out plans, follow through with the right materials, spend time doing it right, make sure not to cut corners or scimp out on details.


Take time to enjoy your life. The person in this video not only took the time, 9 months, to build this project right, but he took the extra care to video the experience. This is a lesson we could use. Keeping a diary/blog of your life, even if you keep it for your eyes only, is a great way to keep track of your life. This has many benefits. Pictures, Diaries, Blogs, Etc... they all help us take a look back. What were we thinking back then? What mind sets did we have? Have we grown in an area but didn't recognize it without looking back? Have we let something we learned slip and we need to pick it back up? Keeping a log of life is a great way to ensure you are living it to it's fullest.

Logs also help others see life. Kids grow up. Kids don't remember much from growing up. They have a few basic memories, impressions, etc. But the day to day disappears with time. Even parents forget more of the childs growth than they remember. Logs of various kinds are a great way to preserve those memories and lessons for the future. A few videos on you tube wouldn't hurt either.

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Church Finder: Why should I go to Church?

Church Finder: Why should I go to Church?: When was the last time you got up, got dressed and went to the store, but left you right toe at home? How about your left foot? Hebrews 1...

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Church Finder: Why should I go to Church?

Church Finder: Why should I go to Church?: When was the last time you got up, got dressed and went to the store, but left you right toe at home? How about your left foot? Hebrews 1...

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Church Finder: Why should I go to Church?

Church Finder: Why should I go to Church?: When was the last time you got up, got dressed and went to the store, but left you right toe at home? How about your left foot? Hebrews 1...

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dr Lance Wallnau - Taking the nations!

Dr. Lance Wallnau
Lance Learning

VERY Interesting thoughts about taking the nations for God!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Dr Lance Wallnau - Taking the nations!

Dr. Lance Wallnau
Lance Learning

VERY Interesting thoughts about taking the nations for God!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Paphos: How to take a country for Jesus!

Acts 13:3-12
3 Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away. 4 So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus. 5 And when they arrived in Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. They also had John as their assistant. 6 Now when they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar-Jesus, 7 who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man. This man called for Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God. 8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so his name is translated) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith. 9 Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him 10 and said, "O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? 11 And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time." And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. 12 Then the proconsul believed, when he saw what had been done, being astonished at the teaching of the Lord.

Cyprus is a large island off the coast of Israel and Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea. The people of Cryprus date farther back than most societies. There are indications that the people of Cyprus may have been domesticating cats as pets before Egypt ever rose to power the first time. This island was a strategic position in the Mediterranean Sea and to this day holds the distinction of a highly developed society. Paphos was the capitol of Cyprus during the time of Paul and was a prominent coastal city. From this island commerce and trade could be conducted freely being so near many ancient powers. One could easily travel from Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Greece, Rome, Etc. The city was also known to have been the mythical birthplace of Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Therefore this city would have been fraught with sexual perverseness.

As Paul and Barnabas were traveling through Cyprus they made their way to the capitol city of Paphos and were invited to speak to the Governor Sergius Paulus. There was, however, an enemy of the Gospel, a Jew that had turned sorcerer named Bar-Jesus (Also named Elymas The Sorcerer) who was posing as a prophet. This Elymas had the Governor in his control through magic and tricks. I have found in life that people who pose as having a calling often do have the calling but fail to do what it takes to sanctify their lives to fulfill it, so they seek the easy way out. How many are out there who have started singing in Church and could have changed the world with the Gospel in music, but turned secular and then lost their anointing to drugs or death? There is nothing quite as evil and twisted as someone set apart by God to be a prophet who has now turned to sorcery and witchcraft.

This situation reminds me of the USA, and other countries around the world, today. There are leaders being twisted by false prophets and ideals. There are leftist socialist ear twisters who are controlling those in authority through demonstrations of their abilities. It looks so hopeless on the outside. How could you ever bring change to a situation like this. This land has been controlled by Greek Myths for 1,000's of years, dedicated to a goddess of lust, and now mesmerized by a false magician. This is a dark land.

