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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Superheros with Divine Calling

Hungering, Thirsting, Yearning.... for the supernatural! 

There is a rising tide… a growing dissatisfaction with status quo. People (all people not just born again ones) are becoming thirsty for more of the spiritual realities that we are surrounded by, if only vaguely aware of. The growth and rapid demand for movies about super heroes, supernatural, witchcraft, mysticism, etc… these are signs of this corporate cultural thirst.

There are multiple sci-fi series in which mankind is experiencing a leap in evolution and this results in super powers (think Alphas or X-Men). The increase in Zombie films derives from this same thirst, but for the unbelievers this thirst often turns to fear. This is also where End of the World movies come from as well. Aliens are becoming common place in our entertainment, as Satan is starting to build his case to explain the soon coming mass disappearance of earth citizens.

Recently, I was listening to the John Batchelor Show in which he was interviewing Walter Hunt, author of “Elements of the Mind”. This secular novel follows the concept of Mesmerism; the idea of people who could control others with their mind power, often through spirits helping them.

I was pondering a recent conversation I had with my friend Allen about the rise of the prophetic ministry among average Christians, while I heard John Batchelor talk on the radio… it occurred to me, rather soberingly, that people are being sucked into this stuff, in part, because we (the Body of Christ) have not been out there showing them another way.

We’re so busy having church meetings that we’re not creating entertainment based books, sitcoms, and movies that feed this thirst with truth. In the absence of truth, we are left with the lies. When we do bother to create entertainment it's so chalk full of "preachyness" that it's unpalatable to the non-believer (think most of the work done by Kirk Cameron). 

I'd imagine that a few non-believers got tricked into watching these sermons in disguise we've created in the last 30 years, and a few of those might even have been changed by them, and don't get me wrong. I'm grateful that someone is out there creating something, so I'm not again Kirk Cameron's work. What I am saying is we need to start being "wise as serpents, harmless as doves". 

It's time we find a balance in our creative works between Lord of the Rings, which is great entertainment but doesn't often lead to non-believers knowing God, and Pilgrims Progress which is amazingly deep for the unbeliever but won't be read by many non-believers.

There must be a way to feed the mass thirst with the entertainment they desire, while feeding their sole with truth... then quietly leading those who have found that need met to the side for an open and honest conversation (and not a preachy sermon), leading them to The King himself.

It's not my job to get people saved, but it is my job to lead people to the Savior and let them talk with Him. I can't do that if they are turned off before I had a chance to open the conversation.

So how do we strike this balance? I'm not really sure. I have some ideas, I'm playing with it now on the side. But I have not found that road map.

Any ideas? Thoughts?

In the meantime I will #BeStillBeLed!


And now I leave you with a question:


So... what are your thoughts about this? What did this make you think about? Do you have a portion of that road map? 

Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe or on Google +DarrellWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe


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