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Thursday, July 18, 2013

His Love Story

The Love Story – Study originally from The Rock Church, Anaheim CA
Adapted by Darrell G. Wolfe

Love Story

Pattern Breaks in Hebrew writing.

·         1 Chronicles 4:9 Jabez
·         Genesis 1
o   “God said: Let The/There…”  V  “God said: Let US…”
o   God gets personally involved in the creation of man.
o   John 1 and Proverbs 8:30 show us it was Jesus that created the world and He was intimately involved.
o   Genesis 1 shows us Jesus interrupting the whole process
§  It’s as though Jesus says… “Wait! Let’s do this differently. Let us… Let us make man… IN OUR image! Let’s make him just like us!”

Despite the fall of man Jesus never changes his position toward us!

·         Genesis 3: 15,21 God promises a SEED and provides a COVERING!
·         Genesis 3:22-24 God drives man away from the tree of life, why? To punish him? No! The tree of life would perpetuate man’s life forever, as long as he ate it he would be wholly restored. Eating of the tree of life would lock mankind into this fallen and twisted nature forever!
·         Genesis 6 shows that Man’s lifespan sharply decreases as the earth is changed by the flood. This is again because when man has 100’s and 100’s of years to live his evil is nearly uncapped. By stunting lifespan evil is capped and mankind has reprieves from evil tyrants, from Nimrod the Hunter to Alexander the Great to Hitler evil men rise and fall, their evil is capped.

God is a TOOKER!

·         Genesis 5:21-27 we see what happens when ONE man follows God with his whole heart and not just religiously. God was looking for a friend. He walked with Adam in the garden and wanted a friend among men again. He found a clean heart and passionate response in the man Enoch. Enoch was so passionate about God he was called in the book of Jude a prophet. So he had a ministry here on earth to prepare men for salvation and/or judgment. His great grandson and great great grand sons become the last living humans on earth. Everyone alive today, including Jesus, was a descendant of Enoch the Prophet!
·         God loved him so much, enjoyed his presence so much, he just up and took him! This was one of only two men in human history that have been taken to God’s side prior to experiencing death, the only others will be those who go in the final rapture of the Church!

God is reaching

You see God Reaching out over and over to establish relationship with men, individually, not just collectively. It’s not just mankind he is interested in, for that he can operate through corporate bodies, he is interested in MAN not just men. Job and Abraham were contemporaries and he reached out to both. One taught and trained his kids and one didn’t. Abraham, because he taught his kids, inherited the BLESSING!
We then see him reaching to Moses, Joshua, David, and others. Over and over he reaches nations and men. He’s so interested in our living well and protected from the curse he takes time to explain the difference to our dulled minds in Deut 28 and then even summarizes it by asking us to choose life in Deut 30:19.
He reminds us over and over of who He is, and who He wants us to be to Him. He is our romantic lover in Songs of Solomon. He is our kinsman redeemer in Ruth. He is asking us to return to him when we abandoned Him, Jeremiah 3:14.

I’m Coming!

He is calling to us reminding us He is the SEED and He is STILL COMING! Zechariah 6:12-13!
He reminds us again just before the curtain closes on the first half of the play, in Malachi 4:2-6
Then comes intermission. And for several hundred years He is silent.

He Came!

John 1 and John 10 tells us how the creator become one of His own creations and walked among us, gave His life, and rose again. He conquered death and gave us life, and life more abundantly!

He’s Coming Again!

Acts 1, the angels promise His return in the clouds as He went, so He comes again.
John 14: 1-2 “I’ll GO, Prepare, Return”
1 Thess 4:16-17 The Lord Himself will descend…
Revelations 22 In the last book of the bible, the last Word He left us in writing titled “The Revelation of Jesus The Anointed One and His Anointing” He says THREE TIMES “I’m Coming!”


He is PASSIONATELY involved in our lives! He loves us intimately! Therefore what conclusions can we draw about this fact that affect us in our lives today?

·         He cares
·         He heals
·         He sets free
·         He provides
·         He guides
·         He…

Have questions about anything I said here? Want to share your story? Comment Below!

I call you empowered 2 prosper with good success!

N2 Good SuccessDarrell G. Wolfe

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