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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Goals; Vision; Future, Hope...

It's not OK

It's OK to be ignorant. It's not OK to be stay ignorant. You will not Succeed in life unless you are constantly examining what you know to see if you could know it better and learn things you don't know. The worst contributor to a persons lack of success is not knowing what they they don't know, and not caring to find out.

I deal with people every day who have no passion or drive of their own. I ask "What goals do you have for yourself?" or "What would you like to accomplish this year?" And they have no answer. It frustrates me to no end. How can you live with no passion or desire beyond your next meal and cold beer?

Then I ask myself? What goals do YOU have? It's at that point that I realize my hypocrisy. I have goals. I have things I want to accomplish. I have a list, well actually I have several disjointed lists in multiple places and I don't know where half of them are. I could cite all the things I want to do. But I'm not doing hardly any of them. I keep thinking that I'm going to use my days off to work on some of them, but the two days come and go and nothing happens.

Have Goals; Write Them Down

It's OK for your goals to change, to adapt, to conform, to morph, etc. But you should have some. It's OK to realize that certain goals were not God's plan or will for you.  It's OK to realize that other goals require the help of other people to bring to pass. It's OK to start with one vision and have the vision become clearly, more defined, and even change tone or color as it develops. Having Goals is important. That's what seeing this photo today on Pinterest did for me.

The other thing it makes me realize is that I should have all of those goals written in one place. It's OK for me to keep separate logs or diaries for each goal as I expound on them. But there should be ONE place I have them all in writing and at least defined as Bullet Points or Highlights. I enjoy blogs. You can create your own blog, keep it private so only you can see it. Use They can be accessed anywhere in the world, maybe you would prefer a journal, a scrap book, or a poster wall. Maybe for you it could just be a small index card that has been laminated for travel.

Whatever and Wherever you post it, there should be a single repository of all your goals, dreams, and vision for your future. That future would include your immediate future (ie This Year) and your moderate future (Next Five Years) and your long term future (I don't know when but someday I'd like to....). They should be out there in an easy reached place, reviewed and seen daily, and talked about often. If you write it down and forget about it for 6 months, it was not effective. You should always be looking to the future with expectation and know what you are expecting.

What do I mean by Goals?

What is a goal? What do I mean by that? A goal can be anything you want to do, be, or accomplish. Do you have a dream to own a restaurant, be the best sales person at your company, produce/record your own music album, be a better Father or Mother, Own your own businesses and/or properties, etc. Write all of those things down. This is the first step in accomplishing what you see. Pray about them. Writing them down isn't dedicating that you are doing them, it's putting them out there for review, prayer and pondering. You may find that some of those goals are not in line with what God has called you to do/be. You may find that He wants you to do all of them, but in a specific order. That order may not be the way you had planned. Putting them out there allows an open dialogue between you, God, and those involved to start to take shape and form.

In her article "Nine Things Successful People Do Differently" Heidi Halvorson points out that the number one  key to success is getting specific in your goals. She notes "I will loose 5 pounds" it more specific that "I will loose weight this year" So start to get specific for yourself. What do you want to see happen. What do you feel God has called you to do? Do you know what HOPE means in the Bible? It means to expect, trust, and rely on. If you have nothing you are expecting than your faith has nothing to work on or work with. You may have faith well enough, but it's useless. It's like having a power saw but no wood to measure and cut.
Hebrews 11:1
1NOW FAITH is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]. 
Those specific goals should also have specific time frames and deadlines. The more immediate the goal is, the more specific the assisnged tasks should be. Give yourself assingments. "I'm going to write one blog post per week, I'm going to do it every Monday unless I get to it earlier." Another assignment could be, "I'm going to spend 2 hours writing on my book". The more specific it is the better it will be for you. In fact, as soon as I publish this post, I'm going to take a break and say hi to my family, then come back in here and set up a vision book for myself. Maybe I'll even let you see it when It's done?


You must have goals. You must write those goals down. They must be easily retrieved  often reviewed, and they must be specific. But I will leave you with this additional thought. What impact will your goals have? Are your goals only for you and your family? What other people will be impacted by your goals. When you see your multi billion dollar business do you see buildings, structures, systems, and money... do the people working that business just feel like tools or pawns on your chessboard. Or are the people that you are providing jobs for the most important aspect? Christians do not use people to get things, we use things to love on people. So ponder the lives changed, and hearts healed, and finances restored of the people you are creating all of this for. Our motivation for accumulation, is distribution. Always remember that.

Partings Thoughts

  • Write down your
    • Dreams
    • Vision
    • Goals
    • Desires
  • Post them in a place that:
    • Easily seen
    • Easily retrieved
    • Often reviewed
  • Consider other people
    • What is God's opinion about this?
    • What are the others involved saying?
    • How will this affect other people?
    • Motive
      • Use things to love people, don't use people to get things.
      • Our Motivation for accumulation is distribution!

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

See Also:
Books by Darrell G. Wolfe: 
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