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Thursday, June 28, 2018

Flavia Antoinette Wolfe (and Baby Wolfe) - Memorial Information Page

Flavia Antoinette Wolfe (and Baby Wolfe, nickname "Blueberry") passed away on 06/25/2018. 

Links and Contact:

Honestly, Facebook and Facebook Messenger are the best places to reach Darrell.

What Happened?

For detail on what happened, click here.

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Shared Photo Album:

I created a Google Photos album, ! Flavia Wolfe (link here), so that I could share photos of her. I'll add more over time. I made it shareable so other's could add their own photos too.

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Flavia Antoinette Wolfe (and Baby Wolfe, nickname "Blueberry") passed away on 06/25/2018 at approximately 2:24 am PST.
She leaves behind a Husband (Darrell Wolfe 37), Two Sons (Connor Wolfe 13, Preston Wolfe 10), a Mother and Father (JoAnn & Rocky Sutherland), a Mother In Love (Debbie Tweedy), and a host of friends and family that loved her.

*Baby Wolfe: Flavia was about 7 weeks pregnant. That's early enough that it didn't feel real, per say, but we were getting excited. We don't know, but, I feel in my heart that it was a girl. If so, her name was Azarea Ann Wolfe; Flavia had the name picked out since she herself was about 16. If it was a boy, his name was going to be Caleb. We'd been talking about having more for years, and these names were ready to go. During the ultrasound, the OBGYN mentioned (or was it her pregnancy app?) that the baby was about the size of a blueberry. Flavia would talk about her little blueberry. I've decided to nickname baby: "Blueberry" from here on out.

About Flavia:

There's not enough room to put it all into words. I could spend the next thirty years writing stories about her, I suppose. I think the following are important to say:

  • Believer: She loved Jesus. She was born again, spirit filled, and she is with her Abba/Daddy in heaven right now. She's enjoying herself, free from the weights of this world. She's raising our third child, Azarea. She's not lost. We grieve because we don't have her here with us, but we don't grieve for her, we grieve for our own hurt due to her prolonged absence. We'll see her again on the other side.
  • Mom (Wolfe Pups Mom): She LOVED Connor and Preston. I know I'm biased; however, I honestly don't know that I've ever met a mom so totally dedicated to her children. Her highest hope and desire was for them. She didn't plan vacations unless it was about and for them. She stayed at home and raised them as a Homeschool Mom. When our finances forced her to work for the first time this past year, she worked overnights and early mornings just to make sure she could still raise them as a Homeschool Mom.
  • Wife: She was dedicated to me. Her love and devotion through the hard times healed my heart. On Jan 6th, 2017, we had renewed our devotion to each other and had the BEST year and half of our marriage at the end. Her influence on me will carry itself through everything I do from here.
  • Daughter & Family: I have nothing I can add other than to say she was a rock steady glue that held this family (immediate and extended) together. Her mom, JoAnn, was her best friend. Mom mom, Debbie, was in love with her.
  • Creatively Unique Artist: She was an Artist. She spent most of her time in the craft world, trying to find ways to bring extra income to the family from home. She focused on this so much, that she never fulfilled what I know was her calling, to be an artist with works in galleries and in homes. However, she put the intensity of a fine-arts master into everything she created. Whether it was Paper Machete Piggy Banks, Yarn Dolls, Crochet Hats, or Bags... she put a level of detail and precision that went far beyond "crafter". She posted them on her Facebook Page: Creatively Unique Arts.

Getting Involved:

So many people want to help in some way. It's hard because there's only so many grocery deliveries or meals we can take before it ends up going to waste.

(1) Monetary Donations:

We set up a GoFundMe (link here) campaign in her name. The funds will be used for several things:

  • Medical & Final Expense Costs
  • Bills, Debts, and Unexpected Items
  • School: with her gone, they'll probably go to "school" for the first time. Public school is NOT an option. So, we'll need to cover Charter Schools or something.
  • Anything left over will go toward things the kids need over the next few years and maybe college accounts.
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(2) Other Needs:

Some would like to do something more than giving money. I'm going to list the random things we either need or would be helpful or just random things we talk about to give ideas. By no means should anyone feel like these are all needs, they're just things that come up in conversation and I've been asked to share no matter how random.
  • Clothes: She always handled this and we were just talking about how the boys outgrew everything in a sudden growth spurt this spring.
    • Connor: Size TBA
      • He's always been a preppy kid. 
      • Shoes & Hiking Boots: Size TBA
      • Jeans
      • Sweats / Night Pants
      • T-Shirts
      • Summer Evening Sweaters
      • Winter Jackets
      • Anything with Batman or Pokemon
    • Preston: Size TBA
      • He's sensitive to fabric feel. He needs things that are soft, smooth, loose fitting.
      • Shoes & Hiking Boots: Size TBA
      • Jeans
      • Athletic Wear
      • Sweats / Night Pants
      • T-Shirts
      • Summer Evening Sweaters
      • Winter Jackets
      • Anything with Batman or Pokemon
  • Pokemon Cards: Packs, Boxes, Whatever you find. Just remember, there are two boys.
  • Boat: We wanted to buy a boat someday, and kayaks, but short of owning them, we want to go out on them. If you are in this area and own them, we'll come with you this summer... and beyond.
  • Outings: If you are in North Idaho, especially if you have kids our age, invite us out. We can't always except, but I'm going to make a concerted effort this summer to get out as often as I can. Just realize that we need time at home alone resting and processing as well. 
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • TBD
  • *A Nintendo Switch (*2): This is a costly item, but I'll throw it out there. This was on our list to get and play together before she left. They now want two of them because I guess it turns into a hand-held? They wanted to play some new Mario game on there and the new Pokemon.

    There will be a memorial service held for those of us who remain so we can celebrate her life and influence.

    Date: Saturday, July 7th, 2018
    Time: 12:00 pm (noon) PST
    Location: One Place Church, Hayden Idaho
    Directions(link here)

    One Place Church
    190 Centa Ave, Hayden, ID 83835
    *Just behind Q'doba, across the parking lot from Peak Fitness.

    In lieu of flowers (it's a three male household), send gift cards or Pokemon Card Packs:
    Darrell, Connor, and Preston Wolfe
    PO Box 1307
    Hayden, ID 83835

    Some Favorite Photos:

    Shalom: Live Long and Prosper!
    Darrell Wolfe (DG Wolfe)
    Storyteller | Writer | Thinker | Consultant @


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