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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Attitude Is Altitude

Attitude Is Altitude.

It’s amazing. I saw God work a miracle in my sales numbers in this year. All without my doing anything different, just having a better attitude and daring to agree with my wife’s faith that God could do more for me there. I’d given up on the job. But I decided that if she could believe God would do more for us there, then I could at least try to agree with her. Some great move of faith huh?!
SO… I said, God I agree with my wife’s faith on this issue. I ask you now, do more for me there at the job. Suddenly at the end of the 2nd quarter, weeks from not ending without any bonus at all, TWO miracles happened.

Miracle 1

First of all, with nothing more than an attitude change. My sales numbers spiked up. Almost all of my metrics looked better. We have a great sales system at my job that allows us to track conversations with customers, as we talk to them by phone. Since many people prefer not to open things over the phone, but don’t mind talking about them by phone, we have as many, if not more, customers talk to us and then go in to open the product as we do those who let us do it directly. This is called the “pipeline”.
WELL… the pipeline started dumping out results and all of a sudden I wasn’t personally opening anything more than normal, but more and more of those people I’d talked to decided to do what I advised and open things. Well now things are cooking, but not enough to bump me into bonus category.

Miracle 2

THEN, my boss comes to me and tells me that he has great news for me. This has only happened “One other time in the ten years I’ve worked here…” They decided upstairs that they budgeted a certain amount for bonus pay and they aren’t paying enough people. So they lowered the bonus requirements!
And just like that. Weeks from the end of the quarter I went from getting NOTHING to getting $1,700… Man, God is good!
Well, that was great… but you know what else happened. Those last few weeks of June went into overflow in July and I hit and surpassed the loan volume I did in the whole previous quarter 2 weeks into the new month. I started the new quarter already set to bonus. All that was to be determined was by how much… In July I was in fact number 2 in the whole department!

Then I Changed

I wish I could tell you that it ended there and I soared into superstardom!
Finances were tight, I decided I still needed a second job to make ends meet… even though I’d been fighting it for two years. I let that discourage me and threw a month long pity party… So August… not a great month. In fact, IF my month in August had been average I would have sailed through the quarter, but my month in August was pitiful and actually started to bring down my quarter. I actually ended August in danger of dropping one level… And it should be noted, as with June and July… I wasn’t personally closing anything more or less than I had previously… pipeline just started to dry up…

Turn Around Again…

Repent Means to Change the Mind (Even if you have to do it over and over…)

SO… I catch this trend and turn it around, with the help of my wife and boss, in the last days of August.
It is now the end of week 2 in September… my attitude has been improving throughout the last few weeks… You want to guess what happened?
Suddenly! My pipeline came alive again and stuff started closing again. My numbers are creeping up away from the danger zone. I actually climbed one level in one category. I’m now on pace to make nearly double, if not double, what I made last month… Hmmm…

What lesson could we take away from this? It’s not about being better at your job than other people… it’s not about getting the best skills, the newest tricks, the best new catch phrases… attitude. It’s all about attitude. As you begin to relax. Trust that in GRACE your Father in Heaven already has your best interest at heart, you are where He has you for now. Bloom where you are planted, as I’ve been reading in Joel Osteen's book “Every day a Friday”.

Take Aways?

Has it been easy? NO! Sometimes I get SO FRUSTRATED! It feels like I’m the ONLY one doing the right thing and everyone else is cheating their way through and getting better results. It feels like the people who transfer callers to me have no integrity but I have to. It feels like the ones at the top who make the decisions to ignore these integrity issues are putting pressure on me…
1 Kings 19:10
10 So he said, "I have been very zealous for the Lord God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life."
Can you see the prophet now? Mighty man of God… whining and complaining to God… “Woe is me… Woe is me…”
But things aren’t always as they feel. Maybe there aren’t as many issues as I see… maybe I see them because I’m looking for them, like a person who buys a new car, and then suddenly sees that car EVERYWHERE!
1 Kings 19:18
The Lord Said…”18 Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him."
God always has a plan… it’s always better than yours! It always involves him doing for you, that which you could not do for yourself!
I must return to GRACE. Only as I allow the GRACE of God to rule my heart, can I dispense that GRACE to others! What does that mean? If I hold myself to a higher standard, to the point that I get frustrated with myself if I see my numbers drop, complain so that they drop further, and spiral down into a cycle… I’m not allowing God to do for me, that which I could not do for myself. GRACE is about letting God do for you what you could not do for yourself, and that which he’s been just waiting for the chance to do for you. When GRACE brings results they bring GLORY to God.
So I let GRACE rule my heart and mind. I didn’t do it perfectly… just as before… it might have been more me agreeing with my wife and God than rising up in my own faith… but look at the results.
It just took the pressure right off of me. I stopped allowing the pressure to take me down. God will have to add his super to this natural, or I’m not going to get the results I want. SO I do the right thing, the right way, the right time, because it’s right and I do it right… then I let God have the results and the Glory. If I succeed it’s on Him, and He never fails!
Thank you Jesus! I hope this helps you, I know it did me! I just hope I remember this tomorrow in the middle of the fire again… If you want to hear some GREAT messages on this topic I suggest you listen to Jennifer Rastovski from 14Forty.Com! Check the messages from This week (September 2012) and Last, and those to follow titled “Boundaries Get in the Zone”.
Live Long and Prosper! Darrell Wolfe

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

Darrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Book Suggestion from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store

Bulldog Publications:
Bankings Basics for Believers; Now Available on Amazon.
Print Edition

Kindle Edition


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