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Monday, May 4, 2015

Trust in LIFE Comes while we Listen for the Voice of God.

Listen, Understand, Act | By Steven Shorrock | Crossword Puzzle
Attribute: Listen, Understand, Act | By Steven Shorrock

I am a fellow traveler, walking with you on this journey to Pursue LIFE, and more and more of it. I have not obtained perfectly, but this one thing I do...

I press forward to take hold of the very thing that has taken hold of me.... LIFE.

Today... I want to be honest. I'm struggling. I don't struggle with God's reality, that was settled forever in my childhood. I don't struggle with sin or guilt, because I know Jesus' Blood purged ALL my sin (past, present, and future) from me.

What am i struggling with? Trust.

There have been times that I thought I knew what God was doing, and I was wrong. When God came through it was better than I could have conjured up on my own. But in some cases, it was much longer than I had planned, years even.

As I was reading articles on Trusting God, I came across this great one, here, and this paraphrased quote:

Don't be TOO accessible to the pressures of the moment... Listen for the voice of God. 

Ah... there it is again... #BeStillBeLed.

I've been hearing God repeat that, like a mantra since Last July. And yet again, I've forgotten it. No matter how often I let it slip, it comes back. I need to get up early, but I need to do this before I go to bed. So take a few moments today, NOW if you can, and get really still before God. Listen, don't speak. Hear what He would say. Only after receiving instructions do you take action. Then, just take the next indicated step.

Just like the show, The Amazing Race, don't just haul off down the road going 100 miles an hour on the path you think He meant you to take. Stop at each point for the next direction.

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More about BeStillBeLed <here>

And now I leave you with a question:

So... what are your thoughts about this? What did this make you think about? 

Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe or on Google +DarrellWolfe

By Darrell Wolfe


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Be Nice, Be Kind, Be Thoughtful, Be Honest, Be Creative...GO!

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