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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Black Suit, real
name unknown

  • Alias: Thaddeus J. B.

  • Alias:

  • Alias:

  • Alias:

Motivation: Power/Control, to be the apex of every
triangle, and the conductor of every interaction.

Thaddeus abhors
social inventions. He is a trillion-aire+++. His net personal (non-corporate) net
worth is equal, at least, to the annual GDP of North America combined.

He needs to be in
control of all things at all times. Money is not a motivation, it is a tool
used to achieve that control. He owns half the US Senators, and blackmails
another 1/4 of them. He considers Warren Buffet a small time nuisance, and
sometimes an unwitting participant in his schemes.

Real power is
wielded secretly, quietly, and firmly. He never uses his real name, he's not
even sure if he can remember his real name.

Today he's decided
to be known as Thaddeus.


Thaddeus Point Of View

Thaddeus, we cannot push him any further, he's
already been in the room longer than most others, and his vitals are
dangerously out of control. We must put an end to this test… or give him a rest
and start again.

You Dr. Briar, like these experiments, are temporary
and expendable…  you would do well to
remember that.

He enjoyed seeing
that look on people's face, when they first realize that they were never the
one in charge or in control. When they realize that the person they thought
they brought on to assist, was actually the one calling the shots. What they
seldom know, and could not understand, is that they were never calling the
shots. They were all part of his orchestrated plan. They were but a violin in
his symphony, and easily replaceable.

Thaddeus broke his
stare when his point had been thoroughly impressed on his compatriots face… I'll be in the observation lounge that I paid so much
money to build. If we lose him, I will handle it. Proceed.

He stepped out of
the room, and walked down the hall to the observation room. He wanted to see
this for himself.  This one showed so
much more promise than the others. The new candidate criteria were working out
quite nicely.


Dr. Briar Point Of View

Thaddeus, we cannot push him any further, he's
already been in the room longer than most others, and his vitals are
dangerously out of control. We must put an end to this test… or give him a rest
and start again.

You Dr. Briar, like these experiments, are temporary
and expendable…  you would do well to
remember that.

A chill crept over
his spine, from his tail bone, up his neck, and into his head.. His skin became
cold as the realization dawned on him… He was never the one in control. When
he'd brought Thaddeus on, he'd been so hungry for the financial backing and the
seeming eagerness that he showed in the project, he'd never stopped to consider
that Thaddeus would take over.

I'll be in the observation lounge that I paid so much
money to build. If we lose him, I will handle it. Proceed.
stepped out of the room, and walked down the hall.

Dr. Briar slumped
into his chair with the realization… he'd sold his science, his soul, to this
partnership. Without this financial backing, he'd have to pull out and stop
everything. Shameful though it may be, the scientist in him was curious to see
what would happen if he pushed the patient over the age.

So he turned back to
the monitor, and kept one on the vitals, then turned pushed the slider one
notch higher.



Dr. Briar is in the
control room, watching the night vision monitor and vitals.

Thaddeus is in the
observation room, watching the same monitors and vitals on a large flat screen.
He's sitting in very expensive leather chairs with cup holders. The room is
equipped like a studio apartment, kitchen, living room, on suite.

Ash is sitting in a
dentist chair in the middle of a pitch black room, observable through night
vision cameras. The room is outlined in chicken wire, and sound absorbing
material lines all sides, above, and beneath. The walls, ceiling, and floor are
lined with this material for a depth of 15 feet each, and backed by other
layers of non-reflective material, before being enclosed in 100's of feet of
concrete and plastic.

A sound box is
playing inside the room; however, it is putting out frequencies above and below
the human audible spectrum. Ash is unaware that any "sound" is being
produced. These frequencies are known to have an effect on the body and mind,
but are not detectable to the human ear, and are therefore audibly invisible.
These frequencies are known to be particularly interesting for their occurrence
and commonality in observable nature, and their effect on the their
surroundings. Today, these are being played at various decibel levels and the
frequencies themselves are being altered and fine-tuned, constantly compared to
the vitals on the screens, in order to see what affects these tunings cause.

When a frequency is
played through a speaker, and there is reverberation in the room (sound
bouncing off of the walls) the harmonies of that frequency will also be picked
up in a recording of that room. Without the reverberation effect, this room can
test the single frequency and/or any variation of the harmony frequencies they
wish to test.

They have discovered
that the frequency ranges of 3Hz, 7 Hz, and 12Hz have produced intriguing
results… others have also produces interesting results, but not always
positive, usable, results.




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