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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Transitions - Pressing through resistance: Study Notes from 07/20/2013

The following is my take away from the bible study I went to today. It was led by Pastor Scott Graham. "Transitions - Pressing through resistance"

Exodus 14

1 The Lord spoke to Moses: 2 “Tell the Israelites that they must turn and camp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea; you are to camp by the sea before Baal Zephon opposite it. 3 Pharaoh will think regarding the Israelites, ‘They are wandering around confused in the land – the desert has closed in on them.’ 4 I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after them. I will gain honor because of Pharaoh and because of all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” So this is what they did.

10 When Pharaoh got closer, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians marching after them, and they were terrified. The Israelites cried out to the Lord, 11 and they said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the desert? What in the world have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?

13 Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord that he will provide for you today; for the Egyptians that you see today you will never, ever see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and you can be still.” 15 The Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. 16 And as for you, lift up your staff and extend your hand toward the sea and divide it, so that the Israelites may go through the middle of the sea on dry ground. 17 And as for me, I am going to harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will come after them, that I may be honored because of Pharaoh and his army and his chariots and his horsemen. 18 And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I have gained my honor because of Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen.”

30 So the Lord saved Israel on that day from the power of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the shore of the sea. 31 When Israel saw the great power that the Lord had exercised over the Egyptians, they feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses.

The Door is Not Typical

Sometimes you find yourself with mountains on both sides, a sea before you, and an enemy behind. There would seem to be no way out. Truth be told if you'd been praying God would have been telling you that you were headed here and why and you wouldn't be surprised. Never-the-less here you are. There is a door. God led you INTO this situation. You are not here because you made a mistake or took the wrong course. It's where God wanted you. You are in the perfect will of God, but it doesn't FEEL right.

You don't SEE the door. But God has a door. Part of the reason you don't see the door is that it's unusual and nontraditional and out of the norm. In fact he never has opened this door before. It's the first time he's ever opened this type of door for anyone. How can you stay calm?

How would you feel hemmed in on all sides with no apparent solution and no apparent way out? I'd feel like a cornered animal and start wanting to claw and fight my way out! 

You have two options. 
  1. You can sit and whine and complain and cry and carry on. You can blame your leaders. You can threaten.
  2. You can STOP, DROP, and PRAY. Go into LOW SLOW. Slow down your inner self until you can ask in faith expecting an answer. Don't ask what the solution is. Don't ask "Why?". Simply ask for instruction. What do you want me to do next? What is the next indicated step?
If your prayer is full of worry and fret and anxiety, if you prayer is filled with a racing mind and many thoughts, you aren't there yet. Stop praying with words, and go into Worship. Find some worship music that inspires you and get into His presence. Find a way to focus on Him strong enough and long enough that all that other settles down and dissipates. Don't even pray for the answer. Just ask Him for the next indicated step and then thank Him for it until you have it. If you don't get it in one prayer session than keep returning until you have the next step.

Be prepared, that next step may seem odd. It may seem unusual. In fact it may be something no one else has ever done. He may ask you to start walking into the water. He may ask you to walk around the city and then yell at it. He may ask you to bake your last food for someone else. He may ask you to start pouring your last little vessel of oil into borrowed jars.You get the point.

Many times the door he has for you is unexpected and won't be based on anything you can plan on based on your experience.

Red Light Indicator

There is a Red Light Indicator on your dashboard. It's a signal that something is wrong. If you try to hear instruction from God, and you can't hear it because your mind is busy, scattered, racing, full of many thoughts and/or worries... STOP. Go into Low Slow. That state of mind is an indication you are off course, at least mentally/emotionally, and you need to get back over onto Him!

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store


Transitions - Pressing through resistance: Study Notes from 07/20/2013

The following is my take away from the bible study I went to today. It was led by Pastor Scott Graham. "Transitions - Pressing through resistance"

Exodus 14

1 The Lord spoke to Moses: 2 “Tell the Israelites that they must turn and camp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea; you are to camp by the sea before Baal Zephon opposite it. 3 Pharaoh will think regarding the Israelites, ‘They are wandering around confused in the land – the desert has closed in on them.’ 4 I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will chase after them. I will gain honor because of Pharaoh and because of all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord.” So this is what they did.

