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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Foundations of Freedom 5/5 | Life in the Kingdom

Re-Listening to Bob Hamp's Foundations of Freedom courses. Starting over at lesson 5/5, Life in the Kingdom. These are my notes from this go-around:

My whole note set:

People get stuck trying to do God's job or trying to get God to do out job.

"Lord Humble me..." well that part is your job.

You can't change yourself, God does that. But you can participate or not participate in that change.

It's like Wind and Sail. The wind can pass by us with lowered sails and we never move. We need to lift the sail, but God does the moving.

There have been abuses in the church of the following concepts. These abuses are often the confusion between a man-centered kingdom and a heave-centered kingdom.

We live in a spiritual realm and natural realm at the same time. Both must be addressed correctly.

No matter how much we grasp Thinking Differently, the kingdom of God will always be higher and qualitatively different.

We are created in God's image, but He is not created in ours. There are things that are true about us because they are true about Him, but there are things about him that will never be true about us as created beings.

We are no longer citizens of this present world, we are strangers here. We are seated (authoritatively) in heaven.

"Your name is written in heaven" - Who you are has been chiseled into the material heaven is made of.

Your nature has been disconnected from Knowledge and connected to LIFE.

We are learning about to tap into the new nature and let go of old pathways.

So we will look at what's our part and what's God's part in the following areas:

1. Lordship (not man's lordship over man, but submitted to Jesus as Lord)

When we surrender our will to God.

This doesn't mean: I will try hard to do the things he's telling me.

God always does the hard stuff:
  • I surrender my will.
  • God does the changes.
Let's understand the difference between our "Will" and our "will about some things".

Your Will is your mechanism for deciding, not the decisions. With that Will you decide stuff. When we surrender our Will, we're not just giving up some stuff, we're giving all of it up. We use that will to make decisions about (relationships, money, drugs, etc.). When we say: "I'll surrender my will about money and schedule, but not relationships and drugs," we haven't surrendered our Will at all.

Surrendering our Will means that we actually surrender our entire mechanism for deciding.

Offering a ride to Jesus and saying "I'll go wherever you say to go" is not Lordship. You still have the decision at any given moment.

Rather, getting into the passenger seat and saying "Jesus, you drive" is surrendering our will. You no longer have any decisions to make.

We often think that we are to use our Will to choose good stuff and avoid bad stuff. The foundational problem with this is that this is an exercise of our Will through the Tree of Knowledge. We don't use our will to choose good vs. evil, we surrender our Will entirely. We don't have it anymore.

What is the proper use of the human Will? SUBMISSION

When we accepted Jesus we were saved by him and we will be delivered through him too. Sozo (saved) actually means (Saved, Healed, and Delivered).

Responding to hearing saved us, continuing to respond to hearing heals us, and continuing to respond to hearing delivers us.


There are three types of bondage:
  • Lack of Clear Definitions
  • Bondage to Self
  • Obstacles to Deliverance
If you start with the Obstacles you will miss the whole healing/freedom that you were intended for.

Choosing God's voice will always move you closer to your true self.


2. Transformation (refer also to Levels of Change)

Our part is to understand the change we're engaging in (Romans 12). Our struggle is not good versus evil, but Life versus Knowledge.

The source of our actions must change for lasting change. You cannot be the source of your own transformation. You cannot logic/reason your way through transformation.

Change is not about me trying harder and doing better, but changing my source so I can change my perspective (which changes how I think/act/feel).

Am I allowing my flesh (mind/will/emotions) to empower the transformation process, or am I surrendering to the spirit (hearing and responding to God).

If all goes according to the Spirit's plan, over time, more and more of His Spirit takes over and less and less of your flesh.


If you are trying harder to act on your knowledge of good the transformation process CANNOT take place because you are strengthening the very thing that needs to die.

You cannot change by changing the content of your mind. He's not after Compliance and Obedience, He's after Surrender.

You cannot Surrender to The Law. The Spirit requires an intuitive sensitivity, that requires training and it's ok if you blow it. He's not after perfect actions, he's after surrender. Training requires failure, it's not merit based.

He's not after you "getting it right" he's after you "learning how to walk".

Consider an infant learning to walk. The infant stumbles and falls on the first attempts. No parent goes: "Only three steps huh, is that all you got?" The parent says: "Wow, he walked!"

This is because we as parents understand that our job is not to get the child to run a marathon tomorrow; rather, our job as parents is to raise him up so that what he's known coming into the world changes daily until he matures and he's ready to take over our inheritance and take over the business of His Father.

