Black Suit, realname unknownAlias: Thaddeus J. B. RotcudnocAlias:Alias:Alias:Motivation: Power/Control, to be the apex of everytriangle, and the conductor of every interaction. Thaddeus abhorssocial inventions. He is a trillion-aire+++. His net personal (non-corporate) networth is equal, at least, to the annual GDP of North America combined. He needs to be incontrol of all things at all times....
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Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Black Suit, real name unknownAlias: Thaddeus J. B. RotcudnocAlias:Alias:Alias: Motivation: Power/Control, to be the apex of every triangle, and the conductor of every interaction. Thaddeus abhors social inventions. He is a trillion-aire+++. His net personal (non-corporate) net worth is equal, at least, to the annual GDP of North America combined. He needs to be in control of all things at all...
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Unknown Antagonist
Someone is broughtin by Dr. Briar to fix the project with sound and spirit world experiments. Heis superior in intellect to most, he is a strong strategist, and he has motivesthat are not entirely purely scientific. His motives differ from Dr. Briar's inthat sense. He's RICH… but so rich that making more money has no appeal to him.He'd be just as likely to drop a billion on a failing business just...
Dark Room (combined two days writting into one page. Still needs work.
After what seems 10days, as per the marks on the box, Ash wakes to the sound of his food beingdelivered for breakfast. He eats in silence. He doesn't even hear the noisethey've been pumping into the room for 10 days. When he is done he places histray on the shelf and it disappears into the wall again.*Click* The sound inthe overhead turns off. The air pressure changes as a slight crake in the wallsnaps...
Unknown Antagonist
Someone is brought in by Dr. Briar to fix the project with sound and spirit world experiments. He is superior in intellect to most, he is a strong strategist, and he has motives that are not entirely purely scientific. His motives differ from Dr. Briar's in that sense. He's RICH… but so rich that making more money has no appeal to him. He'd be just as likely to drop a billion on a failing...
Dark Room (combined two days writting into one page. Still needs work.
After what seems 10 days, as per the marks on the box, Ash wakes to the sound of his food being delivered for breakfast. He eats in silence. He doesn't even hear the noise they've been pumping into the room for 10 days. When he is done he places his tray on the shelf and it disappears into the wall again.*Click* The sound in the overhead turns off. The air pressure changes as a slight crake in...
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Character Sketch: Dr Richard T. Briar
Author of: “Unlocking the Paranormal Mind. A study ofhow the human mind’s unlocked potential”, By Dr Richard T. Briar. Richard Briar was ascientist, who specialized in the paranormal. His birth name was Niklaus vonKlausHe was named afterthe patron saint of Switzerland. Niklaus von Flue, also known as Brother Klaus,who died in 1487. Brother Klaus was known as a spiritual advisor and pastor toboth...
Character Sketch: Dr Richard T. Briar
Author of: “Unlocking the Paranormal Mind. A study of how the human mind’s unlocked potential”, By Dr Richard T. Briar. Richard Briar was a scientist, who specialized in the paranormal. His birth name was Niklaus von KlausHe was named after the patron saint of Switzerland. Niklaus von Flue, also known as Brother Klaus, who died in 1487. Brother Klaus was known as a spiritual advisor and...
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