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Friday, June 1, 2012

Do You Know Jesus?

Do You Know Jesus?

Do you know Jesus? Really know him? Have you been saved but "Back Slidden". Have you never really heard of Jesus or what He came to do? Maybe you've been turned off to Christianity because of the poor, or even hypocritical, treatment of Christians! Maybe you've had experience in the occult, demons, witch craft, UFO societies, etc... Maybe you played with demonic toys "Just for fun" and now your house his causing you issues because of it. Maybe you have committed crimes that you feel are too evil to be forgiven of.

I have GOOD NEWS for you!!!!!

That is what "Gospel" means: Good News!

Jesus is the King of Kings! He is the Lord of Lords! He created ALL things, including those angels that fell into deception! His body was broken and His blood shed for your deliverance!

Don't feel that you can't be forgiven. There is nobody, not even Hitler himself, that can't receive the free gift of Salvation if they will just ask God for it. It is a free gift. You can't earn it. All have sinned so no body can! Therefore because all have sinned all can receive it! There is no difference between one human and another when it comes go Jesus. All sinned All get the free gift of salvation! Jesus did not come to condemn you! He came that you might have life and have it more abundantly!

If you want to see this for yourself see:
Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. That means: "Hey people! The Kingdom of God has come and that's Good News! Why?

Read Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 because all of that blessing now belongs to you according to Galatians 3:14!!! The good news is that God has blessed you despite you! You can't earn it or deserve it! But you can receive it. It starts by getting your heart right.

Pray this prayer:
"Father in heaven, you are Holy! You sent you only Son to earth to die for me that I could live for you! Thank you for that gift! I receive it! I take! It's mine! I believe! I say right now that devils have no more place or authority in my life! I invite you into my heart, my house, my life, and all I am and have! Satan I command you to leave because I submitted to God! (James 4:7)"

Now if you prayed that prayer, and you want demons to leave you alone; start to praise God. Song is among the most powerful ways to renew your mind and heart to God's word and set yourself in a peaceful place in Him! If you don't know any spiritual - scriptural songs I'll get you started here below.

If you prayed this prayer I invite you to visit this link from Jesse Duplantis to hear more about salvation:

Then also explore some awesome articles from Kenneth Copeland on getting started with your walk with God here:

My favorite place to get new and old music to sing to God is at Just sign up and type in "Praise and Worship" in the search for new music box. Free Praise and Worship streaming 24/7!

Find a good Church near you:

Let me get you started. Click Play below and wash your spirit and soul in the blood of Jesus!

Thank you for reading... Darrell G. Wolfe

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe


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