The Great Divide:
I know, I know... don't get in a debate on a website... I know I shouldn't but I do anyway sometimes. It's like casting pearl before swine... but at the same time, MAYBE someone else will benefit from seeing at least ONE person in the room make sense. So I did it. I had a debate in a comment thread on a science site. However...
As I look back at that comment thread that took place on a science site I am reminded of the great divide. As this world get's near it's end, the coming of Jesus, and the great tribulation... We are seeing a draw down of beliefs. Did you know atheism isn't the main enemy thought/teaching that the bible is concerned about. Atheism has no grounding in reality, so it can't hold very long. Scientists, serious scientists, are starting to look beyond atheism to pantheism, and other religious beliefs. They are even turning to alien worship and "channeling", which means talking to aliens through meditation and allowing them to talk through you... sound familiar bible students?
Divide in Politics:

The economy wasn't as bad as it could have been at first.. but rather than a quick recovery the US and World have been plunged into a prolonged illness, spiraling downward, with no good solutions or cures in sight. Left to itself this will eventually cause the total failure of every major country in the world and world wide chaos. This is all happening because some people who didn't understand economy thought that there were companies that were "Too Big To Fail". This came from unions more interested in fattening union bosses pockets that saving the country/world. Unions, another socialist construct. Unions used to be a beneficial part of negotiating, but have not become anti-progress, anti-profit, anti-benefit. They actually hurt the economy and kill jobs and long term growth for the people who pay them to protect them. I worked for one for three years, I know. Unions, almost without exception, are evil.
Divide in Science:
We all came from evolution (or more popular now: we came from aliens or even ascended beings). Non-Believers in the Bible have hijacked science, just like they hijacked the liberal party in politics. It is now ridiculed if you bring up God or Bible in a science discussion, yet it was Christians that led science for the majority of the history of the world.
Almost all major breakthroughs in science for the past 2,000 years have come from people who believed that a God of order created this world. If a God of order created this world, there must be order in it. It is out job to discover and take advantage of that order. Indeed, science has found order at the smallest levels. Micro-Biology finds bacteria that is built like a machine. These bacteria can be seen in "Darwin's Black Box", which was understandably rejected by a community more interested in preserving a godless science than seeking the truth.
Then we see men like George Washington Carver. He discovered hundreds of uses for peanuts and other things.
We all came from evolution (or more popular now: we came from aliens or even ascended beings). Non-Believers in the Bible have hijacked science, just like they hijacked the liberal party in politics. It is now ridiculed if you bring up God or Bible in a science discussion, yet it was Christians that led science for the majority of the history of the world.
Almost all major breakthroughs in science for the past 2,000 years have come from people who believed that a God of order created this world. If a God of order created this world, there must be order in it. It is out job to discover and take advantage of that order. Indeed, science has found order at the smallest levels. Micro-Biology finds bacteria that is built like a machine. These bacteria can be seen in "Darwin's Black Box", which was understandably rejected by a community more interested in preserving a godless science than seeking the truth.
Then we see men like George Washington Carver. He discovered hundreds of uses for peanuts and other things.
George Washington Carver - Wiki:
George Washington Carver believed he could have faith both in God and science and integrated them into his life. He testified on many occasions that his faith in Jesus was the only mechanism by which he could effectively pursue and perform the art of science.[54] George Washington Carver became a Christian when he was ten years old. When he was still a young boy, he was not expected to live past his twenty-first birthday due to failing health. He lived well past the age of twenty-one, and his belief deepened as a result.[22] Throughout his career, he always found friendship with other Christians. He relied on them especially when criticized by the scientific community and media regarding his research methodology.[55]Carver viewed faith in Jesus as a means of destroying both barriers of racial disharmony and social stratification.[56] He was as concerned with his students' character development as he was with their intellectual development. He compiled a list of eight cardinal virtues for his students to strive toward:
The KCM BVOV Broadcasts with Kenneth Copeland and Bill Winston talked a lot about Tuskegee and George Washington Carver:
People in science are either starting from a view point that there is a God and discovering things. Or they are starting from a view point that there is NO God and discovering things. They draw their radically different conclusions from these view points.
Great Divide at Work:
At work places all over the country; acceptance and tolerance are preached, enforced, and demanded. One cannot say anything about Jesus or Heaven/Hell or Bible in an authoritative way without being called out on it as intolerant and causing trouble in the workplace. However work places are openly celebrating homosexuality as a cause to be championed, as though it were equal to being a black or other minority who needed civil rights.
The Bible Believing Christian knows that homosexuality is at best a choice and at worst a biological/psychological disorder. It is not something you must be or have. In fact, scientifically speaking, it is more closely related to addiction that race. You are not born gay any more than you are born a crack addict or alcoholic. Homosexuality, as with all addictions, is based on biological, psychological, and environmental factors. As with all addictions, there are patterns that are common to many addicts, but there are no one set of factors common to all. It is not like a matter of having X,Y, and Z always makes you gay, or that all gays have X,Y, and Z. But there are strong patterns showing that many, if not most, do contain common threads of patterns, and that those patterns are more prevelant among gays than any non gay group.
