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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Eta | Train Station/Airport/Mall??? Locker Man

The Denver CO airport was bustling with humanity, roaming about like so many ants building a colony without knowing why. Eta sat in at the table just outside the cafe', overlooking the railing down to the first floor, in perfect view of the lockers. She couldn't get the latest vision out of her head.

Denver Airport (Wiki)

* She's sitting in this exact spot, and a stranger in black jeans and a black Carhart jacket with a grey beany steps up to a locker, when he turns around a bright light flashes behind him and shields his face.

She doesn't know who he is, or why she's here. But if he has any clues for, why she's having these strange visions, and why they are actually coming to pass, then she'll wait. She's been here all day, every day with her laptop surfing the WiFi... waiting. She's had no new visions in the past two weeks, so here she sits, waiting. Day 17...

She bounces from site to site, Google providing no solid answers, she attempting now to use the other search engines, hoping for different results. She's hit up Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo... she's moved on to deep web searches. Checking out the Library of Congress, Natinoal Security Archive, VirtualLibrary, Infomine... grasping for answers. She's found a few articles about paranormal studies and research. Could she be pyschic? There were articles about people coming back from war with strange mental reactions, and being misdiagnosed with PTSD. Paranormal research was hard to wade through, for every non-biased scientific evaluation, she found 100's of cooks and quacks that ranged from 900# television psychics to religious television evangelists and prophets. All wanted to provide your answers, for the low low cost of... or a love gift of...

Eta was on her fourth cup of Venti Soy Chair Tea Latte for the day when she saw him. Out of the corner of her eye, there was a man with dark blue jeans, nearly black. A black jacket with a Carhart label on the shoulder, and a grey beany... he was headed in the direction of the lockers, she tried not to look casual, in case he turned this direction. If Special Forces training had taught her anything it was how to observe without being seen by the observed. He was headed straight for the locker... and then passed it, and headed out of sight. She wouldn't have the time to get down there and follow, and the vision was about this locker, so she decided against her inner desire to pursue and kept up with her searches. If that was the guy, he'd be back. If it wasn't, she'd miss the real person she was here to see.


Darrell Wolfe


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