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Saturday, June 28, 2014

July 4th 2014 - Remembering the past pursuing the future!

Apologies: Last weekend (06/22/14) was the first weekend that I failed to post since I promised in January of this year to post once a week. I got busy with life and forgot, I apologize. 

Hand crunching the declaration of independence, Independence Day (C) By Bev Sykes
Independence Day (C) By Bev Sykes

July 4th, 2014 is coming this week. Rather than post after-the-fact, I figured I'd post before hand, so that we can take time to reflect on how this nation got started. 

Let us take a journey to the origins of this great nation-The United States of America. 

On July 2nd, 1776 the Second Continental Congress of the American Colonies voted unanimously for a declaration of independence from the Tyranny of England's Crown Rule, now known as the United Kingdom. On July 4th, 1776 that Declaration of Independence was drafted and signed.

So what were the complaints of that fateful letter? What were the situations that brought a group of people to such a state of mind, that they were willing to risk their lives, and the lives of their families, to break from their current government?

You can read the full Declaration Of Independence: HERE. But Here is a modernized summary of what I hear as I read it. The King of England was:

  • Refusing people to have fair representation.
  • Making it hard on those who were represented to participate in their own governance.
  • Making laws that were in the interest of the government and not the people it governed.
  • Refused laws that were needed to protect human rights.
  • Imposed government interference into groups that disagreed with him.
  • Interfered with elections.
  • Interfered with immigration by either making it hard for newcomers to become citizens or preventing them from coming at all.
  • Broke and circumvented laws that were passed because he didn't like them.
  • *This one is worth a direct quote: 
    • "He has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance."
  • Used the military, police, and law enforcement agencies to enforce his will and impose intimidation by force .
  • Made a mockery of the court system by letting the guilty go free and punishing the innocent.
  • Interfering with rights and trial by Jury.
  • Interfering with commerce and trade.
  • Attempting to enforce absolute rule by taking over one colony/state at a time. 
  • Bypassing elected governments to enforce his own rules. 
  • Waging war against the very people he was was supposed to be serving/protecting.
  • Exploiting people and systems to his advantage to the disadvantage of the people he served. 
  • Purposefully exciting ethnic/racial feelings hate and mistrust, causing infighting and factions. (Stirring up Native Americans to war).

*Any references in the above links to either of the current presiding political parties are irrelevant. Both current parties are guilty of many of the things in this list. 

Tyranny and Chaos

The actions of this Tyrant King led this group of people to declare their independence and fight for it.  Eventually, after fighting for independence, a new form of government was needed. One that would be of the people, for the people, and by the people. The majority of the people that made up this new land were fleeing religious persecution in Europe. The Government's they were fleeing, were telling them that they could not participate in Government because of their religious affiliation. (Sounds Familiar)

The first iteration of this concept of a new government for the people took place in the creation of the Articles of Confederation which was a much better form of government than any they had previously encountered. It was a government that was based on independent free states and a loose national government, rather than the whims of a Tyrant King. It was focused on the rights of individuals.

If Chaos (everyone fending for themselves) is one extreme, and Tyranny (one man rules all with an iron fist) is the other extreme. The Articles of Confederation were leaning a bit to the Chaos side of the equation. Monarchy (A Ruler King) was leaning far into to the Tyrant side, depending on the King. In this case the King had chosen to be a Tyrant.

This first iteration of government was a reaction to the Tyranny they were fleeing. However, without a strong national government there was no national identity. No way to pay for wars, soldiers, etc. We've all watched enough reality-TV competitions to know what happens when a group of people all think they are the leader. Nothing gets done. So a national identity was needed.

However, how do we create this national identity without tipping the scale back into the Tyranny side that we just fought to get away from?

Balance In Government

These events led to what has been THE governing document for the United States of America since 1789: "The United States Constitution" and it's list of Amendments. This document simultaneously created a strong national identity and governance, without compromising independent states rights and the freedom of the individual.