Darkness always bows to light. Even a small candle/lighter in a dark room can begin to dispel the darkness around it. So Paul begins bringing in the light into this land and it causes such a stir that the Governor wants to hear about it. Elymas sees that he is loosing his control so he tries to stir up the Governor against Paul and Barnabas. In one move Paul turns to Elymas and strikes him with the true power of God and blinds him.

The Governor becomes a believer and the seed of the Gospel is firmly planted on this Island. This seed is so strong that despite many attacks and takeovers in the following 2000 years, there is still a strong Christian influence in the Island to this day.


You take a land by taking it's leaders (or becoming it's leader) through the demonstrated Power of God and Word of God. We must begin, before anything else, to pray for the leaders of this nation. First of all pastors and the false preachers of this world. We pray first of us building those up who will be built, and binding those who refuse to cooperate with the Word of God. We then pray for other leaders, President, Cabinet, Congress, Senate, Courts, Governors, Mayors, Etc... all the way down to school district leaders.

Through our prayers, and actions, we will bring a chance for the gospel to be brought before leaders. The right person, maybe you and I, will be brought before these leaders to proclaim to them the Gospel of Jesus... and demonstrate it's power... This will be the way we take back a nation.


Father... use me... here I am, send me... Help us to take this nation back, and usher in Your Kingdom before the end.

Darrell G. Wolfe

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Barnabas, The Apostle of Encouragement

Who was Barnabas?

  • Son of Encouragement
  • An Apostle in the Earlier Church - To the Gentiles, just like Paul
  • Seeker of the Rejected
  • Giver of Self and Possessions
  • Passionate for People's Prosperity (Spiritually, Physically, Financially)
  • Prone to a fault to avoid conflict...
  • Passionate to the point of conflict to protect and help another grow. 

Introduction to Barnabas:

Barnabas is one of the more interesting side characters the New Testament. He often overlooked because he is always seen as he interacts with the other Apostles, primarily Peter and Paul. However, Barnabas is an interesting character in and of himself. As I took to study him, there was much more written about him than I had before realized.

Barnabas has been believed by some to have been the rich young man that came to Jesus and was told to "sell what you have give to the poor, and follow Me..." (Matt 19:21, Luke 18:22, and Mark 10:21) A few interesting articles were written to that affect, (Harry W, and  Latter Rain were two I found in a quick search).

From the bible we can learn much about him. His name was Joses/Joseph and was renamed by the Apostles much the same way Simon was renamed Peter - The Rock (Hebrew: Petros)(Greek/Aramaic: Cephas) by Jesus. The Apostles renamed Joseph: Barnabas (Son of Encouragement). Indeed he was, his whole story, throughout the NT reveals a man who's core calling and passion in life is to develop others. He nearly fades into the background, despite the prominence of his name in Acts, because he's always found in conjunction with what he was doing with or for someone else.

The Giver

He started a giving spree in the the early church that caused a spirit of one-ness to take over the church. No-one lacked because of his giving. His giving was so notorious that one couple tried to copy it to gain fame, but also lied in the process about what they were doing. The very thing that promoted Barnabas killed that couple, because they did it in the wrong spirit. He was the living example of "Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you in due time." (1 Peter 5:6)

The Apostle

When his time among the Apostles has become complete he joined Paul and his calling was, like Paul, to the gentiles where as the Apostles (Peter, James, and John) were called to the Jews. Barnabas and Paul were both separated out as Apostles later, debunking the weird idea that only those original 11/12 could be Apostles.
Acts 4:36
And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus...

Acts 4
32 Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. 33 And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all. 34 Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, 35 and laid them at the apostles' feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need. 36 And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus, 37 having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid it at the apostles' feet.

Galatians 2:9
...and when James, Cephas (Peter), and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised (Jews).

Acts 13:2
As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, "Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them."

Acts 14:14
But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard this...

Barnabas was the Son of Encouragement. He was always encouraging people. He was also passionate about his belief. He was so passionate about people and helping them achieve the God given gifting inside of them, that he would fight for them.