Great Divide Worsened by Ignorance:
What makes these divides worse is that Christians fail to research or understand things and make blanket comments about a subject that they don't understand. These things make them sound ridiculous to the person who has taken time to think this through and is looking for real answers.
Also, Non-Christians fail to understand the real answers Christianity provides because they look to the highlighted loud answers given by people who don't understand. They don't seek to understand us, we don't seek to understand their need for real answers.
The Answer:
We need to pray. Find out from God what our part is. The great divide will only get MORE polarized as Jesus' return draws near. People are being forced to choose. There is no middle. There is no fence to sit on. EVERYONE on this planet will make a choice before the return of Jesus. So we must be there to answer those who are still making the choice. We can somewhat ignore those who don't care, who have made their choice. But we must be ready to answer them, for the benefit of those who are listening to both sides.
Does that mean you need to find an answer to every question and be the expert on every subject? NO! But you have a part to play. Become SURE about what you know, find answers for yourself. Show people the places they can get good answers.
Ultimately, though, there is ONE way people are going to see the truth. LIGHT. Light comes as Christians take the words of Jesus in Mark 16:15-20: Those who believe will have signs following them... He will confirm His Word with Signs Following. As we walk in The Anointing of God, casting out devils, speaking in new tongues, healing the sick, raising the dead, etc... we take the Authority that was given in Genesis 1:28, stolen from us in Genesis 3, and returned to us in Galatians 3:13, and we wield that authority in The Name of Jesus!
Let's help people see The Light! Darrell G. Wolfe
The Comment Threads:
Great Divide at Work:
At work places all over the country; acceptance and tolerance are preached, enforced, and demanded. One cannot say anything about Jesus or Heaven/Hell or Bible in an authoritative way without being called out on it as intolerant and causing trouble in the workplace. However work places are openly celebrating homosexuality as a cause to be championed, as though it were equal to being a black or other minority who needed civil rights.
The Bible Believing Christian knows that homosexuality is at best a choice and at worst a biological/psychological disorder. It is not something you must be or have. In fact, scientifically speaking, it is more closely related to addiction that race. You are not born gay any more than you are born a crack addict or alcoholic. Homosexuality, as with all addictions, is based on biological, psychological, and environmental factors. As with all addictions, there are patterns that are common to many addicts, but there are no one set of factors common to all. It is not like a matter of having X,Y, and Z always makes you gay, or that all gays have X,Y, and Z. But there are strong patterns showing that many, if not most, do contain common threads of patterns, and that those patterns are more prevelant among gays than any non gay group.
Great Divide Worsened by Ignorance:
What makes these divides worse is that Christians fail to research or understand things and make blanket comments about a subject that they don't understand. These things make them sound ridiculous to the person who has taken time to think this through and is looking for real answers.
Also, Non-Christians fail to understand the real answers Christianity provides because they look to the highlighted loud answers given by people who don't understand. They don't seek to understand us, we don't seek to understand their need for real answers.
The Answer:
We need to pray. Find out from God what our part is. The great divide will only get MORE polarized as Jesus' return draws near. People are being forced to choose. There is no middle. There is no fence to sit on. EVERYONE on this planet will make a choice before the return of Jesus. So we must be there to answer those who are still making the choice. We can somewhat ignore those who don't care, who have made their choice. But we must be ready to answer them, for the benefit of those who are listening to both sides.

Ultimately, though, there is ONE way people are going to see the truth. LIGHT. Light comes as Christians take the words of Jesus in Mark 16:15-20: Those who believe will have signs following them... He will confirm His Word with Signs Following. As we walk in The Anointing of God, casting out devils, speaking in new tongues, healing the sick, raising the dead, etc... we take the Authority that was given in Genesis 1:28, stolen from us in Genesis 3, and returned to us in Galatians 3:13, and we wield that authority in The Name of Jesus!
Let's help people see The Light! Darrell G. Wolfe
The Comment Threads:
- The bible says "God is light" not that he's like light, but that he IS light. If he, and his angels are composed of light, and we only see one spectrum of light, it stands to reason that there are angels around us and we can't see them, other's call them Djinn, aliens, alternate dimensions. They've been here far longer than we have. God's purpose in building the galaxies was for us to populate them. Make sure to get on his side and you may yet have the chance, as man's spirit lives forever, though his body doesn't.
p/faith.html - In Response: Kind sir, Science doesn't mean atheist. We Christians have been doing science far longer than modern atheists and are the cause of many, if not most, of the major breakthroughs in science in the last 2,000. Please do not pretend that you have a corner on all science. Besides that, there is no scientific difference between discussing beings of an alternate dimension and angels. Definitions, my dear Watson, definitions.