Most of the men who led this change, and drafted this governing document were led by God every step of the way.

David Barton of Wallbuilders, in an article about July 4th, points this out:
John Adams believed that the Fourth of July should become a religious holiday – a day when we remembered God's hand in deliverance and a day of religious activities when we committed ourselves to Him in “solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty.” Such was the spirit of the American Revolution as seen through the eyes of those who led it
John Adams said “The general principles on which the Fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity.”
So guided by the Hand of God they struck balance between the need for a national identity and individual freedom.

God's Nation

When God first interfered in the affairs of an entire nation he gave them the perfect government, one of freedom and personal dependence upon Him. God was their King. The people rejected God as King and chose Saul instead. The Tyrant King Saul drove the people to wars that killed their young men, and taxed the people heavily.

Not wanting to abandon His people, God set up a King after His own heart, David.This came with the promise of another King who would be King of Kings. Having a King isn't bad. But only one man in the history of the world was, is, and will be qualified to hold the title King of All, and that is Jesus. Until He returns, no one man should have that much power.

When God again interfered in the affairs of a nation to birth the USA, he crafted a nation in which no one man could be allowed to rule. There must be balance between leadership and the people being governed. This was not perfect, but it created balance in a fallen world... waiting for the True King to come someday.

Over the years, Good and Evil men have led this great nation. We've see-sawed between poverty and prosperity, rejection of God and revival. But this nation has always been at it's best when individual people started seeking Him, and then those individuals became groups, and those groups inspired other groups, until eventually a movement was born. This is the origin of all revivals.

Did you know that many of the most strategic moments in American History, were all preceded by revivals, Great Awakenings? In fact, some say that without the First Great Awakening, there would be no USA.

And now, here we are... it's 2014. 

This brings us to the present. 

What does the founding of this country have to do with it's present? What does this have to do with you and me?
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
Read about the Panic of 1893 and see if it doesn't sound familiar to a person living in 2014. You see, the past is not a circle (repeating itself exactly as it has before), it is not a line (never repeating, always new), it is a spiral. The past repeats itself in the future over and over in new ways, escalating each time. With each repeat things are bigger, and more extreme. The details change, the elements are all present.

As I look around these days. I see two things happening simultaneously.

Despair: I see a nation divided, sagging under the weight of debt and poor decisions, and worse politics. I see evil increasing, and good people being punished. I see people in poverty not even trying to move upward and onward, dependent on a broken government they have put in place of dependence on God. Ultimately, I see a nation that has rejected God, and lost it's way because of it.

Hope: I see the Church waking up. I see people taking actions. Some take big actions, start whole movements. Others take small actions, helping one person at a time. I see more opportunities to prosper than ever before in the history of the world. Anyone could be wealthy, if they are willing to put down the remote control long enough to take actions and pursue it. I see God intervening in the lives of people, myself included, to wake them up from this slumber we've fallen into. I see freedom and healing taking place all over this nation.

My Declaration of Independent - Dependence. 

So, this is my declaration this next year.

I declare to be independent of the World, and it's distractions. I declare Independence from government programs and assistance. I declare independence from sin, sickness, demons, fear, poverty, hate, anger, suspicion, addiction, etc... Freedom from the curse.

I declare dependence on God. He is my source, He is my light, He is my life. I declare that God is not just my co-pilot. He is my King. Him will I serve. I declare that this year, I will serve others more with His love. I will learn to widen my lens, and see the bigger, eternal, picture. I will passionately pursue freedom in the lives of those around me.

I will honor those who have come before, paving the way for this Freedom we enjoy, by making the most of the opportunities I've been given. I will be a part of the solution, instead of contributing to the problem.

I will drop my pebble into the pond, and see how big a reaction I can make.