Protector, Encourager, Developer, and Cousin to Mark

Barnabas was the one to push past the opinions of the church people and brought Saul/Paul to the Apostles. It was the testimony of Paul, through the words of Barnabas that brought him to be accepted as genuine among the Christians. Barnabas was the one who fought with Paul to take John-Mark (Barnabas' Cousin). Paul was ready to leave him behind because he'd already abandoned them once, but GRACE and MERCY work through Barnabas in amazing ways.

He is always ready to extend another chance to the person who needs it. It was through this type of constant encouragement and working with Mark that Paul, years later, stated that Mark was useful to him in the ministry. Later, Mark went on to write one of the four Gospels in our NT today. That means that Mark who was quick to abandon the Apostles in a hard time when he was young, later became so able to hear from the Holy Spirit that his writing was Canonized as The Word of God. 

GRACE Preacher

He was so passionate about the GRACE of God that he and Paul challenged the Jewish Christians who came, in Acts 15, to try to put the gentiles under the law again. He took the debate all they way to the Peter, James, and John.

Acts 15:2
Therefore, when Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and dispute with them...
Acts 15:39
Then the contention became so sharp that they parted from one another. And so Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus...
2 Timothy 4:11 
(Paul says) Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for ministry.
Seeker of the Lost, Hurting, and/or Rejected

Barnabas not only encouraged others development, but he sought out Saul/Paul. Barnabas type encouragement seeks out the lost, hurting, and/or rejected to strengthen them and bring them up. It may be said that without Barnabas we would not have Paul, 3/4 of the NT, or the Gospel of Mark. At least, he had a major hand in the process and shares in the rewards of it. 
Acts 11:25
Then Barnabas departed for Tarsus to seek Saul.

Acts 9:27
But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. And he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.

Acts 12:25
And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry, and they also took with them John whose surname was Mark.

Acts 15:39
Then the contention became so sharp that they parted from one another. And so Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus;

Colossians 4:10
Aristarchus my fellow prisoner greets you, with Mark the cousin of Barnabas (about whom you received instructions: if he comes to you, welcome him),
When a Strength becomes a weakness: 
Following Peter to Hypocrisy

He was so proned to encouragement that he was always trying to avoid conflict. When his passion was strong enough he would fight for what's right. He split with the Jews over forcing the Law onto the gentiles, he split with Paul over his cousin Mark. But he loved people, and didn't want conflict, it wasn't his primary characteristic. 

So when Peter has led the group in hypocrisy by eating at separate tables from the Gentile Christians when a certain group of Jewish Christians who still wanted the law would come to visit, Barnabas got caught up in the activity because he didn't want to cause a stir. 
Galatians 2:13
And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.
Barnabas was indeed an interesting Character to study. This is, of course, nothing more than a high level overview. There are so many things I read that I didn't cover here. Maybe he would make an interesting book, or long study. 

He was a giver, to the point that he started a giving spree. He was encourager to the point it became his name. He embodied Grace and Mercy. He was a seeker of the rejected. He had a ministry of reconciliation.  He someone who we need to look at. 

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications: 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Key to Success- Develop Your Inner Hedgehog

Keys to Success
Develop Your Inner Hedgehog
Your Life Core Message/Theme/Concept

1 VS 1000
“I have far more respect for the person with a single idea who gets there than for the person with a thousand ideas who does nothing.” ~ Thomas Edison
I was thinking about this. I've been the guy who has the thousand ideas. I must learn to remember my hedgehog concept (core concept) and stick to it. My life core concept is good success, hence this blog. Everything I do is about good success. Not just success but good success.

Developing your hedgehog concept is a life long process. There is always some refining to do, but at you look at your life, what drives you, your personal motive for doing what you do, not just at work, but in general... there is a theme that runs through it all. No matter how diverse your favorite activities are, there is always a theme.

What is the hedgehog concept?

Jim Collins writes about it in a book I suggest you read called: Good to Great. The following is my synopsis:
There is a slow moving hedgehog. He is not great at many things. He has however developed one skill, and he does so with great efficiency. He has quills that are sharp and he can roll into a ball to protect himself. He can't run fast, jump high, or do any of the amazing things other animals do.

