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Friday, January 1, 2010

All things are NEW!

Party Time!


     Today I studied Revelations 21.

     God is making a NEW heaven and a NEW earth and EVERYTHING is new. Even the NEW Jerusalem has no temple, for the Glory of God is it's temple. No Sun, Moon, or Stars... for the GLORY of God lights the city!!!

     There are also AMAZING details, such as a River of Life, Gold Streets, Precious Stone Foundations, Giant pearl Gates (each made from a single pearl).

     In Reviewing 2009 I take a look at the Word of God given by Kenneth Copeland that I kept posted at my desk and read out loud when I got discouraged. I decided to receive it even if I didn't understand how it would happen:

Well, what about 2009? Shall it be a time of darkness? Or shall this be a place where the Glory shines? Yes, the Glory is here. The Glory has come and things in 2009 that you thought were absolutely never, ever going to come to pass are going to happen so smoothly and so easily you’re going to say, “My, my, my, I don’t see why I ever was disturbed about that. Why glory to God.” And it’s going to increase, and increase and increase. And before the end of 2009 you won’t be able to recognize yourself or your nation, because the Spirit of the Living God will be moving in ways that you’ve only dreamed about up till now. And you’ll be on your way to more wonderful and greater things. That’s the Word of the Lord that came to me. Praise the Lord!
                                                            —Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland
                                                            Nov. 15, 2008
Washington, D.C. Victory Campaign

      We wanted to move to Eagle Mountain International Church, in Newark Texas since July of 2005, when our oldest boy was just about 6 months old. We were living in Palm Springs, CA and thought there was no way it could happen. After a few wrong moves and years of self caused delays discouragement had set in. I'd applied for several job postings within my company and had been turned down each time. We were living in the hamster wheel. Running and running and no moving forward.

      2009 was a year of transition. We moved from California to Texas with a new job, new church, new challenges. We got a new car, better apartment, better relationship with each other and the kids.
I got promoted to become a coach and trainer. I've become a skilled coach and understand the business of leading much better now. Had I been promoted without learning everything I've learned over the last four years, I would not have made much of a leader. But now I am ready. I DO hardly recognize myself as a husband, father, worker, coach, and leader from Jan to now. I expect greater change and growth in 2010. The GLORY surely has come into our lives just as Brother Kenneth said it would.

     Jesus instructed us to pray for God's will to be done on earth as it already is in heaven. I pray, believe, and receive: 2010 a year of NEW and AMAZING, just as it always is in heaven! 2010 will be a year when:
  • NEW Blessing
  • NEW Favor
  • NEW Increase
  • NEW Relationship with my Wife and Kids
  • NEW  Ministry Opportunities
  • NEW Divine Appointments
  • NEW Promotions on the Job
  • NEW Levels of Salary
  • NEW Income Streams
  • NEW Cars
  • NEW House
  • NEW
  • NEW
  • NEW
  • NEW
  • NEW
  • NEW
  • NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND AMAZING!!!!!

BE BLESSED in 2010...

Shana Tova!
Happy New Year!

                                  Darrell G. Wolfe


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