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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Stephen's Story, Financial Planning

*The following is a fictional account. But the details are based on a blend of true stories I've heard over the years.

Debt Free and Rich with Low Income: How did he do it? 

Hello! I'm 53 years old this year (2015). I've never won the lottery, or had a big investment payoff, and I've never earned more than $17 an hour. I'm debt free, I own three homes (paid in full). I've never paid a dime of interest on a car. And if you count my investments and retirement accounts, I'm currently worth $2.5 million.

My name is Stephen Wage, and this is my story.

The Car Fund

I started working part time when I was 15 years old, as a stocker in a Ralph's Grocery Store. I took the bus everywhere until I could afford a $500.00 car. At 15.5 I had my permit, and by 16 I had my license. I drove that cash car while I made monthly payments to myself into a savings account. That went on until 17.5 years old, at which time I had saved up and bought a $2,000.00 car.

In 1979, that was a big deal, and a nice car. A brand new car was going for less than $5,000.00.

The Individual Retirement Account (IRA)

In 1981, at the age of 19 I had heard of a new account that had become available to me, called an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). My local bank was offering a special called a Golden IRA. They said anyone who would put in an opening deposit of $2,000.00 would receive a guaranteed 10.00% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) on that money until they turned 65 years old.

That may sound enticing right now, but at the time, Certificates of Deposit were going for 23.00%. But I figured that couldn't last forever, so I decided to head to the bank.

My friends and I were on our way to the beach for a full day of beer and surfing. I told them I had to stop by the bank to open an IRA and they thought I was nuts. They went on without me. Eventually I caught up with them.

Over the years time went on, I moved up to Cashier and got many raises. Eventually I was making $17/Hr at Ralph's.

Debt Free Home Buying

When I bought my first home I knew I couldn't pay cash. I knew I could afford $1,000.00 a month. So I shopped for a condo at $800.00 month, but made the $1,000.00 payment anyway. I paid that one off in 15 years.

I got a second condo (newer one with more toys), but still $800.00 month. I made the $1,000.00 a month payment, but rented the first one out and added the rental income to the payment on the new condo. I had that one paid off in five years.

By then I was getting older, and wanted more space. So I bought a 4 bedroom house, at $1,500 a month, rented the first two condos out for $1,000.00 a month each. Then paid $3,000.00 a month on the house. Paid it off in 10 years.

More of the same: Results

So now? I continue to rent the first two condos out, and that money goes into a housing fund. I've nearly got enough to buy a third condo for cash, then I'll have three condos paying into the housing fund.

I've never paid anything other than cash for cars. By making the monthly payment on my $500 car, I saved up for a car that lasted longer. Each car was nicer and lasted longer. Eventually I was buying my brand new BMW 745 iL for cash too.

That IRA? Well I never put one more dollar of my own money into it. Just the first $2,000. It then started earning interest at 10% and it's now worth $65,000, so far (I'm not 65 yet). Why? Compound interest. Every month since 1981, my money earned interest. That interest became part of the balance. So that interest earned interest. Etc. Etc. I made other investments, 401(k), just like the first one.

My beach friends still drink, but gave up surfing because they are out of shape. They are all broke, every last one of them. Very sad to watch. Most of them have no idea how much I really own. I didn't lie to them. I told them I moved (I just left out the fact I kept both places, and now all three).

Me? I still work 45 hours a week at Ralph's Grocery Store. Why work with my financial status? I don't have to. But what would I do with my time? Watch TV? Golf?

So I go to work. It's still interesting. The bad days are never that bad, because you always know you really could leave whenever you want. But I'm irreplaceable at the store, I know where everything is. Same store since 1977.

Every so often, I take 2-3 months and go on a tour around the world. But not every year, just every few years. I don't drive the BMW that often anymore, I've decided I enjoyed my new Ford Flex much better anyway. I saw it at a Car Convention and bought it on the spot. It was special ordered with my preferences, and delivered to my home, no loan paperwork to sign, paid by Credit Card at the event. I got a lot of rewards points with that purchase, and of course I pay my Amex Card off in full every month (I NEVER pay interest on a credit card).

So... that's my story... Your Turn: What's your story?

How have you handled money? Good, bad, neutral... what lesson's have you learned?

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

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By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

For more book suggestions, see my Amazon Store:

Other Hobby Sties by Darrell:

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Worldviews affect the Writer, which effect the writing.

They're here!

Chester snapped awake...

His heart pumped against his chest like a battering ram, with the police just outside the door. Chester's skin was cold, clammy. Bed clothes were soaked.

Fog slowly cleared from his mind, under the light of a new dawn...


"They felt so real." Chester said to Ms. Wu, as he helped her run his own personal brand of Anti Virus software on the Orphanage Computers. He could have done it from home, but he enjoyed their weekly talks. "Black leather and mist were swirling about me, chasing me through the streets. I bolted into this old church on my right and locked the bolt. They were banging into the door, clambering to get through, the door was creaking... then I woke up."

"Interesting..." Ms. Wu said, as she picked up a "Coding Basics for Dummies" book, and placed it on the shelf.

"It was so real... even though I've been awake for a few hours now, it still feels real."

"Let me ask.." turning to him, "Why were you afraid of them?"

The question had not occurred to him. "I...Why wouldn't I be? They were scary monsters."

"Sure, but they were locked outside, you were safe inside. You escaped them."

"But there were getting in."

"Were they? Or were they trying to get in an failing?"

Mr. Wu had a knack for turning things upside down.


Worldview:  any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement, or religion that provides an overarching approach to understanding God, the world, and man's relation to God and the world.

Your Worldview affects everything you do. Another way to think of Worldview is "Core Beliefs".

What you believe about God, the world, man's relationship to God and one another, love, fear, health, relationships, your personal value, the value of other human lives, etc, etc... affects everything you do.

The fact is that most people on earth have given little to no thought about their own Worldview. Even those of us who have given much thought can fall into patterns based on heart beliefs that we have yet to identify.