Meanwhile, lurking about is a crafty fox. He is smart. He is keen. He is driven. He is quick. He can jump. He is beautiful. He roams about the land. He wants to capture this hedgehog and eat him right up. So he jumps from behind only to be stung in the face. He begins to device ways to get this little hedgehog.

Thus, day after day, the crafty fox finds new ways to surprise the hedgehog, and take him off guard. He jumps from the left, right, back, front, loudly, quietly, etc... yet each time the hedgehog responds the same. He rolls into a ball of quills, untouchable. 
The idea here is that no matter how many things people do to try to upset you, replace you, compete with you, etc... You do what you were created by God to do... and you CAN'T be beat. Find your core theme, and everything becomes clearer.

Walgreen's Drug Stores were passionate about pharmacy. But so were many others companies. Yet Walgreen's felt they could be the best at Convenient Drug Stores. So when a corner lot opened down the street a block away from a very profitable store, there was NO question what to do... move the store to the corner lot. Why? Why mess with a profitable store? Because corner lots became part of their plan to walk out the convenience theme.

So when you know what you are and what you are not, you can make clear decisions about things. One Pastor I know was invited to speak at an outdoor crusade. He knows that his calling, outside of his local church, is specifically to develop other pastors. Should I accept an invitation to speak at this event? Hands down the answer was no. He isn't called to out door crusades, he's called to teach pastors. So when an invitation came to work with a crowd of 15 pastors in Thailand came, he was ready to go. He turned down a much larger venue, to stick to his core concept.

What things are you doing right now, that are not part of your core concept? Are you involved in things that are taking time away from your true calling? Are you accepting jobs, business ventures, etc, that are not part of your core? You can't be dogmatic about this, you must be led by the Holy Spirit as well in your decisions, pray about each opportunity. Your core concept is your general guide. Taking out the trash doesn't have to be part of your core concept.

However, if you are not finding most of your activity feeding your core concept... you may need to prepare yourself for some changes. If you don't know what it is yet, just be faithful at what you are doing and ponder these things below. It may take time for you to develop a knowing and clarity about this important aspect of your inner drive and passion.

Some ideas/questions to find your core theme:

  1. What do you feel really passionate about?
  2. What would you do if you didn't have to get paid?
  3. What are you doing when you've lost all track of time? 
  4. What are you good at, that nobody does quite like you?
  5. What can you be "Best in the World" at?
    1. This doesn't mean no body is better, it means that you are exceptional at this and others don't do it the way you do it.
    2. Many, many, many people write and more write blogs. But they don't say what I say, the way I say it. I have a defined voice... which is being ever more refined through practicing my core concept. 
  6. What do others affirm in you? 
  7. What do others say you are good at?
  8. What do people come to you for?
    1. Laughter
    2. Counsel
    3. Technical Fixes
    4. Help with sales, writing, mechanics, etc...
Here are some thoughts about others core concepts:

  •  Disney - Childlike Magic
  • Cheesecake Factory - Best in the world Cheesecake - great food, variety, ambiance.
  • The Rock Church, Anaheim, CA - Building Solid Lives through Come, Hear, Do
  • Walgreen's - Convenient Drug Stores
Just to name a few. My core concept is Good Success. Almost everything I do is about good success. When I talk to people on the phone at work, it's about their good success. When I help mentor someone, it's about their good success. If I write a restaurant review it's about having good success by enjoying your success at great places to eat and avoiding the bad ones. It's all about good success. Good Success motivates me. 

I also know I am a writer. You assign me a 10 page essay and my 1set rough draft is 25 pages. I have to learn to edit down to the point. I know I have a passion for music, theatre, movies, dance... not all of those passions are currently active... but I know that as I pursue, or re-awaken a passion... somewhere weaved into the middle of it, I'll be thinking about good success or helping someone reach their potential with good success. 

What are YOUR motivations? What drives you? What is your "WHY" in your "What"? Feel free to comment below. 

Darrell G. Wolfe

And a big thank you to Scott Allen for posting this great Thomas Edison quote on his blog.

