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Monday, November 11, 2013

Levels of Change Part Eight

Foundations Class #2
Levels of Change
Bob Hamp
Part Eight

The Enemies Of Your Change


There are enemies to your new life that try to crush you and keep your from seeing this New Life. Here are three enemies that will work against you, as you are aware of the Schemes of Satan you can work around these and overcome.

The battleground for your life is the place of the old you (Beliefs based on your past experiences) and the new you (Beliefs based upon that which was done in you through Christ). You don't get free from who you are until the old you is crucified on the cross.

This battleground is moving our beliefs in experience to God's new reality.

  1. Demonic Oppression
    1. Demonic activity in 21st Century USA looks different than it does in third world nations. This is because the enemy opposes you at the level you are most vulnerable. In the USA we define reality in terms of Intellect and Materialism. This is not to say we are smart and rich, it is to say that we are defining our reality by that which we can see, taste, touch, and feel, and that which we can reason. That which we can comprehend Scientifically or Philosophically.
    2. Therefore demonic activity in the USA often is seen as thoughts that are contrary to who you are In Him. "You are just so stupid..." or "I am just so stupid..." You think these are your thoughts, they are not. "You are going to fail..." or "You are the worst believer..."
    3. How can the devil attack at thoughts? You ever wake up in the morning and your favorite band is in your head? No, the band can't fit in your head. But their music is, and their music has created pathways and mental processes so that you can still hear the music even though it's not playing anymore. This is also true for stupid commercial jingles you don't want to remember. Bob says for example: "I do not have hard core rap in my head at random times. That is because I've never made a place for it or put it in me. However when some random old rock song comes on the radio I can still sing the words many years after. This is because I made place in my heart at one time for those things." Therefore if the devil attacks you at a level you have already made a place he can get in. You are most vulnerable to the songs you know very well. You must renew yourself to who you are In Him and remove the place in your heart for those old things. If he can just start the song you will finish it. "You are so dumb..." and you'll take off from there. It's like a broken record that plays so long you don't hear it conciously anymore. 
    4. Demonic Oppression only gains strength as we give them more and more place.They gain strength the more that we agree with them. In the same way, as we disagree with them they loose strength.
  2. World System
    1. The world's system war against us.
      1. Family. God's primary design for Family is that it is a way to transmit blessings for thousands of generations. In this fallen system family defects often influence us. "If my Dad abandoned me it's hard to believe God will always be with me." Past family traits and experiences will work against the new us.
      2. Circumstances of your life will create past experiences which will impact belief.
      3. The Church
        1. Religion and traditions of men.
          1. Often someone stands up with a microphone and bible and addresses the crowd and we automatically attribute to them authority that may or may not actually be of God.
          2. Whole churches or whole groups of churches can become toxic as these fallacies grow from generation to generation. 
          3. Because the church is a human run organization it is prone to error and as we digest that error we are soured at some level for certain things.
          4. Also because it's human run, the church can be just as toxic and damaging to a human heart as any other organization. 
        1. We must make our relationship between ourselves and God, through His Word, and take anything taught by men to God for correction or revelation.
  3. The Flesh
    1. The Flesh is the part of you that you travel around in. 
      1. Homework, Read: Romans 6-9
      2. Three Characters war within you:
        1. Old Nature (Sin Nature, Old Man, Dead Nature)
        2. Flesh (Body, Container, physical needs, desires, nervous system, etc)
          1. Nervous System feeds you back information about your experience. Satan is trying to program your experiences so that your nervous system will tell you things about truth or what to believe.  It CAN lie to you.
        3. New Nature (Spirit, Born Again Spirit)
    2. In Salvation the old man is crucified and buried. The nervous system has been programed by the old nature for years. Just because the old man is dead and buried doesn't mean the program stopped running. It's as though you given away your computer to someone else but don't wipe the hard drive, there is still all your old data stored in there, and viruses and still there that you didn't clean out, etc. 
    3. New Nature is born inside the Flesh. The New Spirit is meant to re-program from the inside out working through you.

The Enemies to Your Change: Have no power accept that which you give them, knowingly or unknowingly. Many times you don't realize those enemies are affecting you, because you see life through a broken window, or you see yourself through a broken mirror.

*The teachings of this class are not my own, they are derived from notes I took during a class at Gateway Church. You may view the class on their website by following the link at the top of the page.

  • Levels of Change Part One
  • Levels of Change Part Two
  • Levels of Change Part Three
  • Levels of Change Part Four
  • Levels of Change Part Five
  • Levels of Change Part Six
  • Levels of Change Part Seven
  • Levels of Change Part Eight
  • Levels of Change Part Nine
  • ______________________________________________

    By Darrell Wolfe

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      Information here is As-Is. These are the opinions of a fellow traveler and seeker of truth. I am not a doctor, lawyer, licensed financial advisor, tax preparer, etc, etc... I'm just one guy, sharing what he's learned. As such, the information may be as true or faulty as the guy on the buss stop giving you directions. If you need accurate information I encourage you to seek the help of a professional in your field. 

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      * In all you do: Live Long and Prosper, with GOOD SUCCESS! 

      Thank you, Darrell Wolfe


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