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Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Acts 17 was the scripture I built my faith on when we moved to Texas. Ironically it is now the scripture that stands out as I contemplate not moving from where I am...
Acts 17:26
NKJV: And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings...
Good News Translation: From one human being he created all races of people and made them live throughout the whole earth. He himself fixed beforehand the exact times and the limits of the places where they would live.

Complete Jewish Bible: "From one man he made every nation living on the entire surface of the earth, and he fixed the limits of their territories and the periods when they would flourish...

Keith Moore asked a question that astounded me in it's simplicity: "Are you the Lord or is He?" Many people have Jesus as their savior but not their Lord. They go where they want, when the want, because the feel like it. But if God is directing your paths than He is the one who decided when and where, not you!

But how do I know? If I have two choices in front of me and both seem good, but one feels a little better how do I know which one, if either, is God's will? Some say that I could just choose one and He'd bless it. But if I've seen anything in the last 10 years of walking seriously with God it's that, THAT is NOT true! You CAN take a wrong turn, and it WILL have negative consequences and delay you from your rightful place. But there is a way that you can know.

  1. Be willing to be willing... Choose, now, before you know what it is, to will to do His will. Choose that His way is the way you'll go regardless of how it looks. AND; Choose to believe that if it's his will, that it's GOOD! John 7:17 "If anyone wants to do his will, he will know whether my teaching is from God or I speak on my own."
  2. Pray. Sounds simple huh? Jeremy Pearsons re-worded a scripture I've heard all my life that made it so simple. If you are facing a situation, go pray about it and get the answer, and then thank God for the answer. Don't make a MOVE until you've heard from Heaven on it. 
    Phillipians 4:6
    NKJV: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
    CJB: Don't worry about anything; on the contrary, make your requests known to God by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving.
  3. Listen: God is talking, are you listening? Pay attention to prophetic words that stand out to you, scriptures that jump off the page, themes of your life where you've faced these things before... God is talking. 1 Thessalonians 516 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not despise prophecies. 21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.
  4. ACT: Walk in Exellence. Be faithful, diligent, walk in Love, do what's right, because it's right, do it right, and do it right away, and do it whether anyone is watching. When He tells you to make a move, make it. When He tells you to stand, stand. Don't settle for substitutes. 

So what have I been hearing? I've been praying about work... Here's what I've heard so far:
  • One Job. Tailor Fit. More Than Enough. 
    • Tailor fit doesn't mean taking a job that removes me from my calling to serve in 14-forty or one that removes me from hearing my Pastor. It won't mean compromise it will mean enhancement. 
  • 2013: A year of Great Grace, a Word of the Lord by Kenneth Copeland 08/17/2012. "Stay where you are. Stay Steady. Why? Your greatest Blessing ever is at hand..."
  • In 2010 I was faced with leaving my employer just on the verge of a promotion or going to a new area within the company. I'm now faced with that exact situation all over again. I felt I did the wrong thing by leaving back then. It's important to notice patterns or themes in life. If you circle a mountain only to return to it, you may need to choose a new path. In fact I've had a habbit of leaving jobs before promotion comes. 
  • Sunday 02/17/2013 Pastor George changed his whole service to address my situation. I felt it. As soon as I said: "This just came out of my spirit..." I felt it hit me and I stood up to hear what he would say. It didn't end up just being a Word, it ended up being the entire message! 

Pastor George Pearsons 02/17/2013 9 AM service (Time 3:50 into message)
Be BLESSED! Blessed means to be empowered to prosper. Prosperity means complete success!
Deut 8:18 “You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He that gives you power(capacity/force) to get wealth…”
Prospering in every area of your life… What you do on the job prospering. Being just like Joseph. You just continue to rise to the top. No matter what is going on around you. No matter what is happening around you. You continue to rise to the top. You continue to rise to the top.
Now this is something that is coming out of my heart now for you: Now if you are in a job situation, and it seems to be surrounded by strife, people of strife, stuff’s going on in there, do not…
Number one insist on walking in the Love of God, you insist on walking in the Love of God. Number two, you stay above the fray, don’t dip down into it, don’t be talking (this is a Word from the Lord) don’t be talking to other people about it, don’t be getting on the phone and talking to people about that situation, you stop it right now, you cut that off! And you gain altitude over it, when you do that by praying in the Holy Ghost, you can look down on that thing, and you can know exactly what to do, exactly how to handle it, but you keep your mouth shut over that thing right now, you just stop it, you just stop talking about it. And here is the result of it God will lift you up… He will lift you up. He will lift you up above that situation. He’ll bring you above that situation so that He can deal with what’s going on down there. And then He’ll set you back down in it. You see that? Do you see that? Now for those of you who that means something to you take hold of that and you stay above the fray.
(Story about Kenneth Hagin praising God with his staff to stop strife)
You have to handle things like this above the fray. You’ve got to step up above that and not allow that to control you, to control your emotions, to control your words, because your words have got to line up with The Word of God. And don’t, don’t get down in there and be a part with the devil of being an accuser of the brethren. Or speaking ill of against other people. The Lord is going to work that out I’m telling you! He’s going to work that out.
Now Father I pray over these situations in the name of Jesus and I thank you that each and every one of us, in whatever situation we are faced with, these agitating situations on the job, or even at home, Father we are rising above it right now, we are insisting in walking in Love, we are staying in the Word, we are staying steady, we are unwavering in our stand. And Father we believe for the moving of the Holy Spirit…
Somebody’s wondering right now; can the Holy Spirit move on the secular corporation that I work with? OH YES! OH YES! Absolutely! Did God move in Egypt through Joseph? Yes! Yes He did. He turned that nation around because of Joseph. Because of Joseph being there, and the same thing with Joseph everywhere he went. He turned that situation around. He was a living breathing BLESSING of God wherever he went, and whatever he did. Wherever he showed up, that anointing that was on him to prosper, just was flowing out from him. And it changed Egypt to where Egypt was blessed during that time of famine because God put a man in there who was operating in the wisdom, the wisdom of God. They even said when they were talking about him: “There’s a man here who operates in the wisdom of God.” It’s the same thing with Daniel. Daniel did the same thing, that man was in a foreign land. He was not home. But he was controlling the whole thing from his prayer closet. Moving that whole thing, shifting that whole thing right there. So can God move in your business, can God move in the Corporation that you work for? Absolutely! And what I believe is that God is looking for people in the Body of Christ who will walk in places of integrity, walk in places of Honor, people who do not lie, people who do not cheat, people who are walking on the Word of God, and their only motivation for being on that job is to do exactly what Jesus said, “I am among you as one who serves.” A servants heart, a servants heart. Allowing that servants heart to flow through you. And we are going to see some things take place in these major corporations. That God is going to lift up the Humble. God is going to lift up into places of promotion those people that He wants set in there to do that job, to run that business, to run that corporation, He is going to do it with His people….


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