Buy Jim Collins Book here:

Key to Success- Develop Your Inner Hedgehog

Keys to Success
Develop Your Inner Hedgehog
Your Life Core Message/Theme/Concept

1 VS 1000
“I have far more respect for the person with a single idea who gets there than for the person with a thousand ideas who does nothing.” ~ Thomas Edison
I was thinking about this. I've been the guy who has the thousand ideas. I must learn to remember my hedgehog concept (core concept) and stick to it. My life core concept is good success, hence this blog. Everything I do is about good success. Not just success but good success.

Developing your hedgehog concept is a life long process. There is always some refining to do, but at you look at your life, what drives you, your personal motive for doing what you do, not just at work, but in general... there is a theme that runs through it all. No matter how diverse your favorite activities are, there is always a theme.

What is the hedgehog concept?

Jim Collins writes about it in a book I suggest you read called: Good to Great. The following is my synopsis:
There is a slow moving hedgehog. He is not great at many things. He has however developed one skill, and he does so with great efficiency. He has quills that are sharp and he can roll into a ball to protect himself. He can't run fast, jump high, or do any of the amazing things other animals do.

Meanwhile, lurking about is a crafty fox. He is smart. He is keen. He is driven. He is quick. He can jump. He is beautiful. He roams about the land. He wants to capture this hedgehog and eat him right up. So he jumps from behind only to be stung in the face. He begins to device ways to get this little hedgehog.

Thus, day after day, the crafty fox finds new ways to surprise the hedgehog, and take him off guard. He jumps from the left, right, back, front, loudly, quietly, etc... yet each time the hedgehog responds the same. He rolls into a ball of quills, untouchable. 
The idea here is that no matter how many things people do to try to upset you, replace you, compete with you, etc... You do what you were created by God to do... and you CAN'T be beat. Find your core theme, and everything becomes clearer.

Walgreen's Drug Stores were passionate about pharmacy. But so were many others companies. Yet Walgreen's felt they could be the best at Convenient Drug Stores. So when a corner lot opened down the street a block away from a very profitable store, there was NO question what to do... move the store to the corner lot. Why? Why mess with a profitable store? Because corner lots became part of their plan to walk out the convenience theme.

So when you know what you are and what you are not, you can make clear decisions about things. One Pastor I know was invited to speak at an outdoor crusade. He knows that his calling, outside of his local church, is specifically to develop other pastors. Should I accept an invitation to speak at this event? Hands down the answer was no. He isn't called to out door crusades, he's called to teach pastors. So when an invitation came to work with a crowd of 15 pastors in Thailand came, he was ready to go. He turned down a much larger venue, to stick to his core concept.

What things are you doing right now, that are not part of your core concept? Are you involved in things that are taking time away from your true calling? Are you accepting jobs, business ventures, etc, that are not part of your core? You can't be dogmatic about this, you must be led by the Holy Spirit as well in your decisions, pray about each opportunity. Your core concept is your general guide. Taking out the trash doesn't have to be part of your core concept.

However, if you are not finding most of your activity feeding your core concept... you may need to prepare yourself for some changes. If you don't know what it is yet, just be faithful at what you are doing and ponder these things below. It may take time for you to develop a knowing and clarity about this important aspect of your inner drive and passion.

Some ideas/questions to find your core theme:

  1. What do you feel really passionate about?
  2. What would you do if you didn't have to get paid?
  3. What are you doing when you've lost all track of time? 
  4. What are you good at, that nobody does quite like you?
  5. What can you be "Best in the World" at?
    1. This doesn't mean no body is better, it means that you are exceptional at this and others don't do it the way you do it.
    2. Many, many, many people write and more write blogs. But they don't say what I say, the way I say it. I have a defined voice... which is being ever more refined through practicing my core concept. 
  6. What do others affirm in you? 
  7. What do others say you are good at?
  8. What do people come to you for?
    1. Laughter
    2. Counsel
    3. Technical Fixes
    4. Help with sales, writing, mechanics, etc...
Here are some thoughts about others core concepts:

  •  Disney - Childlike Magic
  • Cheesecake Factory - Best in the world Cheesecake - great food, variety, ambiance.
  • The Rock Church, Anaheim, CA - Building Solid Lives through Come, Hear, Do
  • Walgreen's - Convenient Drug Stores
Just to name a few. My core concept is Good Success. Almost everything I do is about good success. When I talk to people on the phone at work, it's about their good success. When I help mentor someone, it's about their good success. If I write a restaurant review it's about having good success by enjoying your success at great places to eat and avoiding the bad ones. It's all about good success. Good Success motivates me. 

