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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Tonight I went to a class by @BobHamp, called Healing: Body, Soul, Spirit - Part 1.

Tonight I went to a class by @BobHamp, called Healing: Body, Soul, Spirit - Part 1. These are my notes:

LIFE Verse Update (See post here)

Think Differently LIVE Differently

Think Differently LEAD Differently

Think Differently LEARN Differently (not yet written)

CS Lewis was a great theologian because he did not have a religious studies background, but a literary and mythologies background. Stories allowed him to dive into Truth in a way that dry study never could.

He used the word Freedom Journey... I liked that. It's not a destination. Not only have I not arrived yet, but I will NEVER arrive. Something things will be catapulted upon leaving this earth, but even then, we will be on an eternity long journey to discover more about God and more about ourselves in God.

Sozo: Salvation, Deliverance, Healing

Study is not about gaining more knowledge, it's about "what do I DO differently?" 
You can see miracles and still struggle with it mentally. I do! How did he know?

While he was talking I had a strong sense of DejaVu. God deals with people in different ways, but for me; this has always been accompanied by a sense of prophetic timing. I've learned that when I have this feeling, I should pay extra special attention. 
Side Speculation: No science or scripture to back this up, but my personal opinion is that these feelings are the result of the spirit (which is timeless) catching up with the soul (mind, will, emotions) which is temporal (locked in space time). Your spirit may have been ready for (or even present in) this moment days or years in advance, and you are now just catching up in real time .

Chiropractors fix what hurts/what's wrong.
Physical Therapist teaches YOU how to make the adjustments yourself.
Added to Feedly...

Very few of our problems are knowledge problems. Most are soul/emotional problems. 

Discussed three categories/classes of healing:

  1. Miraculous Healing
  2. Root Cause Healing
  3. Preventative Healing

  • Miraculous Healing
    • Some healing is instantaneous... but random. 
    • Why can a prostitute get healed, go back to her job, come get healed again, and go back to her job... while a baby dies with no healing? 
    • No explanation makes sense. Nothing can rationalize this, and any explanation is almost an insult to one or the other.
    • Miraculous Healing is God's Grace. It's un-earned, so it can't be explained. 
    • This idea: "Just get right and God will heal you" is wrong. It's un-earned, so stop telling God how good you've been. That does not affect your healing.

  • Root Cause Healing
    • The very thing that needs to adjust is the cause of the pain. 
    • So often, we focus on the point of our pain "My hand is burning and blistering, make it stop!"
    • But God refuses to talk to us about our hand in that moment. Instead, he wants to talk to us about letting go of the Boiling Pot of Water that is causing the burning (it's still in your hand, drop that now!). 
    • God wants to get to the root issue, and not just the symptom. So often, the issue will either disappear, or won't be as troublesome if the root cause issue it fixed.
    • Healthy is our natural state. We go to God asking Him to heal us. We are thinking "Take me from pain to healing." Meanwhile, God has the long view. "You were perfectly healthy in Eden, sickness came, I want to make all things new AGAIN, and restore you to the Health I created you for. 
    • Many times even physical pains, can have emotional root causes.

  •  Preventative Healing
    • Sometimes we cause our own injuries. God will have us do the work of exercise and fitness training , so that we can prevent issues from coming up. 
    • The more surrendered we are to God, the more these issues can be clear to us, and we can prevent the injury in the first place.

Mustard Seeds and Mustard Trees

Matthew 17:20
New International VersionHe replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Luke 17:6
New International VersionHe replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.

Faith = Results

WE are not the source of faith.
The mustard tree is labeled Salvadora perisica in scientific communities. The plant is classified by horticulturalists as an evergreen shrub. The mustard tree reaches a height of 20 feet and can be as wide as it is tall with low branches being very close to the ground. The leaves are oval; starting out as dark green and progressing to a light green as the tree ages. The flower is green or yellow and is found in long tendrils. The fruit of the tree is purple with pink or purple seeds. Garden Guides 
More imgaes here

As A Mustard Seed... We (the Church) have focused on the size of the seed. But what if we shift that focus to AS. So often we Faith People get an idea of what we want, then go find 100 scriptures to back it up, then work it up and up in our talk convincing ourselves it will come to pass... and it doesn't. 

AS a mustard seed means:

Something pre-dates that seed. It's a tree. A mustard seed came from a tree. So you had to go get the seed from the tree first, before you could plant it. Then when you planted it, it became a living Mustard Tree. The seed produced after it's own kind. The Mustard Seed did not produce an orange cow. 

YOU are not the source of Faith. 

Faith is not intentions (what I want God to do for me right now).

Faith is getting quite before God, listening, HEARING what he wants to do in that moment, and responding to what you heard.

Trying to make up what you want, and "believe God for it" is like trying to plant a mustard seed and to get an orange cow. You can only plant what he gives you, and you can only respond (faith comes by hearing) to what you heard. 

This doesn't just mean the written word, although he'll use his written word. It means what is God speaking to you right now? Respond to that!

Trusting God

A man (Peter Lord) has his hand in his pocket, and asks for someone who doesn't know him. A lady stands up. 

He says: "Would you trade me what is in my pocket, for everything in your purse, right now?" 

She says: "No."

He says: "That's because she does not know me." Turns to a member of his staff, and says, "Would you give me everything in your wallet for what's in my pocket? "

The Staff: "Yes, and he does." 

He says: "Why is their response different? Because he knows me, and he knows I'll give him what's in my pocket AND give him his wallet back too."

That's trust... knowing HIM.

We must come to a point where we can HONESTLY say: 

"Though he slay me, yet I will trust in Him."


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