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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

John 3 Increase Day


John 3

30 He must increase , but I must decrease .
ejkei'non {D-ASM} dei' {V-PQI-3S} aujxavnein, ejme; {P-1AS} de; {CONJ} ejlattou'sqai. {V-PPN}


He must increase... I must decrease... This may be the most profound statement in this chapter. Sure, we could talk about many things:

  • The interaction with the Religious scholar who didn't get it. 
  • The Sacrifice of Jesus that was laid out so clearly from OT and NT
  • The most famous verse of all time "For God so loved the world that He gave..."
For me, today, I hear one thing above all else. I must decrease and He must increase. I'm having trouble at work, I have been for years. I'm very successful there, to a point. I run up against the same problem in any department I go to. It has to do with policies that I feel are not in the best interest of the customer or the company. Then I realize... what is my REAL motive? If someone was telling me this about their company I would tell them "Of course! It's a secular company. Don't expect them to act they're not a secular company." 

So what is the motive of my real frustration? It's how it all impacts me. I wouldn't be so bothered if it didn't affect me directly. After all the excuses are boiled down, all the reasons why this or that... it's just whining  "Why are they doing this to ME?!"

So when I upset about an incoming customer that I KNOW has been mishandled by another rep, I must ask this question now in the safety of my room so that I can recall it tomorrow, "Who is the victim here?" If I complain about it, than I make myself out to be the victim, instead of the customer. Then the customer get's to be the victim of my bad attitude because I have to deal with them when they "should have" been dealt with already by the other party. 

In other words, it's all about ME. What if I make it less about me? What if I decrease so that HE can increase? What if I let Jesus rule my calls through me? I can stop being so concerned about me and let Jesus be the one to speak through me to them. What if I be Jesus to these people, in any way I can or am allowed to. 


What if...
What if I decrease and let Him increase?

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe
Facebook: Facebook.Com/EmpoweredTooProsper

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