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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lesson From The Camp - Detox Week!

Exercise is good for you! (C) Darrell G. Wolfe - Child on stationary bike peddling to power the display.
Exercise is good for you! (C) Darrell G. Wolfe

The Camp - Detox Week Review

Today I thought I'd change the pace. Rather than write this post into one core topic. I'm going back to the roots of what blogging is all about.

Blog: Web-Log. An online diary. 

I'd like to tell you about my week! 

Healthy Beginnings:

This week started with a fast. I went on a whole food juice only fast starting Sat 06/07 to Sat 06/14. I put fruits and veggies in my blender and drank the juice. That was my only food during this entire time. From sundown on Fri 06/06 to sunrise on Sun 06/15 I drank nothing but juice.

It was an amazing experience. By day 3 all my headaches were gone! I've had headaches for years! I've taken so many Tylenol and Ibuprofen that my blood chemistry was off. I haven't had a headache since. This goes to prove that it wasn't my bones that were the main culprit (I'd thought I needed a chiropractor), it was my body chemistry and nutrition.

My best shake/juice was: Beginner Green
Five Strawberries, Five Dates, Half an apple, Five Grapes. A whole handful of fresh spinach, add water and ice. Blend that all up. 
The goal is 50% spinach to 50% fruits in physical content. But if you need to start with less spinach and work up to that, do what it takes.  
Next take a smaller single serve blender cup, fill it 60-70% full and add half a banana. Blend that. It's a beginner green blend that doesn't make me gag! 

I had more energy than I've had in years, my default I started wanting to walk more and sit less. It was a great experience. I even lost 9 lbs and my pants fit better. Now comes the real test. Making healthier choices going forward.

My breakfast which was mostly sautee'd veggies, plus a small amount of eggs and turkey sausage, and yes, two small pancakes. I made the same amount I would have eaten before, but I ate 1/3 of what I would have eaten, and put the rest away for tomorrow. I also focused on eating mostly the veggies, and taking little bites of the protein and flour based items.

I've been much fuller faster today. Who needs a stomach staple, just go on a juice fast!

This fast has me wondering. If my body can get such radical benefits from making changes to my physical intake in one week... what about a spiritual detox? That could be interesting.

Camp Week

Both kids went to camp this week.

My oldest went to Camp: "Dry Gulch, U.S.A"! It was the longest he's been out of our collective parental sight in his life. It was a time for him to go and grow. He made his own decisions, had to remember to brush his teeth, etc. He had a blast! The most interesting moment is when we saw his pictures and he most appreciated the canoe ride... because it was peaceful and quite. Being the louder of the two kids, this was a truly special surprise. He found out how to enjoy peace and quite.

My youngest went to YMCA Day Camp. He still came home every night, but it's the first time he had to sleep in his room without his big brother there. Fortunately camp wore him out so he went straight to sleep each night. He got a chance to be a bit independent, decide which snacks he wanted, and enjoyed his new ninja turtle lunch box.

Both kids had a chance to experience and learn how to handle a bully. Both had the opportunity to reach out to someone else who was crying. Both had a chance to make some of their own decisions. Both had a chance to experience new things, without Mom and Dad there to tell them what to do, how to do it, or which choice to make. I guess they're growing up.

This made my think... how can I help facilitate that growth even more now that they're home. What can I do to be an even better father. What a great note to end a Father's Day post.

I hope you got something from hearing about my week.

* Why do I feel like Doogie Howser

By Darrell Wolfe

This Weeks Resource:

Dr. John Gray
"The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution: Create the Brain Chemistry of Health, Happiness, and Lasting Romance"
This practical guide reveals how diet, exercise, and communication skills combine to affect the production of healthy brain chemicals. The Mars and Venus Diet and Exercise Solution addresses the unique needs of men and women. With great insight and vision, John Gray examines the different emotional issues that govern mood, motivation, and passion in men and women. He goes on to explore how men and women lose weight differently and provides effective tools to eliminate addictions and food cravings.

Watch the documentary"Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead"Joe Cross on Hulu. Click Here

Affiliate Disclosure:
I earn commissions off of some of my suggestions. Full Disclaimers (Click Here)
See my Store for more suggestions (Click Here)

And now I leave you with a question:

What could you do to improve yourself this week? Spiritually, Emotionally, Mentally, Physically... etc. 

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