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Saturday, March 8, 2014

7 Steps To Getting Out Of Poverty Mentality Today!

The Poor Get Poorer, The Rich Get Richer... as it should be?! 

So I'm sure you've heard it. If you are even remotely involved in politics or news you've heard how the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. And that's supposed to be a bad thing, at least according to the Occupy Wallstreet movement.  

Somehow these powerful rich people keep taking from the poor, and the poor just can't get ahead! What in the world are we supposed to do? I almost started to see their point. Until I had a realization that, God has something to say about this kind of thinking. It's called Poverty Mentality.

"The RIch Invest in time, the poor invest in money." ~Warran Buffett
License   Attribution Some rights reserved by Celestine Chua

A New Perspective:

Occupy Wallstreet had some pretty harsh things to say about rich people. They claimed over and over that the rich people were taking all the money from the poor. They claimed that the top 1% were keeping the bottom 99% from getting their fair cut.

Anyone living in the USA is automatically part of the wealthiest people in the world so being angry at the rich seemed a bit hypocritical to say. In fact 80% of the world population lives on less than $10 US dollars a day. So all those Occupy People carrying their Starbucks coffee's started looking a little hallow in their arguments.

Then I read this post by Joseph Prince.

Excerpt from the Joseph Prince Devotional:

"Have you come across people who have little, yet even that little is taken away from them? On the other hand, there are those who already have much, yet they receive even more... 
Today, we are talking about the haves and have-nots in the church. If you believe that it is yours, you will have it. You will see yourself possessing it and enjoying it, and more will be given to you. But if you say, “Well, I don’t feel it and I’m not sure if it will come,” in essence, you are saying that you don’t have it when you actually do. Then, even what you have will be taken away. So say you have it today!"
But all that got me thinking. Wait a minute. Maybe this isn't only fair... but a great thing! If this is a biblical principle that means I can enact that principle and gain success. I can choose to have more given to me or taken from me based on how I steward what I have!

The Poor Mentality

 So I read that devotional, and got to thinking. How many times have I heard this saying?

"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

Let's define "Poor". In light of the devotional insight. "POOR" is not defined by a person's lack of material goods. Especially because that lack of material goods is relative. If I compare myself to Bill Gates, I'm poor. If I compare myself to a 97 year old lady living on a $600 SSI check each month, I'm rich. If I compare her to half the 3rd world, SHE's rich. It's all relative.

I've seen people that make $100,000 a year living check to check, over spending, riddled with debt, asking "How can I make it another year?" I've seen people making $2,000 a month living on a budget and saving money. If you want to know more about that you need a "Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness" (Affiliate Link)

So who are the poor? The poor are those who cannot see past what they have to what could be. If you look at your life, your situation, and you cannot see any better than what you have. You are poor. You will not see a way to become better. You stagnated. You are like a creek that get's plugged up and turned into a marsh. Once the flow of new ideas stops coming, you are loosing ground.

It's amazing to me how often people try to keep you at or beneath their level. When I try to talk about owning businesses or being self employed I get so many reactions. Some say how hard that life is, how they tried that. Some are shocked I would want to do that. Many still have the mistaken notion that the best you can do in life is get a good job and work for them until you retire. They still see the almighty college degree as helpful. It can be. It isn't always.

All languages, cultures, races, ethnicities: the poverty mentality is the same in every state and every country. It may come with different nuances or flavors, but the poverty mentality wants you, and all the people around you to stay poor.

It's the poor keeping the poor, poor.

So if you stop seeing beyond where you are to new possibilities than you are poor. And what you have already obtained will be taken from you. It may happen in an instant, due to you not being aware of things around you and taking the right steps. Or it may happen in a slow steady drain of your resources. But it will happen.

The RICH Mentality

IF, however, you choose to see more you are instantly rich. Your outside circumstances haven't changed, but you just became rich because you must first become on the inside what you hope to become on the outside. That new vision is a choice. You must choose to believe that you can have more, before you will ever choose to do more.

If you can see yourself having more than you will begin to do things to facilitate that.

Farrah Gray author of "Reallionaire: Nine Steps to Becoming Rich from the Inside Out"(Affiliate Link), shows in living color his descriptions of his neighborhood and how the people of his area were fighting, rather than encouraging, his prosperity. This is how the poor (as a group) operate. But down on the inside Farrah had caught the vision of "more". Good enough wasn't good enough for him. Once he caught that vision he started taking steps. Even at a young age he would take his lunch box and it became his "brief case". He was taking steps. He didn't need the full vision, he just needed to know that there was more, and that HE could have more.

Once he had that vision on the inside and he took one step... another step became apparent. Step after step, he got more and more. As he used what he had, more was given. It wasn't easy, he had many set backs and delays. But he kept moving forward because of the vision inside of him. And that vision kept him looking for more, kept him doing more with what he had. Eventually that more helped him to make over $1,000,000 before his 14th Birthday. That's right. He made One MILLION dollars, before he turned 14 because he could see on the inside of him at 6 years old that more was his birth-right as a free American and then took steps to accomplish goals.

In fact, he has a great article he posted recently "13 Ways To Tell If You'll Ever Be Rich." It's a great, quick, write up. It gives insight into the kind of mind that can make one million dollars by 14 years.

So what's your excuse for not succeeding?

7 Steps To More Prosperity Mentality Today

So now we know that poverty is a choice and prosperity is a choice. It's a mindset. If you don't use what you have to prosper yourself and those around you, the little you have will be taken from you. And yet the person who starts with, seemingly, nothing can turn out on top because of what that person has on the inside, and what they do with it. By using what you have, more will be given.