God has no expectation that you will get it right in the beginning. He expects that when you fail, you will turn to him (the source) and allow him to do it again in you.

"Psst... Hey Darrell." Autopilot is about correcting us when we get off course. Autopilot is off course more than it's on course. But the correction keeps us moving to our destination.

Common Fallacy: Death sets us Free

We believe that we will continue to progress with up and down struggles, and death will set us free. If we believe that, we believe that "my death can do for me, more than the death of Jesus".

"I'm trapped in this earth suit and someday I'll be set free. Because I'm not dead yet I can't be free."

Jesus has done for you more than you know he's done.

Baptism of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a member of the godhead. He is the same person we've been speaking about the whole time. He is God. He's the one who saved you, and he can heal you and deliver you.

We're not here to do something FOR God, however, we're invited to do something FROM God through you to the world.

God doesn't want you to run ahead, he wants you to wait, receive, hear, and then go in response. The great thing about the original baptism of the Holy Spirit is that they didn't know what that was, and therefore, they couldn't try to "help God" make it happen. They couldn't engage their knowledge of good.

*I have the T-Shirt without the experience. I have experienced some gifts and giftings and speak in tongues... but I don't have the experience of the Holy Spirit in my daily life, and haven't felt in him many many years. I need to "wait" on Him, expectantly.

This is not a topic to be studied but a person to be engaged and embraced.


We come to Him not with what we think we need him to do, but what we need (Power, His Fruit in our lives) via His HolySpirit.

Don't try to act better on your Knowledge of Good, rather, wait on Him to empower you. Wait on Him to fill you today, and then again tomorrow, and again more the next day.

The Holy Spirit is to bring LIFE and transformation not rules and regulations.

3. Authority

Power and Authority are related but not the same. Authority is delegated to us.

Power is the ability to accomplish something, Authority is delegated power.

God has the Power (we never will). We have His Authority to use His Power.

Stop and ask God what He's doing. But when you know it's time to use your Authority, don't ask it to change, use your Authority and command it to change.

When Jesus commanded things, they happened.

However, "in the name of Jesus" isn't a tag that gives you license say whatever you want and have God back it. Using God's name in vein, is using God's name to tag something that He didn't tell you to do.

We must be submitted to Him and hear Him before we can act or command.

If you say something but don't trust/believe it will happen, you are not in Faith yet. You cannot take authority out of fear or authority over human will.

God will back it if He said it...

4. Spiritual Warfare

This is the central issue of Spiritual Warfare. 2 Corinthians 10 says we tear down speculations and lofty things against the knowledge of God.

The enemy is not likely poking holes in your tires, but he is there talking to you when you see the flat tire.

The central issue of the enemies' warfare is the voice of deception. It's not what's in front of you, but which voice you will listen to when you are faced with what's in front of you.

In the very worst moment of your life, Satan is waiting to inform you how you should see that moment and what's true about you because of that moment. And so is God.

Key: "Lord, you talk to me about this ___(flat tire, broken fence, bad thing)__. Tell me what's true about this and what's true about me in this moment."

Key: Agreement. Spiritual forces are empowered through agreement. What voice are you agreeing with?

The spiritual world is empowered by whatever you are agreeing with. What voice are you listening to?

The enemy uses what we see and tries to put a filter on your heart to get you to see it his way. God is there saying: "Ask me what I see?"

Children of Israel send 12 spies. 10 come back thinking of themselves as Grasshoppers. 2 come back thinking of themselves as giants.

When the children of Israel were under attack, but turned to God, the enemy died. So who was under attack? If the enemy died in the end, the enemy attacking was actually under attack and didn't know it.

It's about perspective.

If we look at that moment and see the danger, the danger holds the power in that moment.
If, however, we look at that moment and ask God how He sees the moment, God's power holds the power in that moment.

  1. Speculations - Thought processes that are rational in nature, based on evidence. But God is bigger than the evidence available to your senses. The enemy wants to get your senses to agree with his interpretation.
  2. Lofty Knowledge - Satan can't fight God. Spiritual warfare is the only battle you win by surrendering and waiting. Surrender doesn't mean "giving up" it means surrendering to whatever God says (that means waiting on Him to hear him).
God writes the rules, so anything the enemy does to oppose God ends up causing the enemy's loss.

When our eyes tell us we're losing we're probably winning more than we know.

Since the enemy cannot fight God, he will fight God's knowledge in our minds' eye. He just wants to get us to fear something or want something more than we fear/want God.

The enemy wants us to lift something higher in our heart than God.

  • We always win when we surrender.

So, broken or whole, "right or wrong", that's what I'm thinking about today,

Darrell W.


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