I also know I am a writer. You assign me a 10 page essay and my 1set rough draft is 25 pages. I have to learn to edit down to the point. I know I have a passion for music, theatre, movies, dance... not all of those passions are currently active... but I know that as I pursue, or re-awaken a passion... somewhere weaved into the middle of it, I'll be thinking about good success or helping someone reach their potential with good success. 

What are YOUR motivations? What drives you? What is your "WHY" in your "What"? Feel free to comment below. 

Darrell G. Wolfe

And a big thank you to Scott Allen for posting this great Thomas Edison quote on his blog.

Buy Jim Collins Book here:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Faith in His Name

11 Now as the lame man who was healed held on to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the porch which is called Solomon's, greatly amazed. 12 So when Peter saw it, he responded to the people: "Men of Israel, why do you marvel at this? Or why look so intently at us, as though by our own power or godliness we had made this man walk? 13 The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified His Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let Him go. 14 But you denied the Holy One and the Just, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, 15 and killed the Prince of life, whom God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses. 16 And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.

His Name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong. 

His Name; therefore, the Name of Jesus, which is above every name, has power in and of itself. However, those who would wield that name must also have faith in that name.

How often do we end a prayer with " the Name of Jesus, Amen (which means so be it)"? Did we pray the Word? Did we pray His Will? We should find out His will in prayer, and then pray it... was that prayer that we ended with His Name and So Be It a prayer based on His Will/Word? We thought it around so easily.

Faith in His Name; Do I have faith in His Name? Faith implies a firm belief and trust. I can see that which is not seen and do that which cannot be done. Telling a lame man to walk is impossible, unless you have Jesus. 
See the Invisible, Do the Impossible

But if I'm praying in doubt, fear, not really believing much will happen, I'm not praying with Faith in His name. I'm praying with Faith in the circumstances, situations, or the opinions of others. I'm praying the meditations of what I don't have or what I need or wish I had. Prayer in doubt is ineffective. God, in His great mercy, will sometimes use that prayer to meet our needs if there was an ounce of faith in it, and that is the level we were at. However, if you KNOW better... God is going to stare at you and wait for you to try again. 

My kids sometimes come up to me whining about something. I can't even understand what they said sometimes, but other times I may understand what they said, but choose not to respond because they KNOW better than to talk to me a that tone of voice. I'll respond: "Breath! Now speak to me correctly, with no whining." It may take a few tries, but eventually they do as we taught them, to put a smile in their voice when they want to talk to us. 

That's what Jesus is asking from us too. Could you imagine Peter saying, "Oh God! Oh God! PLEASE heal this man... PlEEEEEEEEEASE Heal this man....." NO! He took his authority, given to him, and practice beforehand and commanded that man to be healed. But a smile in your voice! You have the Name, the Power, The Holy Spirit, The Word: That is grown up prayer and faith. 

I think it would be a good practice to start our prayers in silence, or tongues, and wait for a moment. Take a deep breath and SMILE really big! Make that connection with the Holy Spirit before running off your laundry list of needs, wants, and desires. Maybe taking a moment just say: "I love you" to God and then letting the Holy Spirit lead and guide your prayer, would be more productive than running off when "The Usual".

If we come to God in Prayer and Thanksgiving, He'll set our minds and hearts at rest.
5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
If there were a "method" to prayer, and there isn't just one method, I would prescribe this method.

