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Saturday, February 22, 2020

Wolfe's Rules, in the style of Agent Gibbs

One year ago today, I shared on Facebook a list of Wolfe Rules, in the fashion of Agent Gibbs from NCIS. It was a cute exercise but I find I still like the idea. So I'm posting them here, and reevaluating them in light of the most intense year of growth I've ever experienced. That year or season really started and ended February 16, 2019-2020.

I'm quite literally a different person today. I think I'll post the the original list then any alterations I make. 

ORIGINAL: Wolfe Rules (Gibb's Style Rules)


2. Plans Fail. Live by Principles.

3. When in doubt: Shift into Low Slow

4. When Overwhelmed: Take the next indicated step.

5. What you compromise to keep, you will eventually lose… keep first things first.

6. Do what’s right because it’s right, do it right, and do it right away.

7. Prayer: Is to hear God’s Agenda not to bring Him yours. 

8. Answers: Ask Him what He’s doing, and participate. Don’t tell Him what you want to see happen.

9. Beliefs about God: Don’t seek out verses, seek out themes and patterns in the whole Bible. Ask Him to reveal His Story to you, and your part in it.

ENHANCED 2020: Wolfe Rules (Gibb's Style Rules)


This means no hiding from God, other's, and especially from yourself. It means when there's a conflict inside you: admit it, out loud, to yourself and God, and when appropriate to at least one other human being. You purposefully uncover, take the fig leaves off, lean-in to anything that makes you scared or uncomfortable.

2. Plans Fail. Live by Principles

Almost nothing I plan works, ever. I've thrown away the 5-Year plan forever. There are factors I cannot control that make that plan useless. Instead, I will have guiding principles like this list that govern my day to day. I will be present, mindful, and build an awareness of the Holy Spirit inside of me in each decision.

3. When in doubt: Shift into Low Slow

Anxiety is a liar. If doubt, fear or anxiety show up, they almost always try to force me to speed up and make a decision; or, to shut down completely. Instead of those two extremes, I will shift into low slow, listening to God's voice, and wait until I hear Him before acting. 

4. When Overwhelmed: Take the next indicated step

In light of low slow and tossing out the plans, I don't need to know everything about where I'm going. He's leading me to a land I know not of. I just need to take the very next indicated step.

5. What you compromise to keep, you will eventually lose… keep first things first

This is huge. Every need you meet through counterfeits will ultimately leave you empty and hungry at best, but often they leave you worse off than you were. Seek the Heart (not the rules but the heart) of God. Don't seek to be "obedient" but to be a Son or Daughter. As you tune into His heart for you and for others, you will feel less need to compromise. 

6. Do what’s right because it’s right, do it right, and do it right away.

No delaying, hiding, or compromising. If you need to cut off a bad relationship or situation, rip the band-aid off. If you know you feel led to be giving something, just give it. If you feel led to do or say something, like walking up to a stranger and giving a Word of Knowledge, just do it.

7. Prayer: Is to hear God’s Agenda not to bring Him yours

Just like I tossed out the 5-year plan, I tossed out the prayer list. God knows my needs. If a particular thing is weighing on my heart, I'll bring it up because he wants to hear about what I care about. Otherwise, He knows. My prayer should be going to God and asking Him what HE wants to talk about, most of the time. 

8. Answers from God look different than you expect, almost always

I will stop expecting specific outcomes. This is in line with throwing out the 5-year plan. Even if I get a prophetic word about my future I will hold it up to God to interpret; rather than running if half cocked with a partial instruction. Ask Him what He’s doing, and participate. Don’t tell Him what you want to see happen.

9. Let God be His own Theologian.

Beliefs about God: Don’t seek out verses, seek out themes and patterns in the whole Bible. Ask Him to reveal His Story to you, and your part in it. Don't look for things you believe and find scriptures to support them. Rather, always come to God and His Word to hear, not to prove yourself right.

10. Listen More. Ask More. Talk Less. 

I tend to dominate conversations with all the things in my head. I'm a wealth of random information and I can fill gaps in conversations endlessly. I also tend to want to talk to prove my point or win a debate. Sometimes I'm so desperate to be heard and not misunderstood that I'll keep talking when the other party has stopped listening. Often I win the debate and loose the heart of the hearer. The counter to all of this is to shut up and listen. Ask questions. Seek to understand, not to be understood. If you feel the need to lead someone to an answer, ask them questions that lead them to discover the answer themselves. Use your curiosity to learn more about others than you teach them. Ask more, talk less.

11. Buy is better then Give.

Giving someone a book I own, that I think they should read, removes it from my library and gives them a used product. They may or may not even read. That has proven fruitless. If I feel strongly enough to give them that book, I should buy it for them and write a personal note in the cover. If I'll do that, it means I feel strongly enough to act on it. If I'm not willing to buy it, it's just a fleeting idea not a strong desire.


12. Stop seeking resolution where you should be grieving. Resolution or Grief, know which is which.

Sometimes it’s better to walk away. Resolution is wonderful but not always possible. In lieu of Resolution, process it as Grief. Grieve the loss of the friendship, situation, opportunity, and move forward. Stop seeking resolution where you should be grieving. 


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