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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Levels of Change Part One

Foundations Class #2

Levels of Change

Bob Hamp

Class can be seen on GatewayPeople.Com

Part One

Starts with two stories...

1. True Story. He had driven out to help his aunt who had a flat tire. He used a metric lug wrench on an American car, it wouldn't work so he forced it, stripping out all the lugs. He used the wrong tools to try to fix the problem and trying harder made it worse.

2. Potty Training Parable. You have an infant and shortly after you realize that the child needs his/her diaper changed. So you change it and it gets dirty again, and you change it, and it gets dirty again... Constant change but nothing changes. Then you get a higher order of change. Potty training. Once the child is potty trained you no longer have to change the messes anymore. A higher order of change has over-ridden the former things.

It is this type of change we are referring to with "Levels" of change. Not levels as in: When I pass 1st grade I will be in 2nd grade. It's not linear change, progressive change, rather it is higher order. Each order builds on itself and affects the order below. Ultimately if you achieve the highest level of change the other levels will fall in line with that.

The first level of change is: Environment, and Experience through Environment. 

 I just need a better job, better spouse, better house, better church, bigger nose, smaller nose... I just need to be taller or shorter....

The fallacy is that if we could just change the things outside of us, everything in our lives would work. Where ever you go, there you are.

"If we believe that changing our environment will have anything to do with setting us free we are already in bondage to that belief." Paul sat in a prison cell in absolute freedom. Circumstance cannot dictate your freedom or lack thereof. Freedom is becoming who you were created to be, regardless of the circumstance you are in.

Back in AA we used to call this the Geographical Cure. 

Characterized by: "If Only..."

*The teachings of this class are not my own, they are derived from notes I took during a class at Gateway Church. You may view the class on their website by following the link at the top of the page.


Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

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