Here are some things you can do to turn yourself from a poverty thinker to a prosperity thinker:

1. Choose More. That choice need not be hard.
  • You need not have all the answers. You need not know HOW you will become better off than you are today. The first step is to choose more than you have/are today.

2. Self Educate. This could mean several things.
  • Search. Maybe you spend some time on Google and Wikipedia learning something you didn't know yesterday. 
  • Get a Library Card. Go get one book, each week or every other week, and read something that interests you, or you feel you need to know. 
  • Watch some discovery channel or you tube videos on a topic that interests you. 
3. Explore. Try New Things.
  • Many times you just need to try stuff. Maybe you try your hand at music and discover that you are good at Guitar, but it's not really your passion. So try something else. Keep trying new things. Even when you find your true passion, keep trying more new things. It's this constant exploring that will keep you flexible to change and adapt. 
  • When you do find your passion. Major on that. 
"Know something about everything, but everything about something." Thomas Henry Huxley
    Ken Coleman Author of: "One Question: Life-Changing Answers from Today's Leading Voices" (Affiliate Link) was interviewed on the Entre Leadership Podcast Titled "The Art of Asking". He said something that totally made my day as I was thinking about writing this post today.

    The Sweet Spot
    “The sweet spot is at the intersection of our greatest strength and our greatest passion.” Tweet That! 

    "If you are really good at your job and you hate it, it is because you are high on your strength line and low on your passion line."

    Entre Leadership Podcast “The Art Of Asking” minutes 35:00 into it. 

    So take time. Explore what you are good at. Also explore what your passions are.

    4. Start. Step Out. Baby Steps. One Step At A Time.

    • You need to start. Just start. I've launched over 30 blogs through Blogger and Wordpress.Com. MOST of them don't exist anymore, most of them never got more than one article. Even this blog used to operate under two different previous names before landing on this theme. I've finally hit a stride in 2014. But I started blogging as a hobby in 2008.
    • I could have done it faster. But I did start. 

    5. Increase. Learn More. Do More. 

    • I've played guitar since I was 13. I'm really good... at the few things I know. My wife is bored of hearing me pick the same notes, same chords, same scales. I know what I know. I never took the time to know more. So I never got better. 
    • I did the same thing with blogging. I wrote and wrote. But I never studied writing for bloggers, never studied the art of blogging, never studied the business of blogging, until about 9 months ago. That's when I discovered Michael Hyatt and Pat Flynn. I started learning more about my chosen field, and started growing.
    • Which leads me to my next point...

    6. Get Mentors. Find people you can learn from who are doing what you want to do.

    • You may never speak to them directly. But study those who have come before and are doing what you want to do. You need two or three people who are currently succeeding at what you want to do and follow them. Become part of their tribe. Learn from them. Get on their twitter feed, blog, podcast, facebook, fan club, read their books. Whatever it takes. 
    • Those who have lived in the past can be helpful too. If you are an artist, study the greats. But you need to have current role models too. People succeeding in today's marketplace. 
    • If you can find a live person who will actually take you on nurture that relationship. They are giving you their time. Respect it, make it valuable for both of you. Seek them out, don't wait for them to invite you. 
    • Group Mentors. Find groups of like minded people to hang with, specifically people doing what you do, or at least thinking at higher levels. I learned a lot just joining a bible study comprised mostly of professional successful people, and probably wouldn't be here today if I hadn't. 

    7. Continue. It's not enough to start. Many people start, few finish.

    • Do something, even a small thing, to put into practice the things you are learning.
    • Or as my Dad loves to say:
    "Take the next indicated step..." Mike Wolfe/Big Book
    • You need to keep going. If the first thing you try doesn't work, that is still a good thing. It means you tried something. Now keep going. You will learn more from those first few failed attempts than you will from succeeding your first go around. Just keep plugging away. 

    Lessons to Learn in Review:

    1. Choose More
    2. Self Educate
    3. Explore
    4. Start
    5. Increase
    6. Get Mentors
    7. Continue

    This Weeks Resources:

    This week I'd like to encourage you to read:


    Change isn't change, until there's change. If you want change, you have to change! Tweet That! 

    And now I leave you with a question:

    What is YOUR next indicated step to a better life? 

    To Respond: Leave a comment on this post


    By Darrell Wolfe

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      FOR MY FULL DISCLAIMER: See my "Start Here About" page. Click Here

      Information here is As-Is. These are the opinions of a fellow traveler and seeker of truth. I am not a doctor, lawyer, licensed financial advisor, tax preparer, etc, etc... I'm just one guy, sharing what he's learned. As such, the information may be as true or faulty as the guy on the buss stop giving you directions. If you need accurate information I encourage you to seek the help of a professional in your field. 

      * I do make money from this blog. 1 Tim 5:18 says the worker is worthy of his wages. I do earn affiliate commissions or freebies from some of the products I discuss at various points on this blog. Regardless I only suggest things that have personally helped me, or someone I know. If you click on an "Affiliate Link" and you buy something I'll get a cut. Thanks for your support! 

      I am a conservative Christian. I write from a bible-centric point of view. I welcome people from other points of view to jump into the conversation. If you don't like bible-centric writing: I encourage you not to read my posts.... Unless you want to learn something new. 

      * In all you do: Live Long and Prosper, with GOOD SUCCESS! 

      Thank you, Darrell Wolfe


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