10 When Pharaoh got closer, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptians marching after them, and they were terrified. The Israelites cried out to the Lord, 11 and they said to Moses, “Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the desert? What in the world have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt?

13 Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord that he will provide for you today; for the Egyptians that you see today you will never, ever see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you, and you can be still.” 15 The Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. 16 And as for you, lift up your staff and extend your hand toward the sea and divide it, so that the Israelites may go through the middle of the sea on dry ground. 17 And as for me, I am going to harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they will come after them, that I may be honored because of Pharaoh and his army and his chariots and his horsemen. 18 And the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I have gained my honor because of Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen.”

30 So the Lord saved Israel on that day from the power of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the shore of the sea. 31 When Israel saw the great power that the Lord had exercised over the Egyptians, they feared the Lord, and they believed in the Lord and in his servant Moses.

The Door is Not Typical

Sometimes you find yourself with mountains on both sides, a sea before you, and an enemy behind. There would seem to be no way out. Truth be told if you'd been praying God would have been telling you that you were headed here and why and you wouldn't be surprised. Never-the-less here you are. There is a door. God led you INTO this situation. You are not here because you made a mistake or took the wrong course. It's where God wanted you. You are in the perfect will of God, but it doesn't FEEL right.

You don't SEE the door. But God has a door. Part of the reason you don't see the door is that it's unusual and nontraditional and out of the norm. In fact he never has opened this door before. It's the first time he's ever opened this type of door for anyone. How can you stay calm?

How would you feel hemmed in on all sides with no apparent solution and no apparent way out? I'd feel like a cornered animal and start wanting to claw and fight my way out! 

You have two options. 
  1. You can sit and whine and complain and cry and carry on. You can blame your leaders. You can threaten.
  2. You can STOP, DROP, and PRAY. Go into LOW SLOW. Slow down your inner self until you can ask in faith expecting an answer. Don't ask what the solution is. Don't ask "Why?". Simply ask for instruction. What do you want me to do next? What is the next indicated step?
If your prayer is full of worry and fret and anxiety, if you prayer is filled with a racing mind and many thoughts, you aren't there yet. Stop praying with words, and go into Worship. Find some worship music that inspires you and get into His presence. Find a way to focus on Him strong enough and long enough that all that other settles down and dissipates. Don't even pray for the answer. Just ask Him for the next indicated step and then thank Him for it until you have it. If you don't get it in one prayer session than keep returning until you have the next step.

Be prepared, that next step may seem odd. It may seem unusual. In fact it may be something no one else has ever done. He may ask you to start walking into the water. He may ask you to walk around the city and then yell at it. He may ask you to bake your last food for someone else. He may ask you to start pouring your last little vessel of oil into borrowed jars.You get the point.

Many times the door he has for you is unexpected and won't be based on anything you can plan on based on your experience.

Red Light Indicator

There is a Red Light Indicator on your dashboard. It's a signal that something is wrong. If you try to hear instruction from God, and you can't hear it because your mind is busy, scattered, racing, full of many thoughts and/or worries... STOP. Go into Low Slow. That state of mind is an indication you are off course, at least mentally/emotionally, and you need to get back over onto Him!

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store


Friday, July 19, 2013

That's IT! It's time for a Founders Party!


- Christian photographers Elane Photography in New Mexico were approached by a same sex couple looking to hire a wedding photographer. Elane Photography politely declined citing their Christian faith and were sued by the couple under the state’s anti-discriminatory laws, and won. In New Mexico you apparently have no right to your free expression and practice of faith any longer.

It's one thing for a state to create a law allowing same-sex marriage. I'm against it, but it is what it is. I recognize that there is a difference between a marriage as a biblical union before God and a Man and his Wife and some artificial state sponsored document.

You could call that state document a marriage, a union, an arrangement, a tax protected status, you can call it whatever you want. It is not, nor can it ever be a "Marriage" as defined by God. Whatever! Nor could you call the state sponsored document equal to "Marriage" if it was a heterosexual couple either. Just signing a paper doesn't make you married in God's world. There is more to Biblical Marriage than a piece of paper.