As a writer, it’s an interesting paradox…

1. When one tries to “make a point” it usually comes across as straight allegory (Pilgrims Progress), it's great for teaching a lesson, but really a great "story". 
2. When one just writes to tell a great story, but, has a strong yet generic world view it comes across as a great story (but has no clear "specific" lesson) (Lord of the Rings).
3. When one writes to tell a great story, but, has a VERY distinct world view they write from it comes across as a great story (but has a clear lesson) (Chronicles of Narnia).

I think I want to land somewhere between two and three.

If you are not familiar with Worldviews, this Worldview Chart shows a breakdown of the most common Worldviews you will encounter in this modern world.

Your Turn: What's your story?

Tell the LIFE community about a story you encountered this week, and what you learned from it. 

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

Tweet These:

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

For more book suggestions, see my Amazon Store:

Other Hobby Sties by Darrell:

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Fencing Swords

    So what about Rapiers?

    You may also see references to
    Rapier swords. These are the heavy, original 16th century swords that Foil and
    Epee swords were based on.

    So most of the Rapiers being
    sold are reproductions for collectors and for use in re-enactments. Probably
    not something you would actually want to fence with!


    There are three weapons in
    modern fencing: foil, épée, and sabre. Each weapon has its own rules and

    • Foil: a light thrusting weapon, with a maximum weight of 500 grams.
      The foil may target the 
      torso (including the back), neck, and groin, but not the arms or
      legs. The foil has a small circular hand guard that serves to protect the
      hand from direct stabs. As the hand is not a valid target in foil, this
      is primarily for safety. Touches are scored only with the tip; hits with
      the side of the blade do not count, and do not halt the action. Touches
      that land outside of the target area (called an 
      off-target touch) stop the action, but
      are not scored. Only a single touch can be scored by either fencer at one
      time. If both fencers land valid touches at the same time, the 
      referee uses the rules of "right of way" to determine
      which fencer gets the point. If both fencers begin their attack at the
      same time, or the referee is unable to determine who was first, neither
      fencer scores a point.

    • Épée: a thrusting weapon like the foil, but heavier, with a maximum
      total weight of 770 grams. In épée, the entire body is valid target. The
      hand guard on the épée is a large circle that extends towards the pommel,
      effectively covering the hand, which is a valid target in épée. Like
      foil, all hits must be with the tip and not the sides of the blade. Hits
      with the side of the blade do not halt the action. As the entire body is
      legal target, there is not the concept of an off-target touch, except if
      the fencer accidentally strikes the floor, setting off the electric tone.
      Unlike foil and sabre, épée does not use "right of way", and
      allows simultaneous hits by both fencers. However, if the score is tied
      in a match at the last point and a double touch is scored, the point is
      null and void.

    • Sabre: a light cutting and thrusting weapon that targets the entire
      body above the waist, except the weapon hand. Like the foil, the maximum
      legal weight of a sabre is 500 grams. The hand guard on the sabre extends
      from pommel to the base of where the blade connects to the hilt. This
      guard is generally turned outwards during sport to protect the sword arm
      from touches. Hits with the entire blade or point are valid. As in foil,
      touches that land outside of the target area are not scored. However,
      unlike foil, these 
      off-target touches do not stop the action, and the fencing continues.
      In the case of both fencers landing a scoring touch, the referee
      determines which fencer receives the point for the action, again through
      the use of "right of way".

    Techniques or movements in
    fencing can be divided into two categories: offensive and quickly defensive.
    Some techniques can fall into both categories (
    e.g. the
    beat). Certain techniques are used offensively, with the purpose of landing a
    hit on your opponent while holding the right of way (foil and sabre). Others
    are used defensively, to protect against a hit or obtain the right of way.

    • Offensive

    • Attack: A basic fencing technique, also called a thrust, consisting of
      extending the sword arm to declare an attack and attempt to land a touch
      upon the opponent's valid area. In sabre, attacks are also made with a
      cutting action.

    • Riposte: An
      attack by the defender after a successful parry. After the attacker has
      completed their attack, and it has been parried, the defender then has
      the opportunity to make an attack, and take right of way (foil and

    • Feint: An attack with the purpose of provoking a reaction from the
      opposing fencer.

    • Lunge: A thrust while extending the front leg by using a slight kicking
      motion and propelling the body forward with the back leg.

    • Beat
      Attack: In foil & sabre, the attacker beats the opponent's blade to
      gain priority (right of way) and continues the attack against the target
      area. In épée, a similar beat is made but with the intention to disturb
      the opponent's aim and thus score with a single light.

    • Disengage:
      Beginning an attack in one direction, then quickly moving the point down
      in a semi-circle to attack a different location. This is used to trick
      the opponent into blocking the wrong direction. For example, the fencer
      could target the left side of the torso, and begin the lunge. As the
      opponent moves to the left to parry, the fencer disengages and finishes
      the attack on the right side of the torso. Commonly countered with a

    • Continuation
      of Attack: A typical épée action of making a 2nd after attack after the
      first attack is parried. This may be done with a change in line; example,
      an attack in the high line (above the opponent's bellguard, such as the
      shoulder) is then followed with an attack to the low line (below the
      opponent's bellguard, such as the thigh, or foot); or from the outside
      line (outside of the bellguard, such as outer arm) to the inside line
      (inside the bellguard, such as the inner arm or the chest). A second
      continuation is stepping slight past the parry and angulating the blade
      to bring the tip of the blade back on target.

    • Remise. A
      second attack immediately after the first has missed or been parried. In
      foil or sabre, a remise is considered to have lost right of way, and the
      defender's riposte will always score instead of the remise.

    • Flick: a
      technique used primarily in foil. It takes advantage of the extreme
      flexibility of the blade to use it like a whip, bending the blade so that
      it curves over and strikes the opponent with the point. This technique
      has become much more difficult due to timing changes which require the
      point to stay depressed for longer to set off the light.

    • Defensive

    • Parry: Basic defence technique, block the opponent's weapon while it is
      preparing or executing an attack to deflect the blade away from the
      fencer's valid area and (in foil and sabre) to give fencer the right of
      way. Usually followed by a riposte, a return attack by defender.

