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Friday, September 19, 2014

Christian Meditation Re-Imagined

Meditation by Moyan Brenn: Man sitting on mountain top, looking at sunrise over valley.
Meditation by Moyan Brenn

What is Meditation?

When one says "meditation", the hearer often thinks of a Monk, or Hindu, or Buddhist. Wiki, describes meditation as:
Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit[1] or as an end in itself.[2]
What does this mean for Christians? Many Christian's write off "meditation" as a pagan practice. But... how can that be? Since meditation is mentioned so often in the bible?
"My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD." King James Bible Psalm 104:34


Biblical Meditation

Meditate: (Hebrew: siach): 
complaint, musing

Original Word: שִׂ֫יחַ
babbling, communication, complaint, meditation, prayer, talk
From siyach; a contemplation; by implication, an utterance -- babbling, communication, complaint, meditation, prayer, talk.
see HEBREW siyach

 Meditate: basically means to murmur or babble to one's self. To speak to one's self. Now, before you think "Cloud KooKoo Land" on that. Think about it for a moment. I don't know a single human on earth who hasn't spoke, out loud, to no-one-in-particular when they were alone in a room, or thought they were alone.

EX: "What did I come in here for?", "Now... where did I put those keys..."

Imagination: Key to Meditation

You KNOW you do it. This is often manifested in a thing we call "Worry". You rehearse, over and over, the things that went wrong, the things you would change, the things you'd like to change, the things that you are afraid will happen... You speak them, silently and out loud, to yourself frequently. So frequently, in fact, that you don't even notice it anymore.

I suggest a change... What if we took the power of imagination, and started to use that imagination for good. What is imagination? It's thoughts, ideas, words, and images, stories we tell ourselves about the past, present, and future.

What if we wrote our story based on God's outline? What if we let HIM tell us the story, and we write it down?

Practical Christian Meditation

I've written on "hearing God", believing through hearing, and being still to hear God. I talked about taking a few moments to be still... absolutely still!

Let that mind of yours, that's so busy God can't get a word in edgewise, and still that thing down. Shift that gear into LOW SLOW. I'll start by getting into a comfortable position, and then tensing and releasing my muscles. Then I will allow my thoughts to float, bounce, whatever, until they still. Sometimes, I'll pray softly, either in English or Tongues.

Then after a few moments of that I bring my focus in toward the Word. I may grab a verse I've been thinking about or one that's been on my heart. I may open my bible a few moments to read that verse, but then I close it.

I allow my heart to "ponder" that verse. That's what meditation actually means, to ponder, think about, speak, murmur to one's self, speak softly, etc. I will let my mind settle on that. After a while, I'll move on to other daily routine activities.

And now I leave you with a question:

What do you think about Meditation? How could this apply to your walk with God?

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By Darrell Wolfe

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