But NOW you are taking things to a new level. Now you are not just telling me I can't tell you "No!" to your marriage. Now you aren't just telling me I have to tolerate your position. Now you are telling me that the state has the right to tell me I have to do business with you and by doing so "endorse" your marriage? This isn't a gay/straight issue anymore. It's not even a Religion V Gay issue anymore.

Now it's a Constitutional Issue. Under NO circumstance does the government have the right to tell you what you must purchase or who you must or must not to business with, unless that issue is in violation of National Security. As in the case of doing business with a terrorist organization or something of that nature.

This is a much larger issue now. You have an administration that is forcing people to buy health insurance, that is Anti-Constitutional. You have an Administration that is telling people who they MUST do business with, that is Anti-Constitutional. Every last human being that voted for or votes for in the future

It is now my claim that you cannot call yourself a Christian and vote for people that take your freedom and fight the God you claim to serve. If you vote for any Republican or Democrat that supports Abortion, Gay Rights, or the taking of your God given liberties; you are a traitor to Jesus Christ and I dare to say that you must choose Him or Them!

Any Pastor that endorsed Obama should resign his pastorate! Any Pastor that endorses ANY candidate that holds anti biblical view should be force-ably removed from the pulpit by his people as a traitor to Jesus!

What IS the solution? Republicans aren't any better than Democrats here sometimes, but they are better on the many issues. We must form our own party. One built on Faith and Trust in God as THE founder of this country. We were silent as they tried to force us from Politics claiming a fake "separation of Church and State" that has no legal basis in the Constitution or any of the Founding Documents. Enough is enough. I'm calling for the formation of a Founders Party. Retuning America to it's God Given and God Centered Roots!

If you are gay, I'm NOT against you. I'm not even going to tell you to stop being gay. But I AM going to tell you to stop getting into MY business! 

You have the right to exist and be who you want to be in your home. You do NOT have the right to force me to endorse it!

My name is Darrell G. Wolfe and I endorse this message!

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store


That's IT! It's time for a Founders Party!


- Christian photographers Elane Photography in New Mexico were approached by a same sex couple looking to hire a wedding photographer. Elane Photography politely declined citing their Christian faith and were sued by the couple under the state’s anti-discriminatory laws, and won. In New Mexico you apparently have no right to your free expression and practice of faith any longer.

It's one thing for a state to create a law allowing same-sex marriage. I'm against it, but it is what it is. I recognize that there is a difference between a marriage as a biblical union before God and a Man and his Wife and some artificial state sponsored document.

You could call that state document a marriage, a union, an arrangement, a tax protected status, you can call it whatever you want. It is not, nor can it ever be a "Marriage" as defined by God. Whatever! Nor could you call the state sponsored document equal to "Marriage" if it was a heterosexual couple either. Just signing a paper doesn't make you married in God's world. There is more to Biblical Marriage than a piece of paper.

But NOW you are taking things to a new level. Now you are not just telling me I can't tell you "No!" to your marriage. Now you aren't just telling me I have to tolerate your position. Now you are telling me that the state has the right to tell me I have to do business with you and by doing so "endorse" your marriage? This isn't a gay/straight issue anymore. It's not even a Religion V Gay issue anymore.

Now it's a Constitutional Issue. Under NO circumstance does the government have the right to tell you what you must purchase or who you must or must not to business with, unless that issue is in violation of National Security. As in the case of doing business with a terrorist organization or something of that nature.

This is a much larger issue now. You have an administration that is forcing people to buy health insurance, that is Anti-Constitutional. You have an Administration that is telling people who they MUST do business with, that is Anti-Constitutional. Every last human being that voted for or votes for in the future

It is now my claim that you cannot call yourself a Christian and vote for people that take your freedom and fight the God you claim to serve. If you vote for any Republican or Democrat that supports Abortion, Gay Rights, or the taking of your God given liberties; you are a traitor to Jesus Christ and I dare to say that you must choose Him or Them!

Any Pastor that endorsed Obama should resign his pastorate! Any Pastor that endorses ANY candidate that holds anti biblical view should be force-ably removed from the pulpit by his people as a traitor to Jesus!

What IS the solution? Republicans aren't any better than Democrats here sometimes, but they are better on the many issues. We must form our own party. One built on Faith and Trust in God as THE founder of this country. We were silent as they tried to force us from Politics claiming a fake "separation of Church and State" that has no legal basis in the Constitution or any of the Founding Documents. Enough is enough. I'm calling for the formation of a Founders Party. Retuning America to it's God Given and God Centered Roots!