    • Circle
      Parry: A parry where the sword is twisted in a circle to catch the
      opponent's tip and deflect it away. It is commonly used to counter a

    • Counter
      Attack: A basic fencing technique of attacking your opponent while
      generally moving back out of the way of the opponent's attack. Used quite
      often in épée to score against the attacker's hand/arm. More difficult to
      accomplish in foil and sabre unless one is quick enough to make the
      counterattack and retreat ahead of the advancing opponent without being
      scored upon, or by evading the attacking blade via moves such as the In
      Quartata (turning to the side) or Passata-sotto (ducking).

    • Point In
      Line: Extending the weapon and arm against the opponent's target area. In
      foil and sabre, this gives one priority if the extension is made before
      the opponent is approximately advance-lunge distance away. When performed
      as a defensive action, the attacker must then disturb the extended weapon
      to re-take priority; otherwise the defender has priority and the
      counter-attack like action will win the touch if the attacker does not
      manage a single light. When performed as an offensive action, the intent
      is usually a means for the attacker to draw a defensive action that can
      be deceived and the attack continued. In épée, there is no priority; the
      move may be used as a means by either fencer to achieve a double-touch
      and advance the score by 1 for each fencer.


Fencing Swords

    So what about Rapiers?
    You may also see references to Rapier swords. These are the heavy, original 16th century swords that Foil and Epee swords were based on.
    So most of the Rapiers being sold are reproductions for collectors and for use in re-enactments. Probably not something you would actually want to fence with!

    There are three weapons in modern fencing: foil, épée, and sabre. Each weapon has its own rules and strategies.
    • Foil: a light thrusting weapon, with a maximum weight of 500 grams. The foil may target the torso (including the back), neck, and groin, but not the arms or legs. The foil has a small circular hand guard that serves to protect the hand from direct stabs. As the hand is not a valid target in foil, this is primarily for safety. Touches are scored only with the tip; hits with the side of the blade do not count, and do not halt the action. Touches that land outside of the target area (called an off-target touch) stop the action, but are not scored. Only a single touch can be scored by either fencer at one time. If both fencers land valid touches at the same time, the referee uses the rules of "right of way" to determine which fencer gets the point. If both fencers begin their attack at the same time, or the referee is unable to determine who was first, neither fencer scores a point.
    • Épée: a thrusting weapon like the foil, but heavier, with a maximum total weight of 770 grams. In épée, the entire body is valid target. The hand guard on the épée is a large circle that extends towards the pommel, effectively covering the hand, which is a valid target in épée. Like foil, all hits must be with the tip and not the sides of the blade. Hits with the side of the blade do not halt the action. As the entire body is legal target, there is not the concept of an off-target touch, except if the fencer accidentally strikes the floor, setting off the electric tone. Unlike foil and sabre, épée does not use "right of way", and allows simultaneous hits by both fencers. However, if the score is tied in a match at the last point and a double touch is scored, the point is null and void.
    • Sabre: a light cutting and thrusting weapon that targets the entire body above the waist, except the weapon hand. Like the foil, the maximum legal weight of a sabre is 500 grams. The hand guard on the sabre extends from pommel to the base of where the blade connects to the hilt. This guard is generally turned outwards during sport to protect the sword arm from touches. Hits with the entire blade or point are valid. As in foil, touches that land outside of the target area are not scored. However, unlike foil, these off-target touches do not stop the action, and the fencing continues. In the case of both fencers landing a scoring touch, the referee determines which fencer receives the point for the action, again through the use of "right of way".

    Techniques or movements in fencing can be divided into two categories: offensive and quickly defensive. Some techniques can fall into both categories (e.g. the beat). Certain techniques are used offensively, with the purpose of landing a hit on your opponent while holding the right of way (foil and sabre). Others are used defensively, to protect against a hit or obtain the right of way.
    • Offensive
    • Attack: A basic fencing technique, also called a thrust, consisting of extending the sword arm to declare an attack and attempt to land a touch upon the opponent's valid area. In sabre, attacks are also made with a cutting action.
    • Riposte: An attack by the defender after a successful parry. After the attacker has completed their attack, and it has been parried, the defender then has the opportunity to make an attack, and take right of way (foil and saber).
    • Feint: An attack with the purpose of provoking a reaction from the opposing fencer.
    • Lunge: A thrust while extending the front leg by using a slight kicking motion and propelling the body forward with the back leg.
    • Beat Attack: In foil & sabre, the attacker beats the opponent's blade to gain priority (right of way) and continues the attack against the target area. In épée, a similar beat is made but with the intention to disturb the opponent's aim and thus score with a single light.
    • Disengage: Beginning an attack in one direction, then quickly moving the point down in a semi-circle to attack a different location. This is used to trick the opponent into blocking the wrong direction. For example, the fencer could target the left side of the torso, and begin the lunge. As the opponent moves to the left to parry, the fencer disengages and finishes the attack on the right side of the torso. Commonly countered with a circle-parry.
    • Continuation of Attack: A typical épée action of making a 2nd after attack after the first attack is parried. This may be done with a change in line; example, an attack in the high line (above the opponent's bellguard, such as the shoulder) is then followed with an attack to the low line (below the opponent's bellguard, such as the thigh, or foot); or from the outside line (outside of the bellguard, such as outer arm) to the inside line (inside the bellguard, such as the inner arm or the chest). A second continuation is stepping slight past the parry and angulating the blade to bring the tip of the blade back on target.
    • Remise. A second attack immediately after the first has missed or been parried. In foil or sabre, a remise is considered to have lost right of way, and the defender's riposte will always score instead of the remise.
    • Flick: a technique used primarily in foil. It takes advantage of the extreme flexibility of the blade to use it like a whip, bending the blade so that it curves over and strikes the opponent with the point. This technique has become much more difficult due to timing changes which require the point to stay depressed for longer to set off the light.
    • Defensive
    • Parry: Basic defence technique, block the opponent's weapon while it is preparing or executing an attack to deflect the blade away from the fencer's valid area and (in foil and sabre) to give fencer the right of way. Usually followed by a riposte, a return attack by defender.
    • Circle Parry: A parry where the sword is twisted in a circle to catch the opponent's tip and deflect it away. It is commonly used to counter a disengage.
    • Counter Attack: A basic fencing technique of attacking your opponent while generally moving back out of the way of the opponent's attack. Used quite often in épée to score against the attacker's hand/arm. More difficult to accomplish in foil and sabre unless one is quick enough to make the counterattack and retreat ahead of the advancing opponent without being scored upon, or by evading the attacking blade via moves such as the In Quartata (turning to the side) or Passata-sotto (ducking).
    • Point In Line: Extending the weapon and arm against the opponent's target area. In foil and sabre, this gives one priority if the extension is made before the opponent is approximately advance-lunge distance away. When performed as a defensive action, the attacker must then disturb the extended weapon to re-take priority; otherwise the defender has priority and the counter-attack like action will win the touch if the attacker does not manage a single light. When performed as an offensive action, the intent is usually a means for the attacker to draw a defensive action that can be deceived and the attack continued. In épée, there is no priority; the move may be used as a means by either fencer to achieve a double-touch and advance the score by 1 for each fencer.