By Darrell Wolfe

This Weeks Resource:

  • Books By David Barton
    • Anything written by David Barton will help you see the Bible and the USA in a new light.
  • Imprimis, A FREE publication by Hillsdale College. It is always comes with articles that will challenge you to think about life, politics, social responsibility, and matters of government in a new way. 
    • Archives of they previous articles can be found on their website. I particularly enjoyed May/June 2014, "The Worldview that Makes the Underclass". 

Affiliate Disclosure:
I earn commissions off of some of my suggestions. Full Disclaimers (Click Here)
See my Store for more suggestions (Click Here)

And now I leave you with a question:

So... in light of your national and spiritual freedom, what will you do this year? 
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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lesson From The Camp - Detox Week!

Exercise is good for you! (C) Darrell G. Wolfe - Child on stationary bike peddling to power the display.
Exercise is good for you! (C) Darrell G. Wolfe

The Camp - Detox Week Review

Today I thought I'd change the pace. Rather than write this post into one core topic. I'm going back to the roots of what blogging is all about.

Blog: Web-Log. An online diary. 

I'd like to tell you about my week! 

Healthy Beginnings:

This week started with a fast. I went on a whole food juice only fast starting Sat 06/07 to Sat 06/14. I put fruits and veggies in my blender and drank the juice. That was my only food during this entire time. From sundown on Fri 06/06 to sunrise on Sun 06/15 I drank nothing but juice.

It was an amazing experience. By day 3 all my headaches were gone! I've had headaches for years! I've taken so many Tylenol and Ibuprofen that my blood chemistry was off. I haven't had a headache since. This goes to prove that it wasn't my bones that were the main culprit (I'd thought I needed a chiropractor), it was my body chemistry and nutrition.

My best shake/juice was: Beginner Green
Five Strawberries, Five Dates, Half an apple, Five Grapes. A whole handful of fresh spinach, add water and ice. Blend that all up. 
The goal is 50% spinach to 50% fruits in physical content. But if you need to start with less spinach and work up to that, do what it takes.  
Next take a smaller single serve blender cup, fill it 60-70% full and add half a banana. Blend that. It's a beginner green blend that doesn't make me gag! 

I had more energy than I've had in years, my default I started wanting to walk more and sit less. It was a great experience. I even lost 9 lbs and my pants fit better. Now comes the real test. Making healthier choices going forward.

My breakfast which was mostly sautee'd veggies, plus a small amount of eggs and turkey sausage, and yes, two small pancakes. I made the same amount I would have eaten before, but I ate 1/3 of what I would have eaten, and put the rest away for tomorrow. I also focused on eating mostly the veggies, and taking little bites of the protein and flour based items.

I've been much fuller faster today. Who needs a stomach staple, just go on a juice fast!

This fast has me wondering. If my body can get such radical benefits from making changes to my physical intake in one week... what about a spiritual detox? That could be interesting.

Camp Week

Both kids went to camp this week.

My oldest went to Camp: "Dry Gulch, U.S.A"! It was the longest he's been out of our collective parental sight in his life. It was a time for him to go and grow. He made his own decisions, had to remember to brush his teeth, etc. He had a blast! The most interesting moment is when we saw his pictures and he most appreciated the canoe ride... because it was peaceful and quite. Being the louder of the two kids, this was a truly special surprise. He found out how to enjoy peace and quite.

My youngest went to YMCA Day Camp. He still came home every night, but it's the first time he had to sleep in his room without his big brother there. Fortunately camp wore him out so he went straight to sleep each night. He got a chance to be a bit independent, decide which snacks he wanted, and enjoyed his new ninja turtle lunch box.

Both kids had a chance to experience and learn how to handle a bully. Both had the opportunity to reach out to someone else who was crying. Both had a chance to make some of their own decisions. Both had a chance to experience new things, without Mom and Dad there to tell them what to do, how to do it, or which choice to make. I guess they're growing up.

This made my think... how can I help facilitate that growth even more now that they're home. What can I do to be an even better father. What a great note to end a Father's Day post.

I hope you got something from hearing about my week.

