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Sunday, September 27, 2015

How to adjust your TRUST-Rod | Guitar adjustment leads to revelation about building trust in God.

Guitar adjustment leads to revelation

I picked up my KONA K1 Acoustic guitar last night, for the first time in many months. This has been the best guitar I've ever known. I may never buy a Fender again. (check them out here).

I got this one used and I finally decided the action was too high. So I starting looking up how to lower the action on a guitar. I have to admit my ignorance (even after 25 years of playing) I always believed the myth that the Truss Rod should be adjusted for better action.

Found two great videos:

Wiki: Truss - Guitar

The truss rod is part of a guitar or other fretted, stringed-instruments used to stabilize and adjust the lengthwise forward curvature (also called relief), of the neck. Usually it is a steel rod that runs inside the neck and has a bolt that can be used to adjust its tension.
The point of the truss rod is not (primarily) to push the whole neck backward and forward for better action. The point is to put a slight bend in the middle of the neck. You actually DO NOT want a straight neck in a guitar.

The string vibrate more in the middle, and need more room to play than at the ends. Therefore you need a slight bow in the neck where the middle dips away from the strings to avoid buzz when you play.

If you want better action, you need to adjust the bridge (not commonly needed - at the head of guitar) or the saddle (most common adjustments - at the bottom near the sound hole). See videos above for more explanation.

Truss - support structure

This got me thinking about the truss in the roof of a home. These are most commonly the triangle structures built of wood in our attic holding your roof up.

Wiki: Truss - Engineering

In engineering, a truss is a structure that "consists of two-force members only, where the members are organized so that the assemblage as a whole behaves as a single object".[1]

  • Two-force members acting as a single object. 


truss (n.) c. 1200, "collection of things bound together," from Old French trousse, torse "parcel, package, bundle," of uncertain origin, perhaps from Vulgar Latin *torciare "to twist," from Late Latin torquere (see torque (n.)). Meaning "surgical appliance to support a rupture, etc." first attested 1540s. Sense of "framework for supporting a roof or bridge" is first recorded 1650s.  
truss (v.) c. 1200, "to load, load up," from Anglo-French trusser, Old French trusser, torser "to load, fill, pack, fasten" (11c.), from Old French trousse, torse (see truss (n.)). Related: Trussed; trussing.

Trust: A Two-force members acting as a single object. 

I couldn't find any connection historically in these words, I have no idea if they have the same root, and it could very well be that the similar sounds are an accidental evolution of the English language.. but I started thinking about Trust in light of Truss.

When I trust God, I am acting with him in unison. When I do not trust God, I am acting in dis-unison. The same would go for any relationship (Husband/Wife, Boss/Employee, Government/Citizen). When one party doesn't trust the other, they cease to work as a single entity toward a single goal.

Without this trust, the supporting structure of my life is missing. I cannot function. Over time the elements of this world (stress, pressure, heat, temptation, etc) will warp my life. Then when my strings are played there will be no room for them to move freely and vibrate, so there will be a buzzing in my life.

How to adjust your TRUST-Rod

As I spend time in the Secret Place I am building strength and support structures into my heart, mind, and will. These are where my greatest battles will take place on earth.

It's not a matter of duty, it's a matter of safety. It doesn't matter if I go to my Secret Place once a day, once a week, once a month, 70 times a day.... It's not a matter of being a "good Christian". It's a matter of strengthening my Trust Rod. The more time I spend, the stronger it is, and the better adjusted it will be.

You Turn:

How do you know if you are trusting God?

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