Monday, December 14, 2015

Super Powers: The Spiritual and Supernatural Laws of White Noise

Every world, especially fictional ones, must follow the rules. They need not be the rules we all know. Maybe in this world everything falls down, not up? But there must be rules and they must be followed. Otherwise your fiction becomes "incredible", or unbelievable.

*** World Under Contruction ***

World Rules

The following rules will serve the the world of White Noise:

  •  The powers' source is exposure to vibration frequencies, most of which are not audible to the human ear.

    • Vibrations create vinrations which either bring in tune with or out of tune with LIFE force. 

    • LIFE is nothing more than being at harmony with THE vibration that runs through all matter (living or not). 

    • Light, Sound, Pressure Waves from bombs, are all forms of vibrations.

    • Ex, Healing is the cells natural ability to self cure being sped up by an environment in tune with The Vibration.

    • THE Virbration is 7.77 hz.

      • This brings things into harmony with The Vibration, all elements are properly functioning when turned as a harmonic of 7.77 hz

    • The dissonant (which brings opposite results) is 6.66 hz.

      • This brings chaos, disharmony, dissonance, confusion, resulting in destruction and death. Even this harmony can be useful (ex, causing cancer cells to restore apoptosis, programed cell death). 

  • Affected by:

    • The powers can be enhanced by exposure to more good frequencies.

    • They can be hindered by dissonant frequencies.

    • Think the harpist for the prophet.

  • The powers endued by the Experiment would only be those that the bible either demonstrates, eludes to, or at least does not exclude. 

    • Therefore, walking through walls (yes), Laser beams coming from the eyes (maybe? the prophets do have fire coming from their mouths), Atomantium Claws, (no). 

  • The powers will be named by biblical names, scientific names, and magic/comic names. 

    • Ex, Vision vs Precognition. 

  • The powers are always intended for good, but not always used for good.

    • They can be abused.

  • The powers are endued upon anyone that is open to the supernatural, not just those who want to do good. 

    • "He poured out his spirit on all mankind." 

  • Kids are more easily affected than adults.

  • All powers are available to all people; however, most do not realize it.

    • And not all powers come as quickly or naturally to all people.

    • Some people, through design, exposure, or experience find that they lend more easily to one than another.

    • But in a pinch, it's possible for anyone to manifest any power.

Power Rules

The approved powers (list growing). 

Wisdom - Superhuman mentality - Innate capability - hyper-intelligence

  • Ability to know or understand something without the need of studying or previous experience.

  • Ability to see through the siutation to the right answer.

  • Ability to have intelligence quotient far above that of a genius level.

    • This ability can be so evolved that its user can gain psychic abilities (psychokinesis, telepathy, etc.) and resist both mind control and other psionic attacks.

  • Knowing what to do, without having previous training, would appear as hyper-intelligence.

  • Oranazition - Puzzle Solving - Technopathy -

Knowledge -  Empathy - Psychic - Telepathy - Psychometry (Future Only)

  • Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others

  • Psychic ability to know things about another person. Places, Events, Thoughts, Feelings, past and present, but not future.

  • Ability to relate details about the past condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it

  • Telepathy - Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others

  • Ability to relate details about the past condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it

Faith - Nature Manipulation - Elemental/Chemical Manipulation - Imagination

  • Make things happen.

  • Mountains move, plants grow or die, bugs or animals do your bidding.

  • Definitions for

    • 1.of or proceeding
      from the earth or soil.

    • 2.of or relating to
      the earth; terrestrial.

  • Water come from rocks.

  • Walls fall down.

  • Birds bring you food.

Healings - Biological manipulation - Healing factor

  • Vibrations create sound, light, and LIFE force. LIFE is nothing more than being at harmony with the vibrations. 

  • Ex, Healing is the cells natural ability to self cure being sped up by an environment in tune with The Vibration. 

  • Healing includes anything from gun shot wounds to cancer. 

  • But it does not restore missing parts, that is Miracles.

  • Ability to heal rapidly and with greater finality from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging and immunity to illnesses and other defects.

Matter ingestion

  • Ability to consume any sort of matter without any ill effects on the user.

Miracles - Resurrection - Regeneration - Restorative

  • Ability to come back to life after being killed as well, or to bring others back to life

  • Ability to grown back limbs, or assist in the regrowing of others limbs.

  • Restorative Powers

    • All matter, not just biological. Rusted cars can be restored by touch. Guns can be restored to their natural elements (iron, rock, etc).

Prophecy - Precognition - Psychometry (Future Only)

  • Ability to perceive the future. 

  • It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, other times it can be clear and can occur at will. 

  • It may also be used as a form of "danger sense" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming from. 

  • Ability to relate details about the future condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it

Discerning of Spirits - Cross-dimensional awareness

  • Ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions. 

  • Ability to detect beings and general atmosphere.

  • This is occasionally used in comics as an awareness of the fourth wall between the characters and the artist or audience.

  • Seeing angels, demons, spiritual condition of a person.

Tongues - Interpretation of Tongues - Omni-linguism

  • Ability to speak any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.

  • Ability to understand any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.

  • Sound manipulation - Ability to manipulate sound

  • Echolocation

    • Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense.

