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Thursday, January 7, 2016

F1rst Conference @GatewayPeople | My takeaways, insights, and "aha" moments.

*My takeaways, insights, and "aha" moments from the...

F1rst Conference @GatewayPeople

Jack HayfordFounder and Chancellor, The King’s University
Sunday, January 3 | 6:00 pm

Samuel RodriguezSenior Pastor, New Season Christian Worship Center
Monday, January 4 | 7:00 pm

Christine CaineFounder, Equip and Empower Ministries and The A21 Campaign
Tuesday, January 5 | 7:00 pm

Ravi ZachariasPresident, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries
Wednesday, January 6 | 7:00 pm

Gateway Church | NFW | Jack Hayford - 01/03/16 

There is an AND! To properly understand the promise of Romans 8:28, you must read Romans 8:26-27.

Romans 8:26-2826 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will. 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

The promise of things working together for my good is contingent upon my being led by The Spirit. My mind (knowledge tree) is too limited to know everything about everything, understand it all in context, and then pray accurately for the right things and outcomes.

The Holy Spirit intercedes for me instead.... if I let Him.

I must:
  1. Acknowledge I am limited
  2. Allow the Holy Spirit to pray through me
  3. Avail myself of the direction he provides
In order to have positive outcomes, I cannot try to control everything, I must instead surrender to his Will, Word, and Ways.

It always comes back to #BeStillBeLed!

Peter said to Him, "Lord, why can I not follow You now?" —John 13:37 

 There are times when you can’t understand why you cannot do what you want to do. When God brings a time of waiting, and appears to be unresponsive, don’t fill it with busyness, just wait. The time of waiting may come to teach you the meaning of sanctification— to be set apart from sin and made holy— or it may come after the process of sanctification has begun to teach you what service means. Never run before God gives you His direction. If you have the slightest doubt, then He is not guiding. Whenever there is doubt— wait. Utmost for his highest,
Oswald Chambers

Gateway Church | NFW | Samuel Rodriguez - 01/04/16 

MAN! Can this guy talk fast. He reminds me of a Spanish Rod Parsley.

Make 2016 a year of worship!

I surrender: My passions, desires, painful memories, pleasant memories, poutings, pride, power, purpose, plans, and pleasures.

This life we live, is a life of surrender.

My primary task each morning is not bible study, devotionals, prayer lists...

My primary purpose and task each day is to spend a few moments re-surrendering, every morning, every night, and as needed in between.

Judges 6: Gideon

"Go with the strength you have."
Not with the strength that is coming, or you are going to have, but with the strength you have. The word of God is all the strength you need to do what he called you to do.

Failure: Afraid To Thrive

Todays' complacency is tomorrows' captivity.

The children of Israel

    • Escaped Egypt - The land of FAILURE
    • Survived the Desert - The land of the miraculous supply, but just enough. 
    • The Promise Land - The land of the overflow, too much

Jesus did not come so that you could fail or survive, he came that you might have LIFE and LIFE more abundant (John 10:10), you have not even imagined what he has planed for you! (1 Cor 2:9).

Jesus said "You are Mine!" (Isaiah 43:1), and He is able to keep you from stumbling and present you to His Father without fault and with great joy! (Jude 1:24)

The size of your praise is directly proportional to the hell he took you out of. If you only feel that he's done a little for you, your praise will be small. But if you feel he's done greatly, you praise will be great.

You are defined not by the hell you are going through, but the heaven you are going to!


  • Surviving: Climbing out of hell, Prayers sound like this: "Bless me, Answer me..."
  • Thriving: Brining down heaven, Prayers sound like this: "Use me to bless others, make me the answer to someone else's blessing..."

Gateway Church | NFW | Christine Caine - 01/05/16
Elijah the Tishbite - 1 Kings 17

Are birds by a brook an impossible way of provision? God is the God of the impossible; therefore, birds are more plausible for the God of the impossible, than the possible is.

When the brook dried up, God called him to move on to the next provision.

If your brook has dried, get listening to God for the next move. Wait for the brook to dry up, you may not be happy about where you are, but stay until the brook dries. He may not be done with you there yet.

God is enjoys using:

  • Highly unlikely people, to go to
  • highly unlikely places, with
  • highly unlikely strategies, to produce
  • highly unlikely results. 

What does it mean to be a Christian?

Do you define your Christianity by what you DO NOT DO, or what you do, or what you are?

Ministry calling is birthed in the present opportunities, that you showed up for in the present.

Where do you start? Here
When do you start? Now

You only EVER have here and now. So turn up, show up, and do what you have to do.

God says: "When I command the widow, it's more about my than her."

Is your social media and blog stats a tool to give people access to God, or a tool to get people to lift you up?

Most of the time, YOU are the answer you have been asking for. "God send a revival!", He says: "I did, I sent you!"

Stop waiting for the big guns, super Christians, and just show up. Just be the light where you are.

Jesus did not pray to take us out of the world, but to empower us in it. 1st... give what you little you have (not what you don't have).

The widow woman did not have bread, but she had the ingredients to make a little bread. The ingredients for her miracle were in her hands.

Impossible is where God starts.

Gateway Church | NFW | Ravi Zacharias - 01/06/16 

Raised to Run
Gen 25 - Esau and Jacob

God prophesied that these two young boys would be two nations. The mom jumped the gun and tried to help the younger Jacob fill his promise.

The parents made three big mistakes here:

  • Favoritism - Mom chose Jacob, Dad chose Esau
  • Failure to communicate - The parents were not on the same page with the boys, and they failed to communicate their displeasure in Esau's marriage choices. 
  • Fraud and Deception - the deception the mom taught Jacob to pursue eventually came back on him in a huge harvest (father in law, her relative), which led to delays in his calling.
When God was moving Jacob back onto the right course, he 1st had to stop and course correct. He then had to go through three stages of restoration:
  1. Communion with God - The Latter
  2. Reunion with Brother - with Esau
  3. Transference to the next generation - at Isaac's death bed. 

Your Turn: That was my story, what's your story?

Tell the LIFE community about a story you encountered this week, and what you learned from it. 

Go to DarrellWolfe.Com, and comment on this at the bottom of this post.

Or, Hit me up on Twitter @DarrellWolfe , Google +DarrellWolfe, Facebook DarrellGWolfe,

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By Darrell Wolfe

Storyteller, Creative, INFJIntellection, Ideation, Input, Learner, Achiever

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