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Monday, April 22, 2013

Post Hole Faith?


© Mattography
Normally, I'd write a post today. Because I committed to writing one every Monday. However, today it will be a really short one. Today I had to do "Man's Work". The fence fell down. And being responsible home owners we had to fix. Thank our precious Lord it was only one post that had issues. Some of the concrete opened up and allowed dirt in next to the wood. It rotted out the wood. The only thing holding that post in was the fence it was nailed to. It wasn't even pretending to be hooked to the ground anymore.

The other section of post, however, that was a different problem altogether. It was rooted and grounded! There was cement going down another 2-3 feet. In order to pull out the old post I had to break up all the concrete piece by piece. My lovely wife had great ideas to make the job go smoother and focus the work. In the end, after several house of digging and prying it all came out. The new pole went in the established hole. I made the new hole so big I ended up using TWO 80 lbs bags of Quickcrete to fill in around that pole. It's never moving again! LOL

It's now 10:57 PM CT on Monday. The kids went to bed late, the dogs have to go out on leashes because the post is in but it has to dry and set before we can load pressure onto it by putting the fencing back on. The whole project took longer than I thought, and yet it went easier than I thought too, in a sense. Aspects were harder, and easier. It's hard to explain really. In the end that part is done. I'm going to work tomorrow. I'm coming home to complete this project. While that was setting up we've done other things to improve our landscaping too. One project led to another. Who knows, if the fence hadn't fallen down maybe we'd never have gotten to all that other work?


  • Some jobs look harder than they are...
  • Projects have a way of expanding on themselves, and that can be a great thing, so take one step and then another...
  • It looks hard, it is hard, but it's not THAT bad, just take it moment by moment, stop to breath every once in a while, and then go back at it...
  • Maybe I CAN be an outdoors person after all... 
  • God created a GREAT planet, I should enjoy it more...
  • It's interesting how dirt goes to try and grow whatever it can. It rots out material to make it into soil and uses that soil to grow plants and things we need. 
    • Parts of the wood were nearly turned to dirt themselves. 
    • It's interesting how that works. Our spirit is that way. It tries to dissolve  absorb, and grow whatever we put into it. What are you putting into your spirit today?

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

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