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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Levels of Change Part Four

Foundations Class #2

Levels of Change

Bob Hamp

Class can be seen on GatewayPeople.Com

Part Four

The Fourth Level of Change is Belief

We often confuse the word belief with the word thought. Churches often put a statement of "Beliefs", but those are most often thoughts, doctrines, not beliefs.

Thoughts reside in the mind. You can put language to it. It's conscious. And it's relatively easy to change. "This is true. This is not true."

Beliefs reside in the heart. There are often no words attached to it, and it's not something you are always aware of. Often you are not aware of it, until you suddenly become aware of it. It's more sensation than thought. The experiences you've had have convinced you of it.

"I'm ugly... no body loves me..." Etc... 

It's like that internal record that keeps playing, affecting those things you do, think, and feel.

Proverbs 23:7 (King James Version) 

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.

Proverbs 23:7Amplified Bible (AMP)

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. As one who reckons, he says to you, eat and drink, yet his heart is not with you [but is grudging the cost].

Proverbs 4:23 (King James Version)
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.
The flows of life come from the heart, not the mind. It's not just in our heart, it's over our heart. It's like a contact lens over your heart through which you perceive your experiences. 

When you tell someone: "You have believed a lie." they get mad and say "That's no lie, that's the way it is!"

He hands a lady who has been dealing with a cycle of depression for 11 years a list of scriptures. She is frustrated that her experience and the what the Word of God says have been counter each other.

Faith comes by HEARING the word of God, from God. He does NOT tell her to read and speak them... he asks her to ask God to speak them to her... As she finished reading the list silently she read the last one out loud and said: "These are true for ME TOO! Why didn't anyone tell me that?!" He asked her to repeat this exercise and come back in two weeks. She missed her appointment because she was cleaning her garage, for the first time in eleven years. What changed for her was not her "thoughts" but the source of her truth. Hearing God speak, changed her internal truth.

What we believe about God affects how we respond to God and His Word.

What we believe about ourselves

What is a "Bennie Baby" worth? If you ask the manufacturer it's worth $0.25 in materials. If you ask the retailer  it was worth $5.95. If you asked eBay it was worth $150.00. If you ask a little girl Bob knows, her dad paid $1,000 just to get the one she wanted.

How do you determine the value of a thing? Ask the right person.

If you ask a biologist what you are worth, maybe $1.39 in material, water and carbon. If you ask the world, you it depends on your looks, abilities, money, etc... If you ask God... You are worth the price that was paid for you, you are worth the blood of Jesus!

Characterized by: Feelings/Reactions to situation. The internal broken record "I'm never going to... I'm ugly... I'm too small, too young, too old... She never, He always... "

These four levels you can work to change. The last level you CANNOT change on your own.

*The teachings of this class are not my own, they are derived from notes I took during a class at Gateway Church. You may view the class on their website by following the link at the top of the page.


Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

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N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

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