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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Social Media and the Bible

EMIC 7PM Pastor Scott Allen...

John 17
I have given them your the world not of it... sent INTO the world...

We are in the world, not of it, and sent into the world to make a difference for Jesus and the people he paid so high a price for!

Not every Technological Advancement is worth pursuing for Christians or viable for ministry. However if it is and it can be done with purpose and focus it should be used. The calling of KCM and it's partners is to preach the word on every available voice!

Psalms 34:8
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Whether you choose to be a leader or culture setter or not, you are! People all around you are looking for the real deal in you, they compare you to others who are not living the real deal. They are looking for the hope. 

1 Peter 3:15
...always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you...

People won't ask you about your hope if you aren't showing any...

1 Peter 2:12 (GOD'S WORD Translation)

Live decent lives among unbelievers. Then, although they ridicule you as if you were doing wrong while they are watching you do good things, they will praise God on the day he comes to help you.

St Francis of Assisi: "Let all the brothers preach by their deeds."
What avenues have I been given and not used? Have I prayed for the people I am linked to on Facebook? Have I considered the impact of my audience?

Matthew 5:13 You are salt...

Matthew 22:23
Go urge the people to come! Come taste my life, see that God is good to me and He'll be good to you too! Where are the highways and byways of today? It's on the Internet 2.0, in social media. Over 50% of the worlds population is under 30 years old, yet over 96% of those under 30 years old are on social media! There is a harvest out there! But we can't just preach, especially not to this generation that is so keen to advertisement lies. We have to live it in front of them, and be real! We can't just post scriptures everyday... show me your life and when I see something I want I'll check it out more. It's fine to post scripture! However, we can't be one dimensional with people and expect them to listen! 

2 Corinthians 1:12 (English Standard Version)

12 For our boast is this, the testimony of our conscience, that we behaved in the world with simplicity and godly sincerity, not by earthly wisdom but by the grace of God, and supremely so toward you.

We allow the darkness into these outlets by not participating in them.

See the message yourself including many statistics:
Wednesday 09/07/2011 Scott Allen Social Media Today 09/07 Once it's on demand in a few days

Darrell G. Wolfe


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Be Nice, Be Kind, Be Thoughtful, Be Honest, Be Creative...GO!

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