If you are gay, I'm NOT against you. I'm not even going to tell you to stop being gay. But I AM going to tell you to stop getting into MY business! 

You have the right to exist and be who you want to be in your home. You do NOT have the right to force me to endorse it!

My name is Darrell G. Wolfe and I endorse this message!

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store


Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Thoughts on Abortion, as posted to a Facebook Dialogue.

This was a dialogue I felt I had to weigh in to. It was on a photo posted on Matt Krauses Public Facebook Page. It shows the total ignorance of Abortion Advocates. My response is at the bottom.

Top of Form

Matt Krause
Like This PageLiked · 6 hours ago

Honored to stand with Gov. Perry and other pro-life legislators at today's HB 2 signing. A great day for Texas and its posterity!
Jeff Plaga "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". You are restricting a woman's right to do as her religion deems acceptable based off of your religious beliefs.
Matt Krause That doesn't endorse the idea of separation of church and state. All that says is that there can be no official state religion. There is no reference in the Constitution that implicates a wall, and our founding father's actions do not support such a p...See More
Jeff Plaga Yes as a Jefferson historian I am very well versed on where the phrase "separation of church and state" originated. But you are restricting someone to perform a perfectly acceptable medical procedure based on your religious beliefs. However, the suprem...See More
Matt Krause With abortion, it is not just a woman and her doctor. There is a third person involved and the government has a duty to ensure that a person's life, liberty, or property is not deprived without due process of law. It is a perfectly legitimate act of th...See More
Jeff Plaga I agree there is a limit as to when a woman should be allowed to have an abortion and the MEDICAL community should be the one making that decision. But why are you restricting access to places that perform abortion? And don't say it is for the safety of women because your leader, Rick Perry, already stated that this bill was designed to ultimately outlaw abortion.
Darrell G. Wolfe Medical:
As the son of an RN who has spent her entire life working with Mom's and Babies in Postpartum and in Delivery let me weigh in here. There some, but very few, instances where an abortion has any medical necessity. It is the governments’ duty to preserve life. It is the duty of all practicing Doctors to preserve life.
Let’s define “abortion” and “early delivery” as two different things.
Abortion often involves cutting and tearing apart the unborn child piece by piece, while living in order to cause violent and painful death to the unborn child.
Early Delivery then would be an alternative. If it becomes medically necessary to deliver early and “terminate” the pregnancy, the alternative, typically not practiced by abortion advocate doctors, would be to deliver the child, natural or C-Section, whole and as alive as it can be and then allow nature to take it’s course. Many children have been born premature and lived much earlier than doctors believed they would. It’s also the job of doctors to preserve life so that newly born child would then require all medically available intervention to prevent it’s death. IF, and only IF, at that point the child dies we can say that it Medicine and Law served their role to protect life.
“Abortion” defined as the purposeful destruction of a living being, has NO medical, moral, or legal case. It should be outlawed in whole at all stages of pregnancy. The child has a brain and heart before most women know their pregnant. “Life: brain waves, heart pumping, and other signs of life” begin early on in the first trimester.
If medical necessity is determined this would require “Early Delivery”, NOT “Abortion”.
The Moral debate on this subject is another matter and simply put:
What does any human in the USA have the right to choose? Does a mother have the right to choose to kill her 17 YEAR old son if he causes her inconvenience or she “chooses” to? What moral difference is there between killing a 17 year old and a 17 week old and a 17 hour old? At what point does that human being get rights? Abortion advocates are not fighting FOR women, they are fighting AGAINST children.
Also study after study show that Abortion on the whole has done more harm to women physically and emotionally than it has ever done anyone any good. The Abortion Industry is a multi-billion dollar business and it preys on women at a vulnerable point in their lives and pressures them into making this decision more often than not. Many who try to back out are discouraged from backing out and pressured to continue. Places like Planned Parenthood rarely provide any of the very viable alternatives to Abortion to these women. Those that fight for Abortion are fighting to preserve a business that makes them a lot of money and violates women on many levels. Fighting abortion is a fight FOR women and FOR children.
It is Abortion advocates that hate women and children and use them for their own profits.
One man’s opinion, Darrell G. Wolfe
A blog written to help people into Good Success in every area of their lives, Spiritual, Physical, and Financial.

