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Saturday, January 12, 2013


A new year has come. As I look into 2013 I am faced with themes. I've been hearing over and over about diligence, faithfulness, action. I came accross a quote today I just had to share:

"Vision is not enough. It must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps, we must step up the stairs."
Vision: Climb The Stairs!

So I ask myself... what staircases have I been staring at, talking about, talking around... etc... This blog, THE blogsphere in general is one of those staircases. I haven't had time, I still don't. I don't know how much follow through I can dedicate myself to. But this is what I've decided. If and when I do follow through, and begin the slow ascent up the stairs it should be according to the following.

  • 3 posts a week on average. One from each of these catagories. 

  1. Money/Finances
    1. Money Topics, Making Money, Savings Money, Banking, Investing... etc... 
  2. Keys to Success
    1. Leadership, Diligence, Work Ethic, Principles and Practicalities
    2. Profesional, Personal, Spiritual, Any Keys to Any Success. 
  3. Observations
    1. This will be my open catagory. Whatever I see or observe that I feel needs to be said. It could be something I saw someone do that you should never do, or something I heard that you should do, or a great story, a photograph or image... whatever I observe as I go through my week. 
  • Posts should be no longer than 5 Paragraphs, contain at least one inspiring image, and be to the point. 
  • Studies: I will leave open a catagory for studies that I may do from time to time on topics of interest. Studies will also be broken up into shorter posts that follow this simple style.
Well, there you have it. Well see how that goes in 2013!


Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
Book Suggestions from the N2 Good Success Amazon Store
Brand and Product Offerings from N2 Good Success Zazzle Store
Other Blogs and Sites by the Wolfe Family: 

*Data subject to change as laws and rules change. Always take this as general advise and consult with a subject matter expert for how this information could apply to your specifically! DW


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Be Nice, Be Kind, Be Thoughtful, Be Honest, Be Creative...GO!

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