I'm going to take a moment now and just:

  • Breath... let your mind meditate on how GOOD GOD IS!
  • SMILE, force it if I have to!
  • Tell The Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; How much I love them. 
  • Thank God for everything I can come up with to thank Him for, as long as it takes for those words of thanksgiving to stop being just words and start creating a feeling of thanks inside of me. 
  • Then I'm going to say: Father, you know what I need, tell me what to pray for or about.
  • Then I'll pray in tongues a little while. 
    • Then I'll be lead in my prayer. 

As the Holy Spirit leads I may start praying about my life, my families life, my leaders, pastors, bosses, government... etc... I may say something like: "As you said in your word...." 

Only then can I end with In the Name of Jesus - So Be It (Amen). Because only after I've prayed WITH Him, not just TO Him, can I confidently declare: So Be It, In His Name. 

Darrell G. Wolfe

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Working Christian's Battle

Working Christians Battle: 

Work is hard sometimes. For the believer it can be especially hard sometimes. But why is it hard? We are not only trying to do the right thing, we are trying to do the right thing with people watching us.

As a coach I know that taking calls on the phone is one thing, and taking live calls in front of 30 new hires watching you and needing to learn everything you are doing, trying not to make any big mistakes that they'll have to unlearn... that is a different ball game entirely.

There are people watching us at work. It's one thing when you are newly saved, people don't know yet. You curse about a rude customer and no-body really notices, they do it to. It's another issue entirely when you are "The Token Christian" in your department, probably more vocal and known for your stance on issues and love for God than any other Christian there, and people know you write blogs and do things for the ministry locally... Then you get every eye watching you and when you make a mistake everyone notices.

The problem really isn't the random curse that comes out every few years, when you let your old dead self come back for a moment. That can be quickly repented of. It's keeping a positive attitude day in and day out in a room full of people prone to the negative. Trying to live by faith in The BLESSING, and then being tempted to be angry at every other call because things don't "LOOK" like they are going your way... that is the hard example to walk out.

Trying to live out that Christian life in front of others is hard. But there is yet another element to this. Work shouldn't be hard right? We are redeemed from the curse. We don't toil like unsaved men. The BLESSING should be at work in our jobs, giving us maximum bonuses and promotions, right?

So what is our struggle? Why do we find it so hard to stay positive? Why is it so hard to speak faith, rather than speaking the curse, which is what we see around us? Our struggle is not with flesh and blood. Our struggle isn't really even with the devil, because he's a defeated foe. Our struggle is with ourselves. Our old ideas, thoughts, imaginations, and world views that still need re-programming. 
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.
We see here that our war is one in which we have power, through God, to pull down strongholds. Then the passage goes on to tell us how we pull down these strongholds. 


This word Stronghold is derived from the word: Ochuroma
  • This word means: stronghold, castle, fortress, fortified opinion, anything on thought or idea upon which one relies. 
So what type of stronghold or castle are we taking down. Are we pulling down evil spirits from around buildings, or casting devils out of our house? Possibly, there are things that I don't fully understand when it comes to the spirit realm. But that is not what is being said here. Our war here is not with fallen angels. That war was fought and won by Jesus. He disarmed those spirits and made an open show of them as defeated (Colossians 2:15). The verse goes on to tell us what types of strongholds we are to take down, to war against, to treat as a battle and fight to be won:

We cast down:
  • Imaginations: Logismos
      • From the root word Logos: Words, Speech, Doctrines, Sayings
    • This word means: Imaginations, Arguments, Reasonings, Reckonings, Computations, Judgments, Speculations
  • Knowledge: Gnosis
    • This word means: Knowledge, General Knowledge, Intelligence, Science
  • Thoughts: Noema
    • This word means: Thought, Mind, Device, Mental Perception, Purpose. 
The imaginations are the thoughts you've meditated on long enough to turn them into images. All mankind is built and created with the ability to imagine. This is why visual memory tricks are so helpful. 

