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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Discovery | Uniquely You Spiritual Gifts

UniquelyYou.Org | Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Primary Spiritual Gifts

  • Teaching (40/40)
  • Prophecy / Perceiving (38/40)
  • Leadership (38/40)
  • Encouraging / Exhorting (38/40)

Good Fit Opportunities

  • Coaching
  • Deacons / Deaconesses
  • Discipleship
  • Elders
  • Men's Women's Ministries
  • Scripture Reader
  • Trustees

Your Primary Spiritual Gifts Descriptions

Spiritual Gifts are supernatural motivations given to every believer. Everyone doesn't receive the same gift. Just as many parts of the human body work together as one, so Spiritual Gifts are given to the Body of Christ to serve as one.

Their purpose is to encourage and mature Christians for more effective ministry. These gifts are featured based upon their functional and practical use.
Christians with the Gift of Teaching prefer explaining why things are true. While the prophet declares truth, the teacher explains the reasons why it is true. Interested in research, those with the Gift of Teaching like to dig into seemingly insignificant details. They enjoy presenting what they discover. Often negligent of the needs of others, they press toward a deeper understanding. They love to study. Searching patiently and persistently, they may miss the obvious. They stretch the limits of learning, setting high standards of education.
In a word: In-depth
Overuse: Digs too deep
Goal: Reveal truth, don't exhaust it
Scripture: Rom. 12:6,7b; Col. 3:16; Jam. 3:1; 2; 2 Tim. 2:2

Prophecy / Perceiving
Prophets today are not exactly like prophets of old. Old Testament Prophets spoke the literal Word of God. Today people with the Gift of Prophecy seem to have the same seriousness and straight forward attitude toward truth. They like to share truth, regardless of what anyone thinks. Prophets today are motivated to confront anyone with what they believe is right. When controlled by the Holy Spirit, the Gift of Prophecy is a powerful tool to reprove, rebuke and exhort others. Prophets often find themselves pointing the way, declaring specific truth or standing up for something significant.
In a word: Bold
Overuse: Fighter
Goal: Declare truth, don't divide Christians
Scripture: ph. 4:7,11; 1 Cor. 14:1,3; 2 Pet 1:19-21

The Gift of Leadership, much like the Gift of Administration / Ruling, is evident in those who demonstrate an unusual ability to influence others. They seem to have an independent determination to challenge and direct others toward a specific goal. They stand out and take stands. Those with the Gift of Leadership tend to be multi-talented excelling with their people and tasks skills. Often result-oriented and driven, they need to guard their strengths. They also need to be more sensitive and patient with those who don't respond as well or positive as they. They are great motivators.
In a word: Dreamer
Overuse: Too demanding and impatient
Goal: Lead by example and willingness to be a servant
Scripture: Rom. 12:6,8c; John 13:13-17; Heb. 13:17

Encouraging / Exhorting
Christians with the Gift of Encouraging find themselves exhorting others. They are compelled to give advice. As counselors, they seem to often have steps of action. While Prophets declare truth and Teachers clarify truth, Encouragers / Exhorters like to tell you what to do with truth. They bless others with a strong sense of concern. Often looking to encourage others, they are sought out as counselors. People find Encouragers friendly, understanding and practical. They enjoy using their communication skills to share specific insights.
In a word: Encourager
Overuse: Talks too much
Goal: Apply truth, don't create expectations
Scripture: Rom. 12:6,8; Acts 11:23-24; Heb. 10:24-25


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