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Sunday, August 16, 2015

My Career vs My Calling

Why am I here? Me, not just us... but me. Why am I here?

So this morning, Pastor Robert (@GatewayPeople), spoke about calling and purpose. I wrote down the following notes:

  • 1 Sam 16 
  • 2 Sam 15 
  • Romans 1:1 
  • Acts 13:36 

  • Don’t confuse goals and purpose. 
  • Purpose never changes, goals do. 

If you understand your life purpose, it will set context (if not direction) for your goals.

If you are getting bored, it is a signal that you lack of clarity about purpose. Maybe you fulfilled your current goals, and you need to seek God about new ones?

So how do I get clear on my purpose and my goals? Jesus... HE is my shepherd, and only He can clue me into either.

Habakkuk 2 - The Righteous Shall Live by His Faith

1I will take my stand at my watchpost and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me, and what I will answer concerning my complaint.   
2And the LORD answered me: 
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. 3For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.

Habakkuk set himself apart, to get the vision… then he wrote it down and made it plain.

Notice, the vision didn't come while he was eating potato chips, watching the latest Blacklist episode. It came because he set himself apart to see what God would say. If we back up one chapter, we see the book starts with Habakkuk complaining about the way things are (in life/wold around him).

It was only after he set himself apart, with the intention to hear, that he saw a vision to write down. So often we talk about finding your vision and mission statement, and getting it on paper so it gets and stays clear.

But that is step three.

Hearing/Seeing is step two.

Setting yourself up to hear/see is step one.

Why should I get clear on my purpose? 

  • What will change or be different in the world, because you were here?

Lets be honest... I'd rather not be here. On this planet. It's hot, the grass clipping make my arms itch, people are rude, and ruder by the day. There really isn't much point to being here if it's all about me. I have a home (s) in heaven.

Once I leave, there is a mansion, and a cabin, waiting for me. I will never be too hot, or too cold, or too hungry. There will be people I can serve, and people I can spend decades with exploring the universe.

I am so heavenly minded... that if it were just about me... I'd have left already. This planet sucks.


It's not about me. It's about others. There could be people dying and going to hell, unless I fulfill my calling. There could be others that will go to heaven, but live bound on this earth to sin and death until then... unless I fulfill my calling.

My wife and kids, demand I stay to fulfill my calling to them. Who knows... maybe my only real calling is to build them up into who they need to be, so that they can change the world?

Bottom line... I must pursue my calling. Does that mean getting a better position at work? Maybe... promotions are nice, but they are under the realm of goals, not calling.

Your purpose is not your position.

My calling has functioned in me my whole life. I was, am, and always will be a teacher, with a pastors heart. Even in my days of wild living, outside of God's will, I was trying to get my fellow sinners saved.

Every job I've worked (26 +/- job titles, and in at least five distinct industries), I've been like the team coach, team mentor, team pastor.

So if my purpose is not tied to my job title, or even industry, than what is my purpose?

Your purpose is your pursuit.

What do I dream about? What do I do when no-one pays me to do it? What can't I stop doing, even when I try?

Paul, in Romans 1, sites three levels:

  • General (All Christians) 
    • Chosen to serve Jesus 
  • Specific (Position-Title) 
    • Called to Apostle 
  • Unique (Purpose)
    • Paul's brand was self evident in any situation. He was separated to the gospel. 

When he was just barely saved he was out reasoning with the men in the synagogues. When he was exiled, he was learning and prayer about his message. When he was a deacon, he was living it. When he was a prophet, and money courier, he was living it. When he eventually became an Apostle... he kept living it. Apostle ship was an outgrowth of the calling inside of him all along.

For my part:

  • General (All Christians)
    • I am a spirit filled believer
  • Specific (Position-Title)
    • Team Lead / Coach
    • Writer/Author
    • Servant/Greeter

  • Unique (Purpose)
    • Purpose - I am a shepherd/leader

My life has scriptures:

I am called lead the Distressed, In-Debt, and Discontent (2 Sam 22:1-3), into a life of Good Success, by Meditating on the Word of God (Josh 1:8), helping them become mighty through God (2 Sam 23:8 & 2 Cor 10:4), pulling down strongholds! 

I help the:

  • Distressed find peace
  • Debt-bound find prosperity
  • Discontent find purpose

Your Turn:

You are: 
  • Believer (if not click here): I believe in Jesus!
  • Job Titles (past, present, future): My job title is:
  • Purpose (only you know): My purpose is...

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