Donkey Talked

Material Manipulation (Red Sea)

Time Manipulation (Sun Stood Still)

Encouragement - Edification - Motiviation - Cognitive Enhancment and Manipulation - Pursuassion

  • Think of the great orators (good/bad) Hitler, Winston Churchhill,


Time manipulation

  • Ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it

Teleportation - Translated - Astral projection

  • Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between

  • Also known as astral travel, this is the ability to separate and control one's astral body.


  • Ability generate gases from the body and exhale fire from the mouth.


  • Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye and/or other forms of perception.

Superhuman longevity

  • Ability to live longer than a normal human.

Superhuman durability / endurance / agility / reflexes / strength / speed

  • Samson, Elijah when he outran the chariots

  • Ability to have a higher resistance to one or more forms of damage before being injured as well as the ability to exert oneself in an activity indefinitely without becoming tired and/or survive for long periods of time without consumption or water. Ability to react faster than a normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity.

  • Ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions.

Superhuman senses - Magnification

  • Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal Human.

Mind control

The ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind

Memory manipulation (yes with caveeats)

You cannot violate the will, but you can assist with the recovery or ridding of memory for the willing.

Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another

Elemental transmutation

The ability to alter chemical elements, changing them from one substance to another by rearranging the atomic structure. May be limited to self-transmutation

Gravity manipulation

Ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions

Intangibility or phasing

Ability to quantum tunnel through solid matter without harm[171]

Light manipulation

Ability to control, generate or absorb light particles

Who are the Nephlim in this world?


Superhuman Abilities - (Inhuman, Object Based, Mutant)

List of Elemental Abilities

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

* I may include "Affiliate Links" which means I earn a commission when you buy some of the products I link to. 

  • See my full about page and disclosures: Click Here

It's Author Fun By Darrell Wolfe

To Subscribe to the RSS: Click Here

For Non-Fiction stories with a lesson by Darrell Wolfe: Click Here

Super Powers: The Spiritual and Supernatural Laws of White Noise

Every world, especially fictional ones, must follow the rules. They need not be the rules we all know. Maybe in this world everything falls down, not up? But there must be rules and they must be followed. Otherwise your fiction becomes "incredible", or unbelievable.

*** World Under Contruction ***

World Rules

The following rules will serve the the world of White Noise:

  •  The powers' source is exposure to vibration frequencies, most of which are not audible to the human ear.
    • Vibrations create vinrations which either bring in tune with or out of tune with LIFE force. 
    • LIFE is nothing more than being at harmony with THE vibration that runs through all matter (living or not). 
    • Light, Sound, Pressure Waves from bombs, are all forms of vibrations.
    • Ex, Healing is the cells natural ability to self cure being sped up by an environment in tune with The Vibration.
    • THE Virbration is 7.77 hz.
      • This brings things into harmony with The Vibration, all elements are properly functioning when turned as a harmonic of 7.77 hz
    • The dissonant (which brings opposite results) is 6.66 hz.
      • This brings chaos, disharmony, dissonance, confusion, resulting in destruction and death. Even this harmony can be useful (ex, causing cancer cells to restore apoptosis, programed cell death). 
  • Affected by:
    • The powers can be enhanced by exposure to more good frequencies.
    • They can be hindered by dissonant frequencies.
    • Think the harpist for the prophet.
  • The powers endued by the Experiment would only be those that the bible either demonstrates, eludes to, or at least does not exclude. 
    • Therefore, walking through walls (yes), Laser beams coming from the eyes (maybe? the prophets do have fire coming from their mouths), Atomantium Claws, (no). 
  • The powers will be named by biblical names, scientific names, and magic/comic names. 
    • Ex, Vision vs Precognition. 
  • The powers are always intended for good, but not always used for good.
    • They can be abused.
  • The powers are endued upon anyone that is open to the supernatural, not just those who want to do good. 
    • "He poured out his spirit on all mankind." 
  • Kids are more easily affected than adults.
  • All powers are available to all people; however, most do not realize it.
    • And not all powers come as quickly or naturally to all people.
    • Some people, through design, exposure, or experience find that they lend more easily to one than another.
    • But in a pinch, it's possible for anyone to manifest any power.

Power Rules

The approved powers (list growing). 

Wisdom - Superhuman mentality - Innate capability - hyper-intelligence
  • Ability to know or understand something without the need of studying or previous experience.
  • Ability to see through the siutation to the right answer.
  • Ability to have intelligence quotient far above that of a genius level.
    • This ability can be so evolved that its user can gain psychic abilities (psychokinesis, telepathy, etc.) and resist both mind control and other psionic attacks.
  • Knowing what to do, without having previous training, would appear as hyper-intelligence.
  • Oranazition - Puzzle Solving - Technopathy -

Knowledge -  Empathy - Psychic - Telepathy - Psychometry (Future Only)

  • Ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others
  • Psychic ability to know things about another person. Places, Events, Thoughts, Feelings, past and present, but not future.
  • Ability to relate details about the past condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it
  • Telepathy - Ability to read the thoughts of, or to mentally communicate with others
  • Ability to relate details about the past condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it

Faith - Nature Manipulation - Elemental/Chemical Manipulation - Imagination
  • Make things happen.
  • Mountains move, plants grow or die, bugs or animals do your bidding.
  • Definitions for telluric
    • 1.of or proceeding from the earth or soil.
    • 2.of or relating to the earth; terrestrial.
  • Water come from rocks.
  • Walls fall down.
  • Birds bring you food.

Healings - Biological manipulation - Healing factor

  • Vibrations create sound, light, and LIFE force. LIFE is nothing more than being at harmony with the vibrations. 
  • Ex, Healing is the cells natural ability to self cure being sped up by an environment in tune with The Vibration. 
  • Healing includes anything from gun shot wounds to cancer. 
  • But it does not restore missing parts, that is Miracles.
  • Ability to heal rapidly and with greater finality from any injury; the rate of recovery varies from character to character. Can sometimes result in the slowing of aging and immunity to illnesses and other defects.
Matter ingestion

  • Ability to consume any sort of matter without any ill effects on the user.