* Why do I feel like Doogie Howser

By Darrell Wolfe

This Weeks Resource:

Dr. John Gray
"The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution: Create the Brain Chemistry of Health, Happiness, and Lasting Romance"
This practical guide reveals how diet, exercise, and communication skills combine to affect the production of healthy brain chemicals. The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution addresses the unique needs of men and women. With great insight and vision, John Gray examines the different emotional issues that govern mood, motivation, and passion in men and women. He goes on to explore how men and women lose weight differently and provides effective tools to eliminate addictions and food cravings.

Watch the documentary"Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead"Joe Cross on Hulu. Click Here

Affiliate Disclosure:
I earn commissions off of some of my suggestions. Full Disclaimers (Click Here)
See my Store for more suggestions (Click Here)

And now I leave you with a question:

What could you do to improve yourself this week? Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Physically... etc. 

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Sunday, June 8, 2014

Healthy Beginnings... A story about a health journey at it's start.

Green Smoothie Juice Recipe from Breville by Breville USA
Green Smoothie Juice Recipe from Breville by Breville USA

Warning! Candid Confessions Below!

Over the last few years I've become more and more convinced that I am not healthy. I've been irritable, tired, and just plain grumpy. I have had moments of inspiration, like starting this blog, but I've been fighting headaches, fatigue, and down right laziness!

I really like a good Cheeseburger, like Twisted Root Burger Co! I like them so much, that at almost 34 years old I am now 5'9" and 190 Lbs. I was 205 earlier this year, but I've had some healthier eating in the last few months.

New Input: Juice Fasting

So this past week I've been reading Dr. John Gray's book: "The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution" (Affiliate Link). Amazing book! He goes on to explain that most men in the USA are Dopamine deficient and most women are Serotonin deficient.

In his book, Dr. Gray describes men who are dopamine deficient. One thing he points out that floored me, because it related to many of the areas I've been fighting, was focus! In a section describing young boys, especially those showing symptoms of ADD/ADHD (which are related to severe low dopamine), Dr. Gray describes the condition of most men and boys in the USA;

"When required to focus on something that doesn't 'seem' relevant or to the point, their brains begin to shut down. They often seek immediate gratification, require extra stimulation, and lose interest very quickly. With increasing attempts to focus, these children (men/boys) deplete dopamine supplies and demonstrate symptoms ranging from boredom, tiredness, and restlessness to hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and disruptiveness... With increased dopamine, the patient experiences to different degrees a surge in clarity, pleasure, energy, and motivation. A brain fog lifts..."

Symptoms of Low Dopamine in men can include:

  • Low Energy at Home (or where routine and comfort exist) and yet High energy at work (IF new engaging activities exist or there are problems to solve).
  • Declining interest or passion in relationships. 
  • Inattentiveness and Impatience. 
  • Impulsiveness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Highly Solution Oriented
  • Emotional Unavailability. 
  • Tunnel Vision
  • Boredom and/or Addictions
  • Needing Space and Distance
  • Inconsistency 
  • Loss of Attraction
  • Under-responsiveness to the needs of others. 
He goes on to describe the similar list for women, with different symptoms related to female physiology.

In his book he describes how fasting, and dietary changes, along with increase in certain kinds of exercise (while avoiding the wrong types of exercise) can bring these imbalances back into balance.

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead... The Movie

So then, Friday night (06/06/14) my wife and I are surfing Hulu looking for something new to watch and I come across a video other people have been telling me to watch but I never have.

In the documentary, "Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead", Joe Cross goes on to describe how he was over weight, and suffering from strange reactions to histamine in his body. He goes on a 60 day Juice Only fast. Looses a ton of weight, BUT feels MORE energy and health, and his mysterious symptoms go away!

Well out of the mouth of two or three witnesses! I've been hearing about fasting for some time, even felt led of the Holy Spirit to start a fast weeks and weeks ago, but never did. I've listened to Kenneth Copeland on the spiritual benefits of fasting in his series: "Fasting and Prayer".