Bottom of Form

For those who cannot see the photo:

As the son of an RN who has spent her entire life working with Mom's and Babies in Postpartum and in Delivery let me weigh in here. There some, but very few, instances where an abortion has any medical necessity. It is the governments’ duty to preserve life. It is the duty of all practicing Doctors to preserve life.
Let’s define “abortion” and “early delivery” as two different things.
Abortion often involves cutting and tearing apart the unborn child piece by piece, while living in order to cause violent and painful death to the unborn child.
Early Delivery then would be an alternative. If it becomes medically necessary to deliver early and “terminate” the pregnancy, the alternative, typically not practiced by abortion advocate doctors, would be to deliver the child, natural or C-Section, whole and as alive as it can be and then allow nature to take it’s course. Many children have been born premature and lived much earlier than doctors believed they would. It’s also the job of doctors to preserve life so that newly born child would then require all medically available intervention to prevent it’s death. IF, and only IF, at that point the child dies we can say that it Medicine and Law served their role to protect life.
 “Abortion” defined as the purposeful destruction of a living being, has NO medical, moral, or legal case. It should be outlawed in whole at all stages of pregnancy. The child has a brain and heart before most women know their pregnant. “Life: brain waves, heart pumping, and other signs of life” begin early on in the first trimester.
If medical necessity is determined this would require “Early Delivery”, NOT “Abortion”.
The Moral debate on this subject is another matter and simply put:  
What does any human in the USA have the right to choose? Does a mother have the right to choose to kill her 17 YEAR old son if he causes her inconvenience or she “chooses” to? What moral difference is there between killing a 17 year old and a 17 week old and a 17 hour old? At what point does that human being get rights? Abortion advocates are not fighting FOR women, they are fighting AGAINST children.
Also study after study show that Abortion on the whole has done more harm to women physically and emotionally than it has ever done anyone any good. The Abortion Industry is a multi-billion dollar business and it preys on women at a vulnerable point in their lives and pressures them into making this decision more often than not. Many who try to back out are discouraged from backing out and pressured to continue. Places like Planned Parenthood rarely provide any of the very viable alternatives to Abortion to these women. Those that fight for Abortion are fighting to preserve a business that makes them a lot of money and violates women on many levels. Fighting abortion is a fight FOR women and FOR children.
It is Abortion advocates that hate women and children and use them for their own profits.
One man’s opinion, Darrell G. Wolfe http://N2GS.Blogspot.Com

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store



My Thoughts on Abortion, as posted to a Facebook Dialogue.

This was a dialogue I felt I had to weigh in to. It was on a photo posted on Matt Krauses Public Facebook Page. It shows the total ignorance of Abortion Advocates. My response is at the bottom.