Miracles - Resurrection - Regeneration - Restorative

  • Ability to come back to life after being killed as well, or to bring others back to life
  • Ability to grown back limbs, or assist in the regrowing of others limbs.
  • Restorative Powers
    • All matter, not just biological. Rusted cars can be restored by touch. Guns can be restored to their natural elements (iron, rock, etc).

Prophecy - Precognition - Psychometry (Future Only)

  • Ability to perceive the future. 
  • It may be expressed in vague dreams while asleep, other times it can be clear and can occur at will. 
  • It may also be used as a form of "danger sense" to show the user that they are being threatened and from what direction it is coming from. 
  • Ability to relate details about the future condition of an object or location, usually by being in close contact with it

Discerning of Spirits - Cross-dimensional awareness

  • Ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions. 
  • Ability to detect beings and general atmosphere.
  • This is occasionally used in comics as an awareness of the fourth wall between the characters and the artist or audience.
  • Seeing angels, demons, spiritual condition of a person.

Tongues - Interpretation of Tongues - Omni-linguism

  • Ability to speak any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.
  • Ability to understand any form of language, a natural polyglot. This can be accomplished in various ways.
  • Sound manipulation - Ability to manipulate sound
  • Echolocation
    • Ability to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound. Also known as sonar or radar sense.

Donkey Talked

Material Manipulation (Red Sea)

Time Manipulation (Sun Stood Still)

Encouragement - Edification - Motiviation - Cognitive Enhancment and Manipulation - Pursuassion
  • Think of the great orators (good/bad) Hitler, Winston Churchhill,


Time manipulation
  • Ability to affect the flow of time by slowing, accelerating, reversing, or stopping it
Teleportation - Translated - Astral projection
  • Ability to move from one place to another without occupying the space in between
  • Also known as astral travel, this is the ability to separate and control one's astral body.


  • Ability generate gases from the body and exhale fire from the mouth.


  • Ability to render the user unseen to the naked eye and/or other forms of perception.

Superhuman longevity

  • Ability to live longer than a normal human.

Superhuman durability / endurance / agility / reflexes / strength / speed

  • Samson, Elijah when he outran the chariots
  • Ability to have a higher resistance to one or more forms of damage before being injured as well as the ability to exert oneself in an activity indefinitely without becoming tired and/or survive for long periods of time without consumption or water. Ability to react faster than a normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity.
  • Ability to have a level of strength much higher than normally possible given their proportions.

Superhuman senses - Magnification

  • Ability to see, smell, taste, feel and/or hear more than a normal Human.

Mind control
The ability to alter the perceptions of others, and general ability to control the actions of others with the mind

Memory manipulation (yes with caveeats)
You cannot violate the will, but you can assist with the recovery or ridding of memory for the willing.
Ability to erase or enhance the memories of another

Elemental transmutation
The ability to alter chemical elements, changing them from one substance to another by rearranging the atomic structure. May be limited to self-transmutation

Gravity manipulation
Ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions

Intangibility or phasing
Ability to quantum tunnel through solid matter without harm[171]

Light manipulation
Ability to control, generate or absorb light particles

Who are the Nephlim in this world?


Superhuman Abilities - (Inhuman, Object Based, Mutant)

List of Elemental Abilities

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

* I may include "Affiliate Links" which means I earn a commission when you buy some of the products I link to. 

  • See my full about page and disclosures: Click Here

It's Author Fun By Darrell Wolfe

To Subscribe to the RSS: Click Here

For Non-Fiction stories with a lesson by Darrell Wolfe: Click Here

Sunday, December 13, 2015

The Calling Card!


Everything always had to be excessively clean.

Andrew Williamson washed his hands for the 3rd time. Just as he'd cleaned his kitchen three times, and locked the door three times.

What the small studio apartment lacked in furnishings and comforts, it made up for in it's immaculate form. One could easily eat off of any surface in the house.

Visitors were not welcome.

Visitors touched things. Pens were left on the counter instead of the pen holder. Sticky Notes were moved 1/3 of an inch. No.... visitors were not welcome.

Andrew was precise.

Which is what made him such a keen observer, and why hacking was a perfect fit. His code was clean, pure, and elegant. Most coders were sloppy, and that's how he got in most of the time. He could spot their mess, and see right through it.

He sat down in the white porcelain chair (easier to keep clean), in his white Kung Fu style clothing (relaxed, efficient), to type on his white MacBook Pro (only the best will do).

Andrew's fingers danced across the keyboard like a concert pianist. In moments he was through the firewall and into the main server.

He closed his laptop and smiled, thinking how funny it would be when all the employees at Stouts Inc. helplessly watched Annoying Orange make fun of them for an hour as they tried to shut down and reboot the system's firewalls. At which point his virus would take it's full control over the system, disappearing from their detection and silently sending him a stream of data.

Phase 1, complete. Phase 2, collect his paycheck from the man who hired him. Ronald Greenhorn. He tried to warn the board that they were vulnerable. Rather than suffer a real attack with real losses, he hired Andrew to show them just how bad it could be. Only one week ago, he'd received the invitation. He could not pass up the chance to hack his childhood toy manufacturer.

Andrew called Greenhorn, but there was no answer. He must be busy with the chaos. The television showed nothing interesting, another bombing. Same news.

Except... wait. What?

"Ronald Greenhorn, Chief Technology Officer at Stouts Inc., was found dead last night in his corporate suite. Coroners believe he died three weeks ago, but the suite had been empty. The Cleaning Crew, returning after a holiday break found him during the pre-shift cleaning.
Detectives were still sussing out answers when a virus took over the facilities computer systems. The FBI has been called in to lead the investigation, as they believe both incidents are related."

The Calling Card!

It was always part of his hacks, especially when he was hired by the company he was hacking. It was his way of achieving credit, and payment.

Breath constricted, pulse increased, dizziness set in... he could feel his skin becoming balmy as his fingers grew cold.

He was loosing control, he could not lose control.

He'd been set up, framed, and involved in something he'd never asked for. He never actually met Mr. Greenhorn, only connected through other contacts. But now it was obvious that he had never been hired by him at all.

