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Monday, February 4, 2013

Word Studies in Matthew 25

Matthew 25:34-36

34 "Then the King will say to those on His right'Come, you who are blessed of MyFatherinherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
tovte {ADV} ejrei' {V-FAI-3S} oJ {T-NSM} basileu;? {N-NSM} toi'? {T-DPN} ejk {PREP} dexiw'naujtou', {P-GSM} Deu'te, {V-XXM-2P} oiJ {T-NPM} eujloghmevnoi {V-RPP-NPM} tou' {T-GSM}patrov? {N-GSM} mou, {P-1GS} klhronomhvsate {V-AAM-2P} th;n {T-ASF} hJtoimasmevnhn{V-RPP-ASF} uJmi'n {P-2DP} basileivan {N-ASF} ajpo; {PREP} katabolh'? {N-GSF} kovsmou: {N-GSM}
35 'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat ; I was thirsty, and you gaveMe something to drink ; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;
ejpeivnasa {V-AAI-1S} ga;r {CONJ} kai; {CONJ} ejdwvkatev {V-AAI-2P} moi {P-1DS} fagei'n, {V-2AAN} ejdivyhsa {V-AAI-1S} kai; {CONJ} ejpotivsatev {V-AAI-2P} me, {P-1AS} xevno? h~mhn {V-IXI-1S} kai; {CONJ} sunhgavgetev {V-2AAI-2P} me, {P-1AS}
36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and youcame to Me.'
gumno;? {A-NSM} kai; {CONJ} periebavletev {V-2AAI-2P} me, {P-1AS} hjsqevnhsa {V-AAI-1S} kai;{CONJ} ejpeskevyasqev {V-ADI-2P} me, {P-1AS} ejn {PREP} fulakh'/ {N-DSF} h~mhn {V-IXI-1S} kai;{CONJ} h~lqate {V-2AAI-2P} prov? {PREP} me. {P-1AS}

I want to examine a few words:

  1. Stranger
    1. Xenos: Without knowledge, new, unheard of... 
    2. This doesn't JUST mean a person who is outside of Christ, although it means that too, it would also mean someone who is a Christian, but doesn't know that they have a Covenant relationship with God, and they don't know how to operate inside of that covenant. 
  2. Invited
    1. Sunago: Literally-To Lead. This is the word we get "Synagogue" from. It means to lead into, gather, invite, be a good host. It is compared to the word Sullego which means to collect in order to carry off. At the final harvest of souls the angels will Sullego the tares (enemy) and Sunago the wheat (Believers).
    2. We are to lead with compassion into an inviting and hospitipal place all those who are without knowledge of Christ and/or their covenant in Him. 
  3. Naked
    1. Gumnos: without clothing, stripped, without an outer garment. One could be partially clothed but not fully clothed and still be Gumnos/Naked. 
    2. There are those who are naked spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. We are to help clothe them all. 
  4. Clothed
    1. Periballo: To throw around. As in a mote around a castle, shawl around shoulders, robe around a man. 
    2. This one who is stripped of their outer protection can be covered by ours. We could be using OUR Faith to put it to work on behalf of others who don't know how to use theirs. 
  5. Sick
    1. Astheneo: Literally to be without strength. Typcially this is physical weakness as opposed to other types of weakness. 
    2. This isn't just someone with the flu. This is elderly, orphans, widows, people with disabilities, and others who need help. I would posit further that this could also mean that someone who doesn't have the capacity for something. A mechanic helping someone who is not mechanically inclined. 
  6. Visited
    1. Episkeptomai: To look on, look after, look with the eyes. Could also be to look after as in to care for another for their benefit. 
    2. It is our job to "look after for the benefit of" those in our spehere of influence that are weak. 
      1. This isn't JUST coming over to have coffee and talk. This is what our youth group was doing when they went to elderly peoples homes and cut the grass and cleaned the gutters. 
      2. This is when KCM sent people to Sandy Vicitms LONG before any other Government institutions came to help, which as of 02/2013 they STILL haven't! 

Those are my thoughts from todays reading...What are yous? DW

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe
Facebook: Facebook.Com/EmpoweredTooProsper

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