Top of Form

Matt Krause
Like This PageLiked · 6 hours ago

Honored to stand with Gov. Perry and other pro-life legislators at today's HB 2 signing. A great day for Texas and its posterity!
Jeff Plaga "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...". You are restricting a woman's right to do as her religion deems acceptable based off of your religious beliefs.
Matt Krause That doesn't endorse the idea of separation of church and state. All that says is that there can be no official state religion. There is no reference in the Constitution that implicates a wall, and our founding father's actions do not support such a p...See More
Jeff Plaga Yes as a Jefferson historian I am very well versed on where the phrase "separation of church and state" originated. But you are restricting someone to perform a perfectly acceptable medical procedure based on your religious beliefs. However, the suprem...See More
Matt Krause With abortion, it is not just a woman and her doctor. There is a third person involved and the government has a duty to ensure that a person's life, liberty, or property is not deprived without due process of law. It is a perfectly legitimate act of th...See More
Jeff Plaga I agree there is a limit as to when a woman should be allowed to have an abortion and the MEDICAL community should be the one making that decision. But why are you restricting access to places that perform abortion? And don't say it is for the safety of women because your leader, Rick Perry, already stated that this bill was designed to ultimately outlaw abortion.
Darrell G. Wolfe Medical:
As the son of an RN who has spent her entire life working with Mom's and Babies in Postpartum and in Delivery let me weigh in here. There some, but very few, instances where an abortion has any medical necessity. It is the governments’ duty to preserve life. It is the duty of all practicing Doctors to preserve life.
Let’s define “abortion” and “early delivery” as two different things.
Abortion often involves cutting and tearing apart the unborn child piece by piece, while living in order to cause violent and painful death to the unborn child.
Early Delivery then would be an alternative. If it becomes medically necessary to deliver early and “terminate” the pregnancy, the alternative, typically not practiced by abortion advocate doctors, would be to deliver the child, natural or C-Section, whole and as alive as it can be and then allow nature to take it’s course. Many children have been born premature and lived much earlier than doctors believed they would. It’s also the job of doctors to preserve life so that newly born child would then require all medically available intervention to prevent it’s death. IF, and only IF, at that point the child dies we can say that it Medicine and Law served their role to protect life.
“Abortion” defined as the purposeful destruction of a living being, has NO medical, moral, or legal case. It should be outlawed in whole at all stages of pregnancy. The child has a brain and heart before most women know their pregnant. “Life: brain waves, heart pumping, and other signs of life” begin early on in the first trimester.
If medical necessity is determined this would require “Early Delivery”, NOT “Abortion”.
The Moral debate on this subject is another matter and simply put:
What does any human in the USA have the right to choose? Does a mother have the right to choose to kill her 17 YEAR old son if he causes her inconvenience or she “chooses” to? What moral difference is there between killing a 17 year old and a 17 week old and a 17 hour old? At what point does that human being get rights? Abortion advocates are not fighting FOR women, they are fighting AGAINST children.
Also study after study show that Abortion on the whole has done more harm to women physically and emotionally than it has ever done anyone any good. The Abortion Industry is a multi-billion dollar business and it preys on women at a vulnerable point in their lives and pressures them into making this decision more often than not. Many who try to back out are discouraged from backing out and pressured to continue. Places like Planned Parenthood rarely provide any of the very viable alternatives to Abortion to these women. Those that fight for Abortion are fighting to preserve a business that makes them a lot of money and violates women on many levels. Fighting abortion is a fight FOR women and FOR children.
It is Abortion advocates that hate women and children and use them for their own profits.
One man’s opinion, Darrell G. Wolfe
A blog written to help people into Good Success in every area of their lives, Spiritual, Physical, and Financial.

Bottom of Form

For those who cannot see the photo:

As the son of an RN who has spent her entire life working with Mom's and Babies in Postpartum and in Delivery let me weigh in here. There some, but very few, instances where an abortion has any medical necessity. It is the governments’ duty to preserve life. It is the duty of all practicing Doctors to preserve life.
Let’s define “abortion” and “early delivery” as two different things.
Abortion often involves cutting and tearing apart the unborn child piece by piece, while living in order to cause violent and painful death to the unborn child.
Early Delivery then would be an alternative. If it becomes medically necessary to deliver early and “terminate” the pregnancy, the alternative, typically not practiced by abortion advocate doctors, would be to deliver the child, natural or C-Section, whole and as alive as it can be and then allow nature to take it’s course. Many children have been born premature and lived much earlier than doctors believed they would. It’s also the job of doctors to preserve life so that newly born child would then require all medically available intervention to prevent it’s death. IF, and only IF, at that point the child dies we can say that it Medicine and Law served their role to protect life.
 “Abortion” defined as the purposeful destruction of a living being, has NO medical, moral, or legal case. It should be outlawed in whole at all stages of pregnancy. The child has a brain and heart before most women know their pregnant. “Life: brain waves, heart pumping, and other signs of life” begin early on in the first trimester.
If medical necessity is determined this would require “Early Delivery”, NOT “Abortion”.
The Moral debate on this subject is another matter and simply put:  
What does any human in the USA have the right to choose? Does a mother have the right to choose to kill her 17 YEAR old son if he causes her inconvenience or she “chooses” to? What moral difference is there between killing a 17 year old and a 17 week old and a 17 hour old? At what point does that human being get rights? Abortion advocates are not fighting FOR women, they are fighting AGAINST children.
Also study after study show that Abortion on the whole has done more harm to women physically and emotionally than it has ever done anyone any good. The Abortion Industry is a multi-billion dollar business and it preys on women at a vulnerable point in their lives and pressures them into making this decision more often than not. Many who try to back out are discouraged from backing out and pressured to continue. Places like Planned Parenthood rarely provide any of the very viable alternatives to Abortion to these women. Those that fight for Abortion are fighting to preserve a business that makes them a lot of money and violates women on many levels. Fighting abortion is a fight FOR women and FOR children.
It is Abortion advocates that hate women and children and use them for their own profits.
One man’s opinion, Darrell G. Wolfe http://N2GS.Blogspot.Com