SO here I am now. 

I started a version of Joe's fast, adapted from other research my wife has done, (who started her own health journey about a month ago) and my own needs and tastes (what I can and cannot tolerate).

I'm going on a blended juice (as opposed to a juice only with no fiber) fast. I'm doing this from Saturday 06/08/14 to Saturday 06/14/14. It is now day two! We shall see how this goes. I anticipate better things this week. I may go longer, I may not.

But I'm definitely changing my lifestyle. Does this mean I'll never eat at Twisted Root Burger again? NO! It means I'll be treating those meals as "treats" on occasion, not daily food. If I make better decisions regularly, I can still have Burger, Cake, and Ice Cream from time to time.

So how has it been so far?

I tried the Mean Green Juice advocated by Joe Cross.

I threw up in the sink immediately!

LOL... too many burgers and shakes stored in my taste buds maybe.

If I had to drink that everyday, I'd just quit. So that won't work. Although, I do understand that in time, as I get healthier, my taste buds will change and I'll start to enjoy things I didn't before. So on that note, I'm adapting. Rather than quit on day one, I'm going to try different combinations of things.

I may be a little fruit heavy in the beginning. But I'll find ways to adapt and change, and maybe, just maybe, I'll eventually like that Mean Green!


I've discovered two things NOT to do!

I don't like Kale... yet.

You should NOT put RAW garlic into a juicer when you are new to juicing... work up to that one later!

I have found some things that worked. Less of this, and more of that... I think it's personal. Do what you can tolerate, but push yourself to want more. I started working myself up to to this with things using the Naked Juice Green Machine drinks, a few years ago.

Those are much too high in fruit to be your only source of nutrition during a fast, but if you are new to juicing try drinking that until you go from tolerating it to liking it. Then work up to juicing yourself, one a day, then you can work to a juice only fast.

I guess the lesson here, is don't just "Try It" and then give up when it's not all roses. If the original plan doesn't work (recipe in this case) adapt, find a way to make it work...

As Yoda would say:

"Do or Do Not... There is no try!" 

"Do or Do Not... There is no try!" 

So, there it is. My line in the sand. I'll tell you how it went next week! 

By Darrell Wolfe

This Weeks Resource:

Dr. John Gray
"The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution: Create the Brain Chemistry of Health, Happiness, and Lasting Romance"
This practical guide reveals how diet, exercise, and communication skills combine to affect the production of healthy brain chemicals. The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution addresses the unique needs of men and women. With great insight and vision, John Gray examines the different emotional issues that govern mood, motivation, and passion in men and women. He goes on to explore how men and women lose weight differently and provides effective tools to eliminate addictions and food cravings.
Watch the documentary, "Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead"Joe Cross on Hulu. Click Here

Affiliate Disclosure:
I earn commissions off of some of my suggestions. Full Disclaimers (Click Here)
See my Store for more suggestions (Click Here)

And now I leave you with a question:

What would it take for you to start doing something about your health? 

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Reading Lately.... (read <> endorse)

Historical Theology: An Introduction to the History of Christian Thought
The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness, and Connection through Embodied Living
This Present Darkness
By Grace and Banners Fallen: Prologue to A Memory of Light
Knife of Dreams
A Memory of Light
The Path of Daggers
He Who Fights with Monsters 10
He Who Fights with Monsters 9
He Who Fights With Monsters 8
He Who Fights with Monsters 6
He Who Fights With Monsters 7
He Who Fights with Monsters 5
He Who Fights with Monsters 4
He Who Fights with Monsters 3
He Who Fights with Monsters 2
He Who Fights with Monsters
[ { ENDER'S GAME } ] by Card, Orson Scott (AUTHOR) Oct-31-2006 [ Hardcover ]
J.R.R. Tolkien 4-Book Boxed Set: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
The Horse and His Boy

Darrell Wolfe's favorite books »


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