How connecting with God and getting a new perspective can heal your heart, release you from depression, and get you moving to a healthier you.
In this article, we'll talk about two things you can do to get healthier emotionally and spiritually. Connect your GPS by moving and Update your GPS Maps by getting new data.
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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash |
GPS Road Deserts - When you lose your way emotionally/spiritually
Have you ever been in one spot (like a parking lot) and asked the GPS for instructions on how to get to your chosen destination and it shows you in the middle of a road desert? Then you start driving and it all of a sudden knows where you are and begins giving your instruction.
That's how it is when dealing with emotional and spiritual health. I woke up this morning and slowly faded into a depressed state. I tracked my mood at a 6/10 upon waking up but sank to a 3/10 by the time I decided to do something about it.
So I did what I have made a commitment to do every morning. I went on a walk and asked DaddyGod to speak to me.
He did start talking, addressing my issues (big and small). He reminded me of these GPS Road Desert experiences and then got to talking.
The satellite hasn't moved, the GPS just needs to reconnect.
The satellite is still up in the sky where it's always been. Sending instructions for anyone who is equipped to receive them. The GPS just lost its connection. It's not clear where it is in relation to where it needs to be. Many times, all I need to do is start moving and the GPS suddenly knows exactly where I am.
God hasn't changed. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. But our connection with him sure does ebb and flow. Most of the time, if I will learn to reconnect with Him purposefully, I get back in line really quick.
Map Updates Needed: What about when the GPS still doesn't know, and you're lost?
I've had this happen in parking lots but this used to happen all the time at my last house in Texas. The roads were so new they weren't on GPS, so they would just show me in the middle of nowhere with a dotted line to the nearest "road" with no instruction on how to get there.
I didn't have access to the updated maps; therefore, I was unable to accurately see where I was so I could get direction to where I needed to be.
I have had a few of these seasons in the past five years. I had to reach out. Friends, Family, Pastors, and even two Counselors all helped me download new maps, new ways of seeing the world around me, that helped give me a context for where I was emotionally/spiritually. Once I had a view of where I was and where I needed to be, the path began to become clearer.
Do you need direction?
1. Get connected with God/Devine GPS.
If you're like me, you won't hear him sitting in your room. That's my area of weakness and attack and depression. I very rarely hear God while sitting. For me, I have to move my physical body in order to hear with my spirit. Like Enoch, I walk with God. For you that might look different. Whatever quiets your mind and helps you hear your heart... do that.
2. Update your maps.
Maybe you simply don't have the context or paradigm for the shift you need. God chooses to use people in our healing journey. Reach out to people you look up to, people who have what you want, a pastor, counselor, etc. You may get a lot of bad advice before finally connecting with someone that turns the light on for you. That's okay, just keep going, keep seeking. Those who seek find, and in this case, you will eventually find your new paradigm.
a. You may have unhealthy thought patterns that need to be uprooted.
b. You may have lies buried deep that need to be exposed.
c. You may have a simple lack of context for the story you are actually in.
Go get a new map, start today.
- What is one way you connect with God's heart the easiest?
- What is one thing you could do to update your map, today?
Shalom: Live Long and Prosper!
Darrell Wolfe (DG Wolfe)
Storyteller | Writer | Thinker | Consultant @ & Topos.Consulting
Clifton StrengthsFinder: Intellection, Learner, Ideation, Achiever, Input
16Personalities (Myers-Briggs Type): INFJ
Clifton StrengthsFinder: Intellection, Learner, Ideation, Achiever, Input
16Personalities (Myers-Briggs Type): INFJ
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