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Friday, November 1, 2013

Levels of Change Part Two

Foundations Class #2

Levels of Change

Bob Hamp

Class can be seen on GatewayPeople.Com

Part Two

The second level of change is Behavior (including Thoughts-Feelings)

Once we realize that changing the circumstance will not bring change we fall into the mistake of looking at Behavior. I simply need to "stop doing this" or "start doing that"... At this level you can accomplish some things but not the thing you are hungry for.

This is connected to the level of your experience/environment. "Bob how are you doing? I'm doing fine. How do you feel? I feel great. What else is going on? I think everything is fine." OR "I'm doing lousy, I feel awful, I think I'm going to faint..." This is the outward expression of the inward experience of being you. You are describing what it's like to be you.

This creates a problem when dealing with change. If you've ever done something stupid what happens. You think "that was stupid". Then you feel stupid. Then you will continue to perpetuate this pattern. Do, Think, Feel become a self feeding cycle. The more I think stupid I feel stupid, the more I feel stupid the more I do stupid, the more I think stupid...

 This is also the level of our "Flesh". A significant portion of counselors point to this level. Cognitive therapy often deals at this level. Think your way to feeling better. Rational Emotive therapy. When you think rational thoughts you will have rational emotions. Using your mind to control your behavior or shape your emotions is like arm wrestling yourself. You will win, and loose that arm wrestle. Or taking your hands and putting them under your feet and trying to lift yourself up off the floor.

Churches are guilty of this too. "All we can do is arm wrestle ourselves and some days we win and some days we loose and the blood covers the bad days. That's just the way it is..."

The way you act affects your environment. Our environment is subject to our behavior, but our behavior is reinforced by our environment/experience. Is everyone driving too slow or are you driving to fast?

Characterized by: "I wish I wouldn't..." What we discover is that what we do is connected to what we think or what we feel.

*The teachings of this class are not my own, they are derived from notes I took during a class at Gateway Church. You may view the class on their website by following the link at the top of the page.


Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

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