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
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His Love Story

The Love Story – Study originally from The Rock Church, Anaheim CA
Adapted by Darrell G. Wolfe

Love Story

Pattern Breaks in Hebrew writing.

·         1 Chronicles 4:9 Jabez
·         Genesis 1
o   “God said: Let The/There…”  V  “God said: Let US…”
o   God gets personally involved in the creation of man.
o   John 1 and Proverbs 8:30 show us it was Jesus that created the world and He was intimately involved.
o   Genesis 1 shows us Jesus interrupting the whole process
§  It’s as though Jesus says… “Wait! Let’s do this differently. Let us… Let us make man… IN OUR image! Let’s make him just like us!”

Despite the fall of man Jesus never changes his position toward us!

·         Genesis 3: 15,21 God promises a SEED and provides a COVERING!
·         Genesis 3:22-24 God drives man away from the tree of life, why? To punish him? No! The tree of life would perpetuate man’s life forever, as long as he ate it he would be wholly restored. Eating of the tree of life would lock mankind into this fallen and twisted nature forever!
·         Genesis 6 shows that Man’s lifespan sharply decreases as the earth is changed by the flood. This is again because when man has 100’s and 100’s of years to live his evil is nearly uncapped. By stunting lifespan evil is capped and mankind has reprieves from evil tyrants, from Nimrod the Hunter to Alexander the Great to Hitler evil men rise and fall, their evil is capped.

God is a TOOKER!

·         Genesis 5:21-27 we see what happens when ONE man follows God with his whole heart and not just religiously. God was looking for a friend. He walked with Adam in the garden and wanted a friend among men again. He found a clean heart and passionate response in the man Enoch. Enoch was so passionate about God he was called in the book of Jude a prophet. So he had a ministry here on earth to prepare men for salvation and/or judgment. His great grandson and great great grand sons become the last living humans on earth. Everyone alive today, including Jesus, was a descendant of Enoch the Prophet!
·         God loved him so much, enjoyed his presence so much, he just up and took him! This was one of only two men in human history that have been taken to God’s side prior to experiencing death, the only others will be those who go in the final rapture of the Church!

God is reaching

You see God Reaching out over and over to establish relationship with men, individually, not just collectively. It’s not just mankind he is interested in, for that he can operate through corporate bodies, he is interested in MAN not just men. Job and Abraham were contemporaries and he reached out to both. One taught and trained his kids and one didn’t. Abraham, because he taught his kids, inherited the BLESSING!
We then see him reaching to Moses, Joshua, David, and others. Over and over he reaches nations and men. He’s so interested in our living well and protected from the curse he takes time to explain the difference to our dulled minds in Deut 28 and then even summarizes it by asking us to choose life in Deut 30:19.
He reminds us over and over of who He is, and who He wants us to be to Him. He is our romantic lover in Songs of Solomon. He is our kinsman redeemer in Ruth. He is asking us to return to him when we abandoned Him, Jeremiah 3:14.

I’m Coming!

He is calling to us reminding us He is the SEED and He is STILL COMING! Zechariah 6:12-13!
He reminds us again just before the curtain closes on the first half of the play, in Malachi 4:2-6
Then comes intermission. And for several hundred years He is silent.

He Came!

John 1 and John 10 tells us how the creator become one of His own creations and walked among us, gave His life, and rose again. He conquered death and gave us life, and life more abundantly!

He’s Coming Again!

Acts 1, the angels promise His return in the clouds as He went, so He comes again.
John 14: 1-2 “I’ll GO, Prepare, Return”
1 Thess 4:16-17 The Lord Himself will descend…
Revelations 22 In the last book of the bible, the last Word He left us in writing titled “The Revelation of Jesus The Anointed One and His Anointing” He says THREE TIMES “I’m Coming!”