Simple Example of Visual Memory: You are going to a friend for advice. He is busy so you want to remember what you were going to talk about. It's late in the night when you remember and you don't want to get up and get a pen and paper. You are contemplating a new business. You want to talk to him about the fact you are feeling a bit tossed around by your emotions, and you want to know if you should accept the invitation you received to a new business venture.
Now imagine a Boat, being tossed by the wind and waves. Sitting on the boat is a letter with a heart on it. Go ahead and smell the water and hear the waves crashing around you into the boat. Take a few moments to really let this image sink into your mind. Let it play like a movie in your imagination. Now see your friend and Advisor in the boat. Add details to it if you like. Later, when you want to recall what you wanted to ask him you will get this image of him in a boat with a letter on the floorboard with a heart on it. That will remind you of the feeling you have about being tossed about and the invitation. This is a simple example.

If you read this and did it, you now have an image of a boat in your mind. That image wasn't a word. You didn't imagine B O A T. You imagined a picture. But that picture gave you many words to work with. Highly developed thoughts and words become imaginations in our minds. We store images as a way to process thoughts and words. We imagine ourselves failing to the point that we see the failure as inevitable. We imagine ourselves succeeding to the point that we see success as inevitable. Either way, we get results. 
“The man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can't are both right. Which one are you?” ― Henry Ford
Imaginations, Knowledge, and Thoughts:

So imaginations are powerful images we use to paint the world around us. We do this without thinking about it, but we should be thinking about it. We also need to look at these other two words. We cast down Knowledge and Thoughts. Knowledge is derived from experience and study. You know certain things to be true. What you know is based on what you have heard, seen, studied, decided to believe, etc. However what you know could be wrong. Man KNEW that the earth was flat for many years. Idiots KNOW that we evolved from monkeys. They are all wrong. The earth is not flat, and we certainly didn't evolve from monkeys. So we must check what we think we know. Maybe at work you KNOW that a certain sales goal can't be reached. With God ALL things are possible. Therefore it CAN be reached, if you will change what you know. 

We also cast down Thoughts. Thoughts are mindsets, purposes, intentions. These are comprised of our world views, purposes, likes, etc. The thoughts we give place to will determine our lives direction. How much time do we spend filling our head with thoughts from the news? Is that news lining up with The Word of God or is it contradicting it? You can't meditate on the worlds mess and then expect to walk in the supernatural. 

Casting Care:
1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Psalm 55:22Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.
Philippians 4:5-75 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Our thoughts, knowledge, and imaginations all bring us to a point of focus. There is something we are setting our minds on, either on purpose, or by default. That group of running thoughts, background knowledge, and imaginations equate to care. We either care about God's kingdom and God's agenda, or we care about ours. This word translated thoughts is also found again in Philippians 4 as the word Minds. Our Minds are made stable through prayer and thanksgiving. 

With all the best intentions you can love God and want to believe that He will provide, but if your mind and heart are full of thoughts, knowledge, and imganations that contradict God's promises, you will be like the man in James 1: Double Minded - Receiving Nothing. 

So we need to recognize the thoughts, imaginations and knowledge that are in our way, and replace them with the correct ones. Our best tool for this is Prayer and Thanksgiving. As you pray in tongues, allowing the Holy Spirit to pray through you... then pray the Word... then thank Jesus for everything you can think of to thank Him for you will find that these contrary thoughts are being replaced with right ones.

Then read, read, and read, more bible. Let the pages sink into your eyes. Imagine yourself overcoming by the blood of the Lamb. Let THAT type of imagination be the foremost in your mind.

You may actually have to declare a FAST from all other activities ( no more TV, Games, Facebook... etc), until your mind has been renewed and you are finding yourself convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that God's word is true. When you don't struggle anymore with negative thinking or worry, you are now renewed to The Word and ready to take on your day.

Here is a hint: Are you smiling? When you wake up: Do you wake up happy and enthusiastic?

What does the start of your day look like? Please comment and share your morning routine.

Darrell G. Wolfe

Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This Present Darkness
By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
Knife of Dreams
A Memory of Light
The Path of Daggers
He Who Fights with Monsters 10
He Who Fights with Monsters 9
He Who Fights With Monsters 8
He Who Fights with Monsters 6
He Who Fights With Monsters 7
He Who Fights with Monsters 5
He Who Fights with Monsters 4
He Who Fights with Monsters 3
He Who Fights with Monsters 2
He Who Fights with Monsters
[ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Horse and His Boy

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