He closed his eyes, took several deep breaths, and focused his mind. One thing about having a meticulous mind, was ensuring that plans were always kept meticulously in the mind, never on paper or servers for people to locate.

Andrew took his laptop, wiped down the apartment for prints, hair, anything that would tell his ID. He left, locking the door three times, and walked down the hall.

Failsafe engaged.

* Just because... that was fun to write. 

Your Turn: What's your story?

Tell the LIFE community about a story you encountered this week (true or fiction), and what you learned from it. 

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

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By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

For more book suggestions, see my Amazon Store:

Other Hobby Sties by Darrell:

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The resurrection of Leonardo Plennik... and you?

"Hello." Leo said, turning his face to the sky. 

It was cold and hallow, not the greeting of close friends, but of strangers, who used to know each other in another life.

The pages were wrestling with the wind as he read.

Matthew 6

22 "The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

Leonardo Plennik set the Good Book down on the bench next to him.

A pointed leaf hung for it's life at the end of a branch near his head. The hues of green were surrendering to the yellow, orange, and reds. Brown had already taken the tips.

A breeze broke in past his collar, a reminder that the chill had arrived. With Fall came the overcast, darker days, and longer nights... which suited Leo just fine. His heart was cold, numb... why not his limbs.

Leo picked up the book, and continued reading.

Matthew 6

24 "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.


A small bird that had been pecking away at the ground near him fluttered away at the noise.

He was surprised by his own outburst.

He was the only person at the Look Out Park on a Monday evening. The horizon was already flushed with the same hues as the leaves.

"Two masters? Yes... that's it, that is the problem isn't it?" Leo exclaimed to the rocks and trees. "You cannot serve God and Money. But how can you do anything but serve Monday?" He laughed at the irony, "Money. Monday. What's the difference...?"

"I want more!" He yelled to the sky. "This barely making it sucks..." ending in more of a whimper.

The insatiable desire to earn more was always nipping at his heals. With student loans, car payments, credit cards, and a mortgage... all competeing for his attention, and his blood. He was already serving Money. It had just disguised itself by another name, Debt. And he could feel the noose tightening every day. He had chosen his master already. He'd chosen when he was young, before he knew there was a choice.

"But that's not true, is it?" He berated himself.  "Two of the debts you have now you took out after learning how evil Debt was."

Glancing down again,
 Matthew 6
25 "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life... 
32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. 
Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

Truer words were never spoken. Trouble followed him like a hound. Today had enough trouble... and so would tomorrow.

"Well, that's not exactly true, is it Leo?" he mused. "I mean, nothing has happened today. Today was actually quite normal. Same job, same pay, same issues, same, same... same. It's what's coming that's got you, isn't it?" He pondered the first words. "My father knows what I need... He knows and yet here i sit, in debt. No matter how hard I work, I'm still in debt. It's never enough to be free of it, it's an evil task master."

The solution seemed quite simple. It had been slowly building. A plan to solve the rat race.

Take out life insurance policies for the whole family, not just himself. Keep suspicions at bay. Take out enough to be sufficient to take care of his family in his absence. Wait at least one year, so as not to arouse suspicion there either. He'd waited two, but considered jumping the gun many times.

Actually, he'd considered the gun, but they were too unpredictable. People survive gun shots at an alarming rate. He even heard of a man who lived with a bullet in his brain. Besides, shooting himself could void the policy.

He could go into a bad part of town, and goad someone into shooting him. But then again, unpredictable. He's heard gangsters were notoriously bad shots. Disabled but still alive, and in debt... no, that just wouldn't work.

It was amazing how sensible one could be about such things. This was a much more air tight plan. Loose ends all tidied up.

Now there was a decision to make. A decision he re-made many times over the last two years.

A bottle of Jack Daniels Old No. 7 was lying on the passenger seat of the car nearby. This was the first time he'd actually gone to buy the bottle though, this was the last time he would have to make this decision.

The insurance company won't question an Alcoholic that had fallen off the wagon, no matter how long he'd been "sober", whatever that meant. Especially with his family history.

He had been debating as to when or if he was going to follow through with this line of thinking. Then he got a call that afternoon, while he was still at the office. "Next time you are going to go to the store, let's agree on what you get. I need to budget for these things..."

Really? We're going to have a discussion about spending $1.86 on a cold drink from the fridge by the cash register, rather than saving a few cents by buying the pack of cans from the shelf?

So on the way home from the store, he turned, and drove up mountainside highway instead. He'd grabbed the JD on the way.

Here he sat, contemplating his waste of a life. Dead dreams. Disappointments. All he needed to do was open that bottle, down it, wait 1 hour, and then drive "accidentally" off the edge on his way back down. He'd already eyed a great spot with a sheer drop, to ensure... a painless end.

Leo's eyes glazed over the next verses, and landed on a familiar phrase.
Matthew 7 
7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 

Hadn't he asked? Hadn't he been asking? For over a decade now, he'd asked. He had given, and given, but it was not pressed down, shaken together, and running over back to him. He had given so much of his time, energy, and money... that he'd burnt out on it.

Then he remembered a James 4.  The privilege of being a bible student. Verses floated through your head as though they were a flock of birds. Every now and then one floated down, and alighted on your shoulder.

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

He wasn't asking for the wrong motives though. He'd been asking so that he could give more. He just knew that if he was free of this debt, and constant need to worry about bills, he could be free to give more.

"I want to do what you want me to do...." He spoke softly to the sky, "I'm just so tired of this life. I just want to DO more than this !"

He managed a team of 25 employees, at a local warehouse. He was working 60 hour weeks, and still serving as an usher every Sunday morning. He did the lawn and house duties every Saturday. He was a dedicated servant who left no time for himself.

He was a giver in all aspects of his life. So why could he not get answers?

The page blew back one, and Leo looked down again to catch it. The verses previous to the ones he'd been reading caught his attention.

Matthew 6 
7 And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. 8 Therefore do not be like them. 
For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. 9 In this manner, therefore, pray: 
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.  
10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. 
11 Give us this day our daily bread. 
12 And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. 
13 And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. 
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. 