- Energy produces light, so to say that God is light, is to say that God is energy. Same thing. So if energy can become matter, as Einstein theorized, than all that needs to happen for you to see a being made of energy/light is for that being to convert to matter so we can interact and then convert back to energy. As science and science fiction often follow each other, spurring each other on to high levels, the concept of turning matter to energy and back to matter has been discussed by serious scientists for a while now. Although it is still considered out of reach, it is no longer considered strictly impossible. Theoretically we just lack the advanced understanding to make it happen.http:// article.cfm?id=quotbeam-me- upquot - To say that energy is the same as light, is to say, that energy is percieved as light by the senses. We see a "Lighting" storm. We don't call it an electricity storm, though that's what it is, we call is "lightning" so this definition of light is based on the sensory understanding.(*2,000 years)
- Thomas Lewis · Top Commenter · Smithtown High School EastDarrell G. Wolfe look at the Vatican,they do real science,have a few large telescopes.see http:// - Just had a thought about this. Man was made in the image of God. We are not natural, then having a spiritual experience. We are spirit, having a natural experience. Man is spirit first, soul (mind, will, emotions), then body. When you die, you leave your body, but you don't leave.Your brain is not your mind. Your brain is the tool with which your mind can gain access through your body to this world. Stories abound of people dying on operating tables and being located somewhere in the room, after death, they hear and see the whole conversation from their vantage point in the room away from their body. They then recount the conversation and visual actions to the people who were saving their lives. These stories are too numerous to be discounted.Therefore, YOU are energy, at your base too. It's not just God that is energy. YOUare energy, inhabiting a material body for a time on this planet. Then you leave, until you come back with your new body after the Resurrection of the dead and the coming of Jesus.Of course, many will think that what I just said is nonsense. Then again, I think that anyone who actually believes we evolved from lower species without the slightest fossil evidence of an intermediary species is ridiculous. Did you know, for example, that according to Darwin's theory, there should be a fossil record of gradually evolving species. In fact, there should be MORE "in between" fossils than complete fossils. But in every case we see a fossil of a creature that is wholly what it is. The fossil record doesn't support gradual evolution but distinct species already developed.So we'll agree to disagree. In the mean time, It's interesting to think about this energy/matter topic.
This was following a thread from:
Just because something cannot be seen doesn't mean its not there. You feel the pressure at high altitudes and low altitudes yet see no difference in the invisible air. The fact that the atomic world is very real and effects our lives only shows how close minded some people are to the invisible world. This will rock your brain, humans only see 1 spectrum of light, could be aliens right infront of you but living in a different wave length of light our eyes cannot see. However infrared and blue etc camera's can and if you have seen any videos in space of what they reveal, its a cluster of moving things almost like a vibrant living ocean.
- Stacy Fisher · Top Commenter · Background Artist at Central Casting Los AngelesStacy Paris The idea and observation of antimatter and its use as a potential rock fuel came long before Star Trek, but I like your post as you bring up some fair points. And science fiction and science are first cousin incestuous at this point anyway. Now black holes are extremely powerful phenomena and their presence is undeniable. Great jests of plasma shoot out of galaxies, a cluster of giant stars whip about the center of the Milky Way around an invisible point, light distorts, etc, and sub-atomic is certainly testable, as the properties of sub atomic particles are recorded daily. Electronics would not work if the properties of atoms and molecules weren't understood. Dark Matter, yes it is still at the level of understanding that not much definitive can be said about the matter yet.
- The bible says "God is light" not that he's like light, but that he IS light. If he, and his angels are composed of light, and we only see one spectrum of light, it stands to reason that there are angels around us and we can't see them, other's call them Djinn, aliens, alternate dimensions. They've been here far longer than we have. God's purpose in building the galaxies was for us to populate them. Make sure to get on his side and you may yet have the chance, as man's spirit lives forever, though his body doesn't.
p/faith.html - Stacy Fisher · Top Commenter · Background Artist at Central Casting Los Angeles
- Kind sir, Science doesn't mean atheist. We Christians have been doing science far longer than modern atheists and are the cause of many, if not most, of the major breakthroughs in science in the last 2,000. Please do not pretend that you have a corner on all science. Besides that, there is no scientific difference between discussing beings of an alternate dimension and angels. Definitions, my dear Watson, definitions.
- Energy produces light, so to say that God is light, is to say that God is energy. Same thing. So if energy can become matter, as Einstein theorized, than all that needs to happen for you to see a being made of energy/light is for that being to convert to matter so we can interact and then convert back to energy. As science and science fiction often follow each other, spurring each other on to high levels, the concept of turning matter to energy and back to matter has been discussed by serious scientists for a while now. Although it is still considered out of reach, it is no longer considered strictly impossible. Theoretically we just lack the advanced understanding to make it happen.http:// article.cfm?id=quotbeam-me- upquot - To say that energy is the same as light, is to say, that energy is percieved as light by the senses. We see a "Lighting" storm. We don't call it an electricity storm, though that's what it is, we call is "lightning" so this definition of light is based on the sensory understanding.(*2,000 years)
- Stacy Fisher · Top Commenter · Background Artist at Central Casting Los AngelesDarrell G. Wolfe Ok so you say that light can become matter and vice versa. And you're right. So why not just say God is light and matter (and the laws of the universe), or just the universe, rather than your initial claim that only light was God. But no matter. I am a pantheist, not an atheist. And yes, many theologians have done some great science in the past, but they stick to the scientific process, they don't reach into the bible to support their claims.
Well Stacy: That's basically what I DID say... HA HA HA... so deceived.
Darrell G. Wolfe
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