He is PASSIONATELY involved in our lives! He loves us intimately! Therefore what conclusions can we draw about this fact that affect us in our lives today?

·         He cares
·         He heals
·         He sets free
·         He provides
·         He guides
·         He…

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store


His Love Story

The Love Story – Study originally from The Rock Church, Anaheim CA
Adapted by Darrell G. Wolfe

Love Story

Pattern Breaks in Hebrew writing.

·         1 Chronicles 4:9 Jabez
·         Genesis 1
o   “God said: Let The/There…”  V  “God said: Let US…”
o   God gets personally involved in the creation of man.
o   John 1 and Proverbs 8:30 show us it was Jesus that created the world and He was intimately involved.
o   Genesis 1 shows us Jesus interrupting the whole process
§  It’s as though Jesus says… “Wait! Let’s do this differently. Let us… Let us make man… IN OUR image! Let’s make him just like us!”

Despite the fall of man Jesus never changes his position toward us!

·         Genesis 3: 15,21 God promises a SEED and provides a COVERING!
·         Genesis 3:22-24 God drives man away from the tree of life, why? To punish him? No! The tree of life would perpetuate man’s life forever, as long as he ate it he would be wholly restored. Eating of the tree of life would lock mankind into this fallen and twisted nature forever!
·         Genesis 6 shows that Man’s lifespan sharply decreases as the earth is changed by the flood. This is again because when man has 100’s and 100’s of years to live his evil is nearly uncapped. By stunting lifespan evil is capped and mankind has reprieves from evil tyrants, from Nimrod the Hunter to Alexander the Great to Hitler evil men rise and fall, their evil is capped.

God is a TOOKER!

·         Genesis 5:21-27 we see what happens when ONE man follows God with his whole heart and not just religiously. God was looking for a friend. He walked with Adam in the garden and wanted a friend among men again. He found a clean heart and passionate response in the man Enoch. Enoch was so passionate about God he was called in the book of Jude a prophet. So he had a ministry here on earth to prepare men for salvation and/or judgment. His great grandson and great great grand sons become the last living humans on earth. Everyone alive today, including Jesus, was a descendant of Enoch the Prophet!
·         God loved him so much, enjoyed his presence so much, he just up and took him! This was one of only two men in human history that have been taken to God’s side prior to experiencing death, the only others will be those who go in the final rapture of the Church!

God is reaching

You see God Reaching out over and over to establish relationship with men, individually, not just collectively. It’s not just mankind he is interested in, for that he can operate through corporate bodies, he is interested in MAN not just men. Job and Abraham were contemporaries and he reached out to both. One taught and trained his kids and one didn’t. Abraham, because he taught his kids, inherited the BLESSING!
We then see him reaching to Moses, Joshua, David, and others. Over and over he reaches nations and men. He’s so interested in our living well and protected from the curse he takes time to explain the difference to our dulled minds in Deut 28 and then even summarizes it by asking us to choose life in Deut 30:19.
He reminds us over and over of who He is, and who He wants us to be to Him. He is our romantic lover in Songs of Solomon. He is our kinsman redeemer in Ruth. He is asking us to return to him when we abandoned Him, Jeremiah 3:14.

I’m Coming!

He is calling to us reminding us He is the SEED and He is STILL COMING! Zechariah 6:12-13!
He reminds us again just before the curtain closes on the first half of the play, in Malachi 4:2-6
Then comes intermission. And for several hundred years He is silent.

He Came!

John 1 and John 10 tells us how the creator become one of His own creations and walked among us, gave His life, and rose again. He conquered death and gave us life, and life more abundantly!

He’s Coming Again!

Acts 1, the angels promise His return in the clouds as He went, so He comes again.
John 14: 1-2 “I’ll GO, Prepare, Return”
1 Thess 4:16-17 The Lord Himself will descend…
Revelations 22 In the last book of the bible, the last Word He left us in writing titled “The Revelation of Jesus The Anointed One and His Anointing” He says THREE TIMES “I’m Coming!”


He is PASSIONATELY involved in our lives! He loves us intimately! Therefore what conclusions can we draw about this fact that affect us in our lives today?

·         He cares
·         He heals
·         He sets free
·         He provides
·         He guides
·         He…

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store


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