Leo started wondering, how often had he read this prayer, prayed this prayer, and never really asked what the meaning behind it was. Hadn't Jesus just got done saying that we should not mindlessly repeat phrases hoping to get what we want?

Surely he wasn't asking us to pray these exact words three times a day like some Buddhist mantra. There must be an underlying meaning. So he pondered each phrase.

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name.  

God's in heaven. I know that. So what? I guess he can see what I cannot see. He knows what I do not know. God's home is outside of spacetime, so he is just as present in my past and future as he is right now.

His name. He recalled the song they sung during yesterday morning's service.

"Great, Great, There is no one like our God... You reign in all the earth. You reign victorious. Your power is limitless. There is no like our God..."

Leo prayed "Father..." it sounded hallow still, but a bit less hallow. "You are master of spacetime. You have all power. You are worthy of honor, even if I don't understand why you are hiding from me."

10 Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. 

This seemed so simple. God's ways worked, perfectly, all the time, in Heaven. The only reason things don't work on earth, is because God's will is not being done here 100%. So we need to align ourselves with his will, and ask that his will be done here. Then things work better.

"Father..." a bit less hallow. "I submit to your will. I don't know what that is right now. I'm hurt and confused, but I submit to it nonetheless. Have your way in me."

He'd prayed that prayer many times as a child, and once when he "got saved" as an adult... but maybe... maybe it's not about surrendering to God once. Maybe you have to keep surrendering, daily, several times a day even, for this life 'in Him' to work right?

11 Give us this day our daily bread. 

Today's needs were met. He had a roof, food, family... tomorrow gave him concern, but today was met.

Does this mean he couldn't consider tomorrow? It sure sounded like the command he'd read earlier.

He could almost hear, in his mind, the voice of God speaking back to him. It wasn't audible. It was in the same place as his thoughts, but... different somehow.

"Just deal with today. Obey today. Received today. Let ME deal with tomorrow."

12 And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. 

Forgiving came easy for Leo. He didn't really like people, so why would he care what they thought about him, or what they did. He'd built a nice wall around himself to keep them away. He held no hard feelings, or anger toward them. He had no problem forgiving.

It struck him, somehow, that this may run contrary to the intention of the verse.

Forgiving did not just mean letting go of anger. And he had no anger toward people. But it might go further... It might mean letting people in, or worse, actually going out of his way to bring people into his walls.

Now that... that seemed a little scary.

"I have no idea how to do that... but if you'll teach me... I'll try", he said to the Sky Master.

13 And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. 

Temptation? Like temptation to take that bottle of JD and drive off this cliff?

Well... maybe God had lived up to that. After sitting here for so long with this book, he did not feel like following through today.

Tomorrow... maybe... but not today.

"Father... help." was all he could get out.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. 

The power of the Kingdom... the power to... change a heart? In a few moments, to turn around a plan? To put the enemy at bay for a bit longer. He was either feeling better, or he was just feeling numb... he couldn't tell.

"Thank you for... opening my eyes a bit tonight." He made no promises, no oaths. Just sat with a bit more gratitude than he had when this started.


The prayer of agreement. Agreement with what... exactly? With everything he already said?

"So be it." Leo muttered.

The cliff in front of him dropped off into darkness.

"I want..." Leo wasn't entirely sure what he wanted. "I want you." he said, staring at the night sky, and it's first stars fighting past the haze of dusk.

"It's not your gifts, talents, abilities, treasures... it's not even your answers I really need. It's not a better job, more money, even the erasure of my debts... " Leo could see it now. Not clearly, but a hint of light had broken past the darkness that was his mind's eye. "It's you. I want you. More of you."

The thought dawned on him after he heard himself say it. As though his mouth was speaking words that his heart always knew, but his mind hadn't caught up to yet... or had forgotten.

Leo left his bible flapping in the evening breeze. The passenger door creaked as his fingers pulled at the handle. He took the bottle of JD, unopened, and held it in his hand. He missed that flavor, and longed to feel the burn again. The desire never left him, not really. It subsided from time to time, and then it flared up again.

But something had changed in him as he sat there. His phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket and swiped to the message.

"Are you ok? I expected you home by now. Praying for you."

She wasn't so bad...Maybe.

She didn't mean to come across the way she did.

It wasn't her fault that even a soft baby blanket could feel like sand paper when rubbed across an old open wound that refused to heal.

Leo held the bottle to the sky, a silent, unspoken prayer of dedication. And just as David poured out the water on the ground as an offering, he took the bottle and threw it as hard as he could off the edge of the cliff.

It sailed, for what seamed like an eternity, until it eventually crashed in the moon light at the bottom. He could hear the shattering... right where the car was supposed to have crashed, with him in it.

Leo traded something that night.

He couldn't put his finger on it, not exactly, but it was as though he really had died. And something new was born.

Just a child does not know at birth what it will grow up to become, neither did he know what he would grow up to become. He just knew that tonight ended... and tomorrow was going to have to worry about itself, he was done carrying that weight with him.

He typed back,

"Got distracted reading... sorry. Be home soon."

He took his bible off the bench, and tucked it under his arm. Nodded to the sky, and drove down the winding road. A smile crossed his face as he passed the corner he had intended to take.

Great, Great God

* This story was inspired, in part, by a message preached this morning by Pastor Preston Morrison called, "What do you want?", preached at Gateway Church Southlake, TX. 12/06/15.

Your Turn: What's your story?

Tell the LIFE community about a story you encountered this week, and what you learned from it. 

Comment on this post, or Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe

Tweet These:

By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

For more book suggestions, see my Amazon Store:

Other Hobby Sties by Darrell:

Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This Present Darkness
By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
Knife of Dreams
A Memory of Light
The Path of Daggers
He Who Fights with Monsters 10
He Who Fights with Monsters 9
He Who Fights With Monsters 8
He Who Fights with Monsters 6
He Who Fights With Monsters 7
He Who Fights with Monsters 5
He Who Fights with Monsters 4
He Who Fights with Monsters 3
He Who Fights with Monsters 2
He Who Fights with Monsters
[ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Horse and His Boy

Darrell Wolfe's favorite books »


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