Originally published in 2010, now available online for free. You can still buy a kindle copy or paperback through Amazon if you prefer (HERE). You can download a free PDF (HERE).
Banking Basic$ for Believer$
Introduction to Banking and Financial Principles
© Darrell G. Wolfe 2010
Unless otherwise stated all Scripture Quotes are “NKJV” or “NIV” Emphasis in BOLD added by the author.
The Following Information is Courtesy of: “http://www.biblegateway.com/” KJV "Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson,Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved."
NIV “Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.”
ISBN 1453815619
EAN-13 is 9781453815618
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This is an introduction to the purpose and intent of this Banking Basics, for Believers.
I've worked in the banking industry, for two large banks, for over ten years.I have come to the conclusion that many people have little knowledge of banking, the workings of a bank, and the basic facts they need to know in order to navigate these waters smoothly.
This is especially frustrating for people today as these topics are often no longer taught in schools, and many parents aren't equipped to train their children on these matters. Many people are left to fend for themselves in a mine field of complicated disclosures and legal regulations.
This work is written first and foremost to the audience of spirit filled believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, and secondly to anyone who would seek to learn the basics of finances and the banking world.
The body of Christ is under mandate through the parable of the talents[1] to act responsibly in the area of finance. Only by treating money God's way, as your servant and not your master will you be able to have truly spiritual use of it. God's plan for money is that it be used to fund and further His Kingdom and provide abundantly for the children (You and Me) that He loves so much.
You must have money and use it accurately in order to Master Money.
The underlying heart of this book and reason for its existence is found in 2 Corinthians 9:8 “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.” It is through understanding money and our modern monetary system that we will be able to use it to fund and further the Good News of the Kingdom of God.
Therefore we will discuss the basics of banking to give you a foundation on which you can begin to build a solid financial house. I will introduce you to basic principles to live by. Then I will discuss banking products. I will also discuss some of the pitfalls people find themselves trapped in and how to avoid them. I will then give some tips on getting out of trouble.
Finally I have included some supplemental material to help further you’re your understanding if you so desire.
Finally I have included some supplemental material to help further you’re your understanding if you so desire.
* Due to privacy, the stories in this book are not of any one person, but illustrate the types of things real people have gone through.
*Also due to constant changes keep up to date with news releases and watch your banks disclosure mailings, this information is as current as the publish date.
*Some very serious changes are happening in the US Economy. As I wrap up this book the field is set for the US dollar to lose its’ status as the reserve currency of the world. The world could in the near future switch to a new currency all together. The stage is set for the end times and the rapture of the church. There is no saying that we may not be using a one world currency before the rapture happens.
God’s principles work in all situations at all times.
The beautiful thing about this book is that it has been written using principles as well as facts and data. All of the things I teach here could just as easily be applied in any other society where banking occurs, and in any currency. Have faith in God. Pray in the Spirit.
Walk in The Blessing. Be empowered to prosper with good success!
The Insider
The Insider
[1] Mathew 25: 14-30
The Insider is a BIG fan of Dave Ramsey:
- Go read/listen/watch Dave Ramsey and he'll teach you how to do it right!
- Listen to The Dave Ramsey Show (HERE)
- Or by his most popular book: (HERE) The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
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